Pro Oracle Database 11g Administration (109 page)

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Authors: Darl Kuhn

Tags: #Oracle DBA

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FREEPOOLS column, DBA/ALL_LOBS view, 262

excluding objects from imports, 328

FREE_SPACE (MB_FREE) column, 624

excluding statistics, 327

F_REGS table, 275, 291

exporting percentage of data, 325

FROM clause, 181, 195

exporting table, index, constraint, and

FROM SEQUENCE clause, 525

trigger DDL, 327–328

FROM_LOCATION variable, 12

including objects in imports, 328

FROMUSER parameter, 343

including only specific objects in export

FS1 parameter, 157

files, 327

FS2 parameter, 157

specifying Query, 324–325

FS3 parameter, 157

find command, 45, 598–599

FS4 parameter, 157

fine-grained auditing, 633–635

F_SALES table, 169, 276, 297–300

fine-grained auditing (FGA), 633

F_SALES_IDX2 index, 302


F_SHIPMENTS table, 181

V$ARCHIVED_LOG view, 533

full backup, vs. incremental level=0, 490

V$LOG view, 533

FULL mode, 326

V$LOG_HISTORY view, 533

FULL parameter, 322

FIRST_NAME column, 182

function-based indexes, 177–178

FIXED parameter, 353

Function index type, 173

FLASHBACK statement, 453

function, shortcuts for commands using, 56–57

FLASHBACK TABLE statement, 152–153, 451




statement, 152, 451–452

-g option, 5

FLASHBACK_SCN parameter, 329–330, 335, 342

FLASHBACK_TIME parameter, 329–330, 342

flashing back databases, 454


flashing back tables, 451–454

GET_DDL function, 150, 188, 199, 203



GET_DDL procedure, 151

high-water mark, 154–159

GLOBAL keyword, 303

moving table, 158–159

Global partitioned index type, 173

shrinking table, 157

--go option, 561

testing for space below

GO option, 561

overview, 155–156

GRANT ALL statement, 129

using DBMS_SPACE, 156–159

GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE privilege, 128

HIGH_VALUE column, 275, 280, 283

GRANT statement, 128, 224, 235, 311

history command, 58

GRANT SYSDBA statement, 40


GRANTS parameter, 342–343

key, 12

grep command, 94

HOME/.bashrc file, 56

groupadd command, 5

HOME/.bashrc script, 582

groupdel command, 6

HOME/bin directory, 60–62, 64–65, 68–69

grouping of privileges, for users, 130

HOME/bin/log directory, 68

GROUPING_APP user, 129

HOME directory, 3

groupmod command, 6

/home directory, 14


HOME directory, 52, 56, 68

creating system, before installation, 5–6

home directory, for OFA, 3–4

MVs, 408–411

/home/oracle directory, 3, 14, 559

altering, 409

/home/oracle/oraInventory directory, 3

creating, 408

/home/oracle/scripts directory, 66, 263


/home/oracle/scripts/ file,



determining, 410

/home/oracle/temp directory, 559

refresh, 410–411

HOME/scripts directory, 54, 66–69

guidelines, for indexes, 173–175

HOME variable, 6

gunzip utility, 358

HOMEPATH varaible, 602

GV$ view, 213, 215–216

--host option, 564

gzip utility, 358, 428

HOST parameter, 221

hot backups, 430–433

■ H

altering databaseinto backup mode, 432

H command, 606

altering databaseout of backup mode, 432

H constraint code, 230

backing up any archive-redo logs generated

during backup, 433

-h option, 564

backing up control file, 433

\h variable, bash shell, 53

copying datafiles with OS utilities, 432

Hash cluster index type, 173

determining where to copy backup files, 431

hash partition type, 272

determining which files need to be backed

hash, partitioning tables by, 280

up, 431

hbdir varaible, 434–435

ensuring that database is in archivelog

HEADER clause, 517

mode, 431

