Protect Me (8 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Culbreth

BOOK: Protect Me
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As she walked out into the hallway she glanced quickly to Trent’s office, the man he had been speaking to stepped out of the door. She noticed his Hispanic features as he made eye contact with her, his hand stuffing something down into the inside pocket of his coat . Dark eyes rimmed with a thick set of lashes, a small mustache set above his upper lip, and he had a very tanned complexion. His eyes searched her body from top to bottom before making his way by her towards the door leading downstairs. She stayed planted where she was for a full sixty seconds. If there was one thing she was beginning to learn about LA, it was that there was an endless supply of drama.


Chapter Five

Ever since seeing Abbi at the bakery, Ryan’s head had been fuzzy. After leaving, he had pulled into traffic cutting off a car whose driver gave him a very sincere gesture out of the window. He nearly took out a pedestrian while turning onto his drive towards home. At home he managed to explode a bag of steamable rice in the microwave. He was beginning to wonder if maybe he was coming down with the flu or something.

After the kitchen filled with the smell of burnt food, he called Trish in. She was his housekeeper and cook, but as close to him as family. She was a lovely woman, whose husband had served alongside Ryan in combat. Ryan had made it home, but her husband hadn’t. Ryan promised her husband that no matter what, Trish would always be taken care of. After Ryan had made his way across the country and set up shop, he called Trish to see if she wanted to come out and visit. Her daughter had just started college at UCLA and Ryan thought it would be nice to see them both. He flew Trish out; she was clearly still in a devastated frame of mind. To keep a better eye on her, he offered her a job as his receptionist and with a little nudging she accepted. She had been a huge help, and a large part of the reason the company took off. Her loving demeanor made it easy for everyone to work with her. As the company grew bigger Trish became overwhelmed, so Ryan moved her into the staff quarters in his new home and she took on a more comfortable roll. Not to mention she was one hell of a cook.

Sitting at the desk in his office Ryan tried to focus on his work. He had always been a very business driven man, living his life from deadlines to meetings. But every time he would let his mind wonder for even a few fleeting seconds, it would go back to that pair of beautiful brown eyes. Man, what on earth had come over him? He had never been so focused on a woman before in his life. He tried to shake the feeling, knowing that he had too many demons from his past to bring into someone else’s life.

Even though they’d had little interaction together, Ryan knew that Abbi wouldn’t want to go for a guy who had seen and done the things that he had in his life. He loved the military and was proud to be a veteran, but there were things that he had done overseas that we wasn’t proud of. Things that no one would be proud to say their significant other had done. So why would he bring that kind of baggage into a relationship. No instead, he would just steer clear of her no matter what it took.

He had to stop thinking about her and he knew the only way to getting a girl off your mind was putting another one in your bed. He got up from his chair and made his way down the hall into his room. He pulled off his sneakers and set them next to the door of the closet, as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and sat down on the edge of the bed. He scrolled through his contact list until Jace’s name came up, pressing dial.

“Hey boss man, what’s happening?”

“Nothing much man, you’re not working a detail tonight right?”

“Nope, perks of the job I just so happen to be off on Fridays.”

“Ten four, you wanna go grab a drink?”

“Sure, everything ok?”

“Yeah, just need to blow off some steam that’s all.” Ryan ran his hand over his short hair. No everything wasn’t ok, but he wasn’t about to let Jace and his big mouth know that.

“I got ya. Give me about an hour and I will meet you at The Hill. Sound good?”

“See you there man.”

He ended the call and tossed his phone onto the bed making his way into the bathroom. Grabbing a towel out of the closet he made his way over to the shower, turning it up as hot as it would go. Stripping out of his clothes and stepping underneath the burning water. This was what he needed, to just relax and go out and have a good time. He never wanted anything more than a one night fling before. Why now should that change?

After he washed all of the confusion out of his head, he made his way into his closet and tossed the towel from his waist into the laundry hamper. Making his way to the back of the closet he fumbled through his drawers finding a pair of boxers and grabbed a pair of dark washed jeans from one of the hangers. Selecting a dark blue collared shirt, he fumbled with the buttons on his sleeves to get them closed, finishing off his look with brown dress shoes and a matching belt. He kept his dark hair short cut, a habit compliments of the military, so he had no need to style it. He grabbed his bottle of cologne, Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue thanks to Trish’s recent shopping trip, and sprayed a light mist onto his collar and headed out of the bedroom.

