Quest for the Moon Orb: Orbs of Rathira (46 page)

BOOK: Quest for the Moon Orb: Orbs of Rathira
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The full stench of Sobek’s gigantic maw assaulted her senses, causing her to choke and gag.  A fraction of a second later Sobek roared so loudly the vibration of it caused her to nearly lose her grip on the ship’s railing.  As she struggled to hold on, she realized that Sobek should have bitten down on them already.  Her eyes opened and she saw only water, sky, and the boat as it continued to right itself.  She looked around frantically, but there was no sign of Sobek.  Then the boat was upright, though still rocking back and forth in the turbulent water, so she relaxed her grip on the railing but did not release it.  Another roar sounded, this time from a distance.  She looked up and gasped to see a huge, bright red and blue bird flying away from them, the monstrous body of Sobek in its claws. 

As large as the Vatra was, it was not nearly the size of Sobek, so the sight of it carrying the beast was strange indeed.  But it, Zakiel,
carrying it, and because of that, she was alive.

“Nikura!” she yelled, looking around frantically for the giant cat.  Seeing no trace of him on the deck, she turned and leaned over the railing, searching the water for him.  “Nikura!”

“I’m here,”
he replied, swimming toward her. 

Karma breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to scan the deck, searching for some way to assist Nikura onto the boat.  Seeing nothing, she started to turn back when Nikura leapt lightly over the railing and onto the deck.  He shook himself, spraying seawater everywhere, but since she was already drenched, Karma didn’t care.  She knelt down on the deck beside the Sphin and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly.  She fully expected Nikura to say something sarcastic, and was both surprised and pleased when, instead, he began to purr.






Zakiel didn’t think that his heart would ever beat normally again after seeing how close Karma had come to death.  He had not thought, only acted, diving at the huge creature, his claws extended, digging them into the thick, armored hide behind the monster’s head, and lifting it up and away from his precious Karma. 

If he’d paused to think about it, he knew that he would not have done it.  It seemed ridiculous to think he could carry something so many times larger than himself.  But he had allowed the Vatra’s instincts to guide him, which, he realized as he carried the monster away from the boats, was the only reason it had worked at all.  It was the Vatra that had saved Karma’s life by using its magic to make Sobek light enough for him to carry.

It had taken well over half the day for the boats to cross the Wide, but it took only a fraction of that time for him to fly back to the center of it carrying Sobek.  He considered going further, but the Vatra knew it was enough.  He released his hold on Sobek and watched as he fell into the sea with a mighty splash of water that shot so high into the sky it nearly reached him.  From his position he could see Sobek beneath the water as he seemed to shake himself, then begin to swim directly away from the boats before diving deep.  Apparently he’d had his fill of boats for the day.

Zakiel turned and headed back the way he’d come with all the speed he could muster, which turned out to be a lot more speed than he had expected.  By the time he was able to see the boats again, only the two in front had reached shore.  He knew that the first boat carried Kapia, so that was one worry off his mind.  The last one, the one carrying Karma, was limping along slowly, having only just reached the shallows.  The boat no longer had sails, and the main mast was a splintered stump rising from the deck.  He spotted Karma and Nikura near the bow which was a relief, but it looked as though there were far fewer people and diplos on the boat than there had been before Sobek’s attack. 

Zakiel considered how he could best help the boat along while still in the form of the Vatra, but suddenly he began to feel very weak, and knew his strength was at an end.  He flew toward the boat, worried for a moment about how he was going to land on a boat that was not big enough for the Vatra.  He need not have worried though as, once again, the Vatra knew what to do.  He hovered above the boat and began transforming back into his human form as he slowly sank downward, his feet lightly touching the deck when the transformation was complete.

Karma flew to him, flinging her arms around him and burying her face against his neck.  He held her tightly, his heart racing.  “I almost lost you,” he said, whispering hoarsely into her hair.  “I don’t think I could live through such a thing again.”

Karma tightened her arms around him for a moment, then stepped back and smiled.  “You didn’t lose me,” she said.  “Thanks to you, and the Vatra, we’re both still here.”

