PS01 - Tall, Dark & Lonely (27 page)

Read PS01 - Tall, Dark & Lonely Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #funny, #Romance, #pyte, #vampire, #vampire romance, #paranormal, #mathewson, #witty

BOOK: PS01 - Tall, Dark & Lonely
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“Baby, I have to tell you two things before we do this,” his said in a hoarse voice.

“What?” she whimpered. She was squirming wildly beneath him, trying to get him to come inside.

“The first thing you should know, once I put my cock in you I’m not going to stop fucking you until my dick explodes inside of

you.” His words were like pouring gasoline on the fire that was already out of control in her body. She moaned loudly with


“And the second?” She was surprised she managed a coherent thought never mind a sentence at this point.

He pulled back and positioned himself. “The second is the most important.” He kissed her deeply before pulling back to look

down at her. He needed to watch her as he told her while entering her. He slowly pushed forward.

Madison gasped loudly. “The second thing, Madison, is that I am head over heels in love with you.” With one thrust he was

buried inside of her.

Her body tightened around him and began convulsing. “Oh shit!” He touched his forehead to hers while he watched her come

apart. She moaned his name while licking her lips. Her body convulsed violently around him. It took everything he had not to

come right then and there with her. He’d never been with a woman who exploded like this, never mind when he entered her.

He waited until her body relaxed before he started moving. His thrusts were slow and shallow giving her a chance to recover.

The entire time his eyes never left her face. “Are you okay, baby?” he asked with a soft kiss.

She bit her lip and nodded. “That’s my girl.”

“I’m not a girl, Ephraim. That night what you said,” she shook her head. “I’m not.”

“Shh, I know, baby. Trust me I know. You’re not some little girl. You’re not.” He kissed her long and hard before pulling away

abruptly. “You’ve probably never had the chance to be a girl, darling.” He kissed her chin, moving down to her neck. “I’m so


She whimpered as he pulled out. “Ephraim?”

“Shh, it’s okay, baby.” He moved his mouth down to her breast. His tongue traced a wet circle around her nipple before pulling

it into his mouth. It slid in between his fangs. He took two long pulls on her nipple before abandoning it to continue down her


“So sweet….so beautiful…” He pressed kissed on each thigh.

“Ephraim, please! I need you!” Madison was panting with need. She wanted him back inside.

He chuckled against her skin. His tongue darted out, running over her skin as he made his way to the center of her. “Mmmm.”

She tasted better than he remembered. He sucked on her swollen little nub, teasing it with the tip of his tongue.

Madison looked down her body. His eyes were focused on her face. He liked to watch. That made her brave. She wanted to

please him so badly the way he was pleasing her.

His mouth lowered to her entrance where he licked her greedily. She moaned loudly. Her eyes never left his. He watched her

feeling each moan down to the tip of his erection. He shoved his tongue inside of her.

“Oh, baby, yes!” she cooed. Her hips rose in the air. His hands clamped tightly on her hips and brought her down so he could

feast on her.

She ran her hands through his hair, over her stomach and her breasts. When she pinched her own nipples his hips thrust into the

bed. He growled low and deep, sending the most erotic sensations through her and setting off another powerful orgasm. Her

body arched off the bed.

Before her body fell back on the bed he was back inside of her in one hard thrust. He felt harder than before. She wrapped her

legs around his hips, afraid he was going to pull out again. His thrusts were no longer shallow or slow. He moved like a man


He kissed her greedily as he thrust inside of her. Madison cupped his face as she kissed him. Her fingers gently caressed his

skin. It made him feel like a king by the way she was touching him.

She liked to see him out of control and right now he was dangerous. He moved on her like a madman. She whimpered as

another climax came and went leaving her boneless and panting, but still he didn’t stop.

His jaw was clenched and the muscles in his neck were taut. He looked like he was in a great deal of pain. That’s when she

noticed the tears in his eyes. He looked frustrated.

She cupped his cheek. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

He shook his head. “I can’t….I can’t…..fuck I’m so close!”

