Prey & Prejudice: Cougar Falls, Book 7 (15 page)

BOOK: Prey & Prejudice: Cougar Falls, Book 7
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Several cats smirked at her while others smiled widely as she made her way around the pride. Word would spread. The mating had begun, but somehow she’d lost track of who had marked whom.

She spent the next week in the same state of confusion while understanding how much her dealings with Miles had changed. He asked her opinion on matters and smiled at her more. He was still sarcastic, but he included her in on his jokes. For her part, she came up with excuses to be with him, shocked to find how much she liked his company. Her gaze would linger when she wasn’t aware of it, and he’d wink at her but not make fun.

They’d spent the first two nights after that first time watching television and gazing at the stars outside. Sitting close, while the other cats did the same with their mates and girlfriends. The pride started to feel like a contented group of cats, and much purring was heard in the gathered darkness.

During the days, Miles floated around the pride in between business meetings while she dealt with more of the petitions she’d been told to handle. She had Julian and a few other miscreant teenagers policing the pride grounds. In so doing, he’d made new friends. Her mother had finally returned her calls and agreed to meet up with Caleb Werner to put the older man’s mind at ease. A few others with problems had been seen to without her breaking a sweat or a nail.

Finally. Zoe had purpose. She was doing what she’d been meant to, helping those she considered her extended family. And damn, it felt

Even better, her sense of accomplishment only added to her sense of belonging. Pride members talked to her more openly. The females no longer stared holes through her, apparently content that she now wore Miles’s scent. The males continued to make eyes at her, but they didn’t regard her with hostility or open leering. In respect to Miles, she imagined. Despite his arrogance, those around him really did love him.

She feared she was adding to that number, because their play in bed continued to wear her out. Granted, she’d wrecked him as well, but she’d never expected to be so infatuated with any male. After the first two or three encounters, they tended to bore her in bed.

Miles kept getting
, and she didn’t know if she’d survive it. Just last night he’d teased about bending her over and taking her in every way imaginable. Shocking, because she’d experimented more than her fair share but didn’t care for a few positions she now wanted to try with
. Mr. Cute-but-Conceited.

He wasn’t all sweetness and light—thank God. Zoe didn’t need nice. She needed a real man comfortable with his place in the world. Miles certainly had that going for him. He sneered at her clothing even as he continued to trust her to oversee pride matters. He disdained her Harley but had no problem with her tattoos, marks he spent hours licking and stroking until she cried out his name.

They’d had the safe-sex conversation during breakfast that first morning after. She used Ac-taw birth control, a pill their doctors had concocted that worked on Shifter physiology. Ac-taw didn’t get diseases, and with pregnancy no longer a worry, Miles hadn’t held back—sexually.

He said nothing about the mating scent that lingered between them or about how much time they spent cuddling after sex. They seemed to spend more time on the after affection than the sex itself. God, she cared about him, and he
to care about her. His animal spirit curled around her each night, keeping her safe while promising her cat a future the man had yet to mention. Normally by day three in a relationship—if she could manage to get that far—Zoe had men
to be exclusive. Yet from Miles? Nothing but sex, tenderness and play.

He beat her at Scrabble while she trounced him at Cribbage. They both detested sports on television and had a secret fetish for the cooking shows, which made little sense, considering neither of them could cook. He had a wry sense of humor that somehow meshed with her earthy jokes, and despite him constantly reminding her of his greatness, she really liked him.

The man confounded her, amused her and annoyed her in equal parts. Miles Bermin was as far from boring as any human could possibly be.

She sighed, not sure what to do about Miles while she waited downtown for Joy and Quince to join her for lunch. The sky couldn’t be any prettier, and the scent of food and the ocean carried on the breeze.

“Oh, hello, Zoe.”

