Pro Oracle Database 11g Administration (110 page)

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Authors: Darl Kuhn

Tags: #Oracle DBA

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463, 465–466, 480

partitioning, 251–252

LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT parameter, 422, 425,


SecureFile LOB column, 250–251


in specific tablespace, 249–250

parameter, 423

indexes for, 244–246

LOGFILE parameter, 342–343, 353

loading BLOB, 265


loading CLOB, 263–264

parameter, 357

locators for, 244–246

LOGGING clause, 77

metadata for, 262–263

LOGGING column, DBA/ALL_LOBS view, 262

moving column, 253

logging history, for Oracle Scheduler jobs, 572

removing column, 253–254

logging on, as different user, 120–122

SecureFile features, 256–262

logging output, from RMAN backups, 501–503

compressing, 256–257

capturing with script command, 502–503

deduplicating, 257–258

capturing with tee, 502

encrypting, 258–260

to file, 501–502

migrating BasicFiles to, 260–262

SPOOL LOG command, 503

prerequisites for, 246–247

viewing most recent RMAN output, 503

space consumed by, 265–268

logical structure, vs. physical structure of

for BasicFile, 266–267

database, 218–220

for SecureFile, 267–268


and storage of in row, 255–256


types of, 244

login.sql file, 54

LOB...STORE AS clause, 249

login.sql script, 66, 220

LOCAL clause, 300

logon/logoff events, troubleshooting auditing,

Local partitioned index type, 173


LOCAL type, 300

LONG column, 383

LOCATION clause, 348

LONG data type, 199, 244, 274, 280

LOCATIONS table, 179

LONG RAW data type, 244

locators, for LOBs, 244–246

LONG variable, 140, 199, 209, 280, 383–384

lock_chk.bsh script, 591

ls command, 60, 562, 599

locking, troubleshooting, 616–618

lsbackup command, 561

locks, obtaining before modifying table, 147

lsbw command, 560–561

lock.sql script, 67

lsclass command, 552

log files

lsds command, 559

Data Pump, 338

lsjob command, 564–565, 568

suppressing, 333

lsmf command, 555

truncating, 588–589

lsnrctl utility, 38

.log files, oraInventory/logs directory, 12

lspiece command, 558

--log option, 565

lssched command, 561

LOG parameter, 342–343

lsssel command, 556

log sequenced-based recovery, 532

lsuser command, 553–554



lsvol command, 563, 567

mkdev command, 567

-m option, 565

mkdir command, 32, 68, 542

mkds command, 559

■ M

mkmf command, 554–555

MAILTO variable, 581

MKSCHED command, 562

MAKE procedure, DBMS_REFRESH package,

mkssel command, 556


mkuser command, 553–554

man tar command, 14

MLOG$ table, 391, 393–394

man top command, 608

mntlist variable, 65



to exp utility, 341–342

Oracle Scheduler jobs, 572

to imp utility, 343–344

tables, 146–150

materialized views.

