Purge: Book Three: Last Days Trilogy (12 page)

BOOK: Purge: Book Three: Last Days Trilogy
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Michael looked around. “Where does that come from?”

More static. “Reggie, where’s Michael?”

“There… there it is again,” Michael said. “I’m here, Marcus. Where are you?”

Reggie snickered. “Michael, he can’t hear you.”

“But I hear him.”

“Yes, I know.” She lifted the radio. “My father is making me carry this around. Watch.” She pressed the button. “I’m right here with Michael. What’s up?”

“Tell Michael we have some shit happening at the front. We need you.”

“Shit... happening?” Michael questioned.

Reggie pressed the button. “Explain ‘shit happening.’”

Marcus responded, “We have company. They aren’t pretty.”

Retrieving his sword, Michael took hold of Reggie’s hand. “Prepare your weapon.”

Reggie rolled her eyes, and grabbed her dagger.


The moans were loud when Michael and Reggie arrived. Earl and two other bikers stood there along with Marcus. The demons charged but could not penetrate, as if there was an invisible wall across the property line. Michael caught his breath. “There are so many.”

“No shit,” said Marcus. “That’s why I called you. What do we do?”

Looking to Reggie, Michael stepped closer to the wall’s opening. “We have to take them out. We cannot let them lurk around out there. Evil should not be this close.”

Reggie moved next to Michael. His face looked worried, and his eyes didn’t blink. “What are you thinking?”

“These are newly formed demons. Not long ago they were men.” He snapped out of it. “Would you like to join me in taking them out? It should be fairly easy. They are unarmed, and it would be good practice for tomorrow.”

Reggie shrugged. “Sure. Do you think I’m good enough?”

“Ah, Reggie, you are a warrior like no other. Let us do this…”

Marcus stepped between them. “You aren’t taking her out there.”

Surprised, Michael looked at Marcus. “Tomorrow will be far worse.”

Reggie stepped before Marcus, speaking soothingly, “Why are you being like this? I’ll be fine.”

Marcus shifted his eyes from Reggie to Michael. “It’s real now, Reg.”

“I’ll be fine. I need you to find your faith, Marcus.”

Marcus nodded slowly. He looked at Michael once more, then leaned to Reggie and kissed her softly. “Be careful.”

She mouthed the words “I will,” moved back and faced Michael. “Shall we?”

Michael reached to Marcus and lifted his sword, handing it to Reggie. “Now we shall.” He winked. “Let’s go.”



Okay, so I’m being a dick. It isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last. I know it’s just tension. Michael is trying, but I really don’t care. They can claim to see my point. Pacify me. Pat me on the back and say, “It’ll get better.” Well, it won’t. I carry a lot of blame, and I have been punished for it. I have paid. The loss of my father, sister, niece… Reggie. My mother, despite her best attempts, will never see me the same way. My penance doesn’t stop there. We’re surrounded by creatures that seem as if they sprouted from an eccentric writer’s mind. Everything has been turned upside-down. Hell has come to earth.

The war has officially started, and the battles are on the horizon. We train, we sweat, we fight, we cry. We put our faith in Michael the Archangel. He will lead us into battle with the swift blow of his mighty sword. He will crush Lucifer, with Reggie by his side. The experienced warrior, Angel of God. Given all that, there is something remaining… he is one being. And right now, he is one… man. He bleeds like the rest of us. He did by my hands.

Am I the only one who feels repulsed at the fact that God so lacks faith in man’s ability to save his own life that He sends help? Granted, I’m sure our Creator is viewing this entire mess as man’s fault, but it’s not every man that caused this. And we, the ones who refute, are the only ones with the heart to beat it.



Seville, Ohio



They gathered around Reggie, silent and eager. She took a long breath and extended her hand. Before she reached bottom, she closed her eyes. Unrolling her clenched fingers, she felt. And then... her head dropped. She slammed her fist to the ground. There wasn’t a person there that didn’t feel her disappointment.

“Reg.” Marcus stepped forward and knelt beside her. He waited until the others began to disperse.

Reggie knelt on the ground, staring at it.

“I’m sorry.”

She lifted her head slowly. “I suck.”

“No.” Marcus smiled.

“Then why don’t I get a sword, Marcus? Everyone else has one. Even my father, and he isn’t even going with us.”

“Maybe you’re meant to use this,” Marcus said, pointing to her dagger. “Reg, there’s a reason.”

“Yeah. God’s a male chauvinist.”

“Reg?” Marcus came closer. “We’re an hour away from leaving for our first battle. Do you really want to insult God right now?”

“I don’t care.”

“Yes, you do.” Marcus took her arm and pulled her to her feet. “You’ll get one.”