heap-organized tables, creating, 135–138

maximum sequence number of online-redo

HEERA tablespace, 323

logs, 433

heera user, 40, 115, 118, 331

note maximum sequence number of

HELP command, 313–314

online-redo logs, 431



scripting, 434–436

performing time-based recovery, 532

hotback.sql script, 434

restoring to restore point, 533–534

h.par file, 328

INCREMENT BY setting, 205, 210

-i option, 564, 567

incremental backups, 475, 496–499

incrementally updating backups, 498–499

■ I

overview, 497

id column, 605

using block change tracking, 499

id command, 6, 41, 552

incremental level=0, vs. full backup, 490

IDENTIFIED BY clause, 122

incrementally updated backups, 475

IDLE_TIME setting, 127

IND$ table, 214

IGNORE parameter, 343

index-organized table (IOTs), 161

ignore=y option, 331

indexes, 171–192, 227–229

image copies

creating, 175–185, 374–375

vs. backup sets, RMAN backups, 490–491

avoiding redo generation for, 183

overview, 474–475

B-tree indexes, 175–176

IMMEDIATE clause, 414, 416, 429, 465

bitmap indexes, 179–180

IMMEDIATE option, 315

bitmap join indexes, 180–181

IMMEDIATE parameter, 43–44

concatenated indexes, 176–177

IMP method, 290–291

function-based indexes, 177–178

imp utility, mapping to, 343–344

invisible indexes, 183–185

impdp command, 312

key-compressed indexes, 182

IMPDP method, 291, 293

naming standards for, 185

impdp process, 317

parallelizing index creation, 183

impdp utility, 308, 313

reverse-key indexes, 181


unique indexes, 178–179

data, 311–312

displaying for table, 227–228

tablespaces and datafiles, 321–323

foreign-key columns not indexed, 228–229

changing segment and storage

guidelines for, 173–175

attributes, 322–323

for LOBs, 244–246

changing size of datafiles, 323

maintaining, 187–192

exporting tablespace metadata, 322

displaying code to re-create, 188

specifying different datafile paths and

dropping, 191

names, 322

making unusable, 190

import.log file, 338

monitoring usage of, 190–191

imp.par file, 316

rebuilding, 188–189

in column, 605

renaming, 188

INCLUDE parameter, 324–325, 327–328

partitioning of, 300–304

INCLUDE=INDEXES parameter, 342

differently than tables, 303–304

INCLUDING clause, 161

like tables, 300–302

incomplete recovery, 529–534

specifying tablespaces for, 186–187

determining type of, 531

types of, 172–173

performing change/SCN-based recovery,

when to create, 171–172


INDEXES parameter, 342–343

performing log sequenced-based recovery,

INDEXFILE command, 318




INDEXFILE parameter, 318, 343

using response files, 8–11

indexing log columns, 392

Oracle Database 10g scenario, 8–10


Oracle Database 11g scenario, 10–11


INSTANCE_NAME parameter, 221

INDEX_TYPE column, 161

instances, shutting down, 416–417

initialization file, configuring, 30–31

INSTEAD OF clause, for views, 197–198

init.ora file

INST_ID column, 216

adding control files when using, 95–96

inst.loc file,

creating, 536–537


init.ora file, 29–30

\Oracle key, 12

--inputrequest option, 564

inst.rsp file, 9–10

IN_ROW column

interactive command mode, 313–316

DBA/ALL_LOBS view, 263

attaching to running jobs, 314–315

USER_LOBS view, 255

entering, 313–314


status, 340

SELECT * FROM method, 290

stopping and restarting jobs, 315

INSERT AS SELECT statement, 350

terminating jobs, 316

INSERT privilege, 129, 194

interfaces, terminology of OSB, 547

insert statement, 72, 141, 194, 206, 286, 351, 399

INTERVAL calculation, 409

insertvol command, 567

INTERVAL clause, 282

installing, 4–12