adding columns, 147

MAX function, 274

altering columns, 148–149

Maximum Protection Mode, 100

dropping columns, 149–150

MAXOPENFILES parameter, 478

obtaining lock, 147

MAXPIECESIZE parameter, 478

renaming columns, 149

MAXSETSIZE parameter, 477

renaming tables, 147

MAXVALUE clause, 272–273

users, 122

MAXVALUE option, 205

monitoring jobs, 338–340

MAXVALUE parameter, 274

data-dictionary views, 338–339

MAXVALUE partition, 272–273, 275

Data Pump log file, 338

MB_FREE (FREE_SPACE) column, 624

database alert log, 339

media manager, 470–471

interactive command-mode status, 340

media recovery, testing, 517–518

operating-system utilities, 340

MEMBER column, V$LOGFILE view, 98

status table, 339

memory_max_target parameter, 31

MOS (My Oracle Support), 10

memory_target parameter, 31

mount mode, 442

merging partitions, 296–297

restoring tablespaces while in, 520

MESSAGE_TEXT LIKE command, 602

starting up database in, 538


starting up databases in, 418

external-table, 349

MOUNT parameter, 43

for LOBs, 262–263


for partitions, 287–288

control files, 96–97

for sequences, 208–209

for LOBs, 253

for synonyms, 202–203

partitions, 288–289

tablespace, 322

redo log files, 107

METADATA_ONLY option, 331, 333, 337

tables, 158–159

MHURD user, 130

mpstat utility, 603

MINEXTENTS parameter, 154

M_ROW$$ column, 375

MINUS operator, 238–239

--msgno option, 565

MINVALUE option, 205

MTS tablespace, 158


mv command, 86, 89, 97, 108

parameter, 353

mvcount_dyn.sql script, 394



mvdata01.dbf file, 521

performing, 399

MVs (materialized views), 361–411

refresh intervals, 398–399

altering parallelism, 389

specifying tablespace for, 374

building on prebuilt tables, 377–378

terminology of, 363–364

compressing, 376

toggling redo logging on, 388–389

creating, 365–374

unpopulated, creating, 378

complete-refreshable MV, 365–369

view logs, 390–395

fast-refreshable MV, 369–374

checking row count of, 393–394

creating for query-rewrite, 380

creating, 391–392

creating indexes on, 374–375

indexing log columns, 392

creating remote refreshes, 403–407

materialized, dropping, 395

architectures of, 404–405

materialized, moving, 394

determining references to log, 406–407

shrinking space in, 393

viewing base-table information, 405–406

viewing space used by, 392–393

dropping, 384–385

viewing DDL, 383–384

encrypting columns, 376

mv.sql file, 88–89

fast-refreshable, 381–383

My Oracle Support (MOS), 10

groups, 408–411

mycron.txt file, 580

altering, 409

mydb.rsp file, 46

creating, 408

-n option, 607



■ N

determining, 410

\n variable, bash shell, 53

refresh, adding to, 410

NAME column, V$DATAFILE view, 521

refresh, dropping, 411

NAME_CLAUSE option, EXCLUDE parameter,

refresh, removing from, 411


refreshing, 409

names, datafile, 322

modifying base-table DDL and propagating

naming standards, for indexes, 185

to, 385–388

national character large object (NCLOB),

monitoring refreshes, 400–403


determining progress of, 401

NCLOB (national character large object),

monitoring real-time refresh progress,



NDMP (Network data management protocol),

within time periods, 402–403


viewing last refresh times, 400–401

nested table type, 134

moving MV, 389–390

net start observiced command, 568

never-refreshable, 379–380

net stop observiced command, 568

partitioning, 375

netstat utility, 603

referencing useful views, 364–365

Network data management protocol (NDMP),

refreshed on commit, 378–379


refreshing, 395–400

network files directory, for OFA, 4

automating refreshes using shell script

NETWORK_LINK parameter, 320, 329, 333

and scheduling utilities, 397–398

NEVER REFRESH clause, 379

manually, from SQL*Plus, 396

newname.sql script, 539

ORA-12034 error, 399–400

method, 290



NEXT clause, 379, 398–399

NOVALIDATE clause, 169

NEXT parameter, 398

NUMBER data type, partitioning tables by

NEXTVAL pseudo-column, 206

range using, 273–275

NI column, 607

NUMBER field, 275

NID utility, 543

NUM_ROWS column, 226

