PrimalHunger (21 page)

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Authors: Dawn Montgomery

BOOK: PrimalHunger
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Shock hit Kendra like a stone. “Azros is your brother?” Mase
had failed to mention that little fact in the debrief.

“Yes. My older brother.”

“You don’t have stripes.” Kendra pulled up a chair and sat.

“The stripes happen in prime. Surely he told you that?” He
rubbed the bandage covering his eyes. “I haven’t reached my first mating cycle

Kendra remembered Azros mentioning it, but still… “He didn’t
mention you two were related.”

Xavier twisted his lips in a semblance of a smile. “As first
in line to the crown prince, keeping my identity secret is a matter of

Kendra absorbed that information. He couldn’t be saying what
she thought he was saying. Could he? “If you’re first in line, who is the crown

“Azros, of course.”

Kendra choked on a laugh. Of course. He was a damn prince.
Pieces started falling into place. Little things he said and did.

“So why tell me, then?”

“Because you’re his mate.” He said it with a nonchalance she
didn’t echo.

“Wouldn’t he trust me with that information if I was his

“It’s not my place to question Azros.”

Kendra’s heart clenched. This was the second time in one day
someone she trusted had deliberately kept information from her. “And you always
do what your prince asks?”

“No.” Xavier smiled.

“Good. Neither do I.”

He laughed. “I can see why he likes you.”

“How do you know we’ve mated?”

“Your scents have mingled. I can sense his bond with you.” He
pressed his fingers against his head, as though it pained him. “It gives me
hope that we can recover from this. Where do you hail from?”

“I’m of Sheon origin.”

The smile died on his lips. Raw pain carved harsh lines in
his face. Xavier’s fists clenched and his movements became erratic. “Did you
drug him?”

Kendra was thankful he couldn’t see her, though she had no
doubt his other senses were homed in on her. “No. I would never do such a
thing. Our mating was…accidental.”

Xavier inhaled slowly. “You’re speaking the truth.”

“There’s no point in lying. I’m somewhat removed from the
current situation, and was unaware of how far the Sheon had fallen.” Kendra
interlocked her fingers. “Neither one of us were aware who the other was when
this started. Is the fact that I’m Sheon going to be a problem?”

Xavier’s laugh was raw and broken. “I’m sorry. Every Sheon
I’ve met lately has been dark and uncompromisingly deadly. I trust my brother’s
judgment, but will reserve my own until you prove otherwise. Our people do not
soon forget atrocities thrust upon them, lady.”

“I’d expect no less.”

She cursed her aunt’s stupidity. Skreeta had drugged and
tortured the Valorian prince, and his brother. This was a political nightmare,
and a personal attack on the royal house of the Valorian people. War was on the

Azros was a prince. He deceived her about who he was. Kendra
tried to wrestle emotion out of fact. If she was honest with herself, it made
sense for him to keep his identity a secret. The information had been there, all
along. Bits and pieces. She cursed. The mating had blinded her. She pinched the
bridge of her nose, feeling a little less guilty about not bringing him in on
the Skreeta plan.

“What else do you know about me?”

Xavier turned his face toward her voice. “I know you are my
brother’s chosen mate, that you are head of security, and I hear that you are
the one to thank for my rescue.”

Kendra shook her head. “No thanks are necessary. And what do
you mean by ‘chosen’ mate? He didn’t have a choice when this entire thing
started. Neither one of us did. I told you…it was an accident.”

Xavier smiled. “And I told
, I can smell the
changes in your body. He’s taken you to

“What is

“It’s a spiritual bond between mates that allows greater
empathy. You can feel the emotions of your mate, and occasional thoughts.”

“How do you know this spiritual bond is even possible for my

Xavier sighed and let his head fall back against the pillow.
“He hasn’t told you anything, has he? These questions should be his to answer.”

“I doubt I’ll get a straight answer from him.”

Xavier chuckled. “That sounds like Azros. Always the

“Diplomat? Try dictator!” She shook her head. “There was an
assassination attempt on your brother, but the assassin had been planted weeks
ago. Do you know anything about it? Are there more?”