“You can’t come?”

“No. I don’t know what’s wrong. It’s been so long.” He moved harder inside of her, bringing her closer to another orgasm. She

needed to help him or she was going to die of pleasure.

She pulled him down, tilting his head to the side. “Let’s see if this helps.” She pressed wet kisses to his neck. Her tongue

traced his Adam’s apple and up to his chin. His thrusts slowed down into a uniformed cadence. He moaned deeply as her teeth

scraped his skin.

“That feels so good,” he groaned.

Her hand slid between them. The next time he pulled out she snaked her hand between them and gripped him tightly while her

arm circled around his neck and held him down.

She was gripping him so hard. The sensation of sliding through her hand into her wet tight pussy was too much. The triple

combination was too much too soon. He wanted to pull away from her and take control again, but she held him tightly against

her. The sensation was pushing him past the edge. The build up to the climax he knew was coming was too strong.

His body began thrusting wildly into her. She never wavered in her grip. She licked his neck and moaned along with him.

“Stop! Madison, stop it’s too much!” She only tightened her grip and swirled her hips beneath him. He broke.

He threw his head back and roared. His hips slammed into her, making her remove her hand or have it broken. She held onto

him as he carried her into another climax.

She gasped as he bared his fangs and struck.

Chapter 17

Ephraim was gasping in the crook of her neck. “I’m so sorry.”

“Shhh, it’s okay.” She gently rubbed his damp back. “It’s okay.”

“I’ll replace it. I promise.”

She watched as a feather slowly drifted down towards her face. She blew out a stream of air, sending it back up. “It’s just a


“Thank god.” He kissed her neck.

“Is it always like that?”

He shook his head. “Never like that.”

“Do you always bite in the end?”

He shrugged. “I’ve never had to bite before. I’ve never come inside a woman before you. It’s never been that powerful before

either. You, oh baby, you don’t know what you do to me.”

“So, do you always have a problem coming?” she asked shyly.

“No, I didn’t, but then again I think the last time I had an orgasm was back in the nineties.”

“Oh, so like ten to twenties years ago? That’s not bad I guess.”

“Wrong century. Try more like a hundred or so years.”

“That’s a long time.” She couldn’t hide her smirk.

“Yeah, I guess I had a clog.” He laughed and pulled out of her. He looked down at her body as he climbed out of bed. She was

covered in feathers. “Let me just go end the charade next door and then I’ll help you wash those feathers off.”

Ephraim pulled on a pair of dark khaki pants that looked recently pressed and a white tee shirt. “I’ll just be a few minutes,

baby.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “I love you, baby.”

He felt the change in her. She stiffened under his touch. Her breathing ceased. He swore inwardly. She wasn’t in love with him.


She climbed off the bed. “Let me get dressed,” she said nervously. Her hands shook as she searched through her drawers and

pulled on a tank top and flannel pajama pants.

Warm firm hands gently cupped her shoulders. She began rambling nervously. “You know I really should go in there with you.

It’s my fault this whole thing happened in the first place, well not really. Candy did all of this, but I don’t think she would come

in here and help. I mean, we could ask but she’ll most likely throw something at our heads. She hates to be woken up. Do you

think we should wake her? Because I can go get her if you think we should. I think she’ll just get in the way and-“

His hand covered her mouth gently. “Shh, baby, I didn’t tell you to send you into hysterics. I’m going to take my hand away now

so just let me speak, please.”

She nodded against his hand. “Okay.” He lowered his hand and wrapped his arms around her waist. His lips pressed softly to

her neck.

“Now, I’m going to tell you that I love you.” She stiffened. “Shh, Madison, let me continue. I didn’t say it because I expect you

to say it. I knew you wouldn’t. You can’t, sweetheart. I’m not going to assume you love me and I didn’t say it because I wanted

to hear you say it. That would make me a bit of a cad.”

