Quiver (4 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Science, #Opera, #Fiction, #Erotic, #Space, #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: Quiver
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“What about my species?”

“You have latent powers. From reports, your world is ready to make herself known by taking an Avatar. It is the world that wakes the talents. Every person on your world has the seeds of talent inside them; it is just a matter of how fast it rises or if it remains dormant for another generation.”

He turned in his chair while the video showed the mop-up of the men who were lying on the ground with the young teens sobbing to the far edge of the screen.

Quake smiled. “You look refreshed.”

She looked down at his erection, and her mouth watered. “You could say that.”

She trailed her hand down his chest and knelt in front of him, taking him into her mouth for a few soft, wet sucks. Musky and salty, she continued until his hands gripped her shoulders and he lifted her to straddle him in his chair.

She shifted her hips until he was pressed against her and rocked her body forward, drawing him inside. Anna shuddered as the feeling of being a lock finding her key rippled through her. She held onto his shoulders and closed her eyes as she rode him.

He wrapped a hand around the back of her neck, and he squeezed. “Look at me, Anna.”

She opened her eyes and continued to rise and fall with him sliding inside her. His eyes were blazing red, and he smiled at her as she moved faster on him. His chest flexed, shoulders tensed, and he moved his hand between them, vibrating his hand against her clit as he threw her into an orgasm that was painfully sharp.

Anna’s breath caught in her lungs, and she held on for dear life, digging her nails into his skin.

He hissed and pulled her down to him, pumping upward as far as his position would allow. He groaned, and his hand on her hip flexed hard while he shuddered.

Her head spun, and she pressed her forehead to his. She was extremely dizzy.

Her body went limp, and Quake gathered her to him and got to his feet, carrying her to the bed. He settled her against the pillows.

“What is happening?” She tried to sit up, but she fell back.

He chuckled, stroking her cheek. “Another basic need. You are hungry. Stay here. I will send the bots up.”

She nodded, and he left the bedroom. She grimaced at the soreness and stickiness between her thighs and got to her feet, wobbling and swaying to the lav. She showered and dressed again before returning to the bed.

The robe flared, and she tucked it around her as she settled. A bot came in through a small door, carrying a tray that smelled delightful.

Anna looked over the selections on the tray and reached for some fruit, noting how her hand was shaking.

She sat and ate the hot-pink citrus and relaxed as it felt like the juice was running into her veins. She felt stronger after a few mouthfuls and was able to lean forward and make a few more selections from the tray.

Quake entered, wearing a black robe with silver embroidery. “Oh good. I was afraid that you had fainted.”

Anna glared at him. “I am not a fainter.”

He chuckled and sat next to her on the bed. “You seem in higher spirits.”

She snorted. “The fire is out, for now.”

Quake sighed. “A pity. I was just getting used to being a sex toy.”

She held her hand up in front of her mouth as she cackled with laughter at his woebegone face.

He grinned, and there was relief in the set of his shoulders. It was strange to start with sex and then get to know your partner. Anna was a bit relieved to find out that part of him felt the same.

She offered him one of the citrus slices, and he took it from her fingers with his mouth. She laughed and made a mental note to hand feed him all the food that she didn’t like.


Chapter Five



With a full belly and calm nerves, Anna took a nap. When she woke, she was alone in her room again and the sun was setting.

Her body seemed to have settled. She felt warm but not on fire and that was a definite improvement.

She wrapped her robe around her and held it closed as she walked out onto the balcony.

The Guardians were back. They were standing together, and Quake was with them, wearing the tight bodysuit she had seen when she had first met him.

One of the men tapped Quake on the shoulder, and Quake turned to face her. He bowed low, and she bobbed a quick curtsey. She could see the change in his body language as he laughed. She stared out to sea.

She didn’t know how long she had been looking at the water, but a feminine voice got her attention.

“Excuse me, but I need to do some scans on you.”

Anna jumped but slowly made her way back into the room, clutching the robe together tightly. “Hello, I am Anna.”