Xavier put his hands behind his head and settled against the
bed. “Months ago, Skreeta had a dream of blood and death. Murder by the true
heir to the throne.” He turned his head in her direction. “She sent assassins
to each of the heirs’ final locations.”

Kendra swallowed. “How do you know this?”

Xavier’s expression turned grim, haunted. “I was her…” He
clenched his jaw. “She used the drug on me…often.” His lips twisted in a bitter
smile. “Apparently, I wasn’t tame enough for her subordinates. Shortly after
the dream, she became obsessed with the idea of vengeance…believed everyone was
turning against her. She plugged herself in to the ship’s AI, and didn’t come
out for days. In a fit of anger, she ordered my death. Instead I was handed off
to…someone else. My
,” he spat the word, “helped me escape. And
here we are.”

“I had no idea it had gone so far. The Sheon people are not
like this. Were never like this.”

“If they are so wonderful, why didn’t any of the others
stand up to her? Release us? Some of them joined in on the fun.” His voice
shook with anger.

Fury and shame knotted in her chest. While she was hiding
here, avoiding her responsibilities, Skreeta had been stripping others of all
dignity, torturing them for fun, enslaving them for profit. It wasn’t just her
family, or Azros, or the mining colony. Skreeta wouldn’t stop. She should have
gone to the queen years ago. Her people, her responsibility.

A strange feeling came over her. It was time to stop
running. Stop hiding.

She put her hand over his. “I give you my word that she’ll
pay for what she has done to you and your people.”

“What could you possibly do to help?”

“I will gain control of the Sheon Empire.”

Xavier laughed. “You and what army?”

Kendra smiled at the echo of her words. “I don’t need an
army.” She stood. “I am the sole blood heir to the Sheon throne. Skreeta’s
reign is at an end.”

Xavier grunted in surprise. “Well what do you know? Not just
Sheon, but the princess. Looks like my brother has got himself a whole mess of
trouble.” Xavier turned his head away from Kendra. She could see the shimmer of
tears sliding from beneath bandages down his cheeks. “She won’t give up her
power without a fight.”

“Among my people, blood combat is the only way to regain
control.” Kendra rubbed her palms against her thighs, uncomfortable with the
man’s tears.

He drew in a shaky breath. “Do me one favor.”

“Name it.” She would do just about anything to keep a man
from crying. Anything.

“Make her beg for her life.”

Kendra nodded. “I promise. She will beg for her life. You
have my word on that.” Kendra touched his hand. He jerked, then relaxed. “I
have to go. Thank you for your help.”

She turned to leave when something occurred to her. “One
more question. What does

Xavier’s smile widened. “Literal translation means ‘dear
one’, but in our culture it means ‘one of my heart’. Try to keep my brother out
of trouble.”

Kendra laughed. “That’s like asking the world to stop

Chapter Eleven


“A party?” Azros grumbled, watching Kendra walk around her
tiny room. She wore a lace scrap of cloth for panties and a satin corset. The
corset did wonders for Azros’ libido, and nothing for his irritable mood.

“This is her big plan?” He gestured to the loose linen pants
he wore. No shirt. A collar. He tugged against the leather, frustrated. “I
can’t believe she invited Skreeta. Are we sure she’ll be there?”

“Trust me. Destiny knows what she’s doing.” She slipped on a
dress that fit her like a lover’s caress.

The silky material swirled around her legs. “Have I told you
how incredibly sexy your legs are?” He arched an eyebrow, and her eyes lit up
with mischief.

“Then you’re going to love this.” She slipped on heels that
made him want to weep in lustful happiness.

“Why don’t we stay here instead? I can think of a thousand
positions I’d like to try…” He crossed his arms and grinned at the way her gaze
dropped to his hardening cock. She licked her shimmering lips and his cock
twitched in male appreciation.

“Only a thousand?” Mischief glimmered from her eyes.

He nodded. “Just to get us started…and every one of them
involve you wearing those fuck-me heels.”

Kendra looked up at him through her lashes, flashing an
alluring smile. She put her foot on the bed and let the skirt fall all the way
to her hips. Azros had an unobstructed view of the scrap of cloth covering her
pussy, and the damp circle that told him she was just as turned-on as he was.
His cock strained against the pants.