“I know how freely your mother said that to men. Hell, I’ve heard her say it about a hundred times to seven different guys since

you’ve moved here. I know she thinks she loves them and throws the word around too easily. I also know she never once said

those words to you or your siblings. So, I know how foreign those words are to you. I know you don’t want to do anything like

your mother would, you’re afraid of turning into her.”

She nodded slowly. “But, Madison, you are not your mother. You’re a strong, independent woman. You’re headstrong,

stubborn, smart, kind, and yes loving. I know how hard it was for you to allow yourself to give yourself to a man. I’m honored

beyond words that I was your first.” And last, but she didn’t know that yet. “I won’t push you or get upset if you don’t you love

me. All I want is to be allowed to show you how I feel about you and to tell you.”

“Ephraim, I don’t think I’m capable of loving anyone other than my brother and sister.”

He pressed another kiss to her neck. “Well, then let me deal with it. I’m not asking you to love me. I’m asking you to let me

love you. I’m fine if you never say it. I just want you, Madison.”

She gulped. “For how long?”

“However long you’ll let me.” Forever, but really she didn’t need to know that either.

“No pressure?”

“No pressure.”

He turned her in his arms. His eyes bore into hers. “Let’s just get one thing clear, Madison. I have never told another person

that I love them. Not one. I’m not one of those men that come sniffing around your mother. I don’t say things lightly and I’m not

using you. I won’t run for the hills either or become bored. I’m here for you as long as you’ll let me and I won’t pressure you.”

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “For as long as you want me, Madison, I am your man.”

“But what if you-“

“I won’t.”

“You didn’t let me finish.”

“It doesn’t matter. I won’t do it if it hurts you.” He brushed his lips against hers. She wasn’t giving up. He could practically

feel her fear.

“What if you get bored with me? I’m not very beautiful and-“

He pulled back to search her eyes. She was serious. She really had no idea. “Madison, let me clear that up for you. You are the

most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

She scoffed.

“Madison, I would never tell you otherwise. What makes you even more beautiful and special is your big heart. You’re too

kind and sweet for your own good sometimes.”

“No I’m not. Ephraim, see this is just infatuation for you. You think I’m perfect. I’m not. I’m a woman with many faults, but you

don’t seem to see them.”

“Really? You think so?” he asked, sounding thoughtful.

“Yes! See that’s how my mother acts with every guy. You don’t see the real me.”


“I’m not perfect, Ephraim, and sooner or later you’ll see that and move on.” Her words hurt but they needed to be said. He

didn’t understand. He couldn’t. There was no such thing as love. Affection? Yes, she cared about him deeply. More than

anyone, but love? No. There was no such thing as romantic love. It was just infatuation mixed with hormones.

“You’re probably right.” He pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed to pull on his socks and shoes. “Baby, can you hand me

my shirt?” He pointed to a dark grey shirt hanging on the back of the bathroom door. A tie hung around the shirt’s collar.

A little confused over how easily he dropped the subject she handed him the shirt. “That’s it?”

“What?” He stood up, buttoning the shirt and unzipped his pants to tuck it in.

She raised her hands slightly and let them drop. “Nothing.” She chickened out.

His hands made fast work of tying the tie. “Oh, you mean that nonsense about this being a simple infatuation for me and I don’t

see your faults? Sorry, didn’t know you wanted me to respond to that. Okay, let’s see.” He wasn’t giving her a chance to speak.

“You can be bossy at times. You shut down at anything emotional beyond love with Joshua and Jill. When Jill is flipping out

and crying, you get annoyed. You hate huge displays of emotion, you’re very laid back and relaxed. Well, it appears that way,

but you’re really protecting yourself and I don’t blame you one bit for that.”

Her hands shot up. “See that’s exactly what I’m saying. You’re seeing what you want, and what you see you explain away and

excuse things like you’re fixing me. I’m not perfect, Ephraim and I really wish that you would see that.”

“You drool.”

“What?” That caught her off guard.

“When you’re asleep you drool. I’ve woken up more than a few times with a little puddle forming on my chest.” After a thought

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