Zoe stilled and casually turned to see the woman standing downwind of her. Standing outside one of the pride’s restaurants while she waited for the ever-late Joy and Quince, she spotted a woman she could have done without. Seeing Alissa annoyed her all over again that Miles hadn’t put a label on their relationship. Though Alissa would no doubt scent Miles on her, Zoe couldn’t announce her tie to the cat if said cat wouldn’t back her up. She’d look foolish, and she needed to be very much in command of herself with a woman of Alissa’s clout.

went unsaid. “What are you doing down here?”

“Meeting a friend for lunch in my hotel.”

They both glanced toward the hotel behind them, and Zoe swore at herself for not being more observant.

Alissa continued, “I saw you and thought I’d say hello.”

Zoe wasn’t fooled. “Yeah, and?”

Alissa smiled, though the expression didn’t reach her eyes. “Congratulations on your pending mating. I was surprised Miles decided to make that big step. I hadn’t thought he’d be the type to let a woman lead him by the balls.”

Zoe snorted. “Don’t know Miles that well then, do you? No one tells that cat what to do.”

“It must be your charming personality, I suppose.” Alissa sneered in a way only the rich and pretty could and manage to stay attractive. Zoe had yet to master the look.

Deciding she liked toying with the feline, Zoe confessed, “Nah. It’s not my personality. It’s my large breasts. And my tramp stamp, can’t forget that.” She nodded over her shoulder. “He’s big on licking.”

Alissa’s eyes narrowed. “If you think you can hold that man with sex, you’re out of your mind. He’ll be bored with you soon enough.” She gave an angry laugh. “But I can respect a woman who goes after what she wants with that kind of aggression. All I can say is good luck.”

“Who needs luck when you have skill?” Zoe shrugged, confident in her sexuality. “He’s off the market, so sink your claws into someone else.”

“He’s too good for you,” Alissa growled.

“Please.” Unfortunately, Alissa had hit on that one
kernel of doubt that bothered Zoe when she thought too hard about it. Why would Miles even try layering her with a mating scent? He didn’t have any piercings or tattoos, wouldn’t set foot near a motorcycle unless it had the letters B, M and W on it and surrounded himself in a world of
. Zoe lived like a whirlwind had torn through her life at any given time and reveled in chaos. The sex between her and Miles was great, but it would eventually pale. What would hold Miles to her then?

Alissa was much more his type. Rich, elegant, refined. A bitch, and Miles could be a real bastard.

“You know I’m right,” Alissa added. “Is it his money?” She shook her head. “You can’t possibly think you’ll really rule the pride?” She gave Zoe a sad smile that surprised her, because she hadn’t thought Alissa had that kind of depth. “The men around here don’t consider themselves men unless they’re in power. Let them think they can rule you while you manage them from behind the scenes. They’ll never accept a woman in charge, and more’s the pity.” She paused, and the empathy in her gaze turned hard. “Face reality before it knocks you on your ass. No one will follow your lead around here.”

“I will.” From behind Alissa, Quince answered with bite. “And so will she.”

Zoe noted the fire in his eyes.

Joy stood close, glaring at Alissa. “Zoe is a power unto herself. Back off before you get your ass kicked…

Alissa rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She waved them away and said to Zoe, “Believe what you want. But you can’t satisfy a man like Miles forever. You’re all wrong for him.”

The truth burned her from the inside out. “And
right? You fuck anything you think can further your goals. Hell, Alissa. At least have fun with your playthings.” Zoe shook her head. “Poor girl. All wrapped up about being in charge all the time.” Zoe could relate, but Alissa’s comments about Miles burned. “Why not start at home? Tell Daddy you’re done being a figurehead and take over?”

Alissa’s face turned an ugly red. “My company is not your concern. You keep playing in the big kids’ pool and you’ll drown. Just you wait.”

She turned and stalked away, but not before Zoe gave her parting shot. “I know they’re staying at your place. And I know what you’re up to.”

Alissa threw up her hands and continued walking away, muttering unintelligible words under her breath until she disappeared around a corner.

“Nice. I like the way you handled her.” Quince chuckled, and Zoe noticed he had his arm wrapped around Joy’s middle to hold her back. “Better a verbal fight than a fist in her face, eh Joy?”

