PS01 - Tall, Dark & Lonely (30 page)

Read PS01 - Tall, Dark & Lonely Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #funny, #Romance, #pyte, #vampire, #vampire romance, #paranormal, #mathewson, #witty

BOOK: PS01 - Tall, Dark & Lonely
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hand squeezed Trevor’s throat. He liked the feeling. Liked the way Trevor looked. He was scared. Ephraim could smell it.

He was barely aware of what Madison was doing or how he was responding. His eyes remained open while he kissed her.

Trevor’s fear was sending endorphins throughout his body. Blood lust surged through him.

Trevor’s eyes were squeezed tightly shut. Tears ran down his face. His lower lip and chin quivered. Ephraim squeezed a little

harder. Trevor made a sobbing pained sound. Trevor’s body began releasing adrenaline at an unprecedented rate.

The smell was overpowering. He was going to tear Trevor’s throat out. He wanted that blood, now. He tried stepping forward

only to have something stop him. He tried again. His brain didn’t comprehend the soft barrier standing between him and his


He tried a different approach. His hand tightened around Trevor’s neck and tried to drag him to his waiting fangs. The soft

barrier stopped him again. He dropped Trevor back against the wall in frustration. A loud menacing growl escaped his lips.

Trevor whimpered loudly.

He was about to throw Trevor to the ground and pounce on him to escape the soft barrier when the smell of female arousal

teased his nostrils. The growl halted in his throat. It was close, so very close. It was strong and familiar. Something was

registering in his brain. It was the smell of a woman,

Possessiveness soared through him. His woman was close by and she was aroused. He was also aware of the scent of another

male. He knew that scent to be of his prey, but the scent of sex lingered in the air confusing him.

Ephraim’s mouth stopped moving against hers. He bared his fangs, growling loudly. It was the single most terrifying sound she

ever heard. That and the combination of him sliding between her fist turned her on more than she’d been in her life. She needed

him, now.

With her free hand she shoved violently at the hand that was holding onto Trevor. His grip faltered enough for Trevor to shoot

out to his left towards the door. He stumbled, but didn’t stop.

Another menacing growl escaped and his hand dropped from Madison’s clothed breast and shot out towards Trevor. He


“Run!” Madison yelled.

Trevor scrambled out of the room, leaving behind his shoes. She heard the hallway door slam shut and the sound of an engine

turning over. Ephraim tried to pull away to go after him, but he was too confused by bloodlust and competing scents.

The soft barrier was stopping him again. He could still get his prey. Could still catch him. A car wouldn’t stop him, he knew

that. The barrier grabbed him and held on. His hands pushed at the barrier, but it wouldn’t move. He was starting to become

annoyed with the barrier. He shoved forward, hoping to push the barrier out of his way. Something stopped him. Something

was behind the soft barrier cushioning it between it and him.

Shit! He was going to kill her! Maybe she should have grabbed his gun. It was still on his belt. But she couldn’t stop. She

wanted him. She was pressed tightly against the wall and him.

She shoved her pants down by wiggling her hips until they were down and she stepped out of them. She released his member

and wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.

They were hard and vacant yet determined. Did he even know she was there? His eyes were focused on her but unseeing. This

had to work. This had to. She didn’t have any other ideas at the moment and she wasn’t trying to think of any. She wanted him

so badly that she ached from it.

She used the wall at her back and his height and strength to pick her legs up while holding him tightly. He didn’t seem

concerned, but his growl was lower. She quickly wrapped her legs around his waist. There was no way she would be able to

perform that acrobatic move again anytime soon.

Her arms tightened around his neck as she raised herself up. His very erect member brushed against her slit. She sucked in a

deep breath. His growl changed, deepened. Slowly, ever so slowly she lowered herself onto him.

She was tight, she knew that. She could feel her body trying to take him in. Her head dropped back as she licked her lips. He

felt so incredible. Using her legs she pulled him in all the way at last. There was only one problem with her plan.

