
Read Rage Online

Authors: Michelle Pace,Tammy Coons

Tags: #Romance, #Music

BOOK: Rage
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“A very entertaining book. I could not put it down. The charac-

ters will hook you right in, and you can imagine yourself touring with the band, through Europe. I would recommend this to anyone that's looking for a fun entertaining adventure! Would love

to see more from these authors.”

Emily Horrell

“In the mood for snarky, self-sufficient women? Hot rockers and

hot sex? A little mystery and world traveling? Welcome to the

perfect combination of all of these. This is the second book I

have read by these two co-authors, and they don't disappoint.”

Sarah Griffin

“Very well written and thought out by two new writers. It has a

touch of mystery, fun, passion, and adventure. The story tends to pull you in and make you part of it. Will definitely read more by these writers.”

Barnes & Noble

“Sex, Drugs & Rock n' Roll. What else could you ask for? This tale was not too steamy and turned out to be a pretty quick and

enjoyable read.”


Tammy Coons

Michelle Pace

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagina-tion or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

Copyright © 2013 Tammy Coons & Michelle Pace

Editor: Carmen Comeaux

Cover Design: Michelle Warren (Preast) of IndieBookCovers

Formatting: JT Formatting

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Printed in the United States of America

First Edition: December 2013

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Coons, Tammy

Pace, Michelle

Rage (The Sound Wave Series, Book Two) / 1st ed

ISBN-13: 978-1494280956

ISBN-10: 1494280957

1. Rage (The Sound Wave Series)—Fiction.

2. Fiction—Romance 3. Fiction—New Adult

Both authors would like to dedicate Rage to The Furies—

you demanded we tell the rest of the story.

Careful what you wish for…

And from Michelle—

And to my husband, Les.

It’s still written in the stars.


Phillip flicked a toothpick from one side of his mouth to the

other. His tongue felt like it was made of cotton, and he downed some water in an attempt to feel somewhat normal. He fidgeted

by the car as he watched people shuffling in and out of the en-

trance of St. Mary’s Hospital. Giving up cigarettes was a bitch, but completely worth the effort. The smoke set off his girlfriend Steph’s debilitating migraines, a fact she’d discovered when her chain-smoking roommate Cheyenne moved out. Quitting hadn’t

been quite as painful as he’d feared, but at the moment, his nervous oral fixation demanded appeasement. His meticulous plans

were falling into place, and adrenaline coursed through his veins with such momentum that he was sure he was going to have

some sort of cardiac event. At least he was in the right location for it.
That’ll be my luck. I’ll pull out the ring and say “will you
marry me, Stephanie?” Then I keel over dead on top of her and
crush her with my corpse.

He ran a hand through his long, perfectly mussed blonde

hair, reminding himself he needed to shave his head. His band

mate, Nathan, had flipped him shit about losing an online “Hot-

test Hair” poll to a sparkly vampire. Nathan Clayton, he could

smack in the gob—it certainly wouldn’t affect his ability to play the keyboards. But Steph had chimed in, and he was powerless

against Stephanie’s taunts. She could cut him to the quick with a 1


disapproving glance. He smirked as he imagined her reaction if

he surprised her with a high and tight buzz cut, but the image

brought him back to his present situation, and his smirked melted into a worried frown. Rubbing a hand wearily across his stubble, he tried to shake away all self-doubt. He’d played Madison

Square Fucking Gardens, for the love of Christ. He jumped up

and down, shook out his shoulders, paced, and ran through his

mantras—all tricks for getting “in the zone” before a show. This was way bigger than Madison Square Gardens. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d been so tense, and the slow build of

anticipation had reached a fever pitch. If he had to rearrange his proposal because Steph unknowingly screwed up his timeline,

he’d collapse from exhaustion.

He nervously jingled his key ring, his hand clasping onto

the one to his new home. Nine months ago, before the band

kicked off their American tour, they’d been sequestered during a drug smuggling scandal involving their former manager. With

nothing to do but think about Stephanie, whose father’s maga-

zine broke the story (and whose appearance in his life rocked

him to his core), he’d hunted down the owner and purchased

cottage. The one they’d sought refuge in when they were stranded by a flat tire. That amazing night was a turning point in their chaotic relationship. He’d known that even if she’d never

spoken to him again, he wanted the abandoned home that had

been their erotic sanctuary in the storm.

He‘d spared no expense, having it lovingly restored. The

carpenters and landscapers had finally finished a couple of

months ago, but he’d kept the purchase to himself, only confid-

ing in the guys in the band. The bassist, Scot, was an obnoxious newlywed and couldn’t keep his mouth shut like the other members of Fury. Scot gabbed to his wife, Cheyenne. Thankfully,

keep her mouth shut, since she was Stephanie’s best friend. Cheyenne assured him that Steph had gushed about

the cottage to her many times and that she was sure Steph would



be thrilled to find out he had bought it.

He hadn’t told the band that he was going to propose. He

planned to do it at his Grandparent’s estate, with all of his family as witnesses. When he finally let his grandparents in on his plan, Nana had practically hurled her ring at him. She’d lectured him

at length about how he’d led a charmed life and how marriage

was often hard and how he would have to often swallow his

pride. His grandparents loved Stephanie—quite possibly more

than they loved him. Sometimes he suspected that his grand-

mother may have actually sabotaged his tire the night they had

been stranded near the cottage, since it happened right after

they’d left his grandparent’s estate.

Phillip had flown Steph’s brother Cedric in from Rome for

the proposal and what he hoped would be an impromptu en-

gagement party after. Cedric had tried
at nauseating length
to talk him out of it. He implored Phillip to, at the very least, “do it in private.” But Phillip had spent his life showing off, and making Steph his wife would be no exception. The knowledge of her

mere existence in the world had forever changed him. He was

immune to the throngs of groupies and models that were a con-

stant presence in his life. At first, this development disturbed him, and he fought it with a vengeance. Now his immunity gave

him a warm, contented feeling that would have gotten his ass

kicked by the band if he ever expressed it musically.

When Phillip made it clear he wouldn’t change his mind,

Cedric reluctantly agreed to meet and work out some details be-

fore Steph’s arrival. But when Cheyenne went into labor two

days before her due date, they were forced to come up with a

cover story because Stephanie dropped everything and hopped

the first flight to London. It worked out better anyhow; Steph

spent extra time with Cedric, and Cedric got to see Cheyenne

and Scot’s baby before moving onto Ireland for the surprise en-

gagement party. As far as Steph knew, Cedric was in London

under the guise of “blessing” Scot and Cheyenne’s newborn ba-



by. Phillip had little choice but to let Cheyenne and Scot in on his master plan at that point. After their hysterical laughter in response to the cover story died down, they were more than willing to play along. To Phillip’s horror, Cheyenne had offered similar advice to Cedric’s regarding Stephanie and popping the

question. Cheyenne felt he should “really discuss marriage and

family” with Steph before proposing “in a more intimate set-

ting.” Phillip scoffed. After months of stolen weekends and end-

less emails, Skype dates and phone calls,he had no doubt that she loved him. Though neither of them had ever said the words, he

felt passionately that he knew what her answer would be.

For a priest, Cedric was a remarkably polished liar. He’d

given a flawless performance at the hospital, and the raw emo-

tion on Cheyenne and Scot’s faces when he blessed their son had

been an unexpected bonus. Steph, who was the most cynical

woman he’d ever encountered, shed tears of joy at the sight of

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