Promise Made (The Callahan Series) (17 page)

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Authors: Mitzi Pool Bridges

Tags: #Contemporary, #small town

BOOK: Promise Made (The Callahan Series)
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He hadn’t realized how deeply he’d missed her.

Lazily he played with first one nipple, then another. She sighed in what sounded like sheer satisfaction, then wiggled her bottom against him.

He wanted her again.

He never could get enough. There was always more of her to study, more hidden spots to uncover that gave them both pleasure. “Kate,” he murmured.


“Are you all right?”

She turned, ran her hands down his face, took his mouth and kissed him. “Never been better.”



“Me either.” He took his time, kissed her nose, her mouth, her neck. “I’ve missed you, Kate.”

She rose up, looked down at him. “No commitment. Remember?”

“Not a one. But I still missed you.”

She relaxed, put an arm around his shoulder, a leg over his. It was her favorite after-sex position.

But making love with Kate wasn’t just about sex. She touched his heart. Hell, she filled his heart. He held her tight. Wanted her again. And after a second time, he’d want her a third time, then a fourth. There would never be an end to the want.

But Kate just wanted sex.

His hand cupped her.

She smiled and settled herself on top of him, straddled his hips and wrapped herself around him.

He groaned with pleasure. Couldn’t stop himself if he tried. He gripped her waist with his hands as she let loose. Riding him fast. Almost frantic, her dark curls bouncing wildly around her face. There was no smoothing them into sophistication tonight. Tonight was pure Kate, as raw and natural as she came. He wouldn't have her any other way.

He craved the explosion his body was crying out for, but kept himself in check while her nails bit into his skin—her mouth ravaging his as she rode him in fevered haste. He’d never seen her so focused, so intense, or so magnificent. They flew together until his bones turned to rubber and his insides were empty.

She laughed when she tumbled off him. “You always were the best, Dugan.”

Did that mean there were other lovers since their breakup? His stomach clenched. He had no right to ask.

All he could do now was enjoy every second she gave him.

Before the evening turned dark, she gave again and again. As if she couldn’t get enough. But then, neither could he.

They showered together, washed each other’s backs. The sensual swipe of her hand washing his most intimate parts was almost his undoing. “Do you know what you do to me?”

She laughed. But didn’t stop.

Then it was his turn.

He enjoyed every second of payback as his hands, lathered with bath soap, moved from her cheeks, to her neck, over her breasts and hips, tracing every curve in between. When they went lower still, she gasped with pleasure.

Water cascaded over them, adding another measure of sensuality as each pleasured the other until one of them broke. Her eyes glazed with passion, Kate tumbled over the edge first.

It was amazing how much sexual pleasure he could get from just watching her come. Barely a minute later he followed suit.

Despite the cooling water letting them know they'd been there a while, their shower was over way too soon. Dugan didn’t want the evening to end, but knew Grace and Ed would return soon.

He put the remaining condom in his pocket noting that he’d never used so many at one time before.

“I didn’t know it was so late,” Kate said when they walked into the kitchen. “Do you want leftovers?”

“Ed’s or Grace’s?”

“Picky, aren’t we?”

He took her in his arms, gave her another kiss. “Believe it or not, I’m hungry for you.”

“Again?” She slipped out of his arms to open the fridge.

“You’re the kind of woman a man can’t get enough of.” At least he couldn’t. He didn’t want to think of other men in her life.

Though the sex had been better than he remembered, Dugan knew in his heart, there would be no going back.

Kate was dead set against any kind of commitment.

“How about some soup?”

She took out bowls, warmed the soup in the microwave.

“Very good.”

“Gram’s soup is the best.”

“Ed’s in love with her.”

“And she loves him,” Kate agreed. Her brow wrinkled. “Do you think they should get married?”

“If it would make them happy. Do you have an objection?”

“Not really. It’s just that…”

“What? They’re too old?” He grinned. “You’re never too old to love, you know. If it’s there, nothing can take it away.”

When he was ready to leave, it was late evening. Kate chuckled. “The gossips will have a field day now.”

“Do you care?”

“Nope. I feel too good to care.”

Another kiss and he was back at his cruiser, his mind still reeling.

Making love had been incredibly mind-boggling. He didn’t want to think of what they had started. He just wanted to remember.

