Quest for the Moon Orb: Orbs of Rathira (28 page)

BOOK: Quest for the Moon Orb: Orbs of Rathira
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Sir Bredon and Sir Garundel each led five of their Hunters after Zakiel and Lady Techu as soon as the harpies had flown away.  The rest of the Hunters were left to guard the caravan, save for two of Sir Bredon’s most trusted men who were commanded to watch over Kapia.  As soon as they came around the mountain of boulders they’d reined their mounts to a skidding stop, Sir Bredon holding up one hand to halt the Hunters behind him as he quickly took in the scene before them. 

Lady Techu had just sliced the beast across the chest for the second time, and they realized at once that if they rode into the fray, they would only interfere.  They watched in tense amazement as the beast reared up, then slammed down, its head and neck stretched toward the sky, offering Lady Techu a perfect target which she did not hesitate to take advantage of.  Lady Techu used the Ti-Ank to deliver a killing blow to the
, their Prince looking on with an expression of pride shared by every other Knight and Hunter watching.

Then, the unthinkable had happened.  Just as the white beam of fire began to cut across the beast’s neck, its tail whipped back and around, the mass of deadly spikes at its tip aimed directly at Lady Techu.  Prince Zakiel was to Lady Techu’s right, but behind her, so it took only a moment for him to kick his diplo into action and race forward a scant few yards, putting himself between Lady Techu and the spikes at the last possible second.  The
aim was poor as it was already dying, so most of the spikes flew well over the Prince’s head.  But not all of them.  The Hunters watched helplessly as several of the long black spikes hit their Prince in the chest.  He froze for a long moment, then slipped slowly off his diplo and onto the ground. 

As a veteran of too many battles to count, Sir Bredon was no stranger to death.  Even so, he was so horrified by the sight of Zakiel’s body lying motionless on the sand that he couldn’t make himself breathe, let alone move.  Only when he saw Lady Techu leap from her saddle and race toward Zakiel did he kick his own diplo into motion.  By the time the Hunters reached their Prince and Lady Techu, it was clear there was nothing to be done.  They all dismounted, then silently surrounded the couple, their hearts heavy at the sight and sound of Lady Techu’s grief. 

When she slumped over Zakiel’s body and fell silent, Sir Bredon was initially afraid that she too had died.  Then he remembered Zakiel telling him of the physical toll required for her to use the Ti-Ank, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was still breathing.

Sir Bredon stepped forward, feeling strangely uncertain about what he should do.  As he stood there, hesitating, Nikura sprang to his feet and began growling as he pressed his head against Lady Techu’s shoulder as though trying to move her away from Zakiel.  Bredon frowned at the Sphin.

“What’s wrong Nikura?” he asked. 

Nikura looked up at him and growled, then nudged Lady Techu again.

“All right, I’ll move her,” Sir Bredon said.  He bent down and slipped his arms beneath her, then lifted her off of Zakiel.  He stood up, holding her in his arms as he gazed down at his Prince, cousin, and life long friend, wondering what he was supposed to do next. 

Suddenly Nikura butted him in the leg.  Hard.  Bredon frowned down at the Sphin, who only butted him again.  Nikura was large enough that when he shoved, he put some force into it, causing Bredon to take a couple of steps backward.  “What is wrong with you?” Bredon demanded.

Nikura shoved at him again.  This time Bredon took another two steps back, but the Sphin hit him yet again.  When Bredon was a dozen feet back, Nikura turned around and crouched down, his eyes fixed on Zakiel.  Bredon shook his head and started to turn away.  He would move Lady Techu away from Zakiel’s body before she woke up, so she would not see him again as he was.  Then they would place his body onto his diplo, and take him back to the caravan.  His heart ached with the knowledge of how difficult this news was going to be for Kapia.

He’d taken only a couple of steps from the circle when a sudden hissing noise caught his attention.  Curious, he turned back to see what was causing the sound, and gaped in open shock at the sight before him.  Prince Zakiel’s body had burst into bright red and blue flames that shot ten feet up and gave off such a wave of heat that all of the Hunters stumbled back several feet to avoid being burned. 