“With my luck, it’ll probably be plastic.”

“That’s funny.” Marcus chuckled and kissed her on the cheek. “I want to check the medical supplies before we go, then say goodbye to my mother.”

“Okay. You going to change?”

“Who me?” Marcus scoffed “Wear a skirt?” He dropped his hands to the side of his jeans. “I’m going down in history as a son of Levi’s.”

Reggie laughed. After watching Marcus walk away, she turned to find Michael. “Oh, hey, did you see?” Reggie asked sarcastically. “I didn’t get a sword. How am I supposed to lead these men into battle with you when I didn’t earn a sword?”

“You have earned one. That is not a question.”

“Well what’s the holdup then? Is it back-ordered? Did it get lost in the mail?”

“I don’t understand.”

Reggie waved him off.

“What is this hostility?”

“It’s frustration. How can they look up to me?”

“You, Reggie, have the dagger.”

She arched an eyebrow. “Thank you very much for rubbing that in. I want a sword.”

“Use Kyle’s.”

Reggie grunted in aggravation. “I want my goddamn sword.”

“Woman! Do not take that tone so close to battling. God will not like it.”

“God thinks he’s so funny. Yeah, everyone can say, ‘don’t worry.’ But they have a sword!”

“Reggie,” Michael said, calmly. “It will come. And…” He laid his hands on her shoulders. “I am off to pray before we leave. Would you like to join me?”

“Um... I did. Thanks for the invitation.” Reggie backed up. “You go on. I want to see Seth.”

“Reggie, one moment.” Michael reached out and grabbed her arm. “Things will get tough. I will speak few words to you today. I just want to take this moment to tell you how proud I am to fight alongside of you.”

“Even if I don’t have a sword.”

Proudly, Michael said, “You have the dagger.”

“Geez, there you go again. I’m out of here.” Reggie stepped back, held up a closed fist, and then walked off.

Michael mimicked what he saw her do, and then brought down his hand and looked at it with curiosity.

“It means...” the voice spoke. “It means victory. Good luck. Togetherness.”

Michael turned around. “Ah, James.”

“In the flesh.” He held out his hands. “I came to see how you are feeling today.”

“Much better. Things are resolved. Not with Marcus, but that will come. However, I worry.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “For the first time, I feel a fear for Reggie. I wish she was not going.”

“She has to. But...” James held up a finger. “This is good. That feeling is good. Because it means you will fight even harder… to ensure nothing happens to her.”

“That is true.”

James smiled. “I also want to wish you the best today. I’m with you in spirit.”

“I know this.”

“Good. You know Devante watches and waits. You know he is ready.”

“Not as ready as we are,” Michael said.

“Be prepared in your ‘after-victory’ for him to try anything.”

Michael took a deep breath. “I have given thought to that. My eyes and ears will remain open.”

“We’re proud of you, Michael. We have great faith.”

“Thank you.” Michael looked over his shoulder to the dispersing and preparing soldiers. “An army is only as strong as its weakest warrior. Fortunately... we have none.”


Reggie smiled as she stepped behind Marcus. He was studying the medical supply table. “Hey.” She rested her chin on his shoulder and studied what he did. “You almost ready?”

“Yes. Did you borrow your Dad’s sword?”

Reggie whined. “Yes.” She stomped and pulled way. “He gave me instructions, like when I used to borrow his car. Don’t dent it. Use it carefully...”

Marcus turned with a chuckle. “He doesn’t need to worry. It’s not me using his sword.”

“Are you worried?” Reggie asked.

“Of course I am. I can’t fight. I can’t even swing that thing. Yet... Michael picks Doug to stay here… when Doug can nearly do that apple-slice thing.”

“Maybe he feels Doug doesn’t have your courage or spirit.”

“I have neither,” said Marcus. “Maybe he feels it’s best to keep the better people here watching things.”

Reggie shrugged. “You may have a point. Let his weaker ones die in battle.”

“Exactly... thanks.”

Reggie snickered. “Marcus.” She grabbed his arm. “You’ll be fine. Nothing is going to happen to you.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I feel it in here.” She laid her hand on her chest. “I always feel you. And I swear, forty years from now, when we’re sitting on the porch with our grandkids, I’ll still feel you.”

Marcus turned away and pretended to check his supplies once more. He spoke with a nervous chuckle. “It almost sounds like you plan on marrying me someday.”

Reggie turned him around. “I have not, nor will I ever stop loving you. Ever. You asked me to marry you, Marcus. You’re not getting out of it. A deal is a deal.”

Closing his eyes, Marcus laid his hand on her cheek and brushed his thumb across her bottom lip. “I love you.”

Reggie gripped his hand, holding it to her cheek. “We will do this.”

