Pursue (Portland Street Kings Book 3) (16 page)

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Authors: Evie Harper

Tags: #Portland Street Kings

BOOK: Pursue (Portland Street Kings Book 3)
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I slow my steps as I approach her. “They’re fine. Abi and Jared aren’t hurt at all.” I stretch out my arms and catch Della in time as her knees buckle and she falls with a sob.

“It was Paulie,” I whisper into Della’s ear. “He’s dead, but it’s not over yet. We need to search the property in case Greg is here too.”

Della tenses but quickly recovers, standing tall. “Let's go.”

We check every inch of the farm, the field, the barn, the stalls, the garage and the house. There’s no sign of Greg or anyone else. Standing at the edge of the driveway, we see the silver Mercedes parked a way down the road. Della and I search the car, but we find nothing that shows anyone else was with Paulie when he arrived.

Back in the house, Jared has searched and found no one else. He also searched Paulie, but all he had on him were his car keys.

Turning my focus from Jared and the dead body to Della and Abi, I listen in on their conversation.

“But you screamed so loudly after the shot,” Della states.

“Well, yes, look at my carpet.” Abi shakes her head. “I’m most certainly not hand washing
. I’ll have to pull it up and buy a whole new section.”

Della’s eyes widen, and Abi walks to her, arms stretched out wide and hugs her warmly and, unbeknownst to me listening, Abi speaks softly to Della. “Let an old woman have an excuse for screaming like a silly school girl, would you. It’s been a long time since I’ve heard a gun go off.”

I grin and turn my attention back to Jared. We aren’t sure what to do about the body. Call the police or dispose of it ourselves. Jared demands we call the sheriff, but I don’t want Abi and Jared tied to a mafia member's death. I decide to call William and find out why the fuck Paulie was still after Della when Lucini had agreed to the O’Connor’s deal. I know Paulie was crazy enough to go rogue, but if Lucini doesn’t know and if Paulie could cost him his deal for the drug road, then Lucini might not give a fuck if Paulie is dead.

Chapter Seventeen


Waiting anxiously for Dom to get off the phone, I bite my thumbnail and pace around the kitchen.

Finally, the back door opens and Dom walks inside. “We'll call the police,” Dom says, shrugging. “William got off the phone with me and contacted Lucini. He didn’t tell him Paulie was dead, but informed him he was still following us. William said Lucini was furious, enraged even that he was going against his orders. Lucini then told William that he would deal with him, and we’d never see him again. William said to call the police, but for us to leave before they arrive. Paulie is connected to Lucini. Lucini is connected to Jae and Jae is connected to Rex. You’re already connected to Rex by being at the train tracks when he killed himself. We don’t want the police looking further into Jae’s death as it’s still classed as unsolved.”

Leave today?
My eyes shoot to Abi and Jared, who are sitting at the dining table across the room.

“That settles it then,” Jared says, standing from the table. “Off you two, go and we’ll call the sheriff.”

Abigail stands with him. “I’ll pack some containers of last night's leftovers, so you don’t have to stop.” She comes to me and grasps my arms. “No stopping. Just drive until you’re both home and safe. Hear me?” she says sternly.

Giving Abi a small smile, I agree, “Yes, ma’am.”

Twenty minutes later, Dom and I have the Dodge packed and ready to go. There isn’t anything else to do except say our final good-byes. Knots form in my stomach. I’m not ready to leave, but fate has a funny sense of humor like that; we ended up here because of Paulie and we’re leaving because of him.

Standing out front with my hands in my jeans back pockets, I stare up at the beautiful two-story home. What a life Pacer could have had if Philip hadn’t intervened.
Is this what my brothers meant by maybe we’re better off not knowing?

Abi walks to us quickly from the side of the house, obviously refusing to step over the dead body at her front door. However, Jared casually steps out through the front door like a proud man who protected his family and home.

Abi carries two large Tupperware containers to me. I take them, and she puts a piece of paper on the top. “Our phone number. Call us when you get home, please.” Her words come out as a plea, and it hurts my heart.

