Rainbow Blues (6 page)

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Authors: KC Burn

BOOK: Rainbow Blues
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“Love that,” he whispered.

Luke licked his reddened, kiss-swollen lips, a look that suited him. If Jimmy had his way, Luke would sport this look often. He wanted Luke to fuck him, suck him, bring him off right now, again later tonight, and then maybe tomorrow or all fucking weekend if he could get away with it.

“This?” Luke gripped his ass even tighter.

“Oh, yeah.” Jimmy moaned again before dropping his head forward, seeking Luke’s neck with lips and teeth.

This time, the shiver came from Luke, and he made a humming sound deep in his chest while his hands continued to knead Jimmy’s ass. They were both rubbing their groins together so fast and hard Jimmy almost expected their jeans to start smoking.

His balls tightened just as someone thumped on the door. Jimmy sprang out of Luke’s arms, definitely panting this time, while Luke spun away from the door and behind a rack of costumes. Jimmy clenched his hands into fists and concentrated on his lines in the play, the tests he still had to grade for his freshman biology class, anything to stave off the orgasm he’d been mere seconds from blowing into his briefs.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Been a long fucking time since he’d been that worked up.

The thump on the door came again, this time with a voice. “What the fuck are you doing in there, Jimmy? We’re locking up for the night. Go the fuck home, already.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m heading out now.” Thankfully his voice was steady. More or less.

He didn’t dare try looking at Luke, not yet. If Luke was as close to blowing as he was, he wouldn’t be able to hold back his orgasm.

Concentrating on his breathing, he pulled his coat on. After a few moments, he was still hard as iron, but he wasn’t about to blow in his jeans.

Luke poked his head out, the tips of his ears red. “Uh, yeah, so… that was close.”

Jimmy grinned. “Me, too. Want to pick it up again at my place?”

The disappointed look on Luke’s face effectively dashed cold water on his dick. “Or not.”

Luke shook his head. “No, I mean, I’d like to, sure, but I thought we were going to get dinner. Uh, first.”

Dinner? Jimmy was a sure thing, and Luke still wanted to just hang out? That didn’t happen very often. Most guys found him too manic to date, although they sure didn’t mind his energy in the sack.

“You really want to go for dinner first?”

Luke stepped toward him, his coat and scarf obscuring the belly Jimmy had uncovered and the package that might still be hard for him.

“Yeah, I do. I mean, I can get laid, you know. Dates are a little harder to come by. And I really did think you were great. I’ve never met an actor before. I’d like to talk some.” He licked his lips again. “Although the kissing. Yeah, that was damned good.”

Jimmy grinned. A date. He could do a date.

“We’d better get out of here, before they lock us in. Got a preference? There’s a decent Chinese place and a Greek place not far from my apartment. They should both be open late.”

He led Luke out the back door and rocked to a halt. Luke stepped out beside him. Fat, fluffy snowflakes fell from the sky, a few inches of accumulation covering any recent activity in the tiny parking lot behind the playhouse. Either everyone was home in their beds already or the snow muffled the sounds of the traffic on the other side of the playhouse, the strange serenity snowstorms brought.

“Holy shit.” Luke’s voice was low, as though unwilling to disturb the silence that enveloped them.

“It’s pretty bad out. I don’t live far from here, but I’ll understand if you want to do this another night.” He’d understand, yes, but he’d be disappointed, and his cock would be pissed right the hell off. He hadn’t had a date with a sexy man in so long he didn’t want to let this one slip through his fingers. It wasn’t just that, either, because he truly wasn’t that desperate. But they fit together like two halves of a whole, and he wanted to find out if he was under the delusion of some ridiculous romantic notion or if he’d imagined the connection he felt with Luke.

Luke peered at him. Jimmy wanted to project whatever would be most likely to convince Luke to come home with him, but he had no idea what Luke was looking for.

“I like Chinese,” Luke said.

Blinking, Jimmy didn’t know what to do with that. Was that a statement of future intent or were they going to continue to have their date?

Luke drew in a deep breath, like he was gearing up for some big pronouncement. “Maybe they do takeout. Do you… uh… have breakfast food?”

