Protecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Book 1) (21 page)

Read Protecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Book 1) Online

Authors: Elle Christensen

Tags: #Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Fae, #Guards, #Paranormal, #POV, #Protecting, #Fairytales, #Child, #Bodyguard, #Friendship, #Attraction, #Dark Secrets, #Teach, #Father, #Soul Mate, #Adult, #Erotic

BOOK: Protecting Shaylee (The Fae Guard Book 1)
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“You’re so ready for me, baby, aren’t you?” Her eyes are staring intently at her pussy, watching my fingers move in and out. “Do you want me to fuck you hard?” She doesn’t seem to hear me, her attention still riveted to the action between her thighs. I yank again on her hair to get her attention and her gaze jumps up to meet mine, a whimper of need escaping.

My fingers come out and circle around her clit, passing over it every few rotations but never putting any pressure on it. Another tiny tug, “Answer me. Do you want me to fuck you hard, baby?”

She nods and it causes her hair to pull a little making her cry out again. The sounds she makes during sex are hot as fuck, and I know I’m about to lose my mind. “Out loud, baby. What do you want?”

“Inside.” She pants.

“Inside what?” Her pupils are dilated so big that all I can see around the black orbs is a bright sliver of blue, making her eyes look as though they are glowing. She’s so fucking beautiful.

“I want you inside me.”

“You want what inside you.” My filthy mouth turns her on to a rabid degree and I give it one more nudge before I can’t take it anymore.

“Your cock. Inside. My pussy,” she continues to pant, blowing out her words on each breath. She presses back into me roughly. “I want you to fuck me, Aden. Hard. I want to feel you tomorrow, sore and sated from your cock pounding and stretching my pussy.”


I grasp my dick and line it up, then thrust inside her, and feel her clench at the invasion. She cries my name and it causes a frenzy in me. I begin hammering into her with every bit of my strength, holding her hips tight to keep her from being pushed into the counter. Our skin slaps together loudly, sliding the surface from the sweat already dampening our skin and mixing with the perspiration from our feverish pace.

“More, Aden!” Shaylee yells, desperation in her voice. “As deep as you can go, baby. Give me all of you.”

Fuck, yeah.

When Shaylee starts talking dirty, I think my brain short circuits. I suddenly pull out and remotely hear her cry of distress, but I’m focused on what I’m doing. I flip her around and grab her ass, lifting her up so that her legs wrap tightly around me. I shift a step to the left and slam inside of her as her back hits the door. The new angle and the use of gravity deepen every plunge and I use the leverage to thrust harder.

“Aden! I’m almost—oh fuck! Yes!”

I won’t last long and I can feel her tightening, clenching my cock in a vice grip with her pussy.

“I want to hear it, baby.” I’m fighting to get the words out; my breathing is labored and uneven. “Let me hear what I do to you.”

Reaching between us, I apply pressure directly onto her clit and watch her face as she flies into a euphoric oblivion, screaming my name. The clutch of her orgasm on my cock shoves me over the edge and I slam my hand against the door as I explode inside her, still thrusting deep until every single tremor has subsided.

I finally still and rest my forehead on hers, still buried deep inside and I can feel her pulsing around my cock. Nothing can compare to the ecstasy of bringing Shaylee to orgasm and then coming so very deep inside her. Well, maybe it comes second to the feelings I have when she tells me she loves me. I knew she wouldn’t tell me first, so I was waiting for the right moment, a special moment to say it to her. But, I just couldn’t wait anymore. I knew if I told her how I felt, she would open up to me. Finally.

Our breathing has slowed to normal levels and I place a lingering kiss on her sweet lips before stepping and pulling out, letting her slide down my body until she is standing. I don’t even try to keep my eyes from roaming all over her exquisite body. As much as she turns me on (and that’s a whole fuck of a lot), my heart swells with love for her as I take in her beauty inside and out. I wrap her in my arms and hug her tightly to me. “I love you, baby. For eternity.”

Shaylee lifts her head and beams at me, “I love you too, Aden. Forever.”

The freedom to tell Shaylee that I love her anytime I want puts a bounce in my step.
You don’t think I know that this makes me sound like a girl? I do, so shut the fuck up.

We spent most of Saturday and today, in bed fucking or just cuddling and watching movies. We’ve gone through an entire pack of condoms over these two days. I had to run to the store for more. And, as I stand in the checkout line, I just now realize that I hadn’t used protection Friday night. I know Shaylee will be pissed as hell if I get her pregnant. I’m not really ready, either. I want to have some time together, just the two of us. But a small part of me, the asshole who makes stupid decisions and gets my ass handed to me when I listen to him, is whispering that if Shaylee were to get pregnant, she would be tied to me completely. A picture of her, lying on our bed, cuddled up against me, with both of our hands, resting on her round belly, flitts through my mind. My breath catches at the image, and a feeling of utter contentment settles over me as I imagine Shaylee with our babies.

Babies? As in multiple?

Yeah, wow. Babies.

I need to get my head on straight. Now isn’t the time to be thinking these things, there will be time enough for that in the future. I push the thought out of my head and take the condoms home.

