Purge: Book Three: Last Days Trilogy (20 page)

BOOK: Purge: Book Three: Last Days Trilogy
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Seville, Ohio



The cheering soldiers and prisoners greeted Michael, Reggie, Marcus and the others. They didn’t need to hear first-hand that they had won. The brightness of the sky, the regrowth of all things dead, told them that it had ended.

Eliza was watching from the window, when the thirteen of them headed down Kyle’s driveway. She ran from the house, nearly tripping in her race to Marcus. She grabbed him and gripped him so tightly she nearly swung him around.

Michael was quiet. He nodded to the pats and cheers of the others, but his eyes never left Reggie. “Reggie.” He reached out his hand for her. “It’s time.”

“No.” Reggie shook her head. “Michael. No.” She pulled away. “No, you stay. For a little bit longer. Stay.”

“I cannot.” He pulled her from everyone. “Let me have this moment with you.” He stepped to her, laying his hand on her face. “I have to go.”

Reggie closed her eyes. “I thought I could handle this.”

Michael smiled. “You will.” He lowered his head to hers and hesitated. “May I kiss you?”

Reggie nodded.

A soft moan of sadness came from Michael as he laid his lips to Reggie’s. The kiss was soft, lingering briefly. When he pulled away, he brushed his thumb against her bottom lip. “You taught me love, and I shall not forget it.”

Reggie couldn’t speak. She closed her eyes tighter.

Michael wiped a tear as it ran down her face. “No.” He shook his head then looked for Marcus. “Marcus.”

The smiled dropped from Marcus’ face when he saw them together. He knew. Marcus told his mother that he would be back, and walked over to join Michael and Reggie. “Michael. You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” Michael nodded. “But first I need to tell you, Marcus, how well you did with us today. You slipped into the plan with ease.”

“Yeah,” Marcus huffed. “I just wish you guys would have let me know you had it all planned out. I mean, down to the denouncing.”

“It did go as planned. Sort of. I did not plan to be hung from a cross.” Michael chuckled nervously. “Well. I am losing ease and nerve, and I must go.”

“Marcus.” Reggie turned to him. “Tell him no. Not yet.”

“Reggie,” Michael whispered. “I must go. It is as hard for me to leave as it is for you to watch me go. But I have to leave at this moment while the feel of victory surrounds you. Enjoy what you earned. You have much work to do here, as I have to do… up there.” Michael pointed and smiled. “Dealing with your father may be difficult, at first.”

Reggie lifted her eyes.

“And let us not forget Seth,” Michael added. “He will not leave my side. Ever. For you, he will be mine up there. To watch and to guide. And we, Reggie, we will wait for you. I will wait for you.” He kissed her on the cheek. “As for now, you must live and enjoy your life here with Marcus. You know of the new life you started?”

Reggie nodded.

He stepped back. “Marcus. You… you take care of them.”

Marcus felt the lump in his throat as he nodded. “I will.” He paused and looked curiously. “Them?”

“Them.” Michael smiled. “And know, I will be watching. Always.”

Marcus shifted his eyes back and forth. “Always?”


“Swell,” he mumbled.

Reggie snickered. “Marcus.”

“Well, Reg. Always?”

“Marcus.” Reggie spoke his name through clenched teeth. “Sorry, Michael.”

Michael reached out his hand, touching Reggie’s. “Be well. Thank you, Reggie, for everything. You are in my heart. And Marcus, thank you… you have been an absolute jerk.”

Marcus’ mouth dropped open as Michael simply walked off. “Great final words…”

Reggie couldn’t help but laugh, watching Michael as he strode away toward the edge of the property near the field. It was as he approached the horizon that Reggie saw. She grabbed onto Marcus, her entire being weakening with emotion when she saw James standing there waiting. With him was Seth.

Seth lifted his hand and waved.

Reggie whimpered out in heartache and relief, raising her arm high.

“Marcus do you see?” she asked.

“I see, Reg.” Marcus choked on his words. “I see.”

“What am I doing standing here?” Reggie took off running.

Michael walked at a good pace, but Reggie ran. Her feet pounded against the ground with every emotion, praying in her mind for him not to leave. She ran faster than she had done in her entire life, flying by Michael. She stopped just before she reached them, taking a moment, a breath to make sure it was real. Her eyes locked on to Seth’s.

Michael caught up and stood next to her. “Your haste has worked in your favor this once, has it not, Reggie?”

Reggie couldn’t speak.

James nodded once at Seth and the child ran to his mother.

Reggie fell the ground on her knees as Seth blasted into her. His arms wrapped tight around her, as she embraced him with everything she had.

“I’m so sorry, Seth. I’m so sorry.” Reggie cried. “I love you so much.”

“It’s okay, Mommy. I love you, too.”

Reggie sobbed.

James said, “You didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. For all that you have done, Reggie, this is the least I could do.”

Holding her son, Reggie looked at James. “You could give him back to me.”

Again, Seth repeated. “It’s okay. Someone has to be with Pap.”

“Regime,” Michael said softly. “Even in victory, this is not a world for children yet. Not yet. Soon.”

Reggie nodded emotionally, getting in another tight embrace. One that she wanted to record in her mind.

“We have to go,” James said.

Releasing Seth, Reggie placed her hand on his face. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Reggie planted her lips to his forehead, holding them there for a few seconds until she finally let go.