Walking down the foyer he met Trish heading back towards her room. “Well look at you handsome. Did you take my advice and finally get you a date?”

“Ha, no I am just going out to grab a quick drink with Jace.” He grabbed his wallet off the table and slid it into his back pocket.

“You know I like that boy, but he is always a bit of trouble. You better keep him in line tonight.” She tried her best to sound authoritative but it lacked in her voice.

“Good thing the military gave me the special ops training.” He smirked. “Listen I will be back by curfew and I promise to put gas in the car and not bring it back on empty.”

“Ok, but if you’re not back by sun up you bet your ass I am calling in the Seals.” She leaned towards him, “I know some people,” with that she turned around and headed back down the hallway towards her room, “Have fun.” She called behind her.

He was a lucky man to have that woman. She was quite a few years older than him and always looked at Ryan the way a mother would a son. He also knew she wasn’t kidding and that he better be back by sun up. Making his way into the garage he decided that he would take the car out for a change. He loved this car; it was a 1970 Dodge Challenger that he had restored during one of his stays states side. It was loud and fast and the metallic black paint job matched the dark LA night sky.

He laid into the gas pedal as he sped off out of his driveway towards the busy LA streets. The Hill was a small night club that he and Jace liked to go to. They played a good mix of music, and there were always hot girls to choose from. Not to mention that since Ryan had been spotted there a few times the owner now gave him the VIP treatment, saying that it was Ryan that helped to double his business of customers hoping to see a famous face. He pulled up out front and got out handing his keys over to the valet. The boy looked like it was Christmas morning as he stared at the Challenger.

“You put a scratch on it and I will put one on you. You hear me?” He looked sternly at the kid.

“Oh, yes sir. I will take good care of it I promise. This is a sweet ride.” The boy still stared at the car not even looking Ryan’s way.

“Good to hear.” Ryan patted the boy on his shoulder and headed inside.

The music swirled through the air, but not as loudly as some of the other night clubs in the area. This was a place you could actually go and have drink, while being able to hear the person you were talking to. Making his way to the bar, avoiding the few patrons dancing along to a Mumford and Son’s song. He grabbed a stool towards the end of the bar and sat down, when a strong hand clasped down on his shoulder.

“Ahh, my boy, you come back to see me, yes.” He didn’t have to turn to know whose Italian accent that was.

“You know, one of these days I am gonna charge for you for being a walking advertisement for your bar.” Ryan joked back. “How have things been Sonny?”

“About as good as they can get for a poor man trying to make it in the big city.”

“Poor enough for a new Rolex?” Ryan narrowed his eyes with a smile as he looked at Sonny’s wrist.

“Oh, this old thing. It’s a knock off anyways.”  He put his finger to his lips as if trying to hide a secret. “My boy, let me take care of you and your friends tonight, will you be having company? Let me set up a booth for you in the back.”

“No, no need tonight, it will just be Jace and I. He should be coming in anytime now.”

“If you insist. It’s good to see you out my boy.” Patting his shoulder Sonny parted and headed towards the back of the club.

As Ryan glanced back up towards the door looking for Jace, his eyes met with a pair of brown doe eyes. His stomach did flips, Abbi was here. His face turned into a smile as he stood trying to look around the guy sitting next to him. Disappointment sank into his gut as he realized it wasn’t her after all. He sat back down and motioned for the bartender, ordering a scotch on the rocks. Taking a sip of his drink he told himself that he was going to have to get over this fascination, and soon. It was messing with his head so bad he could barely stand it. The whole reason he came out tonight was to get Abbi off of his mind. Snapping him out of his thoughts, Jace came up and took the stool next to him.

“Dude, why do you look like someone ran over your puppy?”

“What the hell are you talking about Jace?”

“You look like hell man, have you been sleeping? Or attempting to cook again? You know the last you tried that, you nearly burnt down your kitchen.”

“Yes I have been sleeping and no trust me I leave the cooking solely to Trish. And it was just a damn bag of rice.”

