Pursue (Portland Street Kings Book 3) (15 page)

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Authors: Evie Harper

Tags: #Portland Street Kings

BOOK: Pursue (Portland Street Kings Book 3)
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The pulse in my neck thunders as my heart quickens. I’m done with the foreplay. I
him inside me. Straightening, I kneel and grasp the base of his cock and slide down, slowly. My neck falls backward, and I arch my body as the sensation of being stretched and full overwhelms me. Dom groans loudly and then suddenly, a gasp escapes me as his warm mouth sucks on my left breast. His tongue swirls around the tip of my nipple and then he sucks hard, so much that it comes with a bite of pain. Even so, it only enhances the pleasure as I begin to move my body up and down.

Dom takes a strong hold of my hips and helps me rise and slam back down as he continues to lick, suck, and bite my breasts. My gasps, his moans, and the smacking of our skin fill the room like beats to a song all coming together and speeding up as the climax of the ending nears.

Shocks of electricity spark all over my skin and each time Dom moves his hands from my hips to my breasts and to my face, I gasp from my skin's sensitivity. I twist my hips, left and then right. Dom's hands fall from my face and rest back on the sofa. He groans loudly. Euphoria evident on his face, I repeat it another two times and then pull up to his tip and slam back down. Dom urges me to go faster by taking a tight hold of my hips and pushing me up and pulling back down. The muscles in his biceps, chest and abs flex with the movement and with everything combined, my knees weaken as ecstasy swirls low in my stomach and my mind finds that beautiful place where nothing else matters but the sweet bliss about to flow through me.

“Fuck. I’m close,” Dom grits out.

I’m already there, screaming out his name. “Dom!” Wondrous sensations surge through me. Unexplainable joy explodes from every inch of my body.

“Fuuuuuuck!” Dom roars as his release hits. His hands no longer on my hips, but wrapped around my back, he holds me tightly to him as if I’m trying to escape, as if he’ll never let me go.

Our heavy breaths mingle together as the world comes rushing back to us too quickly. I’m lying against Dom's chest, listening to his heart hammering against his chest. When it starts to slow, so does mine.

I can’t help but think back to our first time and giggle. “How weird is it that this is the second time we’ve had sex, and I’ve called out two different names.” My face bounces on Dom's chest as laughter explodes from him.

Pushing back on his chest, we come face-to-face, our lips only inches apart and our eyes locked. “I don’t care what name you call me, as long as it’s only ever my cock inside you.” Dom smacks my ass and grins.

I wriggle and he groans. “I don’t feel anything at the moment. Are you sure it’s in?” I joke with a sassy smile.

Abruptly, a squeal escapes me as I’m thrown into the air, landing backward onto one of the mattresses. Dom is above me immediately, never allowing the cold night air to cool my heated body.

“You’re about to feel the earth shudder, baby, so hold on.” Dom smirks, but his eyes glint as if it’s a real promise.

A bubble of laughter bursts from my mouth, but it doesn’t last long because as Dom moves and grows in size, the only sounds that come out from between my lips are moans, pleas, and screams.

Chapter Sixteen


Lying on my right side in the nook of Dom's arm, I stare at his face as the morning light spills into the barn, signaling a new day, a new beginning. I shouldn’t be awake this early since we only fell asleep a few hours ago. For some reason I’ve woken anxious. I’m not sure if it’s because we are one day closer to going home or because last night I followed my heart and there will be no taking it back. I took a giant leap and told Dom I loved him right before I succumbed to sleep. The last thing I saw was his wide smile.

I know Dom loves me. I didn’t need to hear him say it back. And I meant what I said last night, so this anxiety riding me hard this morning must be the cause of tomorrow's impending departure. Also, in just a few days, I’ll be meeting William. I have so many questions for him.

Dom licks his lips and then his eyes open slowly. He turns his head to me, and I smile brightly. “Good morning.”

Dom grins, closes his eyes and extends his free arm and does a whole body stretch. “Morning.”