She strapped a sheath to her thigh. The strap was made of
some kind of silk, but the sheath was synthetic material. Kendra slipped the
knife in. With a little shimmy, she pulled her leg away from his view. She
fluffed out her dress and Azros watched her movement. He could barely make out
the sheath. “Nicely done.”

Kendra smiled. He could see her nerves in the way she
fidgeted with the skirt.

Azros stepped forward and took her hands in his. “Your hands
are like ice.” Her fingers were slim and lovely. Nails were short and
practical, yet long enough to leave marks, making him growl in happiness.
Kendra was becoming his entire world. And that was dangerous. What if she
walked away when this was all over? Would it be another Alicia? This was a
critical time in the mating. A place where it could fall apart.

He pressed light kisses against each of her hands. “You’re
going to be fine.”

Kendra put her head against his bare chest and rubbed her
cheek against his skin. “I’m about to face my parents’ killer, the woman who
tortured the man I…” She hesitated. “I care for, and is willing to enslave and
degrade an entire race of people over mining rights and manpower.”

Azros tried not to let his disappointment show. She admitted
to caring for him. For now, that would have to be enough. “You’re doing great.”

“It’s kind of a lot to get ready for.” Kendra pulled her
hands free.

“Hey.” He brushed a kiss over her forehead. She looked up
and he cupped her cheeks with his hands. “You’re not doing this alone. Remember

Kendra didn’t smile back at him. If anything, she looked
more haunted. He suddenly wanted to keep her locked up in the room, prevent
them from leaving. The thought of something happening to Kendra shattered his
soul. He had seen the depths of insanity in Skreeta’s eyes. She was capable of
so much more than murder, and letting her anywhere near his mate made his skin
crawl in horror. This was a stupid idea.

He watched as Kendra walked over to a wooden box she’d
brought from her room. It was carved in intricate and delicate patterns. The
finest workmanship he’d seen in far longer than he could have imagined. She
opened it and caressed something with reverence.

“This belonged to my father. The chain is the purest form of
Ardenium.” She turned and held out her hand. Azros’ eyes grew wide. A tear-shaped
pendant hung from a shining black chain. Reflected light made the jewel gleam
in the color and consistency of blood. It was some of the finest workmanship
he’d seen in more years than he could remember.

“This is the heart of our people. The jewel is from my
planet, long before it was destroyed. It was an ancient’s relic.” She brought
it to him and set it in his hands. Her fingers lovingly caressed the jewel. “I
thought it might be appropriate to gift in honor of the Valorian prince.” Her
gaze flicked up to his. Accusatory. Hurt.

Azros’ throat closed. “Let me explain.”

Kendra shook her head. “No need. You had your reasons. I had
mine. When this is all over you owe me a full explanation.” She arched an
eyebrow. “Or else.”

He opened his mouth to reply when a knock sounded.

“That’s our cue.” She stepped away and twirled. “How do I

“Incredible.” He slipped the necklace over his head,
dropping the pendant through the collar so it could touch his skin. It pulsed
against his chest. His hand tightened around the pendant. It grew warm and

He tucked her hand in the crook of his arm and smiled. “I
promise I’ll tell you everything.”

She blinked up at him. “Clean slate?”

“Promise.” He looked down at her. Her smile was hesitant.
“How do I look?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

Mischief erased the despair he’d seen. “Like a wild sex toy
on a leash.”

Azros raised an eyebrow. “A sex toy?” He tapped the door and
the viewing screen showed Mase. The door slid open.

Kendra laughed. “A
sex toy.”

Mase’s eyes widened and he turned violet. Kendra and Azros
both laughed. Their laughs were tense, but at least they were there. He did an
abrupt turnaround and marched ahead of them. Kendra couldn’t quite contain the
giggles. They were nervous giggles, but at least some of the wire-tight tension
had eased.

Security was everywhere, as Reeva had recalled every member
for this event. He was to act like a servant, a slave to Kendra. An illusion
that Skreeta needed to believe. She needed to think he was within reach.
Palpable hatred for the woman flowed through his body. They had planned for
everything, yet he sensed the jaws of a trap closing on them. There was still
time to get Kendra away from this.

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