Zakiel nodded, unable to speak for the lump in his throat as he took in her appearance.  Her hair and clothes were wet with seawater, there were a few bruises and scratches on her face and arms, and she was shivering, either from the cold, shock, or both.  But she was alive.

He looked around for something to wrap around her, but there was nothing on the deck aside from the men, the oars, a few dripping diplos, and an equally wet Nikura.  “
, will you please sit with Nikura for a moment while I speak with the Captain?” he asked.

Karma nodded.  She already knew how many men and diplos had been lost, and neither wanted nor needed to hear it again.  Zakiel was back, safe and sound, as was Nikura, and as long as Kapia was safe she thought she could bear just about anything else.

“Kind of you to include me in those you care most about,”
Nikura said as she sat down on the deck beside him.

Karma frowned at the Sphin, but didn’t respond.  She did care about him, snootiness and all.  She just wished he’d stop eavesdropping on her thoughts.


Their boat was the last to land, and there was no shortage of hands willing to help.  Kapia flew toward them from the crowd, flinging her arms around Zakiel’s neck, then Karma’s, her tear stained face giving evidence of her fears.

They made camp on the wide stretch of sandy beach between the forest and the sea, but the mood was subdued in deference to the lives that had been lost when the last boat had nearly capsized.  Besides seven Chya rowers, they’d lost three Hunters, one servant, two drovers, and five diplos. 

Karma was not familiar with any of the men or animals that had been lost.  She was relieved that neither Goldy nor Dippy were among them, and that both Caral and Lashi had been safe with Kapia.  She felt guilty for her relief, but she felt it nonetheless.

As soon as their tent was ready, Lashi prepared a hot bath for Karma.  By then she was so cold that she wondered if she would ever get warm again.  It was a strange feeling to be cold after weeks of traveling through the heat of the desert.  She remained in the tub until the water began to cool.  She was tempted to climb into bed, but as soon as she got warm, her hunger kicked in. 

When she left her chamber to join Kapia for dinner, she was not surprised to find Zakiel there as well.  Somehow, she’d sensed his presence, but she was too tired to realize it.  He rose to his feet and nodded to her with a warm smile, revealing the dimple in his cheek.

“Greetings, Karma,” he said.  “I hope you’re feeling better.”

“Much better, thank you,” Karma said, taking her cushion.  “I hope I haven’t kept you two waiting long.”

“Not at all,” Kapia assured her quickly.  “Zakiel was just giving me a lesson on bead sign.  I don’t want to make another mistake.”

“I know what you mean,” Karma said with a smile, leaning back so that Lashi could place a plate in front of her. 

They were all hungry so spent several minutes eating in companionable silence.  Karma put her fork down and reached for a knife, but there wasn’t one beside her plate.  She looked around, thinking she must have moved it, but didn’t see one.  She looked up and around to ask Lashi for one when Kapia stopped her.

“Here,” she said, holding a knife out toward her.

“Thanks,” Karma said, starting to reach out to accept the knife. 

“Why do you have that?” Zakiel asked, reaching for the knife himself.  Just as his fingers brushed the blade, Kapia pulled it back and held it against her chest.

“It was a gift,” she said.

“That knife belongs to Sir Bredon,” Zakiel said angrily, the orange and black stripes of the Tigren suddenly covering his skin, though there was no sign of the Vatra markings.  “Did you accept a gift from a man?”

“Yes, I did,” Kapia replied, tilting her chin and returning her brother’s stare.

“You will give it to me and I will return it to him,” Zakiel commanded.

“I will not,” Kapia replied, her voice just as cold and angry as her brother’s. 

“You dare to defy me?” Zakiel roared, leaping to his feet.

Karma stood up and stepped in between Zakiel and Kapia.  “Please calm yourself,” she said, keeping her voice soft in sharp contrast to his.

“Stay out of this,” Zakiel growled as he glared down at her.

