PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2) (56 page)

BOOK: PUSH: Ultra Alpha MMA Badboy Mafia Romance (Southside Brotherhood Book 2)
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“What?” Flynn said as Roger mumbled next to him. All he could think about stood about twenty feet from him, and his dick was not about to wait much longer to give Mrs. Flynn Dunleavy her first proper fucking as a married woman.

“You got a fight. Two months, Atlantic City, against Jake Owens. It’s a big-fucking fight, man. Put your name on the map, if you win. We got two months to rebuild you. So, don’t go getting your ass beat to shit again, you got it?”

“Yeah, I got it.”

“Good. Now, if all the fun is over, I’m gonna go. I gotta get a drink.”

“You need to quit that shit. You need me healthy? Well, I need you healthy, too. Promise me, you’ll work on it. I need your best, and I’m going to give you mine. So nut up, old man.”

Roger limped off without an answer, but Flynn could hear his terse agreement as he tapped and shuffled toward the back of the church.

Now, let’s wrap this shit up. I’ve got a wife to taste.

“Okay, so, thanks for coming everyone.” Flynn looked out at the few smiling faces gathered to support them. “I know there’s supposed to be some big party after a wedding and that shit, but if you haven’t noticed, we don’t do things just because that’s how it’s done. You guys can have whatever kind of party you want, but me and my wife have our own kind of party planned.”

Flynn saw the pink rise in Lilly’s cheeks as he squeezed her hand. He also saw Mac giving him a glare. The old man’s eyes letting Flynn know he was still Lilly’s keeper, and Flynn’d better keep up his end of the bargain. Take care of her or else.

“But, I do want to say something.” He felt his heart slam inside his chest as he cleared his throat to continue.

Flynn saw the puzzled, worried look from his little fire-doll, but she just pressed her cheek onto his shoulder and let him go.

“I’d like to say — I'd
to say… that there was never a moment where my love for her wavered, that one moment of doubt never cast its shadow. But, I’d be lying. It wasn’t that I ever doubted the love, really, or the precious gift of my wife. But, I did doubt. I doubted that I was worthy… of her. Of
love.” Flynn squeezed Lilly’s hand as he saw the first drops escape down her cheeks. “Because, I’m no damn prize. I look at her and wonder what I have to give someone as beautiful and precious as her. Then I realized, if one moment of my life were different, I wouldn’t have this — this gift I have now. Everything that came before conspired to bring us here. Right now, today. And I will make it, every day from here on out, my sole purpose to show her I
worthy, that we are meant for each other.” He looked down to catch her eye. “I want you, babe. I want us. Forever.” Flynn felt the hitch in his voice as he took her mouth in their first kiss as husband and wife. That was the moment he felt whatever was left of his walls crumble around their feet.

Back at the hotel, Flynn carried Lilly through the lobby, up the elevator and into their room, the staff and guests applauding and swooning as they passed by.






Chapter Forty-three


Lilly’s pink-painted toe nails wiggled as Flynn figured out how to get the key card into the hotel door without putting his beauty down.

A feeling of newness had settled on them, as if they were both virgins. Lost in each other and caught in a shared quiet, Flynn had refused to do less than carry Lilly the entire distance to where they would make love for the first time as husband and wife.

Finally, the damn door clicked and its green light lit. Wedging the door open with one foot, Flynn quickly returned his hand to the soft, curving underside of his wife’s ass before revealing the first of several surprises he’d deviously worked to put in place for just this moment.

“You ready, babe?” Flynn couldn’t help the little sophomoric flutter in his belly as he looked down at her.

His girl wore miniature white roses tucked in her hair. She’d left it long but pulled back in the front in some wonderful, girly way that pulled the hair from her face and gathered it like a sprite’s crown around her head.

When she’d walked down the isle, with her natural beauty shining and her little toes peeking out with each step, he’d almost passed right out.

“Ready.” Lilly answered.

Flynn pushed his hip into the door, a brilliant smile cresting his lips as he brought Lilly around to see.

Her face turned to childlike wonder as a warm brilliance and the scent of white roses and lily’s engulfed them. Flynn let the door latch behind.

“OH my god!” Her arms tugged around Flynn’s neck, and she kicked her feet in little jerks.

“You like?” He set her down like the most precious china doll, letting the tips of her toes touch first, then finally letting her rest on her own feet, but his hands snaked around her waist, unwilling to break their connection completely.

“You are absolutely crazy! How— ”

Flynn couldn’t wait, capturing the rest of her words with his lips. Lilly spun and pressed herself against him, and Flynn felt the surge of possessive power she brought out in him rush through every nerve and pump of blood in his body.

Inside, the suite glowed with ivory softness — every wall draped with gauzy white fabric. On every surface and path-free spot, the room glowed with hundreds of white candles flickering gently, and the floor was carpeted in pale, creamy flower petals.

In the center of what had been the suite’s mammoth living room, now only a mattress lay centered on the floor. It was covered in the softest, pure white sheets and pillows, surrounded by a circle of candles and a scattering of white roses, just like on the night in the boathouse when Flynn took Lilly for the very first time.

He let her lips go under duress; he wanted to see her eyes as much as feel her body.

“It’s another first, Mrs. Dunleavy. I wanted you to know how every first with you is as precious as the last.” Flynn twirled a long curl in his fingers, lifting it to his face to breathe her in.

“For such a tough guy, you are the most romantic man on the planet.”

“Only because of you, babe.”

Flynn couldn’t ignore the battle cry from below any longer. It was time to consummate this legal coupling with the spiritual one, and his dick was in full battle dress and at the ready.

His fingers found the two, tiny buttons at the base of her neck. He worked them open, listening to her breathing and the rushing blood in his ears.

