Rainbow Blues (7 page)

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Authors: KC Burn

BOOK: Rainbow Blues
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Luke fed him a pot sticker while answering. “Oh, yeah, I did, but I wasn’t ready to come out. My parents were religious and weren’t gay-friendly at all.” He snorted. “Getting my girlfriend knocked up wasn’t much better in their opinion. Even getting married didn’t fix my relationship with them. Kelly’s family wasn’t thrilled either, and they weren’t well off. With my in-laws’ help, we managed to keep food on the table, and Kelly eventually got her degree, but that was it. My parents died shortly after Zach was born.”

Jimmy raised his eyebrows. “I’m sorry, Luke.”

Luke shrugged. “Shit happens. I’ve had a lot of time to get over it. But enough about my boring life. Tell me about acting. I’ve never met an actor. Do you do movies or television as well as plays?”

Now Jimmy was a bit embarrassed. He sure as shit wasn’t going to tell Luke about his pathetic attempt to break into Hollywood when he was… probably the same age as Luke when he was dealing with a newborn baby and new wife.

“Oh, well, I’d certainly like to get into film acting, but I love the plays. It’s really only a hobby. Actually….”


Jimmy couldn’t believe he was going to tell a new guy about this, but something about Luke drew him out. “I spent a whole year in Hollywood. My parents knew I was passionate about acting, and I’d done a number of school productions. They paid for me to live out there, while I did the whole cattle-call auditions and waiting tables thing.”

Luke looked so interested, and he’d always been embarrassed to admit this, but he believed Luke wouldn’t judge him.

“And?” Luke prompted.

“I got nowhere. Absolutely nowhere. I wasn’t pretty enough, muscular enough, definitely not good enough to compete with everyone trying to make it big.”

“But you’re such a good actor. And you’re sexy as anything.”

The praise pleased him, but Luke was likely biased. Most of the guys he dated thought his acting was a waste of effort and only took away from time spent with them. Perversely, he wasn’t sure how comfortable he was with Luke acting almost starstruck. Most of his roles received critical acclaim, but he was no star.

“Thanks. Anyway, after a year, I came home and went to college. Went with my backup plan. My day job is a high school biology teacher.”

“Really?” Luke’s eyes darkened, and he leaned forward while pressing his thigh firmly against Jimmy’s.

“Yeah. Why? You got some unresolved crush on an old teacher?”

“No. But a teacher seems a little more attainable for a construction manager.”

Jimmy’s heart leapt. That had to mean Luke was thinking about a relationship, too. God, he would be so fucking disappointed if things with Luke didn’t work out.

“For construction managers named Luke, I think either teacher or actor is pretty damn attainable.” He lowered his voice to a husky, sensual rumble.

“Oh, yeah?” Luke speared a piece of sweet and sour chicken and used it to stroke sticky orange sauce down Jimmy’s face. Before Jimmy could ask him what the fuck was up with that, Luke leaned in and licked it off his cheek.

Jimmy shivered, and his cock pressed insistently against his fly. Luke nibbled his way down Jimmy’s cheek, along his jaw, and teased his neck for a moment before latching on to his neck like a lamprey eel, making Jimmy’s bones melt. Except for the one tenting his pants.

Luke lifted his head. “Good spot?”

“Uh, yeah,” Jimmy managed to get out. “But I’ve got some other ones that need attention.”

“I wouldn’t want to miss any of them. Bedroom?”

Jimmy glanced at the remains of dinner. To his surprise, they’d managed to eat almost everything. Faced with the choice of sex right now and putting the few leftovers in the fridge, he chose sex. Of course. He was almost as turned on and horny as he’d been in the dressing room.

“Bedroom.” He got up from the chair, Luke following with a clatter.

Luke pressed right up behind him, wrapped his arms around Jimmy’s waist and whispered in his ear. “I want you so bad.”

Jimmy let out another swoony sigh and sped up. “I want you, too.”



already turning out to be a better date than any Luke had ever had or imagined. Talking with Jimmy had been easy and comfortable, aside from a few minor hiccups. Amazingly, Luke had been able to talk and tease. There weren’t many people he was able to connect with so quickly. And now, the most talented, beautiful man he’d ever met was ready and eager to get naked with him. Best day ever, aside from Zach’s birth, and even that had taken a few days to get over the “he’s so fucking tiny, what if I break him” mentality. This… there was no downside.

