Princess without a Palace: A King Thrushbeard Fairy Tale (29 page)

BOOK: Princess without a Palace: A King Thrushbeard Fairy Tale
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Princess without a Palace: A King Thrushbeard Fairy Tale

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Kristen Niedfeldt




First and foremost I have to thank my
husband, Peter, for his support. I could not have done this without his help
and encouragement. Thank you for being willing to be an engineer by day and a
fairy tale consultant by night. All of my stories turn out so much better
because of your help!

I must also thank my parents and sisters
for being willing to read this book just a chapter at a time and for all of the
feedback and encouragement they offered along the way. I know reading a book in
small increments over a year is not the most ideal way to read, but I’m very
grateful you were all willing to do it!

I’m also grateful to my friends, Susie,
Laura, and Jayna who agreed to read early drafts and for the great feedback
they supplied.

Furthermore, I’m very thankful for my
friend Kiersten and the great editorial feedback she supplied. I feel so blessed
to know such a talented editor.

Lastly, I am very grateful to all of the
readers who have enjoyed my books! You make all of the work it takes to make a
story come to life worth it!

With love, Kristen Niedfeldt


About the Author


Kristen Niedfeldt is the author
Ending the Rain
Finding Ever After
, and
Princess without a

studying elementary education at Brigham Young University, she taught third
grade for two years before she "retired" (as her students called it)
to stay home with her little baby boys!

she's not writing, she loves to play outside with her three sons, cook, and
spend time living out her own "happily ever after" with her best
friend and husband, Peter

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