PrimalHunger (22 page)

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Authors: Dawn Montgomery

BOOK: PrimalHunger
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They arrived at the party entrance before he was ready.

Mase turned around, and Azros noticed that the blue-skinned
navigator had regained his bearing, and was back to an azure skin tone. “I’ll
announce you as the Sheon ambassador to the mining consortium. Simien Suplato
is here, and he’ll back up the title.” He held out his hand.

Kendra and he clasped forearms. “Thanks, Mase. Good luck to
you.” This would be the last time she’d see him before they left for the

, Chief.”

Her expression turned solemn. She nodded. “

He released her and turned on his heel to disappear through
the open doorway.

Azros interlocked fingers with Kendra. “What does

She shrugged a shoulder. “A form of goodbye. Can’t remember
the literal translation.”

He opened his mouth to question her further when he heard
the call.

“Announcing the arrival of the Sheon Ambassador to the
mining consortium…”

They strode through the door. Azros expanded his senses,
searching for unknown threats, ready for an attack. “Please welcome Ashamia
ah’Kendrah Deshavin.”

Azros blinked in surprise.

She wrinkled her nose. “Did they have to use my full name?”

“What? I think it’s beautiful.” He kissed her hand. “Much
like its owner.”

She shook her head. “You’re crazy.”

“Shall we? I think your subjects are waiting. Unless you’d
like to run…we still have time.” He grinned.

She dragged in a breath. “Not in this lifetime.” They walked
through the doorway and applause nearly deafened him. Humor disappeared as his
skin crawled with awareness of violent intent. It was impossible to maintain
tactical advantage in this environment.

His gaze caught several attendants, familiar faces that he
placed with the security team. He looked at Kendra, expecting to see the same
nerves he was fighting. Kendra’s demeanor transfixed him. There was no doubt he
stood before a future queen. A deadly smile touched her shining lips. Her mask
was firmly in place, and in that moment he saw the brilliant transformation of
the hunted becoming the hunter. His heart filled with pride and love for the
woman she was and would become.

He knew the moment Kendra saw her nemesis. Burning hatred
poured through their tentative bond, and his gaze zeroed in on Skreeta.

Stark rage fired his pulse. The bitch had two of his men
sexually pleasuring her. Kena’l, Agmir. Their sluggish movements and dead eyes
told him they were drugged. His fists tightened.

“That drug is horrible.” Kendra’s voice was tight with
controlled fury. She touched his wrist and he looked down at her. “We
free them.”

It was all he could do to nod, and walk on. Death was too
good for her.

The settees were laid out in a semicircle.

Skreeta glared at them. Her gaze traveled to him, and he
could feel her examination like a poison. For a moment he was transfixed,
dragged back to the hell of his capture.

“Azros.” Kendra’s touch on his arm drew his attention down
to his mate. He could barely control his breathing, and his hands were clenched
into fists so tight his knuckles were whitening.

“Kiss me.” Her eyes were full of righteous anger and barely
controlled fury.

He leaned down and gently brushed his lips over hers. When
he would have pulled back, she grasped the back of his head and proceeded to
kiss him. Wild. Untamed. He responded instinctively. He was aware of stares,
and a flurry of movement from Skreeta’s area.

She ended the kiss with a gentle slide of her lips on his.
He smiled, allowing his mate to see the wicked intentions he fully intended to
pursue when they were alone. “Let’s sit and relax.” He refused to let Skreeta
sour what they’d built.

He escorted her to the settee. She sat with a flourish and
gestured for Azros to join her.

She nodded at Destiny and the skrog seated between Kendra
and Skreeta. That unfortunate man would have to be Captain Suplato. Not that he
seemed to be aware of the ever-increasing tension. Several ladies were
bestowing affection upon him. None wore collars, so he wondered if they were
Destiny’s crew.

“I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to ask you to stop.”
Jackson’s request carried to Azros’ ears. By the stiffening of Kendra’s body,
he knew she heard it to.

They looked over at Skreeta. It took a moment for it to

“Blood.” Kendra growled the word. He knew she was wired for
the event. Reeva was on the audio feed. They were leaving nothing to chance.

