PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2) (42 page)

BOOK: PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2)
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“This what you want?” Mac turned to Lilly.

“Yes.” She looked down, then at Flynn and back to Mac.

“What the fuck can
do?” Mac’s fingers still drummed on the table.

“Okay. Both our families do business. But, I also know there are some businesses that are unacceptable, some things that fall outside the lines. We need you and her father on our side. We need him to understand just how fucked up Colin is and to not want his daughter anywhere near him.”

“Whatever you’re dancing around, spit it out.”

Flynn grit his teeth as the old man pointed a finger in his face.

“He’s got girls. Like, girls, little-fucking-girls.”

Mac squeezed his eyes half-shut trying to process. He stayed silent and Flynn decided it was time for the brick.

“He’s fucking little girls. Then he’s selling them. Young, I mean
, you get it? It’s sick.”

Mac’s fingers fell still. The look in his eyes even set Flynn back in his chair. For a ninety-four-year-old dude, he could still be scary as shit.

“You need proof. You can’t get what you need with just your word. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t have the credibility. Your reputation is that you’re not one-hundred percent loyal. You gotta get more. My son is a fuck; Topher’s as much part of this life as your father. But, if he knew about this, I don’t know.” Mac’s eyes glanced toward Lilly, giving her a sympathetic, sorrowful glance before darting back to Flynn, all business again. “This kind of shit will start a war. It will blow up whatever civility has been built between our families. Topher — so you need him, right? You need proof, like I said. What else do you want? I’ll try to push my son, but I don’t know what else I can do.”

“I need to be out. And Lilly, too. Out without having to look over our shoulders the rest of our fucking lives. And, I need to get her mother here; I need to take care of her. I promised Lilly that.”

“Okay. Look.” Mac pointed a crooked finger right in Flynn’s face. “You need proof. Black and white. Then, I’ll be behind you. Topher’s never been a father to Lilly, but he loved her mother, and he’ll come around. We just have to do it right. He’s got a lot to lose. This new venture is going to make him a lotta money, and that still has to happen. You aren’t going to get what you want and not fulfill that commitment. Sorry, Lilly.”

“I know. That’s fine. I want to do the work. It’s not exactly how I wanted to do it, but I want to finish, see it launch.”

Mac wagged his finger in the air again, his eyes narrow. “You better not get her hurt. I’ll come after your sorry ass myself, got that?”

Flynn felt his defenses go up, but he knew that he and Mac had the same goal.

“Not on my watch.” Flynn sniffed and pulled his shoulders back.

Flynn saw Mac look him up and down, staring intently at all his ink.

“I fucking mean it. If anyone dies, it’s you.”

“Absolutely. I’ll even hand you the damn knife.”

“Good. Okay. Then, get proof. I’ll start laying some seeds with Topher. I’ve not been involved in business for a long time, but I’ll make some calls too. I’ve still got a few friends. We’ll see, okay?” Mac reached across toward Lilly, tapping his palm on the table to be sure she was listening. “I don’t give a shit about this kid,” Mac jerked his head toward Flynn. “But if it’s what you want, I’ll do whatever I can to help. Now, get out of here. I’m going to drink some wine and try to get my blood pressure back down. Get outta of here.”

Mac looked at Flynn again, the old man’s eyes softening.

Flynn stuck his hand out. “Thank you.”

Mac accepted the gesture, shaking his hand without the extra squeeze that he’d given him when they’d met. When both men gave each other a quick nod, Flynn grabbed Lilly and they made their way out the front doors, leaving Mac hollering at the staff for more wine.




“Just do your thing, babe. I’ll be back at 6:30 to pick you up.”

Flynn was trying desperately to fight the urge to take her to the closest corner for a quick dick feeding, but she needed to get back to work.

His little siren put her hand on his thigh, and he knew she was thinking the same thing.

“I want to do my thing,” she teased, her hand moving to press on the hard length already drooling for her inside his pants.

“Fuck, babe. You’re killing me.”

Flynn’s mouth took hers, dragging her body along with it, pulling her as close to him as he could with the damn steering wheel in the way.

He couldn’t deny her, it was not in his program, but putting her in a position to get caught fucking in the parking lot wasn’t going to happen.

When they pulled back to take a breath, Flynn saw the deep need in her eyes. His fingers felt the softness of her skin just below the hem of her skirt, sliding up and watching her tongue trace on her lip.

“You want my fingers?”

He grazed ever so lightly where her thighs pressed together, and she answered him by opening her knees and closing her eyes.

The slip of white fabric between her legs was already wet.

“Spread your legs, babe. Tell me what you need.”

Flynn teased her, his fingers lightly moving outside the fabric, toying at the elastic around her leg.

He listened to the subtle changes in pitch and inflection of her breathing, the little halts.

“Tell me, babe. Ask for it.” He kept her eyes on his, challenging her to ask for what she wanted without any shame.

“I—” she started, then halted and Flynn gave her a glare. “Touch me, please. I want you to touch me.”

“That’s not good enough. I can touch you anywhere. Tell me what you really want.” He stopped moving his fingers and began to pull them away.

Wait, no, please. I want your fingers inside me, inside.” Her voice turned desperate, squeezing her legs closed to hold him in place.

“Good. Now, one more thing, just a reminder. This—” Flynn pressed between the elastic around her thigh and let his fingers feel the wet warmth, a jolt of his own panicked lust sending his brain into that place where she was his prey. “This may be between your legs. But it belongs to me. You remember, yes?”

Lilly shuddered as he sank farther into her wet folds, tickling and exploring, finding her clit and letting the tips of his fingers indulge her.