Seth stepped back. “Goodbye, Mom.”

“Goodbye, Seth.

Seth smiled. “Goodbye, Marcus.”

Reggie looked over her should, Marcus stood there.

“Goodbye, Seth.”

Reggie stood and felt Michael brush his hand over her shoulder as he walked by and joined Seth and James. She backed up, taking comfort in Marcus’ arms as they both watched James, Seth and Michael.

The three of them turned, walked a little further until they encompassed by a bright golden light. One that grabbed on to them, covering them. When the light disappeared, so did James, Seth and Michael.

They stared outward, in a moment of silent watching.

“You alright?” Marcus asked.

“Yeah. I am now.”

Marcus smiled gently at her, then looked back to the sounds of celebration.

Marcus looked to the party. “Shall we go join them?”

“No.” Reggie shook her head. “There’s something else we have to do.” Taking Marcus’ hand, she led him to the house.




Kyle’s little broadcast booth was empty. The sound of radio static filled the room as Reggie and Marcus stepped into it.

“My father would have a fit if I didn’t do this.”

Marcus smiled sadly and slid his hand across her back as Reggie sat in Kyle’s chair.

Deep with emotions, chest pounding, Reggie gripped the short microphone stand. She hesitated with a slow breath, then turned on the radio. “This... this is Reggie Stevens. You can come out now. It’s over. We won.”


Seville, Ohio

Eight Months Later



Herbie ran. From the moment he heard the call on the radio, he dropped his sander and ran from the auto body shop all the way to the First Baptist Church. By the way he huffed, one would think the distance was much further than two blocks.

“Marcus!” he called.

The Reverend was sweeping the aisle. “Herbie, you know as well as I do it’s check-up day. Marcus is downstairs with a whole lot of people who came in.”

“It’s time.” Herbie held onto a pew and caught his breath. “Eliza said to get Marcus.”

“Can’t Eliza handle it? I don’t feel like fending off sixty-five people…”

“Reverend, please.” Herbie scoffed as he made his way to the basement door. He opened it, and yelled down, “Marcus! It’s time!” He stepped back and looked at his watch. “We have this rehearsed. Twenty-two seconds. Watch.” Herbie’s lips moved with his counting, then, at exactly twenty-two, Marcus barreled through the door.

“This isn’t a drill?” Marcus asked.

“No. It’s time,” Herbie said.

Marcus ran.




Reggie’s head went back and forth as she spoke through panting breaths. “It’s not right. Too fast.”

Eliza wiped her head with a wet cloth as she reached down to Reggie’s enlarged stomach. She closed her eyes. “Where is…?”

“I’m here.” Marcus flew in. “Reg, how are you?”

Reggie leaned up. “I’m in labor, asshole. It’s bad, too.”

Marcus snickered. “Reg, it’s labor.”

Eliza whispered, “Marcus, something is not right.”

Reggie added, “The pain is different. Something is not right.”

“And…” Eliza lifted Reggie’s nightgown to expose her stomach. It didn’t just move, it shifted violently. “I was a midwife for many years, and I have never seen anything like this. Sweet Jesus, Marcus, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Marcus shook his head. “I told you, the baby was big, that’s all.” Positioning himself at the end of the bed, Marcus lifted the blanket above Reggie’s knees. Blood saturated the bed.

“Mom, grab my bag,” said Marcus, calmly. “Radio Herbie; tell him I need the suction machine as soon as possible. Okay?”

Eliza nodded and backed up.

“Marcus?” Reggie whimpered. “What?” Reggie’s jaw clenched, and she let out a painful scream.

“Hold tight. The baby crowned. Give me one good push. Now, Reg.” Marcus moved toward the crowned head.

Reggie lifted herself and pushed.

“Head’s out.” Marcus reached inside the prepared basin and grabbed a washcloth. He wiped around the baby’s face, then lifted a squeeze bulb. “Give me one second.” He suctioned the child. “Okay, this is it. Give me…” Before Marcus could say another word, the baby slipped out, unrolling from the fetal position into Marcus’ hand. He shrieked with joy. “We have a son!”

Reggie, out of breath, sat up. “Tell me… tell me he’s fine.”

The baby cried. Reggie laughed.

“We’re parents, Reg.” Marcus grinned. “Now let me…”


“Marcus?” Reggie asked.

Eliza entered the room. “Herbie’s on his way.” She wiped out an “Oh” when she saw Marcus holding the child. “What is the child?”

Marcus mumbled, “A boy.” That was the best he could do. The child was healthy, fine, and crying with life. The skin color was normal, the hair black and curly. Yet, there was something about him. The eyes. There was something familiar, something familiar and strange about his eyes.

“Marcus?” Reggie called. “What’s wrong?”

“Look at his eyes, Reg.” He handed the baby to Reggie.

Her smile weakened some and then she drew a curious look. “Is this his way of always being around?”

Marcus nodded with a heavy exhale.

Eliza stepped forward. “Oh my … he does have beautiful eyes,” Eliza said. “Have you thought of a name?”

With a tilt of his head, Marcus looked at Reggie, then to the baby. “With eyes like this. I’m thinking we should call him …”

Reggie said the name before Marcus could. “Michael.”



Thank you so much for reading this trilogy. I hope you enjoyed it.


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