Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Pressure Point (Rhinestone Cowgirls Book 3)
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Her eyes widened. Her tongue darted out across her swollen bottom lip, then disappeared, leaving him woozy. “I won’t ask what underlying meaning there is to that statement.”

He followed her into the next room, wiping the sweat from his brow. How the hell did temps rise to hell standards? It didn‘t help that the blood had rushed to an area of his body that refused to stay flaccid. While he knew some men needed Viagra to stay hard, Nash needed something to cause the opposite effect. He was bound to make a fool of himself if he wasn’t careful—as if he hadn’t managed to already.

Point blank, they weren’t going to fuck. No matter how much he craved to put his hands all over her tight body.

He stepped into the kitchen and she stood at the refrigerator, the door standing open. “A water?” she asked.

“Sure.” Although he could use a beer or a scotch right about now.

She grabbed two from inside the fridge and handed him one while she uncapped the other. “I thought we could go over some things before my father gets home.”

He unscrewed the cap and took a long drink, watching her down the line of the bottle. Swallowing, he narrowed his gaze. “Things?”

“Fifteen minutes to get to know each other session.” She took a drink and he watched her pale pink lips move and her sleek neck stretch. He wanted to kiss the soft skin… “Understand?”

He didn’t, but he nodded to keep things simple. He wanted things easy. “Sure.”

“Dad might ask some personal questions.”

“Like, what do you think?”

She blinked. Her long lashes fanned the tops of her cheeks. “If we know each other well enough to get married. If we love each other…just the basics.”

He smiled. “I think I can handle those questions.” He winked.

“I don’t want to make a big deal out of this, but he’s smart. He’ll look for holes in our story.” She played with the cap, twirling it in her fingers. Nervous energy, he guessed.

“Then don’t. Let’s try for casual. I think if we rehearse this, our words, we’ll look suspicious. We can tell him this has been a fast courtship, but we know how we feel.” He took another drink.

“You seem very, well, comfortable. I hope not too comfy.” She nibbled at the corner of her lips.

“Sweetheart, you’re too anxious. Trust me.”

She looked up at him, her eyes glistened and he had a strong impulse to kiss her.

“I guess I have no choice.” She opened a drawer, then another, but didn’t pull anything out. “I just want to get Sea Breeze. I told John we’d be at the ranch this evening to give him the money.”

He caught ‘we’ in that statement, but he didn’t ask if she expected him to go with her. “You almost have what you’re wanting.”

A good three seconds passed. “I guess, but I’m a little on edge. You know the feeling when you expect the unexpected.” She slammed a drawer then leaned against the counter top. He could see the worry in the under eye circles and trembling of her bottom lip.

Without thought, he moved toward her until he stood so close he caught a scent of her. She dropped her head back, looking at him, her eyes glistening in the light. “I understand. Apparently you now realize just how much of an asshole Nazarene is.”

She sighed. “Yeah, I guess I do. It stinks really. Not because I wished differently, but more because he could do so much for so many people.”

“Hey, we all fall for an ass once or twice.” Before he thought over his move, he reached out and pushed a tendril of her hair off her cheek. A current raced up his arm and settled in the center of his chest, making his heart skip three beats. He dropped his hand to his side and sucked in a deep breath. She watched him with expressive eyes.

“I don’t think I ‘fell’ for him, but I do believe he’s a manipulator. Do you know that he gave me Sea Breeze? He saw how much I loved him. He offered to let me keep him at the stables until I wanted him brought here, to Rhinestone. He denies it, but he and I know the truth.”

Nash bit back a groan. “And when you broke it off, he reneged on his offering?” She nodded. He could no longer hold back the groan. It echoed off the walls. “The bastard.” Nash wanted to wrap his hands around the man’s throat. He’d used the horse as leverage against Em. “Sick ass.”