“Answer me, babe.”

“Yes, it’s yours — please,

“Good girl.”

Flynn gave her what she needed, toying and dancing for a long time then sending two fingers hard and deep, pressing against her front wall until he saw her eyes lose focus, her head falling back into the door. He cherished watching her come.

Sure, seeing her like this sent his lust into the damn red zone, but she was first and foremost. He would have her tonight, and he could tell right now it was going to be another sleepless one.

Lilly’s softness ran over his hand as she bit her lip and drove her hips up into his fingers. She whimpered and moaned as Flynn drew in her scent like the sweetest smell of coming home.

“That’s it, babe. You are so beautiful.”

When she came, her walls closed in, pulsing and running like a stream as she filled the Bronco with the heavenly sound of her bliss.

When she could form words, Flynn sucked her flavor from his fingers and tried to talk down his own pissed off dick from letting go inside his pants.

“What about you?” Lilly’s cheeks were rose red.

“I’ll get my payback tonight, you’ll see. Now, go to work. Remember, they’re about the money, and you are the winning ticket, so blow it up. Give them everything they want.”

“I will. See you later.”

“You bet. Give me those lips, then get going.”

Flynn loved her mouth with his and slapped her round ass as she turned to get out the door.

Can’t get enough. Damn.




Blood. It was still his fuel. His fuse.

When Roger put Flynn in the ring, everything else fell away. It was his church, his sanctuary. But today, he wanted blood. His own.

When the young kid with wide eyes and the cocky stare jumped in the eight sides of chain link, Flynn already knew he needed to manipulate him. The mental was as much a part of the fight as the physical, and even though Flynn knew he could knock the little wannabe on his ass in less than ten seconds, he toyed with him.

The sound of flesh on flesh, the grunts of the kid as Flynn let him get in a few solid, body shots, kicked in Flynn’s instincts, something so finely tuned that it couldn’t be taught.

Flynn could see the tiny changes in the dilation of the kid’s eyes, the way he pulled his punch back just a split second too soon, anticipating the retaliation that didn’t come.

Now, he was off his game, not sure what his opponent was giving him.

Flynn egged him on with a shot to the chin that sent the kid staggering to the left, the sound of the metal cage rattling with his weight.

“Come on!” Flynn gestured, glaring and pulling his lips back over his toxic green mouth piece, his hands wide open, daring him to bring it. “Fucking pussy, what are you waiting for?” The sound of Flynn’s voice was muffled and muted by the rubber on his teeth, but he could see the kid heard him just fine.

The line was drawn, and it was more than a fight. If the kid didn’t come for Flynn with everything he had, he’d lose some of his sac.

Flynn smiled, tapped his fists on his rock hard abs, and began a little side-to-side dance while his opponent visibly tried to figure out what was going on.

“Quit fucking around in there! You two have your damn tutu’s on? You’re wasting my time with this princess shit! Both of you!” Roger slammed his cane on the side of the cage, and the kid’s eyes darted back and forth.

With doubt in his eyes, the young fighter came at him. He was off balance, and Flynn easily could have swept under his feet, knocked his damn teeth down his throat and had him dead to rights against the floor in three moves.

But, that’s not what he wanted.

Not today.

He needed the taste. It was his drug, his home, and it had been too long.

Flynn lowered his guard, leaned in, and finally the kid found his balls and smashed his fist, wet and out of control, into his cheek, then up with another one under, and finally, brought his leg around and landed with a huge ‘thunk’ on the side of his head, sending his face into the metal cage.

Ahhhh, and there it is.

That flavor rolled down his face, off his lip, and he sucked it into his mouth. When he turned, the poor kid was already covering up, waiting for what would happen next.

Instead of giving him the beating of his lifetime, Flynn raised his fists for a bump.

Roger’s yelling and moaning in the background barely registered as Flynn swallowed.

“Good hit. ‘Bout time. You waited too long. That was a gimme. Next time, I’m taking your ass. You just caught me right. Good fight.”

Flynn stomped out the cage, Roger right behind him, poking his cane into any part of his body he could reach.

The next three hours, Roger did his best to kill him — on the bag, the weights, whatever he could find. Flynn took everything the old man had and drank in the pain. By the time he left the gym, every muscle vibrated but his head pounded and his fingers felt like they had been smashed with a hammer.

Perfect, I’m ready for tonight.





Chapter Thirty-two


There is nothing that exists close to how I feel when he takes me the way he does. Like a moth flying straight into the flame, I’m no one I ever imaged I would be.

After Flynn picked Lilly up from work, they’d managed a quick dinner before he took her in three different rooms, leaving them both slick and spent.

Flynn kissed the ring on her finger before tucking her under the quilts. The last thing Lilly remembered was his warm breath in her ear.

“You are mine, beauty. Don’t ever forget it. In two days, we’re going to make that legit, just you and me and the judge. It’s all for us. When all this other shit is over, I’ll marry you again in front of whoever you want, but it’s more important for you to belong to me in every way right now.”

Lilly never dreamed of a big white wedding.

Never imagined it at all.

Never wanted to marry.

No one ever showed her a marriage that she admired.

With his lips on her neck, she finally drifted into this new dream, only it was just them, taking their vows with each other, no one else around. And it was exactly as she wanted.




“Hurry, okay?”
Little Molly’s eyes darted around like that of a field mouse.

“I know. Thanks. I’ll be back for you, I promise, okay?”

Flynn ducked inside the door, the house nearly silent except for Molly’s soft, quick breathing.

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