“Yeah,” Marcus said, feeling assurance as he stared into her eyes. “We will.”


Seville, Ohio



They lined up perfectly, and rode into a charge like the Cavalry on motorcycles. Kyle stood at the gate and watched until the last trail of dust lifted away. His heart was heavy, his hand gripping Seth’s. A part of him didn’t believe the reassuring words he told Eliza. The father in him wanted to call out and get his daughter back. Though he was proud she’d been chosen to play such a pivotal part, a bit of Kyle was angry.

Perhaps Seth sensed it. Kyle figured that was why his small hand held on after Kyle’s grip had eased.

“Pap?” Seth looked up to him.

Kyle let out a heavy breath and peered into Seth’s eyes. He saw a bit of his daughter there and smiled. “It’s time to wait, Seth. That’s all we can do.”

“They’ll be fine, right? My mom and Marcus are coming back.”

Kyle began to speak, but, feeling himself choking up, only smiled. He lifted his grandson into his arms and held him. “Just for a bit, Seth,” Kyle whispered. “Let Pap hold ya.”

Seth squeezed tighter.



Fifth Sub-Basement Level, U.S. Steel Building

Pittsburgh, PA


Cars were stacked up to block all entrance or exit ramps. Men with guns formed a secondary wall of protection. The large garage in the basement of the 63-story building was sectioned off, cots lined up in one corner, a large canteen in the other. Crates of food were used as separation walls. Children ran about; happily playing, not even noticing that they were in hiding. In another corner was a lone table, stacked with radio compartments. A young man sat before a microphone with a pad and pencil. He did not write. He tapped the pencil eraser as he intermittently peered at his watch. When a hiss of static came through, he called for attention. “Everybody! It’s time. He’s on.”

The people gathered in silence to hear the voice on the radio.

“Yep. It’s that time of day again.”
Kyle spoke smoothly and seriously. “
Time for a pause from the dark world above.”



Fort Knox, Kentucky


All right, now that I’ve done my introduction... Let’s do a little update on the Freedom for God home front. To all those out there holding up, staying low, listen up. Father Bryce in Kansas says his underground spies report six hits. Down south with Jerry we have reports of two. Over near Israel, the exchange hits hard, attacks are constant. Keep your heads up over there. We’re with ya’. I can’t... I can’t reiterate enough that true prayer protects. Before I end this hour’s update and head to my watch, I need all of you to take a moment for our warriors. They fight for our lives, our freedom and our world.”
There was a pause. “
Keep the faith.”
Just as Kyle’s voice left, a lone fiddle kicked off a country-western song.

Leonard turned the knob and shut off the radio. “How is he broadcasting? He’s in a little Ohio shithole and he reaches the world? How is that possible?”

Devante made a sour face. “It appears God has given him that power. Damn that blasted twang music.”

“The time draws near,” Leonard said with a grin, amused at Devante’s hatred of country-western. “Is that the reason for the edge?”

“I’m confident,” Devante said flatly.

“I’m sure.” Leonard walked to the window and looked below. The multitudes of dervan and demonlings had gathered to clean up those who remained in hiding at Fort Knox. “Reminds me of a scene from
The Wizard of Oz
,” he whispered. They looked like monkeys, bouncing up and down in excitement, pulling limbs and skin from screaming men. They chewed on flesh, fornicated with it, male and female, dead and alive. “Look at them,” Leonard said. “Your troops out there confirm that it’s hard to break into Fort Knox.”

“What you see is only the beginning,” Devante cautioned. “But don’t underestimate your enemy. Never. Isn’t that what you say?”

“Our enemy is a small, angel-led, bunch of biker-warriors.” Leonard stated.

“The angel and his warriors are a huge threat.”

“Then I don’t understand why we’re pissing around with battles. Lillian and Todd will be there tomorrow. Once they’re in, we’re free to enter. Why don’t we just wipe them out?”

“Michael will not be easily taken down. God’s protection is like a shield around him and that camp. For that shield to weaken, he would have to surrender to me. Hence, an imminent final battle. And I cannot take a chance on Dr. Leon’s life. Since the soul-exchange, we no longer have the free will of man. If one of my soldiers kills him, then it will be as if I did so. If that happens, then I will have destroyed my creator, and thereby closed my door; and I will be no more.”

“Let me see if I’ve got this straight.” Leonard sighed. “Leon’s life is vital to your existence, and you worry about your demon soldiers accidentally killing him?”

“Yes,” Devante answered.

“Then we have a problem.” Leonard moved to the window. “Those vile things, when they see man, they maim and kill. It seems instinctual. Leon is a warrior in this battle, and if you don’t want him dead...” Leonard tapped his finger on the window. “You’d better let them know about it.”

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