“If you say so.” Jace motioned for the bartender requesting a beer and a shaker of salt. “So what’s going on man, I haven’t seen you like this in a while. Having problems with flashbacks again? You know that’s why we pay that therapist a shit ton of money, he will come to your house if you need him to.” Jace grabbed the glass of beer from the bartender and took the shaker of salt, sprinkling a little onto his napkin before placing down his damp glass.

“No, it’s not flashbacks. Well not those kind at least. I am fucked up over a girl.”

“What?” Jace literally almost fell out of his chair. “Who is it? Where did you meet her, hell when did you meet her? I know your ass doesn’t get out much. Oh shit, it’s not the new receptionist is it? I knew I should have gone with the older chick. But you gotta admit she does have a nice ass.” Jace looked off as if he were reminiscing.

Ryan just looked at Jace with a blank face. For as long as he had known him, his friend’s lack of attention span still amazed him. How on earth did this guy sit in the desert for so long without blowing their cover?

“Her name is Abbi, she’s a bartender at that new joint across town. I met her the other night when I was covering for Aaron. And when the hell did we hire a new receptionist?”

“Oh, yeah about that, I actually hired her as my personal assistant.” Jace smiled as he sipped his beer trying to not make eye contact with Ryan.

“You are ridiculous. You know the last time you had a “personal assistant” I had to pay the girl off to keep from pressing sexual harassment charges on you.”

“She can say what she wants, but it was consensual, she was the one who chose to wear all of those tight skirts when she came to work.” Jace protested. “So, you are all flustered over a lady. Well you know how to cure that ailment don’t you.” Jace scanned the crowd of people that were slowly packing themselves into the small club. “As a matter of fact I see a little vixen over there that is just what the doctor ordered. Damn.”

Ryan’s eyes followed to the same direction as Jace’s. Once again he made contact with those brown eyes he had mistakenly thought were Abbi’s. He knew what he had to do, if he was going to shake this girl he was just going to have to dive in there head first. No pun intended.

“Yeah, she’s pretty hot. Looks like a gold digger though.” He said turning to face the crowd, propping his elbows up onto the bar counter.

“What the hell do you care man. You’re just banging her for the night not proposing.”

“Yeah I know.” Ryan looked down into his drink.

“Don’t do that man.”

“Do what?”

“Compare. Don’t compare her to your other piece of ass.”

“Jesus Jace, Abbi isn’t a piece of ass. Shit I barely know the girl; you think I would corrupt her that quickly.”

“Holy shit, you got it bad man. I am going to have to meet this chick that has stolen your heart.” Jace fluttered his eyes towards Ryan.

“You better be glad I like you enough to not punch you in the face every time I feel the urge.” Ryan looked back into the crowd. This time he could see the blonde making her way through the crowd towards the bar.

“Here you go man; she looks like she’s on the prowl.” Jace turned on his stool to imitate Ryan’s posture.

She was an attractive woman, slender, shoulder length blonde hair that Ryan could tell was fake just like her oversized tits. Her bright red dress clung to her skin, hugging at her waist and hips. As she approached, Ryan plastered a smile on his face.

“Hi, I was hoping I would be able to steal your corner of the bar so that I could order a drink.” She smiled a show winning smile on her face as she batted her eye lashes towards Ryan.

“I tell you what, how about you let me take care of that. What are you drinking tonight?” Ryan offered.

“Oh, well thank you, a glass of Chablis please. I’m Isabelle.” She said as she extended her hand towards Ryan.

He hesitated at first, the last woman that had touched him sent sparks through his skin. Not wanting to be rude he grabbed her hand gently and shook. No electricity. “I’m Ryan, Ryan Dixon.”

“I’m sorry did you say Ryan Dixon, as in
Ryan Dixon?” She tried to sound convincing, but Ryan knew she was a head hunter. Out to find the richest man she could and hog tie him down.

“The one and only.” He responded flatly, not impressed.

He turned around and motioned for the bartender again. After placing his order he turned back to Isabelle. He noticed her motioning towards someone in the crowd. Obviously trying to hide her gesture, she just smiled and giggled when she realized Ryan had been watching her. Out of the crowd he saw a fiery redhead emerge and head straight toward them. The look on Jace’s face was priceless. He had a thing for redheads and this one was definitely up his alley. She wore a skin tight blue dress cut almost down to her belly button. Heels that made her almost as tall as the guys in the club and more make up than any woman should put on. Oh yeah, she was Jace’s type alright.

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