Read Protecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Book 1) Online

Authors: Elle Christensen

Tags: #Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Fae, #Guards, #Paranormal, #POV, #Protecting, #Fairytales, #Child, #Bodyguard, #Friendship, #Attraction, #Dark Secrets, #Teach, #Father, #Soul Mate, #Adult, #Erotic

Protecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Protecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Book 1)
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And I do. Aden brings his tongue back up and thrusts a finger inside me as he sucks my clit, his tongue fluttering over the sensitive nub. Aden’s name rips from my throat on a scream as every cell of my being splinters and I fly away on the sensations, becoming shards of sunlight streaming down from the sky. As my body begins to descend, Aden’s tongue calms my senses with long, languid strokes, lapping up every bit of my orgasm.

When I finally open my eyes, Aden is once again contemplating me with wonder. “Shaylee . . . Damn. That’s the most beautiful sight I will ever see.” I feel liquefied, boneless, but his words still cause heat to tingle at every nerve.

Aden takes my legs from his shoulders, laying them open wide on either side of him, and then glides up my body, keeping skin contact the entire way. He settles between my legs, his erection pressed snuggly into my core. We both moan when he tilts his pelvis into me.

“Are you on the pill, baby?” His words whisper along my ear, tight with need.

“No.” I give a light shrug. “I didn’t see any reason considering . . .” My words trail off, the rest of my answer implicit.

Aden groans in frustration, “Fuck!” I jump at the sharpness in his voice. “I’m sorry, baby.” His hand runs along my hair, kisses me softly and then meets my eyes with tenderness. “I’m not mad, I just—I want to feel you . . . with nothing between us.” He stops for a moment and sighs. “It would also make this first time a little easier for you.”

With another deep sigh, he reaches over to the nightstand and pulls a foil packet from the drawer, then abruptly tosses it on the table. He plants a hand on either side of my head and takes my mouth in a deep and hungry kiss, while shifting his lower body, rubbing his cock over me, making me wet and wanting. When he pulls back, we are both panting, our need climbing once again. “I’m going to go in bare, baby. I don’t want to hurt you. But, I’ll pull out, ok?” He’s asking me to trust him, and I murmur my agreement without hesitation.

His eyes sweep over my face, landing on my lips and he pulls the bottom one into his mouth, sucking it gently. He releases it, only to drag me under with heavy, drugging kisses. Every scrape of his chest hair abrades my nipples and I feel the fire in my core igniting again. Aden’s smooths a hand down my body, kneading a breast along the way, until he reaches my pussy. He slips a finger inside and thrusts it in a few times.

He emits a growl of satisfaction, “Do you feel how wet you are?” I can’t form a response other than a whimper of need. He thrusts again and this time I cry out at the sensation. “Feeling how slick I make you, it’s the biggest fucking turn on.”

The things he says bring my insides to a boil and I’m desperate for relief. “Aden, I can’t wait any longer.”

It’s like something inside of him snaps, and he ravages my mouth, pulling his finger away and replacing is with his cock. It probes at my entrance and I involuntarily lift my hips, aching to be filled. “It’s going to hurt a little, baby.” My muscles clench a little, prepping for pain, but Aden sends my mind spinning, kissing me with a ferocity, plunging his tongue in rhythmically. As his tongue invades my mouth, this time I feel a stinging pain shooting up from where our bodies are now joined. Aden stills, giving my body a chance to stretch around him, letting the pain recede.

As quick as it arrived, the pain begins to dissipate. A restlessness invades me and I lift my hips, feeling Aden slide in even deeper. Aden remains still, but when I shift again, I can’t help the sounds of pleasure that release. This time, Aden’s hips move with mine, meeting me with a deep thrust. His speed picks up and when he shifts his angle slightly, all of the sudden he hits that magical spot and every new plunge drags a scream from my throat.

“Yes! Yes!” My cries seem to electrify his movement and they become faster and harder, raising me up, once again climbing to the ledge.

“That’s right, baby. I want to hear you scream my fucking name.”

“Yes, Aden!”

“Fuck! Shaylee! Fuck! Oh FUCK!”

I can hear his loss of control and his words throw gasoline on the fire. I grab his ass (holy shit, it’s tight) and pull him deeper inside me, moaning and crying out his name as I rise higher and higher. The wind in the room picks up, swirling around us and I know it’s a reaction to my turbulent emotions.

“Yes, baby! Take me fucking deeper. Fuck, Shaylee!”

His shouts create a heady sensation that tosses me right over into the abyss. It’s the most beautiful place, where I feel surrounded by Aden, every part of me singing in pleasure, and all of me,

Aden pumps in hard, three more times, and on the last thrust, he calls my name as he pulls out abruptly and spills himself on my stomach. His head is thrown back in ecstasy as each spurt of cream releases until he stops pulsing and his muscles relax.

He is so beautiful and I want so badly to tell him that I love him. But, I’m still afraid, so I bury the impulse and instead, wrap my hands around his neck and bring his mouth down to mine.

“THAT WAS AMAZING.” SHAYLEE’S whisper is filled with awe and I can feel the expansion in my chest, pride at knowing I satisfied my woman.