Dom and I have been that distraction she needed after the anniversary of Jacob's death. She loved to cook for us and even clean. Our nightly games and laughter always put a smile on her face. Thinking of her cleaning up on her own while Jared watches his news with only the two of them playing cards together, causes my eyes to well up. They deserve so much more, a large family to shower with their love. “I promise I’ll call when I get home,” I assure Abi as I fight back my tears.

She smiles, pats my cheek and then stands on her tiptoes and kisses my forehead.

My eyes slowly close as the sadness disappears and my heartbeat calms. Abi’s one kiss takes away all of my worries. It’s a sensation I’ve never felt before.
A mother's kiss, I think they call it.

Opening my eyes, Abi is now hugging Dom good-bye. Telling him the same thing, to call as soon as we arrive home.

Jared approaches me and I quickly place the containers on the roof of the car and turn just in time for his arms to wind around my back. He pats my back hard three times; it feels as though he wants to say something but when he doesn’t, he pats my back instead.

“Thank you for taking us in.” Squeezing Jared tightly as I speak, I hope to convey just how grateful I am.

Jared huffs. It’s not one I’ve heard from him before. It sounds more like a strong man trying to hold in his emotions. “After Jacob's death, I prayed to God for help, for Abi and I and our farm. I believe God answered my prayer.”

Jared speaks with a thick voice and then pulls away quickly. I’m left bereft of his warmth but also humbled by his words. He still reminds me of my brothers. Tough men with gooey insides.

“See you both again in a few weeks,” Dom states as he takes Jared's hand and shakes it firmly. Jared pats him on the shoulder with his free hand and smiles, appearing unable to form words.

Dom and I jump into the Dodge, not wanting to drag the farewell on for them or us as this is a much more painful good-bye than any of us thought it would be.

The whole way down the driveway and along the main road back toward town, I spin in my seat and watch as the Harris farm gets smaller and smaller in the distance. A tear escapes. I don’t wipe it away. Because
, leaving a loving home with two strangers who showed us kindness and treated us with tenderness, is a reason to cry. They deserve my bittersweet sorrow.

The Harris farm was my soft place to land when my world was spiraling out of control. It was the peace my life so desperately needed. As if waking up from a nightmare to a bright and warm sunny day. My heart, soul, and spirit were given a reprieve. A chance to heal, reflect, and make decisions based on truth and not pain.

In all the romance stories I’d read, it’s the hero who heals the woman he loves. Had someone told me my hero was an elderly woman, wearing a red apron living on a farm, I’d have laughed. Not anymore. Abi was my saving grace.
“God only sends his best angels into the dark.”

The Harris farm falls from view, and I turn back around and face the front.

Dom wraps his right pinkie around my left pinkie, “You doing okay, Dell?”

Taking a deep breath in and releasing it, I turn to Dom and smile. “Yep, let’s go home. I miss my family, and we have a new beginning to start.”

Dom smiles so wide that his cheeks lift the highest I’ve ever seen them go. My heart skips a beat. Life for us will be bumpy; it will get chaotic, and we will need to depend on each other for support. I’m determined to completely beat my demons and grow into a woman who will one day be able to leave the past where it belongs: behind me. I will trust in myself to evolve at my own pace and to always be true to myself. The battle lines have been drawn, and I refuse to lose, for myself, and for Dom. I want his heart to skip a beat just as he makes mine. I hope to see that wide smile many times, for the rest of our lives.

Chapter Eighteen


We arrive back in Portland around eight thirty. Slater sent me a text message on Doms phone half an hour ago checking on details for our earlier plans to be driving back tomorrow. So this will be a total surprise to my family. I instruct Dom to park up the road a bit so we can sneak through the back door and scare them. It's Sunday night,
Game Of Thrones
will be on, and my brothers love that show. They’ll all be in the living room with their eyes glued to the television.

