Protect Me (11 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Culbreth

BOOK: Protect Me
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“Oh, a woman after my own heart.”

Talk about coming on strong. For some reason she felt a strange sense to push him away. Like he was coming at her too fast, forced, and she had to push him back to keep him at bay. She liked his playfulness and what woman didn’t like to be constantly flattered.  

“Well as much as I would love to continue talking to you I am sure you have plenty of things on your to do list for your first day off. Hopefully I will talk to you again soon though.”

“Yeah I actually have some curtains to hang, that is if I can manage not to fall and break my neck, and I’m sure you will.”

“Do I need to bring my drill over and take care of those curtains for you?”

“Ha, no. I am sure it’s nothing a little duct tape can’t fix.”

“Ok my little country bumpkin, if you insist. I will text you tomorrow with the details for the party on Wednesday. I will have a car pick us up and take us to the Marina.”

“Ok, sounds good to me. I will talk to you tomorrow.”

“Goodbye beautiful.”

“Bye Jeff.” Well at least one guy seemed to be interested in her, but man why did it all seem so confusing. Here she had a guy practically laying himself out at her feet and she was having an internal conflict all of a sudden, like her subconscious was telling her to just cut bait and run. And the one she actually wanted to ask her out pretty much blew her off this afternoon when he had a perfectly good opportunity. This, this right here was one of the reasons why she steered clear of relationships, they messed with your head, even the small ones. Hell, she didn’t even know Jeff that well either but given his demeanor she felt as though in a normal situation she should be loving that kind of attention. She had to stop thinking about it all before her head exploded.

She decided to call Judy. Maybe she would be more awake by now.

“Hello?” Judy sounded like she was still half asleep.

“Hey, are you still sleeping? It’s like five in the afternoon.”

“Hey, don’t judge me! Last night is kinda like a big blur. All I remember is getting to my house and Ashley opened a bottle of wine and then a bottle of tequila. And then there were these random guys in my house and I woke up with a half-eaten ham sandwich in my hand.” She could hear the confusion in Judy’s voice.

“That sounds yummy.” Abbi laughed.

“You don’t understand. I don’t buy ham. I don’t even like ham. Where the hell did it come from and who brings deli meat to a party at six in the morning?”

“Ha! Maybe he thought you were hungry.” She shouldn’t be, but there were still moments when those two girls could amaze her. “Well I just got off the phone with Jeff.”

“Oh yeah?” her interest piqued.

“Yes, and he gave me a proposition.”

“Girl, you don’t need the money that bad. Listen if you need something I can get it for you. Just let me know what it is.” Judy’s voice was filled with concern.

“Judy! What are you talking about? This isn’t Pretty Woman!”

“Oh, ok. You never know with some guys, but just for the record, it isn’t worth it.”

“Point taken. No he actually invited me to a party on Wednesday.”

“Ahh! You’re bailing on our girl’s night for man meat?” She could hear Ashley in the background mumbling her own objections.

“No I’m not bailing. He said that his boss was throwing a party on his yacht and he actually wanted to know if y’all wanted to come too.”

“What! Hell yeah we wanna come. That shouldn’t even be in question!” Judy had suddenly perked up.

“Ok, I will text him back and let him know we are game. He is going to get with me tomorrow about arrangements. He said he was going to have a car pick us up.” Now the excitement was starting to build in Abbi’s voice. She was going on a date and even better Judy and Ashley would be there too. Hell, she had pretty much forgotten about the run in at the grocery store this afternoon.

“Listen country, if at any time a man asks you to go to a yacht party and then proceeds to invite your two best of friends you don’t turn that down ok?”

“Yes ma’am.” Abbi giggled “All right go back to bed now I will see you tomorrow at work.”

“I don’t usually do what I’m told but I am going to listen this time. Goodnight!”

“Night you two.” Again she heard Ashley’s mumbles before the line went dead.

She shot Jeff a text message.

Abbi: You can count us in on Wed.

Immediately it chimed back.

Jeff: I can’t wait to see you again.

She smiled as she grabbed her bottle of water from the counter as she started to gather her ingredients for her first cooked meal in her new apartment. She tipped the bottle in the air as if to toast before she took a drink. “Here’s to trying new things” she just hoped that it would be a night to remember for all the right reasons.