Karma crossed her arms before her.  She was shocked by the depth of Zakiel’s sudden anger, but she hid her reaction beneath a mask of calm.  “I will not,” she replied.  “It is time for you to leave.  You can discuss this matter when your temper has cooled.”

“You dare to interfere between me and my sister?” Zakiel demanded furiously. 

“I do,” she replied.  “Leave now, Prince Zakiel.”

“Beware, off-worlder,” he snapped, his voice dripping with contempt.  “I do not take orders from such as you.”

Karma felt each word as though it were a physical blow, but she would not back down, nor show how much he hurt her.  “I outrank you,
,” she reminded him.  “For the last time, remove yourself from our tent at once.”

Zakiel saw the flash of pain in Karma’s eyes, and though she covered it quickly, it brought him up short.  A low cough sounded from the doorway and Zakiel looked over and saw Sir Garundel, Sir Harmin and Jenz all standing inside the tent, their hands on their weapons.  A moment later Nikura stepped in.  He took in the situation and crouched down, ears flat, teeth bared as he prepared to spring.

Zakiel glanced warily at the Sphin.  Nikura was more deadly than all three of the men standing behind him put together.  Satisfied he wasn’t about to be attacked, he met Garundel’s eyes, and saw a warning that confused him at first.  He had to struggle for a moment to remember what he’d said and done.  Then he understood.  Lady Techu had ordered him to leave her tent and, Prince or not, he could not refuse and retain any honor before his men.  He spun on his heel and strode out of the tent, pushing his way through the crowd of Hunters gathered outside. 

Karma nodded silently to Garundel, who bowed and left the tent, taking the other men with him.  When she and Kapia were alone she sat back down, her knees feeling shaky and weak. 

“I’m sorry, Karma,” Kapia said softly.  “I did not mean for that to happen.”

“It’s all right,” Karma said.  “Your brother’s anger was both shocking and uncalled for.  I would ask about the knife though.  When did you accept it, and why?”

Kapia turned the knife over in her hands, then returned it to its sheath.  “Bredon offered it to me on the crossing, in case I went into the water and needed a knife to rid myself of clothing that would weigh me down.  I accepted.”

“That was very considerate and thoughtful of him,” Karma said.  “As I nearly went into the water with the same heavy clothing, I will not fault his reasoning.  He made the offer for your safety, and you accepted it for the same reason.  I see no wrong in it.”

“Nor do I,” Kapia said.  “Since today is the day of my birth and I am no longer a child, it’s up to me to determine the propriety of such things for myself.  My reputation is in my hands now and I will not relinquish it.”

“That’s why you refused to give the knife to Zakiel?” Karma asked.

“Yes,” Kapia replied.  “I would have explained it to him, but he did not give me a chance to do so.”

“No, he didn’t,” Karma agreed. 

“I’m very sorry that you got caught in the middle of this, Karma,” Kapia said again.

“Don’t worry about it,” Karma replied.  “Had your brother’s temper not controlled him, it would have been sorted out.  It is not your fault that he behaved as he did.”

Kapia nodded, though Karma could see the conflict in her eyes.  She just didn’t know what else she could do or say about it and frankly, her own pain was so great that her mask of calm wasn’t going to last much longer.  She rose to her feet, bid Kapia goodnight, and hurried into the privacy of her own chamber. 

She readied herself for bed, trying to understand what had happened, but she was so tired from the events of the day she could barely think.  Finally she climbed into bed, buried her face in her pillow and cried herself to sleep.






The caravan got a later start than usual the next morning.  The missing people left holes in the usual morning routine that took a little extra time to work out, but everyone was patient and eventually they were packed up and ready to continue their journey. 

Karma and Kapia were both relieved that Zakiel didn’t visit their tent that morning.  They didn’t see him at all until they were preparing to mount their diplos, and then it was only from a distance.  Karma was very thankful for the stirrup that allowed her to mount Dippy without help, a freedom that Kapia had insisted on having for herself as soon as she’d seen it.  Bredon didn’t appear to appreciate the stirrup, but Kapia certainly did.

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