“What...?” Bredon exclaimed, stunned and confused by the sight.  When understanding hit him, he gasped aloud.  “Can it be?” he whispered.  “Can it really be?”

He placed Lady Techu on the ground a safe distance away before turning back to watch the flames, surprised to see that Zakiel’s body had been reduced to little more than gray ash in the few moments that his back had been turned.  The flames gradually became smaller and smaller until they died out, leaving a heap of smoking ash behind.  Several of the Hunters started talking, asking what was happening, but Bredon kept his eyes on the ashes and waved them to silence.  He didn’t know how long it would take.  He knew only that he wasn’t moving until it happened.  He didn’t have to wait very long.

The ashes began to stir slightly, as though a light wind was teasing at them, though the air was still and hot.  The ashes stirred faster, then faster still, until they were whirling in a circle.  The faster they spun, the higher they rose until they were in the shape of a column the height of a man.  The ashes began to glow with a golden light that came from within the center of the column.  The light grew brighter and brighter until the Hunters had to close their eyes and turn their heads away.  Bredon placed his hands over his eyes, trying to peek between his fingers, but the light was simply too bright.  Finally he closed his eyes tightly, and still he saw the light through the flesh of his eyelids and his hands.  When the light began to fade, he lowered his hands but kept his eyes closed, not quite ready to see whatever had happened.

“What’s going on here, Bredon?”

Bredon’s eyes flew open at the familiar voice, and he had to blink fast to stop the sudden sting of threatening tears.  There, standing in place of the pile of ash was Zakiel.

“The Return of Vatra has come at last,” Bredon said, his voice hoarse with emotion.  He stood up straight, pressed his palms together and bowed low.  “Welcome back, Lord of Sky and Fire, Prince Zakiel, my friend.”

Zakiel stared at Bredon in silence, then raised his hands and saw the red and blue feather shaped markings of the Vatra running from the back of his hands up his arms to his shoulders. 
So, legend has become real,
he thought. 
But how?
  He could not remember.  He looked up at Bredon and opened his mouth to ask what had happened when he saw Karma lying on the ground.

Everything else flew from his mind as he raced forward, pushing between Bredon and Garundel to reach Karma.  “What happened to her?” he demanded as he went to his knees in the sand beside her.  He reached for her, lifting her into his arms and pulling her close to his chest.  He realized at once that, though unconscious and frighteningly pale, she was warm and alive.  It was enough to quell the panic that had risen so quickly when he’d seen her lying motionless in the sand.

He rose to his feet, cradling her carefully for fear she might be injured somehow that he couldn’t see.  When he turned around his eyes fell on the remains of the
, and everything came back to him.  The battle, Karma’s beam of burning light, the sharp spikes from the beast’s tail swinging toward her, his race to protect her and, finally, the sharp spikes slicing into his chest.

He shook his head.  It didn’t matter.  Not the battle.  Not his resurrection.  Not even the Return of Vatra, the Fire Bird, as astounding it was.  All that mattered to him was Karma.  He carried her past the silent Hunters, barely noticing them, to his diplo, then paused as he realized he couldn’t mount while holding her.  He turned around, relieved to see that Bredon was just behind him. 

“Will you hold her for me?” he asked.

“Highness, I would be honored to do so,” Bredon said.  “But I think it would be best if we sent someone back for some clothing before we return.”

“Clothing?” Zakiel asked.  He looked down at himself, nonplussed when we realized that he was completely naked.  Not even his bracers or

“Very well,” he said.  “Please send someone to fetch Timon for me.”

Bredon nodded and turned away, leaving Zakiel with Karma.  He didn’t bother to suggest that he set Lady Techu down.  He knew that would not be a welcome suggestion. 

Zakiel stood beside his diplo, Karma clutched tight against his chest, his eyes on her face as he waited.  He had a vague recollection of Karma leaning over him as he lay in the sand, her hands warm against his cooling flesh.  He remembered feeling himself begin to float up and away, but her heartbreaking cries, her soul-wrenching grief, held him back, pulled him toward her. 