Creeping down the driveway and under the windows, past the house, I hear the telltale music to their favorite show.
Yes! I’m going to get them so good.
I can’t believe I ever dreaded coming home. Now that I’m here, I can’t wipe the smile from my face and my pulse races with excitement.

We near the back door and as predicted, the screen door is unlocked, and the inside door is open. Slater is always the one who goes through the house at the end of the night and locks up because he’s usually the last one awake.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I glance at Dom. “I’m gonna wait here,” he whispers and points to where he’s standing. “I don’t want to ruin the moment of you seeing your family again.” I begin to protest, but Dom cuts me off. “Your brothers are gonna want to kill me the moment they see me."

Pressing my lips together, I nod. Unfortunately, Dom’s right. I need to talk to them before they see him.

Stealthily, I turn the handle and silently open the screen. I don’t close it, just allow the lock to lean against the wood panel. I quietly take my sandals off and leave them at the door. The sounds and flashes from the television echo down the hall and into the kitchen.

Tiptoeing down the hall and peeking into the living room, I become breathless at what I see.
My family.
They're all sitting around the lounge room; Piper is sitting in Slater's lap in the single recliner. Mack and Lana are lying down on the sectional, and Pacer is doing the same but on other side of the sectional. Kelso is sitting on the floor, leaning against the middle of the sectional with a woman between his legs. She has long and wavy auburn hair. Shock vibrates through me.
How much have I missed?
Kel has never brought a girl home before. I knew there was a girl he apparently really liked before I left for Hastings, but I never dreamed he’d move this fast with her. All of a sudden, I become territorial and want to know everything about her, but first, I’ll scare her. A sinister and evil laugh filters through my mind.

With all eyes glued to the television and an intense scene happening on
Game Of Thrones,
I decide now is the right time.

Jumping out from the hall, I scream at the top of my lungs and bang my feet against the hardwood floor.

All at once, there are screams and one deep, “What the fuck!” Slater and Mack get up in such a fright, they knock Piper and Lana to the floor. Pacer is the one who cursed. He’s still lying on the sofa with a hand over his heart, staring at me with wide eyes. Kel and his mystery girl are both breathing hard, trying to catch their breath.

I laugh. “Gotchas.”

“Fuck. Della. Fuck. Don’t you ever do that again,” Slater says, breathless, banging at his chest as if he’s trying to restart his heart. Piper helps herself up and punches Slater in the arm. He pulls her to him and grins. “I was protecting you. I just couldn’t do that with you on my lap.”

Mack is helping Lana up as she rubs her nose, obviously face planting the ground when she fell. Mack kisses her nose when Lana punches him as well, but they both laugh at the same time.

Pacer is still staring at me as if I’m the bringer of death coming to claim him.

Kelso stands, his mystery woman doing the same. She’s wearing white shorts and a blue sweater. Her light green eyes are easily seen as they're still popped from the surprise. “Shit. My heart doesn’t even go this fast when I’m racing.”

After their panic wears off, all four of my brothers rush me and cocoon me in warmth and their familiar smells. This is when it hits me that I’m home. Not the drive here, not being here or walking through the house, but being surrounded by my brothers. Home has been many places for us, and I now know, it doesn’t matter where we are, home will only ever be where my brothers are.

They pull back to give me room to move and breathe, but I want more so I hug each of them, one after the other, squeezing them tightly.

“You’re in so much trouble,” Kelso says and I smile.

I move on to Mack. “You’re grounded for life.” My smile gets a little bit bigger.

“When Slater locks you away in your room for the rest of your life, I promise to bring you your favorite chocolate chip cookies.” My big smile turns into a cheek-aching massive one and I cling to Pacer as tightly as I can.

Moving on to Slater, he embraces me firmly “I was so scared this day would never come.”

“I’m sorry,” I say softly. Knowing there’s so much more to say and explain, right now, I only want to apologize for the worry I know would have eaten at Slater. Even though he doesn’t know the really bad parts of our trip, yet.

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