There was no possible way to move. She was literally impaled on him and stuck between him and the wall. There was only

enough room now to breathe. Somehow he managed to move closer when she wasn’t paying attention. She tried to wiggle, but

her hips were stuck.

She kissed his chin and mouth. He was still distant. “Ephraim baby, you have to move now.” He didn’t move.

“Shit.” She grabbed his hands and moved them to her bottom, but it was like dragging a fireman’s hose, large, too damn heavy

and uncooperative. His hands latched onto to her upon sensation, but other than that he didn’t move.

Madison kissed him frantically, running her tongue wildly over his lips and tongue trying to get him to respond. She yanked his

hair, he growled viciously, but he responded. Interesting, he responded to pain. She reached back with great effort and pinched

his backside through his pants. He growled again and thrust forward, making her moan. She hoped she didn’t have to pinch him

for each thrust.

Pain, something was hurting him. He tried to focus, but all he could focus on was the odor of fear left over from his prey and

his woman’s arousal. He knew the woman was his. He could smell his own scent on her. He tried to focus on the woman. He

knew she was in front of him, but he couldn’t focus. She was the soft barrier and she was saying something to him and hurting

him, but for some strange reason he didn’t want to hurt her back or stop her. Something was telling him not to hurt her.

Why was she hurting him? He couldn’t focus because with each little shot of pain was a reward of pleasure. Her scent was

pushing away everything else now. It was becoming stronger. His own scent was mixing with it. He became aware that he was

painfully aroused and enveloped in a tight wet sheath.

“Fuck me, Ephraim,” he heard her whisper against his ear. Her breath was hot, sending shivers down his spine. He thrust his

hips forward and groaned.

He felt her wet tongue running down his neck. His hands gripped her bottom holding her tightly so that she couldn’t move while

he moved inside her. He felt her teeth scrape against his skin. He was becoming aware of so many things, but still he was

trapped behind a hazy curtain. Dull teeth sank into his neck.

“Shit!” he yelped.

Madison kissed the inured skin. “Good, now that I have your attention, do you mind joining me?”

He blinked several times and stepped back just enough to look down at their joined bodies. He licked his lips hungrily as he

watched himself disappear inside her body. “I’ll gladly join you, Madison.”

“Good,” she sounded relieved. “What are you waiting for, baby, fuck me,” her voice was husky with need.

His hands gripped her bottom tighter, holding her as he pulled back and thrust in. She was talking dirty to him. Many women

had talked dirty to him in the past, but he found it annoying and distracting. It wasn’t like that with his Madison.

Every nerve in his body was alive. He was inside of her, but felt like he was miles away. He released his hold on her bottom

and yanked his tee shirt off over his head. Balancing her weight on his hips, he moved his hands beneath her shirt.

As his hands slid up so did her shirt until there was nowhere for it to go but off and onto the floor. She looked glorious naked

against the wall. He moved closer, one hand going to her bottom and the other to her breast. He squeezed and caressed each

area until his mouth decided to join his hand on her left breast.

He pushed her breast up so he could take it into his mouth. She moaned loudly as he took not just the tip into his mouth, but as

much as his mouth could pull in. He licked the sucked greedily as he slid in and out of her.

Her hands ran over his back, gently scrapping her nails against his skin. He thrust harder, loving the sensation. Her hands

snaked up into his hair and he gently pulled his head back. He released her breast with a loud sucking sound.

She cupped his face in her hands and caressed his cheeks with her thumbs while he made love to her. Her thumbs gently ran

under his eyes and then moved down until both thumbs were running over his top lip. They dropped and traced his fangs,

carefully. “You’re so handsome, Ephraim,” her voice felt like a caress.

He turned his face into her palm and pressed a kiss. “Love you, Madison.”

