Public Display of Affection (3 page)

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Authors: Emily Cale

Tags: #Comics & Graphic Novels, #Graphic Novels, #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #Lgbt, #A 1 Night Stand GLBT Story

BOOK: Public Display of Affection
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As her body started to shake, Lucy moaned against Sam’s lips. Then she pulled away, leaning her head back against the wall. Sam couldn’t help but stare as she watched the gorgeous brunette shatter.

Keeping her hands on the woman, Sam held her up as she went limp against the wall. As much as she wanted to stand there and talk, they needed to move. Despite their hidden location, she figured more than one person might have been privy to the loud noised escaping from Lucy as she climaxed. She’d hate for someone to come around the corner to investigate and find them recovering. “Come on.”

She inched toward the door, aware that the woman struggled to stand, let along walk and follow directions. Right now, they both needed a little fresh air. Sam had all but lost herself in that kiss. The feel of her date’s soft lips against her own as the woman panted and purred. It would be too easy to lose her head during this date. Watching her embrace her own orgasm like that, despite her discomfort with the setting, made Sam’s own body ache for release.
. Maybe once they returned to the room she could sneak into the bathroom for a minute of two of alone time. After the crazy night they had, Lucy would fall asleep in a matter of minutes. Eyeing the back entrance of the hotel, she steered them toward the door, careful not to lock eyes with any of the patrons sitting in the lobby.



Chapter Three



Lucy couldn’t help but grin as they stepped out onto the lawn surrounding the hotel. Up until the last few moment of dessert, she’d been terrified she wouldn’t be able to come. Oh, it felt good. Better than anything she’d ever experienced before, but the thought of all those people hearing and seeing her made her skin crawl. Then, out of nowhere, she couldn’t wait any longer. The more she squeezed her muscles trying to hold back her climax, the more forceful it became.

The minute she was given permission, everything around her vanished. Despite her awareness of the people nearby, their voices carrying through the hall every few minutes, they felt distant, as though only the two of them existed.

Now, they walked across the grass, hand in hand, neither of them speaking. Lucy’s knees still felt wobbly. “So, you’ve done that before?” She cringed a little as the words left her mouth. What a stupid thing to ask. Of course, she’d done these things before.

“A couple times.”

A twinge of jealousy ran through her body. For Sam it was just one in a long line of experiences, but for Lucy it was a memorable moment. Never before had she been so absorbed in an encounter. Part of her wanted to believe that resulted from performing in public, though she knew Sam played a role in it. The woman enthralled her. Every move she made caught Lucy’s eye and kept her staring. If only this could be about more than a casual date.

“Do you want to head back up to the room?”

A tempting offer. She could throw the blonde into bed and have her way with her for the rest of the night. After the experience she’d just had, she owed the beauty a little fun. It felt safe, though. It was the sort of thing old Lucy would do. Now she needed to know what the new versions of herself would do. “How about we walk around a little more. The garden over there looks nice.” She pointed to the side of the building.

She led the way over. The butterflies inhabiting her stomach returned in full force. Had she gone crazy? The wheels in her mind had been turning and she’d decided that repaying Sam should be done in a way on par with her earlier experience. Finding a vibrator and sitting down for a second round of desserts seemed out of the question, but a little outdoor fun couldn’t hurt.

The lit flowerbeds full of colorful geraniums and roses set an elegant mood. As they moved closer toward the building, Lucy placed a hand against her face and pulled her close, lips hovering inches apart.

“What are you doing?” Sam whispered.

“Kissing you. Is that a problem?” She restrained herself from grabbing the blonde’s face and pulling her close.

“Only if you don’t start soon.”

As she finished her sentence, Lucy captured her mouth. It took every ounce of self-control not to slip her hands beneath her date’s skirt. She wanted to do this right, give her the proper amount of lead up before diving in. The woman had tortured her for a long time before allowing her to surrender. Two could play that game.