Azros sniffed the air but couldn’t sense anything over the
stoutness of perfume and oils. “Where?” He leaned close to her, whispering the
word against the curve of her ear.

“When we arrived, she scraped his back with her talons.”

Azros dragged in a breath. “She keeps them sharpened.”

“Did she ever…”

“No. She never tore into my flesh.” But he’d watched her
poison people with them.

“These are my pets.” She dug her claws deeper into his skin.
Agmir was so far gone that he didn’t flinch, didn’t notice. Blood trickled down
his back. “As you can see, they are willing. What is the problem?”

“Blood play isn’t allowed in this setting. It’s a
sterilization issue. If sadism is your kink, we have plenty of options
available.” He bowed. “We can even put on a show for your viewing pleasure.”

“I’d like to offer one of my pets for the show.”

Jackson didn’t even blink. “Of course. Just not this one.”
He gestured to Agmir’s back. “We’ll actually have to ask you to send this one
back to your ship for medical attention.”

”Medical attention? They’re animals. A species evolved from
cats. I won’t waste the effort or supplies. He can have one of his cell mates
lick his wounds.” She shoved him to one of her guards. ”Get him out of here.”

The lights lowered and a haunting melody began.

Kendra reclined against Azros on the settee, a warm, sexy
and damn distracting presence against his body. She wiggled her tight little
ass against his dick. This was not the place for teasing, yet here they were.
His people’s greatest enemy sat across from them, within striking distance. It
was all he could do to keep his expression neutral and his emotions locked

”Relax.” Her voice carried to him, soft and teasing.

He tugged her against his hardening cock. ”Easy for you to

She laughed, a carefree and brittle sound. Skreeta’s eyes
narrowed at them. She pushed Kena’l away from her pussy, and backhanded him
across the face.

Azros growled and Kendra dug her fingernails into his
thighs. ”Don’t move. That’s what she wants.” Kendra ran her hand down his leg.

Mase dropped down at Kendra’s side, kneeling with a tray of
food in hand. His bright-yellow eyes were downcast, but Azros knew he was armed
to the teeth. “I’m here for your pleasure, princess.” He held out an
embroidered napkin.

Kendra didn’t spare him a glance. “Where did the food come

“Your personal chef, princess.”

Kendra nodded and reached for the napkin. She lifted a
shiny, blood-red piece of fruit and inhaled its fragrance, before placing it
back on the tray. “It’s not to my liking. You may go.” She waved a hand.

Mase nodded and moved away.

Kendra pressed kisses against his cheek. “Don’t eat or drink
anything unless I give it to you. Poison is her favorite form of

“I remember.” Six months of captivity had opened his eyes to
many forms of torture and death. “She likes to smile at them while they are

Kendra’s fingers stopped their movement. “Some things never
change.” He noticed the way she carefully folded the napkin. Was there
something written on it?

A voice joined in on the melody. It took only a moment to
recognize the lyrics. “That’s the
Fallen Queen

“Appropriate music choice, don’t you think?” She handed him
the napkin.

He discreetly opened it to find a simple message.
Shit. If the communications were compromised, they were in a
world of hurt. How did she get access?

“Princess.” Simien leaned over. His fetid breath slammed
into Azros like a wall, dragging his thoughts back to the situation at hand.
How did the women stand it? “What is this song about? I seem to have missed
part of it in translation.”

Kendra ran her fingers down Azros’ legs. “Betrayal and
murder by the hand of a sister who wanted to be queen.”

Simien shuddered in apparent glee. The reptilian slits in
his eyes widened. “I love a good political bloodbath. What happens next?”

Kendra smiled and glanced at Skreeta. The woman glared at
them with seething fury. She had the Valorian facedown on the floor.

“Dear Captain Suplato, the queen returns from the dead and
exacts her vengeance.” Skreeta’s smile weighed heavy on him. “Fanciful nonsense.
A fairytale, nothing more.”

Suplato grinned and his jowls wiggled. At the moment he
reminded Azros of a very fat toad about to croak. “You don’t believe in the
paranormal? Ghosts and such?”

