PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2) (44 page)

BOOK: PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2)
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She was screaming, her hands covering her ears as she kicked the covers from her legs and bounced off the bed like a lit firecracker.

Nothing soothed her for a good hour. She was completely off the rails and finally Flynn swung her ass around, planted her over the bed and brought down the one arm he could lift onto her ass like a paddle.

He held her down with his body, and by the fourth smack, her face was buried in the quilt and she let out a scream that broke his heart.

His little fire-doll was still that scared little kid that no one took the time to comfort. Her fear was real. It almost brought tears to his eyes, but she needed him now. She needed him strong, without wavering, and he intended to give her exactly what she needed.

“Are you fucking done with your fit?” Flynn was out of breath.

Fucking hell of a night. First that shit, now her. Fuck if I couldn’t stand to have my own little tantrum right about now.

“Shut up! It’s not a fit!
I’m mad.
I’m mad at you. I’m mad at all of this! I thought I was doing the right thing coming here, and it was all just bullshit! I should have stayed in Ireland. At least I’d be there to give my mother some comfort. Instead, I’m here! Working on something that isn’t what I envisioned, getting lied to, manipulated and starved, and getting attached to someone who will eventually leave me

one way or the other. And I don’t want it!
Any of it

Clearly, his little woman was not done as her voice made him close his good eye and raise an eyebrow.

“Damn girl, you’re going to set off some car alarms with that pitch.”

“Shut up!”

All right, that’s fucking enough.

“LISTEN! STOP! Don’t you tell me to ‘shut up’ again. I let that first one go, but that’s enough. Got it? You’re fine. I’m going to be fucking fine. And when I tell you something, it’s the truth, so quit before your pink ass gets turned bright red.”

Lilly’s vitriol turned to silence, her body tensing before her hands covered her face. Suddenly, she went limp into the bed and the sobs started.

By 3:30 am, he had her under him, her body taking him inside as they moved into each other. The warm clench of her body told him what she needed, even if it took a good hour to settle her down enough to get his face between her legs. He went at her gingerly, his busted lip reminding him he wasn’t running at a hundred percent.

Slow, practiced skill tortured her clit and lapped up her juices, making her entire body shake as she moaned her desperate need for release. She went off like a Roman candle.

As soon as she took a breath, she was up and fell to her knees, sucking him as if her life depended on it. Flynn filled her mouth with his first round, then lay her down to slam into her, her legs held high as he took her as deep as he’d ever felt.

The pain in his side subsided as his lust took over, Lilly’s body arching as her moans grew in a magnificent concerto.

She came on his cock and her pulsing drove him over the edge. He looked down at her face as he came inside her, sending his seed deep and feeling that wave of cosmic intuition that he’d just created a life.

After her bath and some more time between her legs, Flynn finally got her back to baseline and she fell asleep.

Then it was time to start wading through all the files on the laptop. Molly had come through, Flynn gave her that. When the troglodytes had thrown his beaten ass out the back door, the laptop had been right where he’d asked her to put it. With it tucked under his good arm, he’d been off to the Bronco and back home with a limp in his step and a huge smile on his face, his precious cargo safely stowed away.

“Let the mining begin.” It was close to five in the morning and he had until Lilly needed to be up at 7:30 to see what he could see.

Time wasn’t on their side. The damn wedding, he didn’t care about. He’d blow that shit up. But, if they didn’t get married, he needed to have all these dirty, little ducks in a row beforehand. He needed Mac and Topher on his side and enough cash in hand to make their new life.

The six figures he’d managed to tuck away would get them down the road and a few months away, but they needed security. He needed to give that to her because he was a man of his word, and it was his damn job to handle this shit.

The next two and a half hours felt like minutes.

Sure, he knew Colin was a dark heart with no soul.

But, he really had no idea.

By the time Lilly was up, Flynn felt like a corpse. The things he’d seen, read and uncovered — even for a jaded, hard-hearted fuck like him, he was stunned.

No way would he tell her.

Some things no one needs to know.
Once they are known, they can’t be unknown, and she didn’t need to carry this kind of burden. Nope, if before tonight he’d vowed she would never go near him again, it would take Goliath and Satan’s army to get her alone with Colin now.

His girl looked so tired when Flynn watched her walk slowly into the office. He’d made sure her phone was on, and she had a good breakfast.

“I love you, babe. You do know that, right?”

“I do.”

“Good, because you need to understand that will never waiver, never go away. And, by this time Friday, you and I are going to stand in front of that judge, and you will be mine in every way. Got it? We need to make it official.”

“Got it.”

“I’ll give you your big romantic wedding, it will just be a little out of order. No one needs to know we’re already married on paper.”

“I don’t care about the wedding. I told you that. Who am I going to invite anyway? I have my mom, Mac, you — maybe Ana. My circle is not that big unless you count your whole family and my dad, but somehow I think they may decline the invite.”

“Lucky us. Okay, you’re good? Feeling better?”

“Yes. Tired, but I’m okay. Just want to get back to work. I feel better when I’m working.”

“Good girl.”





Chapter Thirty-three


Colin spun the tires pulling into traffic, Gideon’s presence in the passenger seat necessary to take care of some business on the east side of town.

“The old guy?” Gideon half laughed.


“No shit. Ain’t he quite the matchmaker? He’s finding God late in life or what?” Gideon watched the cars go by as Colin drove.

“I don’t give a shit, but he needs a visit. If he thinks he’s dethroning me, he’s demented. Just needs a little tune up. A reminder to mind his own business. I’ll drop in on him next week, make sure he understands the stakes of the game.”