Greedily, they explored each other’s mouths, alternating between sensuous and needy kisses. She could have been happy that way for hours, doing nothing but making out where anyone could see them. After almost climaxing in the middle of a crowded restaurant, this appeared tame. The rest of her body didn’t want to wait. Despite having been satisfied a few minutes earlier, her pussy ached for more. She’d have to wait her turn though, and as much as she hungered for a second release, she needed to see what the blonde looked like in the throes of her own orgasm.


“Not here.” Sam tried to pull away, but Lucy kept a strong hold on her hips.

“Why not?”

Because I can’t
. She knew the answer wouldn’t appease the woman. Not after she’d made her come in the lobby of the hotel. That’s how she played. She pushed other people to their limits. She called it the perfect arrangement. She never had to be the one on the receiving end. Complete control of the situation always rested in her hands. “We have a beautiful room waiting for us.”

“And it will still be there when we get upstairs. I can’t wait that long right now.”

She glanced around. The area looked deserted. In the distance, she could hear a few faint voices. “We might get caught.”

“So?” The woman kissed her neck from earlobe to collarbone. “We could’ve been caught earlier too.”

Lucy’s warm lips contrasted with the crisp night air. Sam’s willpower waned as her body screamed to give in and get exactly what she wanted. What she wanted was Lucy.

Lucy loosened her grip on her body and moved to the buttons of her shirt.

Is she going to get me naked? Here?
“But—” The woman’s tongue against her nipple broke her concentration.

“You said tonight we experimented and pushed limits. I think this counts.”

She wanted to argue. Her mind focused on the risk, but her body didn’t care about the consequences. Her clit throbbed, reminding her how much she wanted to be close to the other woman. Leaning in, Sam captured her mouth. The faint taste of chocolate lingered as she licked the seam of Lucy’s lips. Responding to the move, she allowed her entrance, meeting her tongue with the delicate touch of her own.

Oh, to hell with it
. She let herself give in to her date’s demands. The morning would bring a lot of questions she couldn’t answer, but right now everything felt so good.

“Give me the remote.” Her voice grew husky.

Without thinking, she reached into her pocket and handed it over. Whatever had come over Lucy made her forceful and brave. Normally, she didn’t like that in a woman, but it made the dark haired beauty even more attractive.

A low buzz filled the air. She hadn’t heard it in the restaurant over the music and clatter from other patrons. Now, in the quiet of the night, she had to enjoy the fact that even though she couldn’t see the woman’s face, she could imagine it.

Lucy moaned, then leaned in and returned to kissing Sam. It came as a surprise a moment later when she felt the low vibration against her mound. The brunette pinned her against the wall. No room to move. No way out. She committed to following through with whatever scenarios popped into Lucy’s mind.

Pushing the fabric of her skirt aside, the brunette’s hands made their way beneath the clothing, fingers trailing up her inner thighs and stopping just short of her sex.

She shuddered. A thumb pressed against her sensitive clit, making small circles. “That feels so good.” She leaned her head back against the wall.

“What does?”

“That. Whatever you’re doing.”

Her date worked faster, her fingers still working against Sam’s underwear, testing her patience.

Lucy’s hips pressed against hers, the pulse of the vibrator moving through both their bodies. It had to be driving the woman crazy, her body still throbbing from recent orgasm. Just imagining the intensity of her partner’s experience made Sam more turned on.

When Lucy’s hand slipped beneath the thin fabric of her panties, it took every ounce of self-control she had not to come on the spot. She wanted to enjoy it a little longer before she succumbed to her release. A finger dipped into her pussy then went back to rubbing against her hood.

“I can’t hold on much longer.”

“I hear something. Back in that corner.” A voice louder than the others reached into her mind and pulled her from the moment.

“Shit. Someone’s coming.” If they got caught, she couldn’t even think of the amount of trouble they’d be in. That paled in comparison to the disappointment from Madame Eve when she discovered the difficulties they’d caused the hotel.

“Then you better hurry. I want to see you come.”

“It’s probably nothing.” A man’s voice cut through the hushed atmosphere.

“We have to—”

Lucy’s thumb became more demanding. “The only thing we have to do is finish.”