Skreeta snorted. “I put my belief in the strength of the
living, and what they can provide. Speaking of which…” Skreeta sat up. “I see
you’re back from the dead, my sister’s daughter. Rumors of your rebel horde
have bombarded the queen’s ear for years. It’s a shame we couldn’t meet under

Kendra laughed. “What horde? Surely you wouldn’t think I
could betray my own people?”

There were layers in the conversation that confounded Azros.
Political agenda and rebellion were rare occurrences in Valorian history.

Kendra smiled. “Blood and tradition mean everything to me.”

“Tradition?” Skreeta kicked the Valorian. He dropped to his
knees beside the settee. “What do you know of tradition? It is our right to
conquer those who are weaker. Glory by combat. That is our way. Not this
terraforming project that would bind us to dirt.”

Kendra waved her hand. “I grow bored with your tiresome
repetition. Amazing how you haven’t changed throughout the years.”

His hand casually brushed against the outside of her breast.
She drew in a breath, relaxing against him. He knew the inferno of rage that
enveloped her, because it ate at him in the same manner.

“Captain Suplato, before tonight, did you know the lady next
to you is my aunt?”

Simien raised his eyebrows and looked between the two. “Why,
no. I don’t see the family resemblance, but I’ve never been good at that sort
of thing. I wasn’t aware you had any family.”

Skreeta twisted her lips in a venomous smile. “My dear niece
has been out and about, it seems. I hear she is the ambassador to the mining
consortium. How did that happen?”

Captain Suplato’s smile was stretched across his face. “Your
niece gave some critical
advice to my uncle. Seems to me,
that kind of scientific genius should be appreciated, not destroyed. It sure
got her a lot of friends without any bloodshed.”

“Is the Captain threatening your aunt?” he whispered the

Kendra looked at him. “It sure seems that way.”

He glanced over at Skreeta. “With her incredible assistance,
she’s become an ambassador to the backreach territories.”

Destiny waved her hand. “Well, I’m about done in with
politics.” She looked at Kendra. “I am sure you and your aunt have some
catching up to do.” She eyed Azros. He suddenly felt like a slab of meat at
market. “Wherever did you get that delicious specimen? I don’t remember him
from before.” Her voice practically purred, and Azros saw a whole other side to
the madam. He shifted on the settee, uncomfortable.

“I found him. Can you believe someone actually let this
incredible stud muffin get away?”

Stud muffin.
Azros growled lightly in her ear.
Skreeta’s gaze was drawn to him. Her eyes narrowed.

Skreeta’s gaze dropped to his chest and he saw her eyes
widen. “What does he have around his neck?”

“Nothing you need worry about, aunt.”

“You would devolve our people? Have you no shame?”

Kendra shook her head at her aunt. “I choose what I like,
when I like. That is my right as a princess. One day I will be queen. You will
marry who I say, when I say, as is the custom of our people. If I want you to
marry a pig, you’ll do so.”

“You will never be queen.” She spoke the words through
clenched teeth.

Kendra’s expression turned to one of pity. “She actually
made you believe you had a chance, didn’t she?” She clicked her tongue in
sympathy. “All this time…such a waste. Why did the queen send you here…to the
far reaches of our people’s influence? Far away from the all-seeing eye of the
court? Think about it.”

He saw a spark of something in Skreeta’s expression. Danger
had the hair rising on the back of his neck. “To find proof of your death.
Proof that I would be more than happy to provide to her majesty.”

“My death? Are you so sure she didn’t already know what
you’d find?”

A crack splintered in Skreeta’s armor. He saw her mask slip.
Raw hatred burned deep in her gaze.

“You cannot take a slave as your consort. It is forbidden.”

Consort? What was going on?

“Forbidden? Are you talking about the same laws that forbid
your succession to the throne?” She clicked her tongue again. “You can’t pick
and choose which laws to follow.”

Skreeta was fuming. Danger skittered down his spine, and
Kendra seemed completely oblivious to her aunt’s cruelties. It wouldn’t
surprise him if Skreeta attempted public murder.

Kendra raised her glass in salute to Skreeta. “I suppose I
have you to thank for wiping out my competition.” She drained the wine. Azros
took the glass from her hand and refilled it. She waved off the glass. “You’re
one to talk about devolving. After all, wasn’t it your father who muddied the

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