The woman had dark skin and rich red hair that formed a wild halo around her head before cascading down her back. “I am Yem-lal Aricor. You may address me as Lady Aricor.”

Well, that was a bit of a slap in the face. “Of course.”

Anna avoided the use of the title by not addressing her. It was mean-spirited but a bit of fun.

“So, you don’t know about protocol or anything off your own world.” Lady Aricor set up a tray, which was perched on the head of one of the bots.

“No. I was given languages and dumped in a stasis tube. When I woke, I was here. There wasn’t a lot of time for training, apparently.” She grimaced.

“Sit on the bed. I will do the scans.” The lady was slightly less surly. It had to have been something that Anna said.

Anna sat down, and the lady ran the scanners over her from head to toe.

Lady Aricor smiled. “Lay back, please.”

Anna exhaled and lay back. Lady Aricor was decorous as she draped a fold of the robe over Anna’s hips before scanning her belly.

A smile brightened her features in moments. “It is early days yet, but you are about to make me a grandmother. You may call me Yem-lal.”

Anna stared at her. “You are Quake’s mother?”

“Yes, though I gave him the name Dey-lal when he was born.” She smiled and shook her head ruefully, helping Anna to sit up.

Anna clued into what Yem-lal had said. “I am pregnant?”

“It seems my son is as efficient at this as he is at everything else.”

Anna felt heat spike her cheeks. “That explains why he left.”

“He left so that I could have a moment with you and run the scans without triggering your heat again. From personal experience, men are not the best ones to administer any tests. My husband set off my heat more than once after I was already with child. It freaked him right out.” Yem-lal looked Anna over. “Well, it seems that you need a new wardrobe.”

“Any wardrobe would be fine.” Anna smiled weakly.

“Well, my son has made you a wealthy woman, so tomorrow, we will go shopping. You will need a regular wardrobe for a few months and then maternity clothing as you bloom.”

Anna’s brows snapped together. “Wealthy?”

“Yes, he put the bride price into a trust for you to access as needed. Most husbands would not be so thoughtful.” Yem-lal smiled and gave her an innocent look.

“I am still adapting to the fact that I am married just because someone says I am. Back home, mutual consent was required.”

Yem-lal grinned. “Welcome to the life of the nobility. You are now Lady Anna Aricor. You will become
Lady Aricor when I pass on.”

“Is it possible for me to borrow some clothing until tomorrow? I am feeling a bit exposed here.” Anna gestured to the robe.

“I will bring you something tomorrow before we head out. For tonight, rest, recover and I will load a data pad with some information bursts. Your base species seems to take well to getting ocular information.”

“Humans are nice and adaptable. It is why the Alliance came knocking to begin with. I am guessing that my ancestor crashed or something a few centuries ago.”

“Four hundred and ninety-six years ago. Lord Arakka Suun, second cousin to the emperor. He was discharged from the Imperial court after killing another lord in an honour duel. I am guessing that he found a mate and that is how you came to be here. Generations later, you made your way home.”

Anna looked to the open doors, looking out onto the alien landscape. “I wish my parents could see this.”

“Are they dead?” Yem-lal frowned. “It doesn’t say that in your file.”

“No. They are on Earth. They sent me here so that I wouldn’t end up gang-raped on my way to work.”

“If you settle in well, there is no reason that you cannot bring your parents out here to Hemcorl. You have the funds to set them up in a nice home near the city.”

Anna looked at her mother-in-law with astonishment. “I can bring them here? I can ask them to come to me?”

“Well, they can’t live at the base. That is a security violation, but they can live in one of the nearby cities, and you can be taught to fly a skimmer or riot runner.”

“What are you telling my wife, Mother?”

Yem-lal smiled and didn’t even look away from Anna. “We are having a nice conversation about the possibilities of Anna’s future before my grandchild arrives.”

Both women jerked their heads to watch as Quake lost his footing and crashed into the desk.

Yem-lal smiled and packed up the med kit. The bot whirred out the door carrying his burden, and she followed with a swing in her step, whistling as she walked.