“I can’t prove that he gave Sea Breeze to me.” Her eyes glinted with unshed tears and a part of him, a protective side, caved to her. “This is silly to feel so deeply for a horse, but…it’s hard to explain. To be discarded like yesterday’s trash is horrible.”

“I have a soft side for animals too. I understand. I had a dog, Clever, attacked by a coyote. Broke my heart to have that dog euthanized. He was a damn good boy.”

She looked up at him, moisture clinging to her long eyelashes. Her bottom lip slightly puckered. He stopped thinking and reacted. He grabbed her and gently pulled her into his arms. What the hell? She needed comforted so what was a man to do?

At first, she remained stiff, her arms wrapped tight around her waist. And then, her muscles relaxed, one by one. Her hands came around his back and she leaned into him. He could feel her breasts rising with each breath, while imagining his hands cupping the firm mounds. Seconds passed as they stood there, pressed together, silence enclosing them. His brawny frame towered her petite one and the size difference, the way she fit against him, scraped at all of his protective instincts. He realized she’d been hurt, but it went deeper than Nazarene. Whether he wanted to believe it or not, Em Stone had a heart and a few of her walls were slipping.

He lowered his nose to her hair and inhaled. She smelled good, as always, and felt even better. Her fingers pushed into his back and his cock jolted alive again, his throat tightened. He didn’t want to be a jerk, and he certainly didn’t want her to think he was one of those guys who allowed his dick to lead. She needed comforting not his tool wanting to play hide and seek. He was acting like a teenager and, as Em had said, she didn’t like boys.

He was all man…he just wanted to prove it to her.

Breathing in, he forced his lungs to function. His heart slowed, but his cock remained hard. He brought his hands up, smoothing over the feminine line of her back, her slender shoulders and cupping her neck with his palm. Although he’d never held her this close before, it didn’t feel awkward or strange. Instead, it felt right. A feeling of contentment swept through him. She fit nicely in his arms, her arms tucked nicely around his waist.

“We’ll get Sea Breeze and this will all be over.” Hell, now he even included himself, linking their names. The saving of the horse now became his crusade.

“I don’t trust John. He wants me to come back to him. When I spoke to him earlier today, he said if I forgave him and came back, I could keep the money and have Sea Breeze too.” Her voice sounded muffled against his shoulder.

“Did you consider it an option?” A sharp pain jabbed his chest.

“No. Not even for second. I won’t be used.” Her back stiffened again.

“You did the right thing.” He soothed her, realizing his hand was now on her neck, his thumb making a figure eight on her silky skin. “We can’t let men like Nazarene win.”
































EM DIDN’T WANT to stay in Nash’s arms.  It felt too good, her chains were breaking. Yet she couldn’t pull away. Her body remained paralyzed against him, sheltered in his strong arms wrapped around her. She might have resigned herself to being alone, but she couldn’t deny the part of her that craved a man’s touch. A gentleman’s touch.

Nash made all of the right moves, said all of the right things, and she wasn’t immune. He had qualities that women liked. Smart, sexy, and charming. Although the Walters didn’t flaunt their success or money, she knew, full well, since they’d built the new cabins and expanded the family owned R&R, they were solidly booked for the year. But none of that really mattered. What had her attention…his kindness. Not many men, especially after she’d wrestled him into doing this, the horse and the engagement, would jump in and offer comfort to her.

The chemistry between them was off the charts.

She could easily allow the attraction to consume her, to let nature take a natural course. Sure, they’d had a good time at the wedding reception. They’d laughed, danced, joked and flirted, but today things were different.  Maybe not as much as she’d like to believe.

His heart beat heavily under her ear. Strong, heavy beats. He had a broad chest that could carry lots of weight. And it wasn’t his cell phone nudging her in the stomach. She liked knowing he found her attractive. Who wouldn’t be flattered when a gorgeous man like Nash got a hard on?

