Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3) (20 page)

BOOK: Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3)
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Em straightened, looking at Pearl and DJ. “What is it?”

“DJ and I are expecting also.”

Nash jumped up so fast that the stool legs squeaked against the floor. “Well I’ll be damned! Congratulations, bro.” Nash pulled DJ in for a hug and thumped him on the back. “And to you too, Pearl.”

“Oh Pearl. I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am for you.” Em hugged her shoulders then pulled back, seeing a gleam in her sister’s eye. “Aww, don’t cry, sis. This is happy news.”

Pearl gently dabbed the corner of one eye with a finger. “These are not tears of disappointment, I assure you. I know this is a bit shocking, but I guess it was meant to be. And I never would have thought I could be so happy as I am now.”

Em’s vision blurred. She held such joy for her family. Even if she were a bit envious.

“Em, you know what they say, pregnancies come in threes.” Jewels chuckled, looking from Em to Nash.

Em’s spine tingled. “No, I think you’ve mistaken that for deaths come in three, not pregnancies.”

“Don’t be such a negative head,” Pearl shook her head. “Although you two aren’t married yet, the love between you is evident. How did you two keep this a secret?”

Em’s heart raced and her palms turned clammy. She searched her brain for the right answer, wanted her tongue to produce the correct words, but she was in shutdown mode. Nash stepped forward, his hand on the small of her back, sending tingles straight up her spine. “We really haven’t been seeing each other long. Literally, one day we saw each other after years and the next we knew we wanted to spend our lives together.”

“You knew that quickly?” Jewels asked.

“When you know it, you know it, right DJ?” Nash slipped his arm around Em’s waist and she didn’t have the energy to deny his closeness. She leaned into his side, his warmth invading her pores and seeping into her bones. For that moment, she wanted Nash to take care of her, to take care of the lie she had started and hadn’t fixed. Guilt made her sick to her stomach. She needed to tell her sisters the truth, and yet she couldn’t, not now.

“Ain’t that the truth. I fell for Pearl when we were kids.” DJ’s eyes sparkled.

Pearl stood on tiptoe and kissed her husband on the lips. “We can’t forget that in between there you couldn’t stand me. And I did shoot you in the bottom.”

DJ rubbed her shoulder. “That’ll be a good story to tell our kids and grandchildren one day.” They kissed again.

“But what about you, Em. You haven’t told us how Nash swept you off your feet? Tell us,” Jewels urged.

Had Em even thought her sister’s wouldn’t interrogate them on their relationship? They both were all wrapped up in a romantic bubble at the moment that they believed everyone else was in the same romantic cloud. She glanced up at Nash who gave her a reassuring smile. “Nash is a great guy, what can I say? I’ve never met a man who could make me feel like I’m the only woman in the world. No man has ever listened to me, truly listened, and touched me in my heart. He understands me. He gets me. He’s my best friend.” Her voice cracked. Nash swallowed.

Jewels wiped her eyes. “That is so sweet.”

“I think it’s just your pregnancy hormones.” Em bit her bottom lip, denying the quivering going on in her body. The mixture of having Nash close and the fact that she’d just dished out the most romantic mumbo jumbo ever to cross her lips—and they weren’t a lie. They came straight from the heart. It scared the hell out of her.

“Are you wanting a huge wedding with lots of guest? Or something small and classy?” Pearl asked.

Em blinked. “I have no clue. I mean…I guess small, intimate.”

“We were hoping you’d say that.” Jewels rushed to grab something from behind the couch. She pulled out a large book, holding it up for Em to see.

The temperature rose as she read the cover. “
Small Weddings.
You brought a wedding planning book?”

“You helped so much with our weddings that Jewels and I thought we’d return the favor.” Pearl smiled from ear to ear.

Em stiffened. “I couldn’t ask you two to do this.”

“You didn’t. We’re volunteering,” Jewels said.

“But…But you both will be busy with the pregnancy, the babies when they’re born. And you know I’d want you both in the bridal party and bridesmaid dresses and pregnant bellies don’t mix.” Yes, she’d sunk low enough to grab the first excuse from her brain and use it.

Pearl laughed. “You’re silly, sis. That’s why we will do this before either of us start showing. Jewels and I have already discussed it and we’re thinking we can plan everything in three weeks. A small ceremony with close friends and relatives. Why wait when, just as Nash said, you knew it from the start.”

The walls seem to close in. She wondered what Nash was thinking, but she couldn’t manage to glance at him. “I really don’t know what to say, except you and Jewels need to know—”

“That we’re delighted you two would make such a generous offer. Right, sweetheart?” Nash tugged her closer and kissed her cheek. “You agree, darlin’?”

Em turned her cheek and looked up into Nash’s smile. He was on board with this? She was on the brink of telling the truth and he stopped her. Why? He couldn’t possibly see this happening. And yet, why was it so difficult just to tell her sisters why she’d done this in the first place.

“What’s wrong, Em? Aren’t you happy?” Jewels laid a hand on Em’s shoulder, concern etching her delicate features.

The truth dangled on the tip of her tongue. She needed to do the right thing, but what was the right thing? Pearl and Jewels looked so sincere, she didn’t want to disappoint them or to mar their happiness. She wrapped her arms around her waist and forced a smile to her lips, plastic or not, it’d have to do. “Thank you both. I’m blessed to have your help.”

Pearl grabbed another book from under the table. “I’m so excited.” There was a high amount of enthusiasm in her voice. “And you’re going to love this book. There’s a real cute wedding dress I think would look great on you.”

“How many more of those books do you have hidden?” Em’s stomach flittered.