Flynn’s fingertips gathered up the fabric, starting at her waist and slowly working it upward until she raised her arms with a smile and let him free her body from the off-white, soft linen and lace.

Lilly then gave him the most precious gift he’d ever received. She slowly let the last of her clothing fall to the floor as he watched with the sun gleaming through the white fabric that covered the windows, outlining her glorious form.

“I’m yours. All of me. I give myself to you in every way. You own me, and that is a privilege.”

Lilly slowly lowered to her knees, bowed her head slightly and raised her hands.

It took a force of will unlike Flynn had ever used to not tear the walls down with his happiness. Instead, he took her hands in his, gently pulling her up and into his chest.

“You, Mrs. Dunleavy, are going to be the death of me.”

Lilly smiled and Flynn saw a flicker of her inner, little impish girl as she pulled her lips to the side.

“What?” He could see she had something else to say.

She guided his hands down with hers, pressing them warm and flat onto the soft curve of her belly, then bit down on the corner of her lip with another of her killer sprite-like smiles.

“I’m pregnant. I did the test this morning. But, I wanted to save it for now. I wanted it to be my gift to you.”

There was no reaction time, no thought process. In a split second, he had her up and wrapped around him, his mouth on hers as he felt the warm stream of tears on his cheeks.

How could a fuck like him have turned into this? She rewrote his life, a chapter at a time, and he couldn’t imagine what was to come from here.

He made love to her, his mind spinning and swirling, desperate to be bound to her in every way and for every moment until he closed his eyes for the last time.

He fought his own demon, the one that always screams to take her like a rutting boar. He knew his girl. On this day, she would want him to take her slow as he did their first night. He wanted to see her face, watch her cum, as he kept the pace slow, stroking her deep until he felt the rush and heard the glory of her noises.

But, his little fire doll pulled his face to hers and whispered in his ear.

“Is that all you’ve got?”

Flynn let out a laugh, then spun her over and for the next twenty-four hours, he gave her the answer to that question.

It was exactly the wedding night they wanted. There were no more clothes, only pleasure and laughter and gratitude until they boarded the plane and spent the next two weeks fucking their way across the Irish countryside.

Flynn made sure they visited Adare, not because he wanted to necessarily meet the fuck that raised her, which, they did. Instead, Flynn took a little, private, side trip, leaving Lilly sleeping in a beautiful country estate he’d rented for a couple of nights.

He snuck out, found that fuck of an uncle and made sure both his dick and his mouth would never work the same way again. Flynn was back before sunrise, his girl none the wiser, but his soul as clean as when he’d left. Some wrongs must be righted and Flynn slept without guilt, the blood on his hands an honor.

Flynn nested his lips at his favorite spot, kissing that little mole that rested at the curve of her nape, and listened to the sweet sound of her half-sleep hum.

“Hey, babe.”


His hands were already wandering. She’d learned quickly, when they were together alone, there would be no clothes. Flynn strummed lightly over her belly, the knowledge of what they’d made inside of her still spinning his head, fueling him with the most intense, predatory instinct.

He wasn’t sure why he'd waited, but now was the time. He set the little, green, leather box in front of her freckled nose on the pillow.

“What?” Lilly’s voice was a half-giggle as she reached for the gift.

“It’s our one week anniversary,” Flynn said as his hand cupped the weight of her, his thumb waving back and forth over her rising peak.

“God, you are worse than any girl.”

“Whatever. Just open it.”

Because, I need to get that on you, then we’re going to get on with some other adult activities.

The hinge on the little box gave a tiny squeal.

“Oh my god.” Lilly wiggled to sit up, completely naked and without one hint of shame.

His girl had learned her value and her beauty, and it made her even more stunning.

“Come here. I need to lock it on you.”

Flynn took the platinum chain from the box, watching Lilly’s eyes follow. The emerald mounted in the heart-shaped, locking pendant was the exact color of her eyes.

Her fingers trembled as they touched the heart as it settled at the base of her throat. Flynn pressed his fingers together on the heart until the little padlock clicked shut.

“God, it’s so beautiful. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

“No, look in the mirror. That’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.”

The tiny key that unlocked the pendant fell out of the box and onto the white sheets as Flynn pushed his beauty back on the pillows and took his place between her legs.

He didn’t care to ever unlock it anyway. So, by the time they’d made their way down the dirt road toward their next stop, that little key was long forgotten, and Lilly never did ask how the locket would ever come off, exactly as he’d hoped.

He loved all of her, as they drove in the quiet hills. He loved her voice, her questions, the childlike wonder, her insecurity, her fire and her magnifient intelligence. After a long silence, Flynn heard the sound of that little breath she took right before she spoke.

“I have a question.”

It was so cute when she would do that, then wait for his reply before asking whatever it was.

“Ask away, babe.”

“Sometimes I wonder, I mean, you take such pleasure in my pleasure. So much more than your own sometimes. Making me come over and over. I was just thinking, what do you get out of that?”

He couldn’t help the smile that came. She’d become so free, so clear, and understood that the sex between them was so much more than just an act to be completed. It was a part of them, together, and her thirst for knowledge truly gave him a swell of pride.

“Well, it is probably the most beautiful thing I will ever see. So, it’s about admiring you and seeing that moment where you are beyond beautiful. You touch the sky and outshine the stars.”

He looked over and took her hand, seeing in her eyes that she truly wanted the answer, and she knew there was more.

“It’s something I can give you. It’s also a power. A magic. That’s how it feels for me. Something that tells me you are mine and I am yours. That moment is the closest thing to perfection I will ever experience. In that moment, I know I’ve made you happy, that nothing else possesses your thoughts but that pleasure… and it’s from me. Do you understand? It’s a moment so perfect, all the other moments in my life are jealous. Everything makes sense at that moment and nothing else matters.”

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