Chapter Seven

Damnit Ryan. His whole purpose in going to the grocery store in her neighborhood on Sunday was to run into her. The only reason he had to run into her was to ask her on a date. But as she stood there in front of him, she had a look of innocence and naivety. As much as he wanted to ask her on a date, it just didn’t feel right. He knew he was no good for her, yes he could offer her the world, but she didn’t seem like the kind of girl who wanted it. Of course he would fall into this strange attraction with someone who wanted more than a fancy handbag. The things she wanted he wasn’t sure he could give. He was haunted by so many demons from his past. It had taken him years to finally accept himself as a decent person. If he couldn’t even love himself how could he love someone else?

The rest of his afternoon had gone by in a blur. He had spent three hours in the gym, blaring music he couldn’t understand the words to, working out as hard as he could. Sweat dripping down his torso, with each wipe of his towel he felt as if he was purging himself of the crazy thoughts. Slowly since then his mind had been coming back to him. He hadn’t given himself a moment to think. As long as he kept going, kept moving, he didn’t think about it, about her. He needed to get over this silly fascination. That’s all it was, just a fascination. After all she was so different than any of the other women he knew from this city, how could you not be attracted to her?

He remembered the look in her eye when he dismissed the conversation. She had a look of disappointment. Maybe that was the route he needed to take, though as he thought about it a pang of guilt shot through his stomach. But if he just kept pushing her away, eventually she would despise him, and then he wouldn’t have to worry about it altogether because she wouldn’t want anything to do with him at that point.

Monday and Tuesday had brought about meetings, on their bid for Tokyo and the current safety issues concerning personal security agents. He had begun to immerse himself into his work again and that was what he needed. Maybe if he could just stay in this routine things would get back to normal. Though deep down inside he knew that was going to be harder than it sounded. Even through his meetings it had taken everything in him to focus on what was being said.

Being raised in the South to a very traditional family, men didn’t get in touch with their soft sides. You didn’t sit around with your buddies and talk about your feelings, you were just expected to deal with things as they came along and you had to make the best of it. Having that imprinted on his brain made it that much harder as an adult to accept certain feelings. He sure as hell didn’t want to be the sissy that fell head over heels for his first crush. But at the same time he knew he only had one opportunity on this one, and if he messed it up it was gone for good. He wasn’t sure he could live with that.

For now he would play it smooth, if it was meant to work it would right? Wasn’t that the famous saying? After focusing all of his energy into his work, by Wednesday however he was thankful that he would have an opportunity to clear his head. Every year Ryan threw a gathering for his employees. He liked to make it a bit extravagant, having the best caterer’s bring more food than was needed, champagne and drinks flowing nonstop, a DJ spinning the hottest music. They always had a good time, and it gave everyone a chance to let loose and just have a little bit of fun.

Maybe this time would turn out to be less confrontational than the last time he decided to go out and clear his head. At least tonight Jace would have plenty of people to taunt other than Ryan. It was becoming afternoon minute by minute, he had intended on being at the party by eight o’ clock, after first making sure that everything was going smoothly with the caterer’s and that all the other arrangements were in order. They had sure come a long way from the small office parties he and Trish used to throw.

He picked up one of the business proposals from this morning’s meetings and began to thumb through the pages. Focus, that’s what he needed, to just focus on work.


Monday and Tuesday had gone by so fast Abbi had almost gotten whiplash. The first two work days hadn’t been as fast paced as the weekend. Still busy enough for her to have made a few hundred bucks each night but slow enough for her to be able to dwell on the looming dark cloud of a date happening on Wednesday. Jeff had stood by his word and promptly at nine a.m. Monday morning he proceeded to send her the rather lengthy information detailing the evening. He would be picking them up at eight p.m. on Wednesday from her apartment, which she reluctantly gave him the address, before whisking them off to the very lavish Marina del Rey. He also included the description of the car, his clothing choice, a request for what beverages she would like to have in the car, and a brief note on what he wanted her to wear,
I’m not going in a damn bikini
. He seriously had everything covered.