“Just these two. And the guys won’t mind if we venture off and discuss wedding plans. They can fish. DJ couldn’t wait to get a rod in his hand.” Pearl smoothed her fingers through DJ’s hair. “Right, love?”

“That’s right.” He winked.

“You might actually catch a few fish this time, sweetheart,” Em teased Nash.

“Anything for my girl.” He wrapped his arms around her and turned her to meet him, their noses touched. “Sounds like you’re going to have a blast.” His eyes glazed over in humor and it ripped through Em.

“You sure you don’t want to stay and help? I’d like your opinion on the details of our wedding.” Oh she wished he’d stay.

“No, darling. This will be a nice time for you and your sisters. You can tell me all about it when I get back. I can tell DJ and Spark all about our time on the pond. Although the fish weren’t biting, something else surely—”

To keep him from going any further, she stood on her tiptoes and covered his mouth with hers. What was meant as a quick detour turned into something much, much more. She wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands pressed her back. Her nipples pebbled as his tongue swept past her lips, swirling around her tongue. Electricity traveled between them, igniting a heat that immediately made her heady with need. She could have stayed here forever, right there in his arms, but the reality that they weren’t alone fizzled the moment—some.

Nash released his hold and Em, taking a step back, realizing all eyes were on them. Her body sizzled and she knew she must be the color of a lobster. She’d never shown physical affection so openly before. And seeing the sparkle in Nash’s pale gaze, she could see his surprise.


































“WOW, YOU’RE UP to your eyeballs in shit, bro.”

Nash squinted, glanced around the vicinity for Spark who was in the shed grabbing their fishing gear. This gave DJ and Nash a moment alone. “What makes you say that?”

“The relationship’s not real. And Pearl and Jewels intend to see you and Em married come three weeks. Now might be the time to come clean.”

Nash heard his brother’s words, possibly even agreed with him to a certain extent, but not enough to march in and spill the truth to Pearl and Jewels. No, that was Em’s job.

He scrubbed his jaw and sighed. He couldn’t deny that a part of him enjoyed seeing Em flustered because in her slight vulnerability, he could see the true parts of her that she kept hidden. For instance, what happened between them back at the cabin? She’d kissed the hell out of him, and unless he was losing his mind, he got more from it than just a hard on. He’d felt her melt against him and the slight whimper in her throat, and his heart had opened wide.

This was dangerous though.

If Em didn’t hurry and tell the truth, they might end up wed. And why didn’t that make his gut roll?

Point was, he liked Em a lot. The more he got to know her, the more he couldn’t get enough. The more sex they had, the more he wanted to have long conversations and snuggling sessions. He couldn’t tell his brother he liked cuddling with Em.

Then he found himself doing something that could very well land him in a bigger shithole. “It’s not pretend, DJ. Em and I do have a connection.”

DJ blinked. “You do? I mean, yeah, sure. It’s obvious you two have something there, but enough to marry her?”

Good question, and one he couldn’t answer. What he did know, he couldn’t marry a woman who didn’t love him.

Whew…love. The four-letter word.

“I’ve got the poles. Who’s ready to grab some fish?” Spark asked.

Nash was grateful his conversation with DJ ended. Nash needed some time to think.


Em sat on the end of the bed, watching Nash toe off his boots. He’d just gotten back from fishing and she’d asked to see him upstairs in the bedroom—their bedroom now. His suitcase stood open on the worn flowered chair.

“You okay?” he asked.

She nodded. “Do you know what trumpet, sheath and A-line have to do with wedding gowns?” He shook his head. “Well, neither did I until today. And here I thought I was a fashion diva.”

“Learning new technical terms. Good for you.” He smiled.

“It’s the description of the dress I’m getting. It flatters my figure.” She laid her hands in her lap.

“You picked out a dress?’ One thick brow curved up.

“Yes. I did. Does that make me crazy?” She watched him closely, looking for any signs that he thought she’d lost her mind.

“No, not at all. You couldn’t tell Pearl and Jewels the truth?”

She shook her head, sending tendrils falling around her cheeks. “I feel like I’ve been a constant disappointment. I hate to disappoint them again. I really didn’t mean for things to spiral out of control like they have.”

He got up, strolled over to the bed and lifted her chin with his cupped fingers. “It’ll be okay.”

She looked up at him and all of her reserve melted. Tears sprung in her eyes and fell to her cheeks. She swiped them away, not wanting to lose it in front of him. He reached down, lifted her up in his arms and sat down on the bed, cradling her in his lap. Her breath caught, as another string detached from her heart.

Settling into the curve of his lap, his growing zipper pressed into her hip. She wanted to resist, wanted to push herself up, but it felt good to be this close to him.

“I only meant to comfort you, but my body insists on misbehaving.” His husky voice vibrated her chest.

Instead of fighting him, she snuggled against his chest, nuzzling her nose in the curve of his neck and shoulder. Even after he’d been fishing, he smelled good. The mixture of outdoors and spice calmed her senses.

He didn’t say anything more, and neither did she. The silence wasn’t overwhelming but content. This was what she needed. His comfort. She smoothed her fingers along his chest and his heart picked up speed, beating heavily against her side.

This felt like a dream, and yet it was the biggest dose of reality she’d gotten in years. The emotions awakened her, and the feelings were out of this world. She thought she could run a marathon and not lose her breath.

“Sweetheart, I understand,” he finally said. “I could see the happiness in their eyes. That’s hard to take away from the people you love.”

There was no accusation or anger in his tone, just validation of her feelings. Another string released and her wall threatened to give way. “You must think I’m a liar. And I guess I’ve become one.”

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