Protect Me (30 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Culbreth

BOOK: Protect Me
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She reached one hand down to her breast and fondled her nipple as Ryan quickened his pace pressing her hard into the shower wall.

“You’re so sexy.” He growled into her ear. “Look at me when you come baby.”

The possessiveness of his voice captivated her and drew her in. She found his dark eyes that burned with flames as his last thrust sent them both over the edge. Her fingers dug into his skin as she found her release. She could still feel him throbbing deep inside of her as she snapped back into reality, smiling up at him as he slowed his movements inside of her. Gently she slid down his body as he leaned down and took her mouth against his pulling back under the water as he finished rinsing them both off. He wrapped the large towel around her body taking his time to dry her off before they stepped out of the shower.

“I can’t wait for you to be Mrs. Dixon either.” He placed a light kiss onto her neck as she smiled up at him. “Get to bed sleepy head. I will be right there.”

She dropped the towel to the floor and made her way into the room. Climbing into the middle of the bed she wrapped the covers around her naked body. She barely heard Ryan’s footsteps coming out of the bathroom before the darkness overtook her, sending her off to dream of white lace and flowers.


Ryan awoke early. Too early. They hadn’t gone to bed until well after midnight and it was still dark outside. But he had something he needed to make sure was done this morning. He quietly slipped out from underneath Abbi’s arm, softly placing it back down onto his pillow. He looked down at Abbi as she slept, she was beautiful, absolutely breath taking and to imagine that she was his. Soon she would become Mrs. Abigail Dixon. He still didn’t understand what he had done to deserve her. Sure he had always provided for his family and been loyal to his friends and brother’s in arms, but he had also done things that weren’t good. At least in his eyes they weren’t good. He only prayed that once he talked to Abbi about them, that her view of him wouldn’t change, but for today, he needed to slip downstairs and take care of a few special Christmas presents he had arranged without anyone knowing.

He walked into his closet, too nervous to turn on the light he walked to the back from memory. Grabbing the drawer handle opening it and retrieving what felt like a pair of lounge pants. Turning around he took a few steps towards the other side of the closet, reaching his hands out in an attempt to find the other side of the room. Damnit, he found it alright. Holding his breath as the throbbing in his foot stopped, he listened to see if she was stirring. Nothing. It was quiet except for the low hum of the fan. He dressed as best he could in the pitch black and headed downstairs.

Making it to the entrance of the house he disarmed the alarm and slipped outside meeting a set of headlights pulling up into the driveway as he made it down the front stairs. The brisk morning air bit at his exposed skin. He wanted to be back in bed enveloped by Abbi’s warmth. As the vehicle pulled up he eyed it from front to back. He had to give it to him, the man had good timing. Stepping up to the front of the garage he flipped open a small box containing a keypad and entered in a series of number. Simultaneously the garage doors all opened and the vehicle pulled into the first bay. Ryan walked up to the driver’s side as a short stalky man hopped out reaching for Ryan’s hand.

“Mr. Dixon, I’m Mike Harrison. Thank you for having me out this morning.” The man grinned.

“My pleasure. Thank you for coming on Christmas morning. Please step inside and we will complete the rest of the paperwork so you can get back to your family.” Ryan led the man into the living room.

It had taken longer to get the paperwork in order, making sure that it was all completed correctly. It had been even more of a pain in the ass to secure documents for Abbi. After pulling some strings, a lot of them, he had managed to find an Aunt who had a copy of her birth certificate and also a copy of her social security card. He was amazed that in a day and age where identity theft was so prevalent she had been more than happy to send them over to him. She explained to Ryan that she knew that the pictures on the covers of the magazines had been of her Abbi-bug and that she would be more than happy to send whatever he needed. In return he had sent them a large thank you basket full of goodies and made a note to fly them out to visit.

After everything was completed and the other gifts had been placed under and around the tree, he found himself restlessly pacing around the great room. He checked the clock. It was a little after seven. Was it too early to wake everyone? Hell he wanted to go screaming through the house like a five year old, banging on a pot with one of the serving spoons waking everyone so they would come down and open their gifts. As he contemplated whether it would just ultimately piss everyone off he heard a creak from the stairs and the slight sound of voices.