“So, what should I tell the investors? Everyone is still prepared to see you two Friday night. The successful, happy couple. What do I tell them when she’s not there?”

“Who says she won’t be there? Don’t you start doubting me. She’ll be there. But, you won’t.”

“What? Why the fuck not? I’m the business end of this deal. I’ve worked my ass off putting the financials together, killing myself to get this thing hyped right and sold to all these white, right-wing fucks.”

“Shut up.
be there. It’s all just about dick swinging and ass kissing. They want to see Lilly and me together. It’s the image we are selling, as much as the product. She will be there, next month she’ll marry me, then this family debt will be assuaged and we can move without that hanging over us. It will be a wonderful Christmas with our new family all tighter.” Colin spun his head, looking to his left before accelerating and moving the Audi A-8 into the turn lane. “You will be doing me an even bigger favor.”

“What?” Gideon flicked an invisible spec of dust off his immaculate, black, handmade suit jacket.

“You will be killing your brother.” Colin pulled into a parking space, looked at himself in the rearview and opened the door.

Gideon stared after him, a smile breaking over his lips.




Flynn needed to get to Mac, needed the wheels to turn and get a meeting with Topher. He thought of just showing up at the bar where Lilly’s dad spent his days and most evenings, holding court like some glamorous 1950s mobster. But the old man was the conduit, the thing needed to make the plan flow between the separate parts.

Flynn tried to draw a deep breath. The stabbing pain in his side was a sharp reminder of the 2 x 4 the fucks had worked him with last night.
And w
hen he’d shown up at the gym after dropping Lilly at work, Roger had taken one look at Flynn’s hamburger face and the hitch in his gait and sent him packing, leaving him with an entire day to fit the puzzle pieces together and achieve a shit ton of goals.

He’d grabbed sleep where he could the last few days and it only seemed to have made his senses more acute, his body drunk on adrenaline.

The only thing he was still having trouble getting his head around was how to get Lilly’s mother here and into the necessary medical care. That required more than just a damn plane ticket. Colin had contacts in the medical community and had called in favors to get her set up with the best of the best oncologists. That took real bank and relationships, which right now, Flynn lacked.

But he would make it happen. No way he was letting his girl down. His promise was a cement bond, and he’d figure it out. Yet the urgency gnawed at him. After last night, he knew the timeline needed to be shortened considerably.

Returning to the lake house, Flynn once more pored over the files and data from the dump onto his laptop, shaking his head at the fucked up shit he saw.

He had to wonder who knew. Could Colin be operating some of this completely under the radar? Did Gideon know?

Flynn couldn’t even look at a lot of the stuff. There were pictures and videos of the girls, some younger than Molly. Seemed he only brought the ones to the house who could pass for late teens. But some… Fuck. Flynn felt his breakfast coming back for a reappearance — some couldn’t be more than ten.

Even in their fucked up crime world, this would never fly. There were still standards, and this fell far below what any other family would find acceptable. It baffled Flynn as to how Colin had managed to keep it quiet.

Flynn felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

“Fuck, are you fucking serious?” Flynn spat as he looked at the caller ID.

Colin’s name and number flashed on the screen.

“What?” Flynn answered doing nothing to hide his disgust.

“Good morning, son.”

“What the fuck do you want? Didn’t we cover everything last night?”

“Just listen. I’ve thought about our conversation. And, as much as you may doubt me, I am a father who wants things for you. Your success and even your happiness. But, I also don’t believe in giving things away. You must earn them.”

“Gee Dad, thank you for the valuable life lesson. Now,
fuck off

“Don’t hang up. You’re going to want to hear this.”

Flynn didn’t say anything. He felt his sick rising and a burning hatred that surprised even him.

“I’m going to make you an offer. I suggest you take it. You are going to take one more fight for me. One more fight and if you win, you will have your freedom. And, you can have her.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Tomorrow night. I’m giving you one chance, a chance to conquer something you’ve never been able to conquer. And, if you rise to the occasion, you will get what you want. Your freedom and your whore. But, don’t doubt me. Whatever happens, Lilly will finish her work. That is non-negotiable. If that falls apart, if she even makes a whisper about telling anyone what we are doing or that she is thinking of leaving the project, you will be dead, her mother will be dead, and she will still finish the work. I promise you that.”

“Fuck, fight who? You and your boy toys managed to fuck me up last night. How the fuck am I supposed to fight like this?”

“You have to earn your prize, son. It’s one fight. Rise to the occasion. Show me you want it.”

“Who? Who do I fight?”

“What does it matter? It’s one fight. Be ready, be there and think of everything at stake. Be at the Row by 8:00; you fight at 9:30. Don’t show and you won’t like what happens. You’ve tipped your hand, son. I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself. I’ll even take care of her father. I’ll figure out how to settle our family debt some other way. I suggest you take this opportunity. You win — you get her, you get your freedom, and I’ll back you with your fighting career. In fact, I’ll be sure Joe O’Connell is there watching. I’ll encourage him to take you under contract.”

O’Connell was as dirty as Flynn’s father. But, he managed and promoted some kick-ass fighters, even if they were all complete douchebags. They’d been in bed together on plenty of fixed fights over the years.

Flynn held the phone. His head felt like someone just slammed him into a brick wall.

“Gideon,” Colin said, breaking the silence.

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“You know I don’t kid.”

“Why the fuck Gideon? Why at all?”

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