Oh, by all that’s holy and the patron saint of actors. Luke was spending the night.

Grabbing the ends of Luke’s rainbow scarf, he pulled Luke close and gave him a kiss. With the snow coming down, and the feeling like they were alone in the world, this was maybe the most romantic kiss he’d ever had. Somehow, Luke understood, and neither of them deepened it beyond the sweet press of lips.

Jimmy pulled back and dusted the snow from Luke’s hair. “I’m all for takeout, and I have plenty to feed you for breakfast. I only wish I had a fireplace to warm us up later.”

“A fireplace would be good, but I’ll warm you up.”

With effort, he held in a swoony sigh. How was Luke able to keep saying the right things when he didn’t have much experience dating? Someone this sweet and sexy should have been snapped up a long time ago. But if no one else had recognized this gem, Jimmy sure as hell wasn’t going to complain.

“Let’s get my car unburied, and get going before this gets any worse.” That would be just his luck. First promising date material in months and Jimmy wraps his car around a telephone pole on the way home.

Chapter 3


is, home sweet home.” Jimmy opened his front door with a flourish. Or as much of a flourish as he could, carrying a Chinese takeout bag and stomping snow from his feet. It wasn’t the place he wanted to live for the rest of his life, but it would do in the interim.

They’d been lucky to get to China Garden when they did. Even they were closing early because of the storm.

Jimmy set the takeout bag on the hall table and took off his gloves and jacket, hanging them and Luke’s over the old-fashioned radiator. Best way to dry out soggy winter clothing. He caught sight of himself in the mirror and groaned. The falling snow had turned his carefully styled hair into a wet, bedraggled mess. Dragging his fingers through it only made it worse.

Luke came up behind him with an evil grin and scrubbed his palms all over Jimmy’s head making him look like a blond porcupine. But he couldn’t be mad, not when Luke looked so happy. Jimmy didn’t want to see that fierce scowl ever again.

“Hey! Messing up my hair is reserved for people whose last name I know.” He spun around, and Luke tugged him close, dropping a light kiss on his lips. Jimmy deepened it, just a bit, before hunger had him pulling back. They had all night for kissing. Jimmy stared into Luke’s eyes. He didn’t know Luke’s last name, and all he could think about was how comfortable and perfect his place was in Luke’s arms. He’d never really thought he had room in his life for a boyfriend, not anymore, but if no red flags popped up and Luke was interested, Jimmy would make time.


Oh. Red flag number one. The warm, fuzzy feelings became cold and jagged in his stomach. “Uh…. Jimmy. I’m Jimmy.”

Luke started laughing. Laughing hard enough he had to let go of Jimmy and wrap his arms around his stomach. A grin threatened to surface at the infectious nature of Luke’s full-on belly laugh, but it was a little weird smiling because Luke couldn’t remember his name. God, that was fucking depressing.

Wheezing slightly, Luke straightened. “My name. It’s Luke Jordan.”

Mortified. He’d never been so mortified that he was rendered speechless. Jimmy could almost always talk—it was a gift, or a curse for his listeners—but now he had no words. Should he apologize? Laugh? Explain himself? If they were at Luke’s place, he’d probably just leave.

A tiny frown crossed Luke’s face, and he gathered Jimmy in his arms again. “Hey, hey. Don’t get upset about it. Probably I shouldn’t have laughed, but man, that was funny.”

Holding himself stiffly, Jimmy cracked a smile. Maybe it was a little funny. Luke grinned at him and kissed him again, this time with big smacking noises, and Jimmy gradually relaxed.

“It was a reasonable conclusion.” Jimmy couldn’t let it go without some explanation.

“Yeah, I know.” Luke framed his face in strong, callused hands. “But the second I looked up your name in that program, there wasn’t any way I was forgetting it, Jimmy Alexander.”

Jimmy smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Luke Jordan.”

Luke’s stomach rumbled, and Jimmy finally relaxed. “Let’s get you fed.”

“And we can find out more than each other’s names, eh?”

