Pretend (16 page)

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Authors: Sharlay

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Pretend
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Suddenly my dream was shattered as the vibration of her stupid
phone interrupted us.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I felt her slip out of my grip as she gently pulled away.

"Sorry," she whisp
ered as she fiddled with her purse
, trying to retr
ieve her cell
. I slumped back in my seat and stared out of the window.

As she stared at the screen of her phone,
her face turned
red and she let out a heavy sigh.

"Let me guess," I said, feeling pretty annoyed that, that idiot had found his way in yet again.

"Let me just hear what he's got to say," she replied as she looked at me with a guilty expression on her face.

I di
dn't bother to respond instead
I just kept my head straight and looked out of the window.

"What?" She said as she picked up the phone.

I couldn't hear what he was saying, but from the look on her face it was obviously some pointless crap.

"No, look I'm busy so-"

Suddenly she was cut off by something that he'd said. Her face turned red, she screamed something and then threw her phone
back into her purse

"What?" I asked even though I was seriously annoyed and not really interested in anything to do with Kyle.

"He's outside of my house," she replied in a frustrated tone.

"Great," I replied, sarcastically as I started up the car and headed towards her house.

Every damn time
he just comes crawling back! When will s
he learn that he's just a moron
who uses her when he's bored of the last
Annoyed didn't even begin to describe my feelings right now.

As we approached her house and I saw
him stood there like some lost puppy my blood began to boil. I wanted to step out of the
car and punch him in his face. A
ll she had to do was ask. To think that we lost
that moment for him was a joke!

"Stay here," she asked.

I was too angry to answer her and so I just sat in silence, ignoring her request. As soon as she steps out of the car, it means that she chooses him and so I'm leaving anyway.

"Please?" She asked as she stared at me, pleading with her eyes.

Those damn
eyes, I should have never looked. Saying no when I wasn't looking at her was one thing but when I saw those eyes, staring at me, my heart skipped a beat and
it was impossible to say no.

"Ok," I answered, reluctantly.

"Thank you, I'll be two minutes," she said as she stepped out of the car.

As the door shut
I felt a vibration in my pocket
followed by the all too familiar sound of my
. I lifted my body off of the chair, pulled my phone out
of my back pocket
and sat back down. As I looked at the screen and saw Cayce's name, my annoyance grew stronger.

This chick is more persistent than the FBI. I don't know how many times I have to tell her that we aren't getting back together before it actually sinks in. I slid my finger across the screen and began to read the text.


at are
u doin
g tonight
? Fancy some company?


As I stared at the words on the screen, I shook my head and
let out a small laugh. Comparing Cayce to April was no contest. Cayce was what was known as the girl
you call when you 'want some', which is why we never worked out because someone
always wanted some and she was always there. I pressed the sleep button and placed
the phone back into my pocket.

As I looked back up
my entire body suddenly
felt like it was on fire. The anger inside of me
was making my heart race so fast that I thought
it might explode. As I watched April and Kyle in each others
’ arms
I started up the car and drove off.

I raced down the road, back to my house. What should
have been a six minute journey
turned into
I slammed the car door shut as I got out and stormed up the path to
my front door. I felt like I wanted to break something, I was that angry.

How could I be so stupid?

Why the hell am I allowing a chick to make me feel like this?

I was acting like a werewolf from one of them shows, who had just seen someone else with their hands all over his mate. I was so glad that my mom would be working
late and that Crystal was out,
I needed some time to calm down and think.

As the anger filled my entire body, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I opened up Cayce's text and began to reply.


Yeah, I got a free house


I didn't even want her but right now I needed a distraction and that's exactly what she would be. As I felt my phone buzz in my hand, I wondered if this chick just sat by her phone all day
waiting for calls
and messages to come through.


Be there in half an hour


I ran up the stairs, took my clothes off in my bedroom and walked into the bathroom. I quickly set the shower and stepped in. As the sprays of water beat against by body all I could see was images of April in Kyle's arms. My mind wanted to wonder off to what they were doing right now but I wouldn't allow it. I was trying to calm down and somehow I don't think that would help.

about twenty
minutes, I was dressed, ready and heading down the stairs. As I went to walk into the kitchen I heard the doorbell ring. Boy, this chick was eager.

As I opened the door I was greeted by a high pitched and rather annoying voice.

"Hey gorgeous," she said as she invited herself in.

"Hey," I said as I stared at her. She had on a tight, white tank top, a short black skirt, white, plastic looking shoes with like
six inch heels and the brightest shade of red lip stick that I
have ever seen.
To most guys this would be so appealing but for some reason it was anything but that for me.

cking me out are you Mr Daniels?" S
he said as she flicked her chocolate brown hair and smiled. As she bent down in front of me, taking off her heels, I let out a sigh.
April always calls me Mr Daniels, it sounds great coming out of her mouth but out of Cayce’s it just sounds cheap.

Remind me why I invited this chick around again?

"Yeah," I said as I forced a fake smile to spread across my lips.

"I wondered how long it would take before you invited me round here again," she said as she began to move closer to me.

"I've missed you so much baby and we have got so much to catch up on," she said as she finally pinned me against the wall and squeezed my butt.

"Wow, yeah...
so do you want a drink?" I asked as I slipped myself from
in between her and the wall, and
walked into the kitchen with her following closely behind me.

"No, thank you, I had one just before I left," she said.

"Oh, great well I think I'll just have one then," I said as I grabbed a glass out of the cupboard, ran the tap and then filled it with water. As I nervously gulped down the water, she di
dn't take her eyes off of me

As I took my last sip of water, she was literally right in front of me, which took me by surprise.

"You're fast aren't you," I said as the sound of shock broke through my voice and I choked a little on the water.

"In many ways, yes," she said as a dirty smile spread across her lips. Th
is was going to be an eventful
night, I could already tell.

"Let's go into the living room," I said as I placed my glass on the counter and led the way.

As I stepped into the living room, I began to search for the remote f
or the TV. No doubt Crystal had it last. S
he never puts it back where it belongs.

"Can I use your restroom?" Cayce asked, breaking my trail of thought.

You know where it is right?"

"Yeah, I remember it very well. Right I'm just going to freshen up," she said as a smile spread across her lips and she disappeared out of the door.

A sigh of
relief left my mouth as she walked out of the room
. I wanted Cayce to distract me and she was but for all the wrong reasons.

As I slipped my phone out of my pocket, I stared at the blank screen in disappointment. Maybe I shouldn't have reacted the way that
I did before, maybe I should have given April a chance to explain.
Perhaps there was an explanation as to why her and Kyle where in each other's arms but then again what reason could there be, other than the obvious? I didn't know but one thing I did know was that I
couldn't get her out of my damn mind.

I turned my attention back to the phone. I quickly went into my messages and started a new one.


Hey sorry for driving off like that, maybe I should have
given you a chance to explain. I can't stop thinking about you
and the kiss. I need to talk to you.


clicked contacts and scrolled down
l I found her name.

Suddenly I was inter
rupted by a high pitched scream
coming from upstairs. My finger accidently hit the cancel button and the message was gone. I let out a growl and headed upstairs.

What now?

my gosh
, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Cayce screamed as I watched her jumping around the bathroom like some bunny on crack.

"What is it?" I asked in a frustrated tone.

"It's a big, fat hairy spider, that's what!
get rid of it!"

As I looked down at the spider that sat between her
and the bathroom door, I
laughed. The stupid thing was so small that I almost needed a magnifying glass to spot it.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked as I watched the terror on her face.

"Please can you just get it
instead of standing there wit
h that stupid look on your face?
" She screamed.

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