Protect and Correct (17 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

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Frank methodically explained how he had decided to best punish people who had left him alone in the world. They would never be missed, just like his family, and there was little left to identify them by appearance. It was no big deal, since no one cared that they were gone from this world anyway. Brooke, he commented, was the exception. She would have to understand that he was obligated to finish what he had started, which was why he did not wait another month to take her. He apologized profusely for not having access to a metal drum to lock her in this time around, and he also expressed his knowledge of how she would miss being sedated and listening to him bang on the drum to keep her awake.

Brooke’s hands were free, and she felt around for an object she could use to save herself. Her hand clasped around the air horn, while the other grabbed the small ‘steering’ oar that rested along the inside edge of the craft. Frank paused his boasting to look around for oncoming vessels, and Brooke seized her chance.

She pressed the air horn directly in his face, causing him to scream out as he grabbed his ears. Brooke grasped the oar and swung as hard as she could, cracking it against his head. He slumped unconsciously to the deck, his cracked skull pulsing with a trickle of blood. With shaking hands, Brooke used the gauze from the emergency kit to tightly bind his hands and feet and then soaked the cotton with salt water to add to the strength. Numbly, she lifted the flair gun to the air and released the three pellets.

She fainted in a lifeless heap as she heard the sirens of the harbor patrol approaching. Her nightmare was over.

But so was her hope. Collin was gone.

Chapter Eleven



Brooke stared blankly out the window of the patrol car. It had been three days since Frank had attacked her. Three days since… since Collin left her life. Rolland and Francine had been allowed to contact her the day she had been taken for evaluation at the hospital, and they had urged her to stay in Stockton Springs now that she was free. They assured her she had a home there and that they would care for her. But what was a home without Collin?

“Congratulations, Mrs. Doyle, you left your attacker both deaf and blind on one side. Remind me not to cross you if you have an oar in your hand,” the police officer said following her questioning and brief hospitalization. Frank was wheelchair bound with severe brain injuries, and his trial was set one month away.

Denise had arrived at the hospital, fussing over the woman and ensuring that her mental health was stabilized. Her testimony had been recorded, freeing her from having to appear and face her attacker a second time. She had Denise to thank for that, for the physician insisted that the trauma of being in the same room with him again would be devastating. But she was grief-stricken, stunned by the fact that Denise did not even mention Collin or her feelings about his death. How could this woman who had known him for so long now pretend that the man had never existed? Brooke bit back tears. Indeed, it was easier not to love. There was no pain that way.

The patrol car pulled into the driveway where Francine was waiting. The older woman embraced Brooke, holding her so tightly that Brooke was unable to breath.

“Oh, honey, are you alright? They wouldn’t let us talk with you, and—”

“Francine, I need some time alone. I appreciate—”

“Let’s get you settled in,” Francine announced. “Dinner is all ready for you. That chicken and stuffing recipe you like.”

“That was Collin’s recipe. I can’t eat it without thinking of him. And thinking of him hurts too much.”

“I thought you liked that recipe.” Francine looked confused. “You have to eat, honey. Come inside.”

“I really appreciate your intent, but I’m sick to my stomach,” Brooke said, following her inside.

“Why? Because I still owe you a spanking for the furniture fiasco? Plus one for sneaking out after I specifically forbade it. Do you have anything to say for yourself, kiddo?”

Brooke froze mid-step to stare at the tall man with his left arm bound in a sling. She cried out, flinging herself into his arms and covering him with kisses and happy tears.

“You’re alive! I thought he killed you! You went down, and—”

“Shhh, I’m fine. He caught me in the shoulder, just missing my artery. It’s gonna take a while to get this wing flying again, but that’s won’t make a difference since I am right-handed.”

“I don’t get it.”

“I don’t need my left hand to spank you, silly girl. And that is exactly what I intend to do once our guests leave.”

“Aw, Collin,” she kissed him. “Do you have to?”



The End

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