interval partition type, 272

applying patches, 17–18


checking operating system configuration,

clause, 283


INV synonym, 201

with copy of existing installation, 12–15

INV table, 155, 157, 201, 325, 354–355, 387, 395,

attaching Oracle home, 14–15

617, 633

copying binaries, 13–14

INV user, 333

creating group and user, 5–6

INV view, 200

downloading, 7

INV1 tablespace, 80

OSB, 549–551

inv2.par file, 325

reinstalling, 16–17

INV_CLOB tablespace, 253

remotely with graphical installer, 18–23

inv.dmp file, 335, 355

copying installation media to remote

INV_DW table, 355

server, 20

INV_DW user, 333

ensuring DISPLAY variable is set, 21–22

INVEN table, 331

executing runInstaller utility, 22

inventory directory, for OFA, 3

installing required software on local PC,

INVENTORY table, 129, 151


inventory.xml file, 12, 14–15, 17

logging in to remote computer, 21

INV_ET table, 355

running xhost command, 21

INV_ID column, 206, 325

starting X session, 19–20

INV_IDX1 index, 181

troubleshooting, 22

INV_IDX_MED tablespace, 187

troubleshooting, 11–12

INV_IDX_SMALL tablespace, 187

unzipping files, 7–8

INV_IMAGE column, 253

upgrading, 15–16

INVISIBLE clause, 184



invisible indexes, creating, 183–185

key-compressed indexes, 182

from existing index, 184

kill command, 44, 618

for third-party applications, 184–185

KILL_JOB command, 308, 313–314, 316

INV_LOC column, 386, 388

-L option, 565, 567

INV_MGMT schema, 201

INV_MGMT user, 111, 115, 201

■ L

INV_MGMT_APP user, 129

\l variable, bash shell, 53

INV_MGMT.EMP table, 628

large files, RMAN backups of, 495

INV_MGMT.INV table, 201

large objects.

INV_MV table, 377, 385

last refresh times, 400–401

INV_OLD view, 200

LAST_DDL_TIME column, 224

inv.par file, 324

LAST_NAME column, CUSTOMERS table, 182,

INVPRDRMAN.log file, 482


INV_SEQ sequence, 205

LAST_REFRESH_DATE column, 400–401, 406,

INV_UIDX1 constraint, 178


iostat utility, 603

LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, 30

IOTs (index-organized table), 161

LEFT OUTER JOIN clause, 229

IP_ADDRESS parameter, 221

legacy mode, 341–344

ISDATE function, 149

mapping to exp utility, 341–342

ISDBA parameter, 221

mapping to imp utility, 343–344

ISNUM function, 148

LELLISON user, 130

-j option, 565

--level option, 565

LEVEL pseudo-column, 166

■ J

LIST BACKUP command, 504, 525, 538, 557

\j variable, bash shell, 53


JOB_CLASS parameter, 571

LIST command, 504, 514


LIST FAILURE command, 512, 514

export, estimating size of, 317

list partition type, 272

monitoring, 338–340

list, partitioning tables by, 279–280

data-dictionary views, 338–339


Data Pump log file, 338

configuring and implementing, 37–39

database alert log, 339

starting and stopping, 583–586

interactive command-mode status, 340

listener.log file, 588–589, 599–600

operating-system utilities, 340

listener.ora file, 4, 37–38

status table, 339

listing failures, 512–513

running, 314–315


stopping and restarting, 315

BLOB, 265

terminating, 316

CLOB, 263–264

JOB_TYPE parameter, 571

loadvol command, 563

JR_DBA role, 130

LOB column, 253

-k option, 566

LOB_DATA tablespace, 253

LOBs (large objects), 243–268

■ K

adding column, 253

BasicFile, 246




caching, 254

LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter, 426, 525,

chunks for, 244–246

537, 588

creating columns of, 248–252

LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_N parameter, 422–425,

BasicFile LOB column, 248–249

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