“It’s still early. You should probably try and get some more sleep,” I offer, but secretly hope he wants to stay awake with me.

He shifts to his side to face me, his arm resting under my head. “And miss waking up with you on our first morning together? Never.” Dom cups the side of my face and kisses my lips.

Feeling my cheeks heat up and flush, I hide my face back in the nook of his shoulder and stretch my arm across his chest, hugging him to me firmly.

“What’s wrong?” he whispers in my ear.

“Nothing,” I reply swiftly.

Dom nudges me with his shoulder, and I’m forced to move back and meet his eyes. “Tell me.”

“Honestly, it’s nothing. I’m just nervous about leaving tomorrow. It’s been so nice staying here. Stress and drama free, I wish this was our real world.”

“You’re not looking forward to seeing your brothers? Piper and Lana?”

“Yes, of course, I miss my family very much. Their antics, laughter, and advice, but for once in my life, I’m not looking forward to going home. Portland holds so much pain for me that I’m afraid we’ll get back there and fall apart. What if we aren’t strong enough to tough out the hard times? You only came into my world for a set timeframe. You always thought you’d leave and return to your friends and the town you grew up in, to your easy and good life. What if it all falls apart? I’m not sure I could handle you leaving again.”


I want to explain to Della how much my happiness depends on her, but I can’t put my feelings for her into thoughts, least of all sentences.
I’ve known love with friends and family. I’ve known passion with past relationships. I’ve known loyalty when I served my country, and I’ve known obsession with only her. But all at once, for this woman, love isn’t a strong enough word for what she means to me. The words haven’t been invented yet, or maybe they never will be.

“Della, I can’t change our past but by god, I’m going to create our future. You have me, forever, through good and bad. I swear to you, if the ground shakes, I’ll hold you steady, if it rains, I’ll be your shelter. There is no
when it comes to you and me anymore. There is only an
. You will never have to build another wall to protect yourself because I’ll be standing guard. Nothing will get through and if anyone or anything tries, I’ll be the one who gets cut.”

Dom sits us up straight as if he’s trying to wake me up, to get his point across as clearly as possible. “When I think about our future, all I see is possibility. I want it all with you, Della. Marriage, a family, old age. I want to dance with you to 'Piano Man' when I’m ninety. And yes, between now and then, I expect there will be tough times, but with open eyes and trust, this time, they will only make us stronger.” His expression is a mixture of conviction and joy. “I am a selfish man when it comes to you, but I’ll never be that way with your brothers, not when I know they take your happiness and safety as seriously as I do. And I wish I could show you through my eyes that even though my life was easy before, it's better now with you in it. I don’t want easy if you aren’t with me to enjoy it.”

Tears fall from Della’s radiant eyes and her lips tremble as she sits up a little taller. “I want 'Piano Man,' marriage, and a family with you, too.” Della wipes at her tears and continues, “I’ve never loved anyone outside of my family as much as I love you, Dom. I’m scared, but the future looks so much brighter with you beside me.” Della takes a big breath in. “Thank you. You have no idea how much everything you said means to me.”

I pull her hands to me, push our palms together and clench my fingers through hers. “I wish I could open up my chest, so you could really see how much you mean to me.” I unthread one hand from hers and touch her left cheek, “Instead, I’ll show you with the only way I know how to express the depths of my feelings for you.”

And that’s what I do. I cherish Della as I did the night before. Showing her with every touch, kiss, and thrust, she is my world. The beginning and my end.


While removing the screw from the top of the pallet jack, I notice Della standing by the barn staring at me. I look up and notice the carrots she walked into the barn with are now gone. I bet Archer loved the treats and Della’s attention. The sun shines down as if it’s only purpose is to bath Della in light. She’s beautiful, even in only a simple teal T-shirt and denim shorts. I wink at her, and Della gifts me with a smile. Warmth spreads throughout my chest and flashes of last night and this morning race through my mind causing me to smile as I get back to trying to fix this old and frustrating pallet machine.

