Public Display of Affection

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Authors: Emily Cale

Tags: #Comics & Graphic Novels, #Graphic Novels, #Gay & Lesbian, #Romance, #Lgbt, #A 1 Night Stand GLBT Story

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Public Display of Affection

Copyright © 2012 by Emily Cale

ISBN: 978-1-61333-193-4

Cover art by Mina Carter


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Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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Public Display of Affection


A 1Night Stand GLBT Story



Emily Cale



Also by Emily Cale



Dessert First



Chapter One



Bad things always come in threes. At least that’s what Lucy Stark’s grandmother used to say. Of course, if she looked hard enough, she could always find some truth to the old wives’ tales. Her list had been stuck at two items for the past couple of months.

Not only had her girlfriend left her for someone a little less vanilla, but the graphic design company she worked for had made some cutbacks and kicked her to the curb. Job-hunting hadn’t gone the way she’d imagined, so she had started freelancing. As much as she enjoyed setting her own hours, her reduced income hadn’t covered the bills on her fancy Denver apartment. In an attempt to cut back, she moved to the small mountain town of Lipton. Beautiful views, but lonely. If it hadn’t been for her Grandma’s cabin and free rent, she never would have agreed to the move.

She’d prayed all day that tonight wouldn’t be the third bad thing.

Checking in early at the Estes Park Castillo, she made her way through the twisting hallways, found her room, and settled in to wait for her date to arrive. Sitting on the bed, she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. She’d never been so nervous about a date. Butterflies flapped against the walls of her abdomen.

She leaned against the headboard and took in her surroundings. Despite the age of the building, the place shone as though built yesterday. The small room held numerous details that made it glamorous. A flat screen television with DVD player and wireless internet brought the venerable accommodations into the twenty-first century. Of course, she didn’t plan to take advantage of any of the modern conveniences.

Well, maybe the large, whirlpool tub.

. No tub unless it involved engaging in acts she’d never heard of before. Tonight only new acts counted.

For months, friends had been insisting she get back out there and start dating again. She’d never felt ready, but made a few attempts to please them, attempts that turned up empty. If she’d had any luck, she wouldn’t have had to agree to this hookup.

Now she wondered if it’d been the right choice. This whole evening could end badly and she’d be stuck in the mountains with a woman she didn’t want any part of. She loved surfing the internet, but making a date over the computer felt impersonal.

After doing considerable research, she had settled on 1Night Stand. Madame Eve had a good reputation and offered her a night of passion with no strings attached. It hadn’t been that long since Kristen left, and she didn’t want to rush into a relationship. Especially when she still didn’t know how to overcome the problem of not being experimental enough in the bedroom. They’d experimented a few times, but had always fallen back on their old repertoire. At least she did. Kirsten had found other things to do, namely Beth.

She’d requested someone who could help her break down her barriers and try acts she’d never thought of. While filling out the form online, it had seemed like a good idea. Alone in a strange hotel room, she wondered if maybe those hadn’t been the right words to use. What if the woman who showed up wanted to light her on fire or use a knife to carve interesting designs in her skin? Yeah, that would count as a third bad thing for her list.

She strolled to the windows and stared out. Taking in the view of the sun disappearing behind the snowy peaks helped to calm her nerves, a little. A quick glance at the clock made her shoulders tighten, though. Five fifty-eight—two minutes until her date.

A knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts.
This is it. No backing out now. Too far up to go out the window
. Taking a deep breath, she made her way over to the entrance and stood on tiptoe, trying to see out the peephole.

. The opening blurred the image too much for her to get a good look at the woman on the other side. As she reached for the doorknob, the butterflies in her stomach turned into birds, pecking at her abdominal wall in an attempt to get out.
Just breathe
. The thought came far easier than the action. When she pulled the door open, her heart beat fast as she gaped at the gorgeous blonde standing in front of her.


If she’d known that Madame Eve had set her up with such a looker, Sam Taylor would have headed for the room much earlier. Instead, she’d been sitting in the hotel bar for the last hour nursing a glass of merlot in an effort to calm her nerves. “You must be Lucy?”

The dark haired beauty nodded, but didn’t move aside.

“I’m Samantha, but you can call me Sam.” She paused, hoping for a response, then shrugged. “Can I come in?”

Lucy—assuming it was Lucy?—shook her head and blinked a few times, as though she’d been in a trance. “Of course.” She stood back, holding the door open.

“Seems like a nice enough room.” Nothing extraordinary, but it didn’t need to be with the scenery that surrounded it. No one came there to see the inside of a hotel room. Well, no one except for them, and they’d be doing very little of that. The king-sized bed decked out with a forest green and brown duvet and pillows took up a majority of the room. The whole set-up looked comfortable and inviting. Too bad the activities she had planned didn’t require a mattress. Setting her duffle bag next to the dresser, she turned back toward Lucy. “So what are you up for tonight?”

Like a deer in headlights, the brunette looked puzzled by the question. “Well, I’m not sure. I thought maybe you’d have an idea or two and we could go from there?”