nline-redo logs, 433

NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter, 221

■ O

NLS_DATE_FORMAT, setting, 488

O command, 606

NLS_DATE_FORMAT variable, 481, 487, 532

-o command, 59

no rows selected message, 179

O constraint code, 230

noarchivelog-mode databases, 414–420

-o option, 565, 567

copies of files, 416

OB_DEVICE parameter, 557

determine locations and names of files, 415

OB_ENCRYPTION parameter, 557

with online-redo logs, 416–417

object dependencies, displaying, 236–238

restarting databases, 416

object privileges, for users, 129

scripting, 418–420

object table type, 134

shutting down instances, 416

OBJECT_CONSISTENT parameter, 342

space required, 415

OBJECT_PATH column, 325

without online-redo logs, 417–418


NOAUDIT statement, 628, 631

excluding from export files, 325–326

NOBADFILE parameter, 353

excluding from imports, 328

NOCACHE option, 205

including in export files, 327

NOCACHE setting, 254

including in imports, 328

NOCOMPRESS clause, 257

OB_MEDIA_FAMILY parameter, 555, 557

NOCYCLE option, 205

OB_MEDIA_FAMILY variable, 556

NODISCARDFILE parameter, 353

OB_RESOURCE_WAIT_TIME parameter, 557

NOLOGFILE parameter, 333, 353, 357

OB_RESTORE_DEVICE parameter, 557

NOLOGGING clause, 76–77, 144, 146, 183, 278

obtar command, 562–563, 566

NOLOGGING feature, 144

obtar restore, file system restore with OSB, 563

NOLOGGING mode, 145, 388

obtool utility, 547–548, 551–552, 558–559,

NOLOGGING operation, 505

562–564, 566

NOLOGGING option, 145, 290, 388

OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager), 564

NOMAXVALUE option, 205

OFA (Optimal Flexible Architecture), 1–4

NOMINVALUE option, 205

base directory, 3

NOMOUNT mode, 527, 535, 537

and diagnostic repository, 4

NOMOUNT parameter, 43

home directory, 3–4

NOMOUNT state, 526

inventory directory, 3

NONE setting, AUDIT_TRAIL parameter, 627

network files directory, 4

NOORDER option, 205

offline files, RMAN backups of, 494–495

NORESETLOGS clause, 88


NORMAL clause, 414, 416, 429

oinstall group, 5

NORMAL parameter, 44

method, 290

NO_SPACE_CNT column, 620

OLTP (online transaction processing), 31, 143,

NOT NULL constraint, 138, 166–167

173, 218, 270, 378



OMF (Oracle Managed File), 80

ORA-01578 error, 77

ON COMMIT clause, 378–379, 399

ORA-01623 error, 106

ON COMMIT table, 379

ORA-01652 error, 624

on-demand backups, file system backup with

ORA-02449: unique/primary keys in table

OSB, 561

referenced by foreign keys error, 78

ON DEMAND clause, 379

ORA-12034 error, 399–400

on demand, partitioning of tables, 282–284

ORA-19511 error, 553

ON keyword, 393

ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status error,

ON PREBUILT TABLE clause, 384–387


online and offline

ORA-30036 error, 620, 622

toggling of datafiles, 83–85

ORA-43853: SECUREFILE lobs can't be used in

toggling of tablespaces, 83–85

non-ASSM tablespace error, 250

online-redo logs, 416–418

/ora01/app/oracle directory, 3, 598

copying files back from backups, 417

/ora01/archtemp directory, 526

maximum sequence number of, 431

/ora01/backups directory, 599

opening database with OPEN RESETLOGS

/ora01/dbfile/O11R2 directory, 32, 416–417

clause, 418

/ora01/orainst directory, 7

setting new location for, 541–542

ORA_01555_CNT column, 620

shutting down instances, 416–417

/ora02/dbfile/O11DEV directory, 537

starting up databases, 417

/ora02/dbfile/O11R2 directory, 32

starting up databases in mount mode, 418

/ora02/fra directory, 424

online transaction processing (OLTP), 31, 143,

/ora02/oraarch/O11DEV directory, 537

173, 218, 270, 378

/ora02/oraarch/O11R2 directory, 422

opatch utility, 18

/ora02/rman/O11DEV directory, 538

open cursor, troubleshooting, 618–619

oracle account, 6

OPEN parameter, 43

Oracle Advanced Compression option, 143, 257

OPEN READ ONLY parameter, 43

Oracle Advanced Security Option, 258

OPEN RECOVER parameter, 43

/oracle/app/oracle directory, 537

OPEN RESETLOGS clause, 98, 417–418

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