But really? Sex with no commitment?

Had they started something they couldn’t control?

Or were they just going to have an affair and call it quits when it was over?

Chapter Fifteen

“You seem happier this morning, Katie-Girl. You’re eating better than you have in weeks. Did Doc Pullman help you?”

“Sort of.” Understatement. Torn would be the word to describe how she really felt. Being with Dugan again had been glorious. Everything she’d felt five years ago had renewed itself ten times over. Passion. Desire. Need. How in the world did she ever think she could forget? The urge to see him again, to have him again, was an ache she was afraid would never go away. She’d struggled all night, her heart in turmoil. Was this fair? Not for Dugan. He was a settling down kind of man. One who gave his heart and soul to those he loved. A sex-only relationship wasn’t what he wanted or deserved. And what about her? In the short term it was heaven. She could glory in a haze of wonderful sex and the excitement that went with it.

But over the long term she wanted a family. A home. Children. It wouldn’t be fair to her or to Dugan to pretend otherwise.

Doc Pullman had given her a dose of rationality—would that help her change her thinking?

Maybe. She’d do as he said and work on it. If a dose of rationality counted. But Kate did feel better. Dugan was a good man. She wouldn’t hurt him again. She opened the cabinet, got out the pet food, filled Yogi’s and Heidi’s bowls. Yogi wagged his tail; Heidi walked to her bowl, her head high. “Should have named you Princess.” Kate laughed.

“Your appointment is at ten, isn’t it?” Kate asked, looking at the clock on the wall.

“It is. But if you’re busy, Ed can take me.”

“No. I’ll take you. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

“You’ve spoiled me rotten, Katie-Girl. You and Ed both.”

“Because we love you. Besides, you deserve it.”

Gram sat at the table while Kate poured them each another cup of coffee.

“Will you stay after the trial is over? I know you said you were undecided. But you could stay, you know. Your law practice is growing.” Gram took Kate’s hand. “I wish you would. The firm you work for in Austin can do without you. We can’t.”

Tears pricked the corners of Kate’s eyes. She blinked them back. She hadn’t told Gram she didn’t have a job to go back to.

“I plan to stay close, Gram. I want to be near if you need me.”

A smile lit Gram’s face. “Wonderful! Wait until I tell Ed.”

Kate grabbed Gram’s arm. “I haven’t made up my mind completely just yet. I’m playing it by ear, so to speak.” Everything depended on what happened between her and Dugan.

They could be lovers. For a while. But each wanted more, so it wouldn’t last. Could they be friends without benefits?

She didn’t know.

Gram sat back, huffed up the way she did sometimes when she didn’t get her way. “You’ve already started your practice. It seems to be doing well. There’s no reason to move.”

Kate shut her eyes, wished she could do what Gram wanted. Stay here, practice law, find a good man to marry, have babies.

Dugan’s image swam before her. His face close to hers as they kissed, his eyes gleaming a green so dark they made her shiver. Her legs wrapped around his.


“Are you running from Dugan, Katie-Girl?”

Kate shook her head.

“The two of you love one another. It sticks out on both of you. Dugan can’t keep his eyes off you. It’s as if he wants to devour you. You’re just as bad.”

“You have it wrong. We never settled what I did to him years ago. We didn’t have closure. We’re working on it now.” If mind-boggling, heart-stopping sex was working on it.

“Maybe you don’t need closure. Maybe you need to revisit how you felt then and how you feel now.”

“I’ve beaten this to death in my head, Gram. Forget about me. Let’s get dressed and get that cast off.”


Kate’s car rolled down Main Street, Grace in the passenger seat, which meant they were headed for Doc Pullman’s. Today was the day Grace would get her cast off. After the trial, Kate would most likely go back to Austin.

Dugan’s stomach clenched. He wanted her to stay. Every time he saw her, he wanted her more. It didn’t bode well that she’d left him five years ago as fast as she could. And without any notice. Despite what happened then, he still wanted her here.

Less than an hour later, Kate’s car made the return trip.

Piper, sensing his master’s unrest, kept closer than ever.

When Sybil buzzed him, he grabbed the phone, hoping it was a job that would take his mind off Kate. “Jan Hooper’s daughter is on the line. She’s worried about her mom.”