A second later, Sam lost control, her body, writhing against the wall. From the way her partner shook, she, too, must have gone over the edge. They both stood motionless, bodies still reeling.

“It came from over there. I sure hope it’s not a bear.” The woman’s voice reminded her of their exposure.

They both hurried to straighten their clothing, hand shaking and fumbling.

“I doubt there would be a bear here anywhere. What would he be doing here in the middle of the night?”

“Didn’t you hear the park ranger early today? He said the park is home to a large number of them and any sightings should be reported to the station.”

A man rounded the corner, a woman hiding behind him, gripping his arm with both hands.

“Did either of you ladies hear anything unusual?”

The both shook their heads vigorously.

“I told you. I think maybe you had a little too much wine with dinner. We better get you back up to the room.” He led her away, glancing back at them for a second before disappearing from sight.

The minute they rounded the corner, Sam broke out in laugher. “Do you think either of them had any idea what just happened?”

“He looked like he might, but I don’t think he had any intention of sharing it with his wife.”

“It’s for the best. She looked like the type who might drag us in to meet with management.” She could only imagine that conversation. The waiter would be asked to testify about their scandalous dessert. It would not end well.

“You know what I want to know? Which one of us sounds like a bear?”

“Definitely you.” Sam jabbed the woman’s arm.

“I take offense at that. No one in the lobby thought a wild animal trying to make a telephone call. You’re the noisy one.” Lucy reached out and took her hand.

It took her a moment to react. She’d done a lot of things over the years with her hook ups, but usually skipped holding hands. Too mushy with no real payoff. Except, it felt nice. Reassuring. “I might’ve been a little loud.” She squeezed Sam’s hand, afraid she might let go.

“I think you were perfect. You look so beautiful when you come, you know that?”

Her cheeks felt hot. Thankfully, the darkness of the night hid them so her partner wouldn’t be able to see the beet red color. In truth, she’d allowed herself to get carried away in the moment. Never before had she allowed someone to do that to her. Of course, no one she’d been with had even tempted her before.

“Want to head up to our room?” The brunette led her down across the lawn toward the front entrance.

“Seems like we should at least be able to say we saw it.” A lot of things felt right that evening. Except, now Sam had to figure out a way to extend their one night into many more.



Chapter Four



Lucy rolled over and looked at the clock. Nearly four in the morning. Tilting her head to the other side, she couldn’t help but smile at the blonde curled up in a tight ball, ass pressed against her hip. They’d gone ‘round and ‘round after they returned to the room until they collapsed and fell asleep. She couldn’t believe the night had ended so soon. In a few hours, she’d have to go back to her town and return to her dull routine. Now that she’d been introduced to all the possibilities, she couldn’t imagine her life without that sense of adventure.

That didn’t seem right. Last night had thrilled her, not only because they could have been caught at any moment, but because it was with Sam. The woman made her feel safe, even at her most vulnerable. She’d never felt that way with any other partner. Her chest ached at the thought that she might never again. The memories from this one night would have to carry her through.

The blonde stirred, stretching out across the bed as she yawned. “Is it morning?” She propped herself up on her elbow.

“Not yet.” Lucy stroked her arm. “Go back to sleep.”

“What’s on your mind?” Her face filled with concern, small lines forming around the corners of her eyes.

The urge to open up overwhelmed her. “Just thinking about how I wish tonight didn’t have to end.” She figured at this point, they’d both put too much of themselves out there for her to start censoring herself now.

“Well, we still have a couple hours left. Is there anything you didn’t get to that you wanted to try?”

A thousand different things raced into her mind. Unfortunately, she needed someone to experiment with for years to come.

That’s not in the plan
. A woman like Sam needed someone who pushed her too. She couldn’t take on that role. Not yet. In a few months, she’d get bored with Lucy in the bedroom. Then what? She’d scraped by after the breakup with Kristen, but going through it again would be—well, she couldn’t go through it again. “Nah, I’m still worn out. We should go back to sleep. Morning will come too soon for both of us.” Maybe then, she’d have worked up the courage to ask the woman to stay.

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