Madison pulled his face in for a long deep kiss. She winced against his mouth. The butt of his gun and the leather holster were

digging into her leg and scraping her-
oh shit

“Ephraim, stop!”



Ephraim pulled out and lowered her to the ground. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

She half bent over and cupped the inner thigh. “Nothing, nothing at all!” She made a mad dash into the bathroom, shutting the

door swiftly behind her. She ran over to the sink and raised her foot to the counter to get a better view.

“Thank god.” She closed her eyes, relieved. It was rubbed raw, but no broken skin.

“Just like that,” Ephraim’s deep voice said next to her ear. He was already entering her by the time one hand held onto her hip

and the other supported her raised leg.

Her mood had dampened when she thought she was about to send him back into bloodlust. His it seemed hadn’t. “I’m sorry

about the holster. I’ll make it up to you.” His hand on her leg gently rubbed the raw area while his other hand moved between

her legs.

She sucked in a deep breath and dropped her head back onto his bare shoulder. Her arm came up and snaked behind his head,

holding on as he gently rocked into her body. “I like watching you.” He kissed her earlobe pulling, it between his lips and

sucking it gently.

His talented fingers found her swollen nub. They moved in a circular motion, barely touching it and absolutely driving her

crazy. She turned her head so she could kiss him. He kissed her deeply as he deepened his thrusts. His fingers continued to rub

her at the same slow steady rate.

He felt her tighten around him. He forced himself to hold out for another minute and make this good for her. The look of fear on

her face when he pulled out hadn’t escaped him. He was going to make love to her until she forgot that moment, the moment

when she realized just how dangerous it was to be with him needed to be replaced by this.

“Do you like that?” he asked in a deep sensual voice.

Her free arm moved back and over his now bare hip. She held on as he moved against her. “Yes,” she moaned. She turned the

tables on him. “Do you like fucking me, Ephraim?” Her tongue licked his neck, slowly.

He growled and thrust harder into her. His fingers pressed firmly against her nub. “Yes, I like fucking you, baby. Is that what

you wanted to hear? That I love licking and fucking your pussy until you're wet and screaming for me?”

“Oh god!” She started sucking on his neck harder, moaning deeply. Her body was pushed closer to climax. She tried to move

against him, but he held her tightly as he quickened his pace. He loved her mouth on him. He wanted it everywhere.

He forced his eyes open so that he could watch her come. She sucked harder and held onto him tightly. “Fuck me,

Ephraim….oh, please, Ephraim, fuck me!”

That did it. He couldn’t hold back. He slammed into her, lifting her off the floor with each hard thrust. He growled and moaned

as she moaned and screamed his name. This time he didn't need to bite to find his moment.

Slowly he stopped. Her body was still squeezing his in the aftermath of a powerful orgasm. It was too much for his sensitive

flesh. He moved to pull back when her body tightened around his still hard member. Her nails pierced his thigh and the back of

his neck as another orgasm took over. She screamed and gasped.

He watched her in the mirror, entranced. He pushed forward again and again. He gritted his jaw and continued while she

screamed his name. Finally her hold on him slipped away. She fell forward slapping her hands against the sink as her leg

dropped to the ground.

“That was so good, Ephraim,” she said, panting.

“What do you mean was?” He chuckled. His hands gripped her hips as he continued to thrust inside of her.

She whimpered. Her body started to react again. It was too much too soon. "Baby," she said half pleading, half whimpering.


He was going to kill her with orgasms. There was only one thing to do. She pulled herself off him and turned around. She

pressed a kiss to his mouth. His hands moved greedily over her. She caught his hand as it tried to move between her legs.

“Just stand right there,” she said with a smile.

His brows rose up in confusion as she slowly dropped to her knees, kissing his stomach as she went. “What…” His head

dropped back and his mouth formed an “O” in surprise as she took him into her mouth. It wasn’t an expert blowjob by any

means, but it was the best one he ever received. He lost himself within minutes in her beautiful mouth.

Chapter 19

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