As timid as Madame Eve had described in her email. She’d expected the woman to at least have a few ideas, an erotic act she’d found on the internet that intrigued her. Sam bit her tongue to keep from making a sarcastic comment. No judgment. This evening was to be an introduction to the more adventurous side of intimacy. Aside from that, she hoped to quell the sexual frustration that had been brewing deep inside her. “I have a few things worked out. After that, we can see where the night takes us.” She imagined it would have them in bed before late night TV even started. “Does that sound agreeable to you?” She half expected the wide-eyed woman in front of her to back out. From her expression, it was clear she contemplated her options.

“That sounds good.” Lucy played with the edge of her black, knee-length skirt.

Sam doubted the truthfulness of that statement, but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. “Then I suggest we get started. We are on a tight schedule at the moment.” Crouching down, she pulled a small box from her overnight bag. “Why don’t you go put this on?”

Lucy took it and turned it over in her hands. “What is it?” The pink color of the paper matched her sweater, Sam noted with amusement.

“Open it and you’ll find out.” She almost offered to help, but decided to bite her tongue. What woman hadn’t played with some toys before? Besides, the box still held the directions. “You can change in the bathroom. Just make sure you put all your clothes back on before you come out.” She would’ve loved to watch Lucy strip down to nothing but her bra and panties, but there would be time for all that later. She needed to maintain control over her own body, something that would not be easy once she got a peek at the milky flesh beneath the clothes.



Chapter Two



Lucy paced the bathroom floor, pausing to look at herself in the mirror.
Does the vibrator show through my clothes?
Each time she looked, though, she reconfirmed the invisibility of the device, a little butterfly with a vibrator in the body. She flicked it on—just to see if it worked—but nothing happened. A little disappointed, she followed through on the rest of Sam’s instructions.

If it had been any other day, she’d have said “no, thank you,” and backed out of the whole experience.

She might be a bit of a chicken, but not a quitter. She’d issued herself a challenge for this evening and would not give up before it even began. Then again, if the woman who walked through the door hadn’t been so damn hot, she might not have found the courage to continue. If she’d been at a bar, the blonde would’ve been the first woman she hit on. Tall and slim, she exuded confidence. Not ego or a feeling that she might be stuck up or high maintenance, but a feeling that she knew what she wanted and how to get it.

Glancing back in the mirror, she noticed her flushed cheeks. She passed it off as embarrassment at using a toy, but better judgment told her the color came from being turned on. She’d used toys, many times. Though, never before had her body come so alive. Even the small amount of pressure the device put on her clit had her all worked up, anticipating the rest of the evening’s events.

Still, she had hoped for a more obscure toy than a vibrator. Something outside her repertoire that didn’t feel as vanilla.

The words from Madame Eve’s email the day before kept floating through her head.
You’ll be in very capable hands. I expect you will have a night that will push your physical and mental boundaries
. She’d requested someone to help her break through her shell and do a little experimentation. Maybe she hadn’t been clear enough on what that meant. She’d been anxious to get the questionnaire filled out so that she could be matched up. Perhaps she should’ve taken an extra minute to read over her answers.

A soft knock startled her. “Are you almost ready?”

. She’d forgotten about Sam waiting on the other side of the door. Glancing at her reflection once last time, she stepped out of the bathroom. “Ready.” Or at least as ready as she could manage.

“Did you have any trouble?” Sam’s eyes wandered from her face to her groin.

Self-conscious, she pressed her legs together. “No. Fits fine.” Her cheeks heated. By this time, they had to be a dark shade of purple.
. Her inexperience might be a given, but her body could at least pretend not to be a bundle of nerves.

“Good. We’re already running a little behind schedule.”

One night might not be much time, but it didn’t require minute by minute planning. “We’re on a schedule?” Great, now she not only had to get over her fears, but she had to do it right now.

“We have reservations at the hotel restaurant.” Sam opened the door. Her long, multi-colored skirt billowed as she moved. “You didn’t think we could have fun without some fuel in our systems, did you?” She winked.

The tone she used made Lucy think she’d missed a hint about the evening’s agenda. Why did she have to put this on first? The device didn’t hurt, but wearing it for hours didn’t sound comfortable. Besides, she’d figured this sort of hook up didn’t involve small chat over appetizers, so she’d eaten dinner at home. “Well….” She needed to trust this woman. Things might have been a little strange, but so far nothing screamed serial killer.

“Good, because our reservation is in five minutes. Let’s move.”

As she slipped past her, Sam’s hand hit her smack on the ass. Tempted to turn around to see if it’d been accidental, Lucy instead made a beeline for the elevator. She already knew the answer.




Once seated in the restaurant, Lucy couldn’t help but fidget. The toy kept her aware of the building heat between her thighs. She’d been preparing herself for tonight for quite a while. Even before Sam appeared, she’d been revved up and ready to go. Once she had gotten a look at the woman’s gorgeous curves, she couldn’t help but want to fall into bed.

Apparently, there were other plans for the evening.

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