Protect Me (33 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Culbreth

BOOK: Protect Me
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“Come on! Trish’s car didn’t have one scratch on it when we got back.” He said defensively.

“Yeah, but I had my ass cheeks clenched the whole time you were driving.”

“Oh dear, sweet, baby Jesus. Please don’t ever talk about your ass cheeks around me again. Ryan is going to kill me. He’s not even here and for some reason I just know that he knows we are talking about your ass.”

“You worry too much, Gabe. You’re gonna have a heart attack by the age of thirty if you keep that up.”

“It might be the easier way to go out.”

They entered in through the back and made their way up behind the counter. Judy had beaten them there tonight, and beside her stood a short blonde in Ashley’s usual place.

“Hey girl, this is Anna. She’s gonna be covering for Ashley while she is out.” Judy looked over at Abbi, exasperation seeping from her eyes as she plastered a large fake smile on her face.

“So, a flaming Dr. Pepper doesn’t actually have Dr. Pepper in it?” Anna looked at Judy confused.

“Here sweetheart, just read over this bar menu one more time and if you have questions tonight just let me know.” Judy made her way over to Abbi.

“This looks like it’s going to be a fun night. Where did Trent find her?” Abbi laughed as the girl started counting out numbers on her fingers.

“No idea. Hopefully people will just get so drunk at some point that they won’t really care what they get.” Judy slouched down onto the stool behind the counter.

“How’s Ashley?”

“Good, they released her this morning, but she is going to have to attend weekly meetings for a while. I think what happened made her see the light. Just sucks that it had to go that far before she did.”

“Yeah, I just hope she takes it seriously and lets us know if she needs help.”

“Me too, girl. Me too.” Judy glanced off. “So tonight I figure we stock as much as we can behind the bar, you and I can take turns waiting on the private area and Anna can stay here behind the counter, if that’s cool with you?”

“Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Do you know if Trent will be here tonight? I actually need to talk to him.”

“Should be, he said he would be in after his dinner meeting. So that probably means a little after midnight.” A chuckle escaping Judy’s lips. “I swear it’s like he gets in later and later nowadays.”

The two girls and Gabe carried boxes of wine, liquor, and mixers out of the cooler stocking everything directly behind the bar. Since Gabe had been protecting Abbi he often helped the girls set up for the night. Getting a chance to approach him in the cooler alone Abbi came up next to him as he shuffled through a few of the boxes.

“Hey Gabe, can I ask you something? As a friend, not as my bodyguard.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Last week, when we were at the grocery store, I overheard you talking on your phone to someone. Was that Ashley?”

He stood up, wiping his bald head with one hand as he took a deep breath. “Yeah it was. I never for one second thought that she was having problems like that. With drugs, I mean. I just thought she was trying to hook up, or lonely, or something. I tried to call her after the party on the boat and she would never answer me. Then out of the blue she calls me and wants help but wouldn’t explain anything to me.” He exhaled a long sigh. “Abbi, if I would have known that she was having those kinds of problems…”

Abbi cut him off mid-sentence. “Gabe, I wasn’t accusing you of anything. I am sorry if you thought that.” Her voice filled with remorse for even bringing it up. Clearly she wasn’t the only one who blamed themselves for Ashley’s situation. “I just wanted you to know that she really does care for you. Maybe when everything sorts itself out the two of you can hang out or something.” She smiled over at him.

“Yeah, I will give her a call later and see how she’s doing.” He smiled back, his eyes clear from the negative thoughts.

Since the doors had opened a steady stream of people had flooded into the bar. Abbi stood at the back of the bar watching Anna scramble around from customer to customer as a dark silhouette approached her from the side and wrapped its arms around her. She screamed bloody murder as she began to flail her arms.

“Easy there Rocky, you’re gonna give me a black eye.” Ryan’s face came into focus.

“Holy shit! You scared the hell out of me!” She giggled as he nuzzled her ear.

“I am sorry, baby, but what kind of fiancé would I be if I didn’t come and see my girl on New Year’s?”

“It’s not midnight yet, you still have a little bit of time.” She smiled up at him as she took his hand and slipped into the cooler.