A few minutes later, they had the cartons all opened on Jimmy’s kitchen table. Much to Jimmy’s surprise, Luke chose to sit beside him, instead of across from him.

“All the better to feed you,” Luke proclaimed before aiming a small piece of General Tso’s chicken toward his mouth.

Jimmy took it, again at a loss for words, momentarily. While he chewed, he couldn’t keep his eyes off Luke and picked up a slice of green pepper in his chopsticks, offering it to Luke, who slowly sucked it into his mouth.

The warm feeling in his belly returned tenfold, and his cock took a renewed interest in dinner.

“I thought you said you didn’t do this much.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “Eat dinner?”

A laugh spluttered out. He had assumed Luke would be super serious, based on how fierce he’d looked at the theater, but he’d played in the snow, made Jimmy laugh, and managed to be sweet and sexy at the same time. But that was the reason for the question. How could a guy this great be single?

“Date, obviously. You’re a natural. Unless you’ve had more practice than you mentioned.” The words didn’t sound so awful in his head, but as soon as they escaped, Jimmy realized he’d just accused his sexy date of lying. Lying like a rug wearing pants on fire.

“Um… I mean….” What the fuck was wrong with him tonight? No wonder all his past dates and boyfriends had been nothing better than passable. Apparently he sent the good ones running away with his motormouth.

Luke squeezed his hand. “I’m glad I’m getting it right.” He scooped some more food onto his plate. “I really haven’t dated much. This is just sort of how I imagined dating should be. And I’ve spent quite a while imagining it.”

The smile that split Luke’s face was breathtaking, like he thought Jimmy was doing everything right. Then again, maybe that only supported Luke’s statement that he hadn’t dated much, because Jimmy was doing a piss-poor job of it.

“I got my high school girlfriend pregnant, and we got married as soon as we graduated. We hadn’t done much actual dating like adults, mostly group things. After Zach was born, we were too focused on making ends meet and raising our son to date. Once we were on better financial footing and Zach was more independent… well, it was clear to us that we weren’t right for each other and trying to have married-couple dates at that point would have been a waste of time. Since we divorced, I haven’t had a lot of opportunity for dating. Mostly because I really don’t know what I’m doing.” Luke let out a self-deprecating laugh before stuffing a breaded shrimp in his mouth.

“Oh, right. You mentioned your son. The one that gave you your scarf.” Was he ready to get involved with a guy who had a kid? Jimmy wasn’t sure about that. This was only the first date, though. Maybe he was getting ahead of himself. “I take it he knows you’re gay, then? Or was the rainbow a happy accident?”

“A gay old accident, you mean?” Luke grinned, and Jimmy grinned back. “Yes, he knows. And obviously he doesn’t care.”

“That’s awesome.” Of course, that might change once Luke’s son became a teenager. They were ornery, contrary fucks, as Jimmy had good reason to know.

Luke smiled again, but this one was full of love, and Jimmy melted a little inside. If Luke loved his son that much, Jimmy wasn’t giving up a chance to get a little of that for himself. He’d figure out how to get along with a kid, because if Jimmy had anything to say about it, things would be getting serious with Luke.

“How long have you been divorced?” The whole getting married before coming out was more common than Jimmy liked, but he guessed he could understand it. He’d seen firsthand how unforgiving some of his friends’ families were.

“Two years.”

“Any relationships since?”

Luke rolled his eyes. “No, of course not. I can’t figure out dating, how am I going to find a relationship?”

Jimmy smiled at him. At least he hadn’t said he wasn’t interested in a relationship. But if he’d been divorced two years and had problems finding dates…. “What about sex?”

“As in, have I had sex since I got divorced? Yes, I have.”

Jimmy pursed his lips. He wasn’t sure, but he might actually be disappointed he hadn’t got himself a virgin. Mostly, though, he was glad those other horn dogs hadn’t figured out what a great guy Luke was.

“And did you know you were gay when you got married?” Jimmy hadn’t ever had a moment’s indecision or oblivion about the matter, but he’d been lucky because he’d known his family would be open and accepting. Not everyone was as self-aware, or was willing to be as self-aware as Jimmy.

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