Her mind ventured down a path of danger. She wanted to remove his shirt, explore the rippled, smooth flesh she hadn’t forgotten about, not once. She draped her hands on his wide shoulders, sliding her fingers lower along his iron hard biceps. She traced the part of his tattoo exposed under the sleeve of his black T-shirt. Lifting the cotton, she saw it was a cross. She didn’t know the protocol of touching and exploring a fake fiancé, but for now, this felt good. When she’d mentioned getting to know each other, this hadn’t been her intentions, but she wouldn’t argue.

His warmth seeped into her, awakening sleeping emotions. She’d managed to build every roadblock, every obstacle, possible to keep from feeling anything for anyone, but she could practically hear the bricks crumbling from her walls. For a moment, she could imagine how effortlessly it would be to enjoy herself and give in to the overflowing emotion. She wanted Nash in a bad way. She had a good idea from the feel of things, he wanted her too. Nash would be giving in bed, she could tell. He didn’t hold back on anything.

No, she wouldn’t allow herself to become emotionally attached to any man. There were enough things to worry about besides a relationship.

“We shouldn’t do this.” She broke the hug and took a short step back, but not releasing her hands from him. His hand stayed on her back. Their gazes met, forceful and magnetic. His head lowered and she closed her eyes, anticipating the moment when his lips touched hers.

“I’m sorry to interrupt.”

Her father’s deep voice made her jump. She opened her eyes and stepped out of Nash’s hold. “Dad, you’re home.” She peeked around Nash’s broad shoulder. Heat puddled in her cheeks as she saw her father standing in the doorway. He’d seen them almost kiss and there had been nothing pretend about it.

Nash removed his hands and swiveled, clearing his throat. “Mr. Stone. I didn’t hear you come in.”

No one would guess by Nash’s calm attitude what had almost occurred. Em’s insides turned to mush. If her dad hadn’t walked in, who knew where they would have ended up.

“I came early.” There were deep creases around his eyes and Em’s heart skipped a beat. Something was wrong. “I need to speak with you, Em.”

“Okay.” She stepped around Nash. The cooler air made goosebumps pop out on her flesh. “What is it?”

“I’m not sure you want to talk now?” Joshua looked at Nash in silent meaning.

“I can go, leave you two to talk,” Nash took a step, but Em caught him on the elbow.

“No, you can speak in front of him. It’s okay.” Something told her she needed Nash’s presence.

“Musgee called me. You remember him?” Joshua asked.

“Yes. He’s John’s foreman.” Her stomach twisted.

“Honey, I’m sorry, but he wanted me to break the news to you that Sea Breeze died this afternoon.” His voice cracked.

Em’s gaze narrowed as she wrapped her brain around her father’s words. “What? Died? That’s not possible. I planned to get him later.” Joshua’s expression turned darker. “Dad, did John put him down, knowing I had the money” She wrapped her arms tight around her chest. She thought she might get sick.

He shrugged. “All I know is Musgee told me Sea Breeze had gotten sick and by the time the vet got there it was too late.”

Everything blurred in front of her eyes. Anger scurried down her spine as sadness spiraled around her chest. She gripped the edge of the counter as her knees weakened. A strong pair of arms came around her waist as everything turned black, but she didn’t pass out. Her mind processed that the strong arms carried her, but she couldn’t see anything. She closed her eyes and clung to broad shoulders. Her father’s voice sounded like it was coming through a tunnel. Darkness washed over her.


Nash ground his teeth while listening to the doctor.

“She’ll be fine. She’s awake now and feeling like her energetic self. Worry and stress can play havoc on a person’s body.”

“She has been under a lot of stress lately, Doc Travis.” Joshua’s eyes were dark with worry.

Doc nodded and rubbed his chin. “She admitted she ran an additional two miles during today’s run. I’d add dehydration to the mix. Give her lots of fluids and make her rest this evening. And you, Josh, you’re looking a little pale. You taking care of the old ticker?” Doc Travis lifted a silver brow in question.

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