“Merry Christmas, son.” His dad came walking into the great room followed by his mother who took him into a tight embrace.

“Merry Christmas, Ryan. I am so glad we could be here to spend it with you.” She smiled up at him.

“Merry Christmas to you too, mom and dad. I am glad y’all came out to be here.” He hugged her back. He had always been a mama’s boy.

“Mission completed son?” His dad gave him a sideways look.

“Yeah, and a few others as well.” Ryan smirked back.

“What are you two talking about?” His mother looked from Ryan and then to his dad and then back to Ryan with narrowed eyes.

“Nothing mom. Don’t worry about it.” He knew that wouldn’t happen because his mom was too nosey. In an attempt to change the subject he asked, “Would you like some coffee?”

“Sure, black two sugars please.” His dad shot towards him as he escaped into the kitchen.

His mom didn’t drink coffee, so he brought her a cup of hot tea instead. Placing the tray on the table in front of his parents, he immediately started towards the stairs. He took the first flight two at a time, the second three at a time it felt like. As he made his way up to the bedroom door he stood just outside of it. He was nervous, jumpy almost. He was excited, but afraid that his lack of counseling with Abbi in regards to securing her personal documents might make her feel a little betrayed. He knew her better but he was still nervous. The biggest thing would be trying to get her to enjoy her presents instead of feel guilty for not getting him anything. He opened the door peeking in. Still in the same place he left her. He made his way over to the window opening the blinds so that the now pink and orange water colored sky could seep in.

“Mmmm.” She mumbled shoving her face further down into her pillow.

“Wake up sleepy head. It’s Christmas.”

“Mmm, five more minutes.” She smiled as she pulled the covers up over her head.

“Oh come on. Santa was here and left you some presents downstairs.” He leaned over the edge of the bed.

She shot up so quickly she almost head butted him. “Presents?” She smiled sleepily.

“Yes, presents. Now get some clothes on and come join us so you can open them.” He leaned in kissing her forehead.

It was everything in him to not laugh as she scrambled out of bed practically running for the closet. In a matter of two minutes she re-emerged in a pair of Yoga pants and a bright blue top peeking out from underneath one of his old PT sweaters, her hair wrapped into a messy bun on top of her head. Her eyes shining brightly as she came back out. He smiled as he took her in her arms.

“And to think, I thought you’d be mad at me for getting you presents.” Ryan leaned down kissing her soft lips.

“I thought you said Santa brought them.” She gave him a sideways look.

“Yes, that’s right. That sneaky bastard who breaks into your house and steals your milk.” He grinned.

“Leaving presents is a fair trade for some milk and cookies.” She smiled.

He took her by the hand leading her downstairs. At least until the second flight in which she took the lead and drug him the rest of the way down. He was pretty sure she had called him a slow poke at one point. Once they hit the landing in the foyer he ushered her into the great room. Smiling as she went bouncing off in the direction of the tree.

“Ryan!” He laughed imagining her face.

He came in propping himself against the door frame as she went from one box to another, looking over the bicycle with the bright red shiny bow on it. He knew she hadn’t had a Christmas, a real Christmas, in a long time. And no one ever stops liking having presents to wake up to.

“Oh Ryan, this is too much!” She turned back to him with tears glistening in her eyes.

He took a few big steps towards her meeting her in the middle of the room. “Hey, no crying on Christmas and it’s not too much. It’s the exact amount I wanted to get.  Don’t worry a box or two under there are for my parents. So you don’t have to worry ok. I want you to enjoy the day.”

“Thank you Ryan. I love you so much. How did I ever get this lucky?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down against her lips. Quickly she pulled back. “Where are your parents by the way?”

“Um, not sure.” He looked around the great room before he heard their voices coming from the kitchen. “Sounds like they are raiding the fridge.” He smiled. “Breakfast first?”

“Sounds great.” She clasped his hand and together they walked into the kitchen.

“Well, Merry Christmas, Abbi.” Janet came over embracing her in a tight hug.

“Merry Christmas, Mrs. Dixon.”

“Well well young lady. That looks like a nice piece of hardware you got there.” William smirked as he flipped the pancakes over.