Abruptly, I freeze as a gun shot sounds. It’s quickly followed by a scream from Abi.

Enforcers. They found us.

Immediately I drop the tool in my hand and start running for Della. I know she’ll race right into the chaos and I can’t allow her to do that. I won’t let her get hurt. Della is my first priority; she always will be.

“Fuck,” I curse as Della turns to look at me and guesses my motive right away. She’s off and running toward the house.

I pump my legs harder and swing my arms with as much strength as I have. In my mind, I’m back at the train tracks. Hopelessness infiltrating my mind and heart as I race to Della, except this time, I won’t let it get to the point where I have to wonder if she’s alive or dead. My chest tightens and becomes sore from my harsh breaths. I’m close to her. “Della,” I ground out as quietly as I can, hoping my voice will stop her or cause her to misstep and slow. She doesn’t stop but hearing me so close, it does surprise her, and her run falters. Extending my arm, I reach out to grab her, but I miss, only the very tops of my fingertips feeling the material of her shirt.

I’m so close.

Pushing my body harder, to the point I haven’t had to since the train tracks, I finally reach Della. Just as she’s about to change direction to lose me, I’m able to get my arm around her waist and cease her escape and plan to save Abi and Jared. My other hand comes up and over her mouth, not wanting her to make a sound and draw out the threat.

Della struggles against me the entire time I walk us back to the barn and inside. I push Della up against the wall and pin her there before releasing my hand from over her mouth.

“Dom, don’t do this. We have to help them,” Della begs with a strangled voice full of fear for those she’s come to love.

“I’m going to, but you have to promise me, Dell, you’ll stay out of sight and let me deal with this. I won’t go until I’m absolutely sure you will stay here and keep yourself safe.” My words come out rushed as my chest screams with pain, and I try to inhale and exhale enough air to stay upright.

Della's face hardens and her eyes turn cold.

She’s going to hate me for this.

“I promise. Go,” she says.

Having no other choice but to trust her, I push off, dropping Della's body and racing out of the barn. The burning in my chest deepens, but I don’t slow. I reach the back door and place my back flat to the house. I shoot my head around quickly to look through the door.
No one there.
I open the screen quietly and only enough to fit my body through. When I’m in, I stop and listen carefully, hoping to hear who is in the house and where.

Approaching footsteps cause me to tense and brace for a fight. My heart thunders with each step I hear.
Is it Paulie, Greg, someone else?

When the person steps into the dining area, my body instantly sags with relief. Abi startles and clutches at her chest where her heart is. “Oh my gosh, you nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought there was another one.”

“What happened? Who shot the gun? Another who?” I ask my questions in rapid fire.

Abi points behind her. I walk over and see Jared positioned at the bottom of the stairs, holding his rifle and standing over a man lying motionless on the ground. I walk over and the closer I get, I realize it’s Paulie. Half of his face is blown off, and the one eye that’s left intact is lifeless.

He’s dead.

“Have you searched the house for anyone else?” I ask, tensing. Greg may also be here.

Jared shakes his head. “I was sitting at the dining table when I heard the front door jingle. I grabbed my rifle and aimed it at the door. When the bastard got it open and stepped inside with a gun in his hand, I pulled the trigger quick as a flash and down he fell. You know him?”

I nod. “That’s the man who has been coming after Della.”

“Right,” Jared says. “Well, I’m glad I got to kill the bastard then.”

“Abi. Stay here with Jared,” I demand and look to Jared. “He’s not usually alone. There was another man working with him. I’m going to head out the back and front and look around. Stay together, search upstairs just to make sure the house is clear.” Abi rushes to Jared, and they both start up the stairs.

Hastily walking to the back door, a chill races down my spine.

Sprinting out the back door, I’m half way to the barn when I spot blonde hair peeking out from the barn door.

Della moves out from her spying position into the open and my heart near explodes with relief that she’s okay. Her face is pale, eyes rimmed red, and she’s wearing a frown.

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