“I know. I had intended to come and surprise you and maybe help you fix a few drinks, not that I know how.” He chuckled as he continued, “But I just got a call and I am going to have to go and work a detail. Looks like we are spread thin tonight with all of the partying so I wanted to give you your midnight kiss now.” He reached down and wrapped his arms around Abbi’s waist lifting her up onto the cold metal door.

“Well, you better make it one to remember.” She smiled before she took his mouth.

Her lips crashed against his warm smile taking his bottom lip into his mouth and sucking on it before her tongue ran along the outline and slipped into his mouth. She wanted him. She needed him. She didn’t give a damn if they were in a cooler. His hands were fondling her ass as she tugged on the short hairs at the back of his head. He pressed her back against the door as his growing erection rubbed against her legs tightly wound around him.

“If you keep that up you will be getting more than just a kiss.” He nuzzled into her neck.

“That was what I was hoping for.” She whispered back.

“I think I might just get you worked up and then lay it on you when you get home tonight.” He smiled a wicked smile at her.

“You wouldn’t dare.” She shot back.

“Oh I think I will. I like you fired up.” He kissed her neck again as he began slowly grinding his body against hers. “All hot and bothered.” His hands gently released her ass letting her body slide down his.

“You don’t play fair!”

“Yes it’s gonna be good later. I can tell already.” He smirked at her. “Did you get a chance to talk to Trent?”

“Don’t change the subject.” She stood in front of him with her arms crossed looking up at him. She wasn’t going to be able to keep this stern look long.

He smiled at her as he ran his hand down the side of her face. “You’re adorable when you’re fake mad.”

“If only you weren’t impossible to stay mad at.” She leaned into his touch. “No, Trent isn’t here but I will talk to him when he comes in. Are you going to be out all night?”

“For a while. I will text you at midnight, babe. I am sorry I can’t be here for our first New Year’s.” He took her in his arms and hugged her body to his.

“It’s ok. Next year.” She smiled up at him.

“I gotta get going. Be safe and don’t leave without Gabe. There are too many people out tonight.”

“I promise I won’t, babe.” She loved how protected she felt with Ryan.

“I love you, baby.” He leaned down and placed a light kiss on her lips.

“I love you more.” She smiled against his mouth.

It was nearing midnight and the bar was packed. The crowd had flooded in once the doors had been opened. Dancing, spinning, and jumping the bodies moved along to the bass pumping loudly from the speakers that hung from the ceiling. Judy and Abbi had been taking turns covering the back bar and so far everything was going smoothly. Everywhere she looked, Abbi saw people decorated in their glittering dresses, their heads donned with “Happy New Year” headbands that the waitresses had been passing out. People were getting drunk and having a good time. In a bartenders eyes, all was well.

As she made her way back up to the main bar Abbi caught a burst of bleach blonde hair flashing from the end of the bar. Looking up she saw the girl who had been talking to Ryan on the yacht the night of the party. Isabelle. Irritation spread over her skin. Of all the damn bars in LA, this tramp just had to come to hers tonight. She walked up to the edge of the bar trying to get a handle on her emotions.

As Abbi made it within earshot she heard, “Well, I don’t understand why Ryan would want some bar slut who’s probably been rode by every guy in here when he could have this.” Isabelle motioned up and down her body as she spoke to the girl across from her.

Abbi came up to the edge of the counter, screw containing her emotions! She was about to go Deep South on someone. “What can I get you to drink? A Dirty Blonde Martini? Oh wait, no. You look like the kind of girl who would prefer Gold Digger Margarita’s.” Abbi narrowed her eyes towards the blonde.

“You’re funny, for a cocktail waitress.” Isabelle spat back across the counter.

“Listen bitch, either order a drink or get the hell out of my bar.”

“I will take a Homewrecker, with an extra shot of Tequila.” Abbi wanted to slap the smirk right off of her face.

Abbi turned to make the drink.
Oh I’ll give you an extra shot of something.
Out of the corner of her eye she felt someone staring at her. She glanced up looking throughout the laughing faces. No one was looking directly at her and Judy was now taking care of the other customer that had been waiting. She grabbed a cold glass, pouring in the mixer, tequila, Jager, and topping it off with a splash of cranberry juice and a few squirts of hot sauce. Ok, maybe that wasn’t in the recipe, but she was making this one extra spicy. The girl had sounded a little congested. She walked the drink back over to Isabelle and stood at the edge of the counter waiting to see the look on her face.