Anna clutched the robe closed and got up, walking toward him. “Are you all right?”

He still had a dazed expression on his features. “Did she just say...”

“She did. It freaked me out, too. Don’t worry. We have some time to adjust to the idea.” She patted his shoulder.

“I didn’t think... I mean, I knew but...” He stared at her abdomen like it was a time bomb.

“Apparently, you are as good at this as you are at everything else, according to your mother.”

He reached out and took her hand. “Your mother by marriage.”

She chuckled and squeezed his fingers. “So she tells me. She is taking me shopping tomorrow. Apparently, I need a wardrobe for the impending

He groaned. “She does have an interesting turn of phrase.”

“Come on, on your feet.”

He tried but dropped again. “I am just going to sit here for a moment.”

She shrugged and headed to the balcony. Knowing that there were strange men downstairs and that her robe didn’t close made it an easy decision to stay in her room and stare out at the water and hillsides surrounding wherever she was.

The base was a very amorphous idea right now. All she had seen was one room and the world below. The air didn’t taste like anything she had experienced before. There were spices in the air that she didn’t know, couldn’t imagine. She felt charged with energy. She wanted to run; she wanted to explore.
Dear lord, I want a nap.

She laughed at herself and turned, the robe floating open and catching the breeze as she walked back into the large quarters at what seemed to be the top of the base.

Quake was sitting at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands and elbows on knees.

Anna walked over to him and ran her hand through his hair. “Recovered from the idea of fatherhood yet?”

He looked up, and a grin spread over his face. “Yes.”

Quake snagged her and pulled her onto his lap. He kissed her wildly, and she responded with her hands holding his head tightly.

She clutched at him as he turned and pressed her to the bed, moving down her body with soft nips and long twists of his tongue.

Anna let him do all the work. When he parted her thighs and stroked through her folds with his tongue, she found that his hand wasn’t the only thing he could vibrate.

She gave him the sounds of every ripple, every pang of pleasure that she felt until she bucked against his mouth and screamed.

Anna slowly drifted on a cloud of relaxation and enjoyment as he curled them together on the bed, with his hand protectively over her belly.

“How long have I been here?”

He chuckled. “This is the second day. I look forward to spending the quiet times with you.”

She sighed and snuggled against his fabric-covered body. “Does that mean no sex?”

He squeezed her. “Definitely not, but it does mean that there can be nights where we just hold each other as well.”

“Good. I will remember that if and when morning sickness kicks in.”

“You will get ill?”

She laughed. “It is possible. A child is a parasite growing to term. It is a good parasite, but it takes a toll on the host. That would be me. My body might register a protest. My mom said that her ten months with me was the roughest in her life. Nearly turned her white.”

He chuckled. “I will keep an eye on you. There are treatments to administer that range from breathing therapy to pressure points. My father demonstrated on my mother when she was pregnant with my brother.”

“Where is your father?”

He smoothed his hand over her arm. “At the Imperial court. One member of our family is always posted there and he is the ranking member; my mother has no use for nobles in the capitol. She prefers to be the highest-ranking noble in the vicinity.”

Anna was relieved. She had been afraid that she was treading on dangerous ground.

“So, your name is actually Dey-lal?” She laughed when she felt him press his head against hers.

“Mother again. Well, she must like you. She rarely gets this chatty with women that Reverb is caught with.”

“She warmed up the moment the scan said pregnant.” Anna sighed and relaxed against him, letting their heartbeats lull her into sleep.


Dey-lal woke her the next morning and coaxed her into the shower.

They had shared a meal the night before and several very pleasurable hours spent without the frenzy of her heat driving them.

It was nice to have him soaping her back. She returned the favour and winced over the marks she had dug into his skin. “Sorry about that.”

He glanced over his shoulder at her. “I am not. I enjoyed every moment of it.”

She chuckled and carefully cleaned the scratches and gouges she had left behind.

When they were both dry and her skin was tingling from his caresses, they made their way into the bedroom where a gown was draped on the foot of the bed.

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