Joy swore and tried to hit him, but he held her tight and laughed.

A funny feeling stirred in Zoe’s belly. She wondered if Miles would ever hug her tight and laugh with her like that in public. They only kissed when having sex, in the privacy of his bedroom. He let her ride him and take control, but he still managed to appear as if he came out ahead. She couldn’t understand it, but it was as if they were still playing by his rules, somehow, which made no sense.

They wore each other’s scent, not all-the-way mated, but getting there. She had more responsibility in the pride. So why wasn’t she more satisfied that her dreams were coming to fruition?
Because you can’t satisfy him forever. What man can handle a woman like me, one who
to be in charge?

“Zoe?” Joy pushed out of Quince’s hold and nudged her. “You’re not seriously taking anything she said to heart, are you? No way Miles would be into her. She’s too annoying. He likes

Zoe forced a smile. “I know. Everyone likes me.”

Her brother rolled his eyes, but Joy laughed.

Quick to change the subject, Zoe asked, “Did you mean it, Quince?” She had to know. “Would you really follow my lead?”

He stared at her, his presence comforting. He had a strength and energy much like their mother’s. He made her feel safe, and he was someone she knew she could rely on—a rarity in her world.

“Yeah, I would. I didn’t think you meant it before. But now I see you do.” He sighed. “You’re going to have a tough time though, Zoe. Miles is thawing toward you, but I don’t know if he realizes how serious you are about the pride. And the senior council… Most of the women will be in your corner, but the older men? Much as I like to think we’re enlightened, a lot of the guys still think you need a dick to be in charge.”

Joy nodded and in a low voice added theatrically, “One dick to rule them all.”

Quince opened his mouth to say something then turned to his mate and scowled. “I know you did not just fuck with Tolkien.”

“Nice mouth.” She laughed at him, and he proceeded to tickle her.

“Um, hey, lovebirds. Tone it down, would you?” Yet Zoe laughed, her good mood restored. Her feline whispered to her of their purpose, of their shared belief in bettering the pride and how much they’d already accomplished.

Of course Miles would choose her over Alissa, if it came to that. She might not have money, but Zoe more than knew how to use her skills to her advantage. Plus, she was smart. She had what it took to hold Miles. She blew his mind in bed, she was hot and hell, she was what the pride needed. Her mother had told her so. She’d spent years training for this day.

Whoreberto could blow it out her ass.

Chapter Ten

Two weeks had passed. Miles continued to pour more responsibility into Zoe’s lap, and the woman reveled in it. She took care of others as if born to the role, and he knew that he’d finally found someone to replace him as pride leader. Whether or not the pride’s elders would let him was the question.

But Miles wanted to be absolutely sure of her, that what he saw of Zoe was the real person, and not just the woman he wanted her to be. The woman he’d started to fall hard for.

Like so many other stupid males.
Yet even that couldn’t stem his good mood.
He let out a loud sigh, his cat pleased at being at the forefront again with the other felines enjoying their animal spirits.

Around his favorite watering hole in the Glades, Miles watched Jace play-wrestle with Dana while Ellis sat docilely, allowing Willow to groom him. The two couples had definitely bonded, and he had a feeling he’d soon be seeing more mated pairs. Probably before he and Zoe announced anything, if it even progressed to that between them.

With a disgruntled huff, he saw his sister swimming while Quince lazed on the bank keeping an eye on her, the large black cat always a sight among so many golden felines.

He and his inner circle continued to grow tighter, much to his satisfaction. He liked Jace’s quick mind and Ellis’s dry wit. He appreciated Quince’s ability to tell a dirty joke yet light up with delight when he spotted Joy.

Finally things had calmed. The raptors had supposedly left the city and nothing major had been troubling the pride, so Miles had declared last weekend to be spent at the House—a cat party. Their animal spirits needed as much attention as their human halves, and it helped reaffirm community ties to shift and run together.

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