“Put her through.”

“I don’t know if you remember me. This is Honey Parker, Jan Hooper’s daughter. She was supposed to meet me at eleven in San Antonio. She’s never late. In fact she has a phobia about it. I can’t get her to answer her phone or her cell phone, and I’m too far away to check on her.”

The tears in her voice were unmistakable. Though Jan was only sixty, she had health issues. It was possible she was ill and couldn’t get to the phone. “Have you tried a neighbor?”

“No one is home. Please, Sheriff. Can you check on her? This isn’t like her at all.”

By now, hysteria had climbed into her voice.

“Give me your cell number. I’ll get back with you.”

She breathed a loud sigh of relief. “Thanks, Sheriff. I’m really worried.”

Jan was probably late and on her way now to meet her daughter, but just in case he’d have one of his deputies check it out. But both deputies were on calls.

Grabbing his Stetson, he headed to his cruiser.

Jan’s place was several miles out of town. When he drove up, her car was in the drive. Maybe she was hurt, or too sick to answer the phone.

He took out his cell and dialed her number. Let it ring. No answer.

Then he called Jonathan. “Where are you?”

“Just finished a fender bender on the highway.”

“I’m at the Hooper place. Head this way. We may have trouble.”

Dugan stepped up to the door, knocked. Nothing.

He looked through every window, but couldn’t see a thing.

She had to be here. But he didn’t want to break in without permission so he called Honey’s cell and asked. “Oh my God! Mom’s had a stroke. Or worse,” she screamed. “Get in there and help her. I’m on my way.”

Dugan hoped she was wrong. Hoped this was a false alarm of some kind and Jan had hitched a ride with a neighbor.

He called Jan’s number again. The phone’s peal was loud enough to hear outside. She didn’t pick up. He let it ring.

Taking a deep breath, he shoved the door open with his shoulder and stepped inside. Jonathan roared up with lights flashing and a loud siren. If she was in the house and didn’t hear the racket, she was in deep trouble.

But nothing stirred in the house. The phone was loud enough to wake the dead.

Feeling like a peeping Tom, Dugan looked through every room. All neat and orderly. Nothing out of the ordinary.

A bedroom door was closed. He opened it carefully.

By now, Jonathan was right behind him with his gun out, as if he expected someone to jump him.

“Put the gun away,” Dugan whispered.

Jonathan slid it back into his holster.

Closed drapes made the room dim. But it looked as if someone was in the bed. “Jan?”

No answer.

The phone’s incessant ring made his nerves stretch even tighter so he cut it off.

“Jan? Are you all right?”

Still no answer.

He walked over to the bed. Jan laid there, her face pale and still.

Damn. Dugan let out a quick breath. Honey was right. Her mom had died in her sleep.

He exchanged glances with Jonathan. From the look on Jonathan’s face, he thought the same.

Just to be sure, Dugan leaned over to check for a pulse.

Jan sat up.

Dugan let out a yelp, stepped back and hit the wall with a thump.

Jan screamed.

Jonathan pulled his gun.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Jan yelled as she grabbed a sheet and pulled it up to her neck.

Dugan wasn’t sure he could say a single word right this minute. His heart had jumped into his throat and lodged there.

“Your daughter called. She was worried about you,” he finally managed to say.

“What time is it?”

“After one.”

“She’s going to kill me.”

“Sorry we bothered you, Jan. But Honey insisted.”

She waved them away. “Shut the door on your way out.”

“Uhh. About the door, it’s kind of busted.”

“Then get it fixed.” She gave them another dismissive wave. They got out of there as fast as they could.

Once outside, Dugan sat on the top step, attempted to slow his pounding heart. “Jeez! I could have sworn she was dead.”

Jonathan looked at his boss. “You look kinda pale, Sheriff.” He started to laugh. “You should’ve seen your face when she sat up.” He laughed again. “Did you think you saw a ghost?”

“What are you laughing at? You had your gun out, waving it around like a madman. What was that about?” Dugan got to his feet. “Stay. Explain everything to Honey when she gets here. Who knows, Jan may need medical attention. And take care of the door.”

“I think I’ll keep quiet about this,” Jonathan said when he sobered up.

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