How could he leave her?  He had only just found her.  Was only beginning to know her.  And she needed him.  His people needed him.  Rathira needed him.  He could not leave them.  Could not leave

His gaze remained fixed on Karma’s face until, several minutes later, he heard the sound of approaching diplos.  He looked, relieved to see Timon accompanying Jenz.  He was not embarrassed to be unclothed before his Hunters, but to appear before Karma or Kapia in such a state would be a grave insult to them.

Timon shook out a new set of riding leathers while he passed Karma carefully into Bredon’s arms.  Then he dressed hurriedly in boots, pants and vest. 

“Timon, I will need a new
,” he said as he slipped a pair of gold trimmed leather bracers over his forearms.  He picked up the sword belt and buckled it on, then checked the new set of swords before slipping them into their sheaths. 

“Yes, Highness,” Timon said.  “Unfortunately, I was unable to locate the box containing your spare
.  I will make a new one.  Shall I add new bead sign to it?”

Zakiel frowned at Timon in confusion.  “New bead sign?”

Timon gestured toward Zakiel’s arms.  “Ah,” Zakiel replied as he looked down at the blue and red markings.  “No, Timon, not just yet.”

Zakiel called for the men to attend him, and in moments all of them, including Timon, were gathered around.

“We are all in the presence of what seems a miracle,” he began, choosing his words carefully.  “It is a great relief that we will have the Vatra to aid us in the coming days.”

There was a low murmur of assent among the Hunters and he waited for it to quiet.  “As exciting as this is, I believe it would be best to keep this news quiet, for now.” 

The Hunters took a moment to consider his words.  “You think we have a traitor among us?” Garundel asked.

“Perhaps,” Zakiel replied.  “Whatever the reason, something warns me to keep this to ourselves for now.”

“We will of course abide by your request, Highness,” Bredon said.  “Will we not?”

All of the Hunters voiced their agreement and bowed solemnly.

“Timon?” Zakiel asked, looking at his attendant.  The man had served him for many years and he trusted him implicitly.  But he could not demand a promise from his Hunters, and not ask the same of Timon.

“I promise, Highness, that no word shall pass my lips of this,” Timon said with a deep bow.  “I shall prepare your
without the Vatra sign, and have it ready before we break camp tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you, all of you,” Zakiel said.  “We should return to the caravan now.”

The Hunters left to mount their diplos, and Zakiel turned to Bredon.

“Where is Kapia?” he asked, his arms out to receive Karma.

“She is safe,” Bredon replied. “Once you are mounted, I will hand Lady Techu to you.”

Zakiel nodded, took one quick look at Karma, then mounted his diplo.  He saw that Dippy was standing patiently on the other side of his diplo, Nikura in the saddle and the Ti-Ank safe in the saddle loops.  He realized he should have thought about the Ti-Ank sooner, and was glad that it was safe.  He leaned down toward Bredon who handed Karma up to him.  He settled her carefully across his lap, something inside of him relaxing now that he had her in his arms again.  The Hunters surrounded him, but he waited for Bredon and Garundel to mount and ride up beside him and Nikura before setting out.

“Shall we return to the oasis and allow Lady Techu to rest for the day?” Bredon asked. 

Zakiel sighed.  He wanted to do that more than he wanted to do anything else.  But he didn’t think it would be wise.  He turned toward Nikura who rode Dippy on his other side, his eyes on Karma.

“Nikura, what do you say?” he asked.  “Nod once for yes, we stay another day, twice for no, we continue on.”

Nikura looked at Zakiel for a moment, then shifted his gaze back to Karma.  He folded his ears flat against his head to show his displeasure, and nodded his head twice.

“Yes, I know, I don’t like it either,” Zakiel said.  “But we must do what we must.”

Nikura’s ears popped up and he nodded once, then crouched down on the saddle and returned to staring at Karma.

“We cannot waste another day,” Zakiel said to Bredon who had watched the entire exchange in mild surprise.  “As much as we would wish to allow Lady Techu a day of rest in her own bed, we dare not.  She will have what rest she can take in my arms, instead.  What are the damages from the harpies?”

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