“You ok over here?” Judy came up beside Abbi.

“Yes, Isabelle here just wanted to get a drink.” Abbi looked over at Judy. The understanding of what she had just said registering on her face.

“Oh, hell no.” Judy went to rush up to the bar counter as Abbi held her arm out stopping her.

Isabelle smirked as she took a large sip of the drink. Her face immediately contorted with disgust before she spit it out. All over the counter, all over the people next to her, all down the front of her white dress. Abbi couldn’t help but burst out in laughter.

“What the hell did you put in this?” Isabelle looked over at her, hatred flaring in her eyes.

“Just a little something to put the homewrecker in her place. You like hot sauce right?” Abbi cocked her head to the side.

“Ha!” Judy lost her cool, almost doubling over with laughter. “Ha! You put.” Judy gasped for breath in between words. “Hot sauce in her drink. How freaking classic is that!”

“You know what, bitch, I don’t think this is what I want after all.” Isabelle stepped up leaning over the edge of the bar, her eyes flipping from Abbi then to Judy. “Here, you can have it.”

Judy who had just regained her composure didn’t have time to think as Isabelle’s arm extended. Ice cubes and liquor flying directly at them. Abbi tried her best to shield Judy from the debris, but it was too late. They were both soaked in the sticky drink. It took Judy two seconds to realize what had just happened. Then Abbi watched her go from bystander to pitbull in another three seconds, flying up onto the bar top and grabbing Isabelle by the hair. Even with her small frame she managed to pull her down to hip level and drag her through the bar out the door. Hoots and hollers rose from the crowd as Judy manhandled Isabelle out of the front door.

Abbi walked to the back of the counter grabbing a towel trying to wipe the cocktail off of her as best she could but it was useless. Judy made her way back over to Abbi with a huge smile on her face. Looking up she could see the look of astonishment on Anna’s face as she quickly tried to fill drink orders.

“Damn, that felt good! I still got it.” Judy looked at Abbi.

In unison they both burst out laughing. “Did you see the look on her face?” Abbi choked out clutching at her stomach.

“Alright you two are serious mean girls.” Gabe came up behind them. “Abbi, you ok? I’m sorry. I didn’t have time to react by the time I knew what was happening.”

“We are not mean girls, and besides, she had that one coming. Where I come from when you talk shit about someone you better be able to back it up! And yes, I’m fine. Though you might have to cover for us while we head upstairs and change real quick. I am not working the rest of the night with this shit all over me.” Abbi batted her lashes at Gabe as Judy came up next to her clutching her hands together as if begging.

“No. Matter of fact, hell no. I would get murdered if one of the guys saw me letting you two go upstairs by yourselves.” Gabe eyed around the packed club.

“The guys?” Abbi looked back at him confused.

“Yeah well, you were right about Ryan not wanting to go slack on the extra protection. Aaron and Troy are working undercover somewhere in here tonight.”

“See, we are covered. Don’t worry about it, but we are going with or without you so you better make up your mind.” Abbi eyed him hoping he would give in.

“Ok, but I can’t promise that these people will get what they want. Go. Hurry the hell up.” Gabe let out a sigh before walking up to the counter. “Ok, which of you assholes needs a drink?” He said looking into the crowd.

Abbi and Judy clasped hands and took off towards the stairs. Abbi knew they had extra uniforms in the employee changing area and they could wash themselves off in the sinks upstairs. She pushed and shoved people out of their way as they made it over to the stair well. Abbi turned and looked at Gabe from halfway up. She grinned as he gave her the thumbs up sign. He really had become one of her best friends and she was glad that he was around. They made their way into the hallway letting the door close shut behind them. Judy ran over to the sink in the kitchen and Abbi made her way to the small bathroom inside the kitchen on the far back wall. They turned on the faucets as they began splashing water onto themselves.

“Can you imagine if Trent came in right now? Ha! He would have a field day seeing us washing in the sinks.” Abbi laughed over at Judy.

“I know. Talk about a fantasy come true.” Abbi heard Judy turn the water off in the sink.

After a few more splashes she began dripping onto the floor. “Hey Judy, can you grab me a hand towel out of the drawer please.” She spoke into the kitchen area. No answer. Damn had she already changed and left? “Judy?” Abbi took a step out of the small bathroom and immediately froze.

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