It was six and Abbi heard a knock on her door. That would be Judy and Ashley. They had demanded that they come over early to help her get ready. She tried explaining to them that is was going to be a low key event and there was no need for the horse and pony show. However, they didn’t back down. She opened the door to see a decked out Ashley and Judy. Her jaw dropped open, maybe she did need to wear that evening dress.

“Ok, so what part about low key did y'all not understand? You two look like you’re headed to the Oscars.” Abbi let out a long sigh. Judy was wearing a strapless floor length maxi dress made of satin with an overlay of chiffon. The light grey of her dress set off by her teal jewelry, and her black hair softly curled into ringlets. From her wrists, bangles clinked together as she threw her arms around Abbi.

“Girl, you have a lot to learn about this town. No one does anything low key.”

“Exactly, you have to always be dressed to the nines around this place.” Ashley said stepping into the door as well. Her chocolate brown hair had been blown straight and hung down around her cleavage. A white skin tight dress clung to her curves as the pendant on her golden necklace dangled down the front of her dress. Two gold sparkling tennis bracelets on her arm caught the light from Abbi’s kitchen shooting sparkles onto the wall.

“Ugh, I don’t have anything that will even compete with this. Jeff is going to be trying to get you two home before me.”

“Ahh! So you do wanna bone him!” Ashley practically shouted.

“No, I didn’t say that.” Abbi tried to keep from laughing, never had hooking up been such a deciding factor of one’s social status. You didn’t want to know what you called women who did that from her home state.

“Ok, let’s get you upstairs and scrubbed up country girl. Tonight we are gonna make you look like a lady.”

“Gee, you make it sound like I look horrible every other day.”

“No, only when you wear those God awful sweat pants you have on.” Judy said tugging at Abbi’s hand leading her upstairs.

“Ok, I will come in peace, I promise.”

Ashley immediately went to the closet and started flipping through selections; thank goodness she had bought that black one shoulder dress. Judy laid a bag down onto her bed that looked more like it held torture devices than it did cosmetic products. She sat Abbi down onto the small stool that sat in the corner of the room. For the next hour she plucked, waxed, and applied what felt like three pounds of make up to her face. All before slathering three different products into her hair and curling it up into large rollers. They helped Abbi into her dress and Ashley produced the ever so famous black patent peep toed Manolo’s from her bag.

They wouldn’t let her look into the small mirror in the room, stating that the grand reveal would happen after all parts of the make-over was finished.. Abbi felt nervous, what if she didn’t look like herself. But after all wasn’t that the point, she had made this trip so far from everything she knew because she wanted to start over. Try new things and become a new person. No longer would she be the girl from the trailer park, she now wanted to be the epitome of beauty and sexiness. Slowly Judy pulled the rollers from her hair spraying each one with hairspray as she went.

“Holy shit Abbi! Are you sure you don’t want to swing both ways because I would do your brains out right now. You look freaking hot!” Ashley smiled from ear to ear.

“I tell you what. If my date goes bad I might take you up on that offer. It’s been a while.” Abbi laughed.

“Ok girl, I think you are ready. And we have a few minutes to head downstairs and have a drink before we go. Come on you gotta see your new look.” Judy stood an arm’s length away studying every inch of Abbi like an artist making sure their painting was perfect.

The three made their way downstairs, their heels clinking under foot with each step. Abbi made a straight shot towards the bathroom. Standing at the door she closed her eyes and stepped inside in front of the full mirror.

“It’s ok Abbi. You can open your eyes.” Judy stood just in the doorway leaning against the frame.

Slowly Abbi’s eyes opened and made contact with herself in the mirror. Holy hell she did look good, screw that she was smoking hot. She scanned herself from head to toe taking it all in, her hair parted to the side, falling in soft waves around her face. Her eyes scorched, surrounded by black smokey eye shadow with just a small pop of pink, lined by black eye liner and her lashes finished off with mascara. The black dress reaching up one shoulder as the rest hugged to all the right curves. She had borrowed some of Judy and Ashley’s jewelry, silver bangles covered in white gems jingled around her wrist as earrings with the same jewels hung from her ears. She looked, polished.

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