A beautiful shade of pink tinges her cheeks and the pressure in my chest morphs into something soft and warm. I climb off the bed and pad over to the bathroom, to get a warm, wet washcloth to clean her up. It took everything in me not to explode inside her, filling her with the evidence that she is completely mine. As I wipe down her belly, I marvel at the fact that I’m her only one. Her body will only ever be filled by me, stretched by me, loved by me. A picture flashes in my mind of this same belly, round and expanding. I expect the thought of getting Shaylee pregnant to freak me the fuck out, but instead, the idea takes root and I know that eventually, someday, I’m going to watch her grow with our baby. For now though, we are all each other needs.

I toss the rag into the hamper by the closet, and sit on the edge of the bed to plug my phone into the charger. My back is to Shaylee and I feel her fingers begin tracing along my neck.

“Aden, what’s this?”

“My mark?” It dawns on me then that I forgot to explain about our mark. “I can’t believe I forgot.”

I glance back and see her furrowed brow, as she continues to trace the stained skin of my neck.

“Fairy wings?”

I laugh at the skepticism in her tone. “Seems cliché, huh?” She raises a single eyebrow, waiting for me to expound upon my question.

“Where do you think the folklore came from, babe? Haven’t you wondered why you haven’t seen anyone here with wings?”

Her eyebrow descends and a sheepish look crosses her features. She shrugs, “I guess it crossed my mind once or twice, but I haven’t really thought about it.” She gives me a lopsided grin, the embarrassment in her eyes growing. “I guess I thought—um,” She stops and clears her throat, avoiding eye contact. Then she lets out a long sigh of acceptance. “I thought maybe I had to earn them.”

I try. I really, really try to hold back my laughter but it explodes out in a howl of mirth. Shaylee’s face turns bright red and her lips turn down into an annoyed pout. I get control of myself, and caress the side of her face, “You’re so damn cute.” Then I lean down to kiss her pout away. When I pull back, she gives me a little smile and I return it, before clarifying on the subject.

“You’ve experienced hurricanes in New York, right?” I ask.


“Walking with the wind in a hurricane forces you to move faster, pushing you into a run and practically lifting you off of your feet.” I scoot back onto the bed, resting against the headboard and pull her to rest on my chest. “We often use wind that way, to gain some extra speed over the Fallen. They are more proficient with water because it doesn’t need light to flourish, in fact, water is denser in the shadows without the light to evaporate it, and so the ability to manipulate the other elements accurately can be a huge leg up.” I look down to see if she is following me and she nods, listening with rapt attention.

“You know how truth gets distorted. One human sees our mark, another sees our use of the wind and as the story is shared, it changes little by little, until—all of the sudden—Faeries are winged creatures who fly.”

I glance at her face again and see her mouth open in a little O, as understanding fill hers eyes. She shuts her mouth after a moment and shakes her head ruefully. “I’m a little disappointed in humans. Their view of the world is so skewed,” she states. I slant a look down at her. “Ok, so mine was too.”

I snicker at her admission as I slide down back on the bed, tugging her with me so her back is snug against my front. I’m jarred back when she sits up suddenly. “Oh!” she exclaims. “I have a mark!” The second is stated in a matter of fact tone. She holds out her arms and studies them, turning them over, then moving on to her shoulders when her arms turn up bare. I tap lightly on her shoulder, chuckling and waiting patiently for her attention. She looks down examining her chest, but when I tap again, she lifts her head, cocking it to the side in silent question.

I smile mischievously and lean forward to run a finger up her leg from knee to hip, and lick my lips at the sight of her skin quivering under my touch. I trail back down a few inches and trace a circle in the inside of her thigh, and then tap it lightly, indicating she should take a closer look. Curiously, she bends down to see what I’m referring to. Right there, on the inner skin of her left thigh is a little set of wings, about the size of a half dollar.

I know that my mark is a mixture of muted shades of green, Shaylee’s, however, is bright with a rainbow of color. The design on the wings is exquisite, just like her. I let her study it for a few minutes more, pull us both back down and onto our sides, molding Shaylee’s back to my front. Reaching down with my top arm, I pull the sheet up over us, and then return my hand to rest on her stomach, just high enough that my thumb brushes against the underside of her tits. I want her all over again but I sternly tell my dick to stand down; Shaylee needs a little time to heal.

She wiggles in a little deeper into my embrace, finding a comfortable spot. I grit my teeth and hiss out a breath when her sexy little ass brushes my cock, and then settles tightly back against it. I run through bland images in my head, willing my hard on to go away, when I hear her breathing even out and know she is asleep. My arousal forgotten, contentment washes over me, and I quickly find myself drifting off.

I’m surrounded by turbulent darkness and I’m trying desperately to claw my way into the light. The evil in the air is thick, almost choking me with its heavy presence. I can feel Shaylee in my arms and I hold on tight, afraid that if I let her go, the blackness will take her from me. But, even as I clutch onto her, I feel the pull separating us. The push of the wind, blowing us apart. Now, I can’t feel her warmth, I reach out and grasp at nothing but air—

My body jackknifes up on the bed, my breath coming out in heavy pants as I look wildly around the room. There is nothing there, but even as the first streams of sunlight penetrate my windows, I swear I feel a lingering scent of evil in the air. Shaylee is resting on the other side of the bed, almost a foot away from me. As my racing heart calms down, I lie back down and pull her gently back against me. The touch of her skin, the feel of her in my arms, chases away any last vestiges of shadows and I slip back into sleep.

BOOK: Protecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Book 1)
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