Shaylee was sore as hell the next day and I couldn’t help walking around with a smug smile, knowing my girl felt me inside her every time she moved. Over the next few weeks, each day was better than the last. I can’t believe she is finally mine, forever. I knew I wanted her, but fuck, I had no idea how much I would crave her. Not just her body, but her love.

When Christmas came, it was the best one of my lifetime. Shaylee missed her mom and aunt terribly, but we spent Christmas Eve with my family, her grandparents, and extended family. The party was full of fun and laughter and it helped take her mind away from her homesickness. Christmas Day, we had a lazy morning, (well, there was some vigorous activity) and moseyed our way to the living room to exchange gifts. I gave Shaylee a pair of one carat diamond earrings. It wasn’t the diamond I truly wanted to give her, but I wasn’t sure she was ready. Besides, I decided to talk to her mom the next time I am in the human realm; not only to ask her permission, but also to find out what would be the perfect ring for Shaylee.

She gave me a book of fairy tales that had been her father’s. When I opened it, I realized he had written down all of the stories that he used to tell her. He’d made notes of where the humans had created folklore and the history behind the stories. While living in the human realm, Shaylee’s father had taught history at NYU, and his students had adored him for his enthusiasm and unique outlook on all things relating to myths and legends. This book took his skill and applied it to the history of the Fae. It was absolutely amazing, and the fact that she would give up something that belonged to her father, made it absolutely priceless to me.

But, guilt continues to nag at me. I haven’t been as diligent with the condoms as I should have been, but it was only once or twice. There is nothing like being gloved by her pussy with nothing between us and a couple of times, I gave in to that need, the need to be completely fused together as one. However, I still haven’t told her about being fated. It gnaws at me. I can’t lose her, I won’t.

“Dude, how about you think with this head?” Brannon taps his finger against my temple. “And maybe focus on what you’re supposed to be doing?” He gives me a wide smile, popping his dimples that for some reason, chicks seem to go crazy over.

“Sorry about that. It doesn’t take much brain power to wipe the floor with you, so I let my mind wander.”

Brannon flips me the bird (not that I can see it through his boxing gloves, I just know him that well) and laughs as he shuffles around a little, warming up his muscles. Shaylee is working with Laila today and while I would normally watch, Brannon wanted to get in a workout and I needed to burn off some of the guilt that had begun to get stronger with each passing day.

“I still haven’t told her.”

Brannon stops moving and contemplates my statement. “About being fated?” I nod.

His eyebrows slide up almost to his hairline, “You’re cruising for a bruising, brother.”

“It just never seemed like the right time,” I explain. “I wanted to wait until she fell in love with me, but now I’m wondering if I should have just told her in the beginning and dealt with the fallout then.”

Brannon shakes his head, a rare serious expression on his face. “I don’t know what I would have done in your position, Aden. But it is what it is and you should tell her now. If you wait too long, or she finds out from somebody else, she could go off halfcocked and do something stupid.”

He smiles widely at me once again, “Like fall into my waiting arms.”

Serious moment over.

“You’re right.” I flip him the bird when he gives me a ‘duh’ look. Mine is more effective since I’ve removed my gloves. “I’ve got to head out for a few days and check on my other charges.”

I cut him a dry look. “Can I trust you to watch over my girl?” I rethink the statement and add, “From afar?”

Brannon laughs raucously, and I can’t help but smile. His damn laugh is infectious. “Yeah, brother. I’ll keep her in line with an iron fist, and keep her away from my, or anyone else’s iron rods.”

“You realize you sound like you’re twelve, right?” He just grins at me unrepentantly as he removes his gear.

We head to the locker room where Brannon’s stuff is stored. He lives in a house out in a nearby suburb, so he hauls a bag back and forth. He begins to pull out his toiletries for a shower and throws me a questioning glance. “When do you go meet with Fate?” he asks the question with a deadpan expression, but I can see the mirth dancing in his eyes. Brannon and Fate get along really well, go figure, and find it absolutely hysterical that I’m so uncomfortable around her.

I narrow my eyes at him, warning him off of the direction he is likely to take this conversation. I’m not is the mood for him to fuck with me about my issues with Fate. “After I get back. I’ll call Grady, when I cross, and tell him to let her know we’ll be there a few days after that.”

Brannon nods, and then slaps me on the back as he leaves to take a shower. “Good luck, dude. I’m sure you’ve noticed, being so whipped and all, but Shaylee’s got a kick ass attitude and as much as I’d love to see her beat the shit out of you, solely for my own entertainment, I might shed a tear if she kills you.” He shrugs, “Just saying.” Then he disappears into the bathroom, narrowly missing the wind I sent to knock him on his ass. I can hear him chortling on the other side of the door.

I’d love to give as good as I get with him, but some of Brannon’s humor is masking his own girl problems and heartache. His normal personality is big, fun-loving, and carefree, and he does a stellar job of only letting people see that side of him. However, Ean and I have been friends with Brannon and Kendrix all our lives. As his twin, Kendrix knows him better than anyone, but it didn’t take too much observation for Ean and me to see the pain he hides. I love Hayleigh, but I hope she comes to her senses soon and sees that Brannon is the surest bet she’ll ever find. Because if she irreparably breaks his heart, we’ll cut her out of our lives without a second thought.

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