Janet immediately held her back at arm’s length surveying Abbi’s neck, ears, and her wrist. A large grin spreading on both Abbi and Ryan’s faces as she slowly lifted her left hand splaying it out for Janet to see.

Gasping. “Ahh!” A shrill shriek coming from her mouth as she stood there opened mouthed. “You’re getting married!” Janet then grabbed them both in a tight hug. Ryan could feel his mother’s body shaking as she let the sobs out. “Oh, I am so happy for you both!” She looked up at them before she hugged them again.

Ryan couldn’t help but laugh “Ok, I can’t have both of y’all crying on Christmas morning.”

“Oh I’m sorry Honey. I am just so excited for you both.” She reached up grabbing Abbi on both sides of her head smiling. “Oh Abbi, welcome to the family dear. Not that you weren’t a part of it already. But now it will be official.”

“Congrats son and welcome to the family Abbi.” His dad came over hugging them both separately. “What do you say we have some celebratory pancakes and bacon?”

“Mmmm that sounds great, I am starving.” Abbi looked up at Ryan.

The four of them sat down in the great room to eat. It was everything in him to keep his mom’s questioning at bay. She was already planning the wedding and on more than one occasion he had to remind her that it was Abbi’s choice in the end. It didn’t seem as though Abbi minded his mom’s suggestions and agreed with a lot of the same ideas she had. It was almost scary.

Once they had eaten breakfast they began opening the presents that Ryan had gotten them. Abbi cried over the laptop, the diamond tennis bracelet that matched the setting of her ring, and the large canvas painting he had made at a local framer of her and her mother. She seemed to hold it together through the endless amounts of clothes and purses, shoes and gag gifts. His mom had cried when she opened the box containing the key to the beach house he had purchased for them. Hormones must be thick in the air today. The house was not far away and he had also hired an interior decorator for his mother to use and abuse. It hadn’t been the easiest task finding an interior decorator in LA with an extensive background in Southern Homes and Garden decorating.

“Oh, babe. Thank you for everything. This is all great, but I didn’t get you anything at all.” Abbi pouted up from where she sat on the floor between his legs.

“You said yes, that’s all I ever need.” He smiled down at her. “Do you mind helping me take these bags out to the garage so we can toss out all of this wrapping paper?”

“Of course not.” Abbi hopped up grabbing a trash bag full of wrapping paper.

He could barely contain himself as he opened the door leading to the garage, stepping in he held the door open for her. She was completely oblivious as she walked into the spacious room until she looked up. She stopped dead in her tracks dropping the bag on the floor. He stood at the door as his parents came up beside him. If there was one thing for sure, he knew how to stop Abbi in her tracks and leave her speechless.

“Uh, Ryan.” She turned around to him with a huge smile on her face.

“Yes, Love?” He smiled over at her.

“Is this?”

“For you? As a matter of fact it is.”

He barely had time to catch her as she came running over to him leaping up into his arms. “Ryan, I love it! I don’t even know what to say.” He laughed as she splayed kisses all over his face before she hoped down to run back over.

“Holy shit, you got me a Range Rover!” She immediately threw her hands up over her mouth as it sank in she had cussed in front of his parents, who were now laughing almost as hard as he was at her reaction. “Sorry.” She smiled innocently.

“You have nothing to worry about.” His dad grinned.

“How on Earth do I get to drive a Range Rover and you have a 4Runner?” Abbi’s eyes turned towards Ryan.

“This boy has had a 4Runner since the very first one we bought him in high school.” His dad clasped down onto Ryan’s shoulder.

“What can I say? When I find something I like I hang on to it.” Ryan beamed over at Abbi as he made his way toward her.

“Can I get in it?” She peeked over at him.

“Of course you can, it’s yours babe.” He hit a button on the key chain unlocking all of the doors.

For the next hour he showed her around the truck, explaining what everything did, how to move the seats, and open the sunroof. She beamed the whole while. She was like a kid in a candy shop, setting her presets and adjusting all of her seats and mirrors. He was definitely glad he went with the Autobiography model; it was as classy inside as it was out. And she seemed to not mind at all that he had gotten her information and had everything put in her name. As they walked back inside he watched her stop and take it in one last time.

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