He pulled Jimmy back against him, arms firmly wrapped around his waist, halting their forward progress to the bedroom. But he couldn’t wait any longer to taste Jimmy’s skin again. Jimmy giggled as he licked and sucked along the smooth skin of Jimmy’s neck. The scent of man and the salty taste of skin was one of the best combinations ever. Sure, he’d had sex before, but rarely was he in a position to explore his partner’s body like this. Never lifting his head from Jimmy’s neck, he slid his hands under Jimmy’s sweater, splaying his palms across Jimmy’s soft belly. He toyed with Jimmy’s narrow treasure trail and navel, enjoying Jimmy’s wiggling and breathless gasps. There was no choice in the matter—he pressed his groin into Jimmy’s denim-covered ass, giving his erection some much-needed friction.

The teasing could only last so long before it broke Luke’s control, and he dragged a hand down to skim over Jimmy’s cock. Jimmy huffed out a breath like someone had punched him in the stomach.

“Bedroom. Now.” There was no mistaking the need and desperation in Jimmy’s voice; he sounded almost as eager as Luke.

“Go.” With reluctance, Luke opened his arms to let Jimmy go, or he was going to strip him down right here in the hall.

Luke took a few minutes to breathe, try to bring himself back from the edge—again. Jimmy made him want, and this was the second time this evening he’d been on the verge of coming in his pants.

When he got himself under control, he walked into the bedroom, and nearly doubled over from the stab of lust knifing through him. Jimmy was already naked, stretched out on the bed, ruddy cock standing at attention for him, a shiny pearl of precum calling to Luke’s tongue.

He spared a moment to thank his physically demanding job, because he was damn fit for his age and wouldn’t feel like such an old man next to Jimmy’s lithe form. Luke stripped as fast as he’d ever done in his life, and sprang on the bed, his own cock leading the way, hungry and eager for Jimmy.

Straddling Jimmy’s legs, Luke crawled up the bed, taking a moment to lick the precum off the tip of Jimmy’s cock. When Jimmy groaned and jerked his hips, Luke realized neither of them was going to last for any sort of lengthy exploration. At least if they continued to date, he’d have all the time he wanted to learn Jimmy’s body.

He finished moving up the bed and lowered himself on Jimmy, cock to cock and chest to chest. Luke promised himself that sometime soon he’d lick Jimmy all over, touch every bit of skin, but for now, he needed to come. Needed to make Jimmy come.

The touch of lips to lips was like a spark that ignited a wildfire. Luke devoured Jimmy’s mouth as Jimmy used his tongue to fuck Luke’s mouth. Their groans mingled as they rutted against each other, Jimmy’s hands clenching on his back. A flash of memory from the dressing room at the theater had Luke flipping them over so Jimmy was on top, but their mouths and hips never stopped moving.

With Jimmy above him, Luke had easy access to his ass, and he dug his fingers into the firm flesh, kneading and massaging the cheeks.

It was exactly what Jimmy needed. Stiffening, Jimmy’s cock jerked, spilling hot and wet over Luke’s cock and belly. Luke managed a few more thrusts in the slippery warmth before his gut tightened and he added his load to Jimmy’s, his vision darkening as the pleasure wracked his body.

Jimmy lifted his mouth off Luke’s, probably wise since they both needed to catch their breath, but it left Luke inexplicably bereft. Jimmy sagged, his body relaxing atop Luke’s, his forehead resting on Luke’s, chasing away that feeling of loss. He rubbed his hands slowly along Jimmy’s sweat-slicked back and just breathed, the earthy scent of their cum heavy in the air.

Long before Luke was ready to move, their cum cooled and became sticky. With a laugh, Jimmy peeled himself away and padded to the bathroom, returning all cleaned with a damp washcloth.

“Sorry that was so quick.” Jimmy climbed into bed next to him.

Luke grabbed the cloth and wiped himself down, because letting Jimmy do it for him was a little embarrassing.

“It’s okay. It was great.” The words weren’t adequate to explain how perfect the moment had been. “Better than great.”

No, that wasn’t any better. Thankfully, Jimmy grinned and kissed him, settling in on his side so he could look at Luke.

“It was great. Awesome, stupendous, mind-blowing…. But fast. You just… do it for me, Luke.”

Luke took a deep breath and stroked Jimmy’s cheek, the blond stubble rasping against his fingertips. “You do it for me, too, Jimmy. A lot. If I were a young guy like you, I’d love to go again tonight, but I’m not sure my recovery time is up to it. There’s always tomorrow morning, right?”

He’d been incredibly presumptuous earlier, pretty much telling Jimmy he was planning to stay the night. Jimmy hadn’t minded then, but Luke wasn’t naive. Guys thought differently when the blood flow wasn’t split between brain and cock. It would suck to have to find a cab at this time of night, with weather like this, but he didn’t want to wear out his welcome. Judging from the way Jimmy’s mouth had dropped open in shock, though, Luke would be on his way sooner rather than later, no matter how complimentary Jimmy had been about the sex.

“Young guy like me?”

Frowning, Luke tried to reconcile the fact that Jimmy wasn’t refuting morning sex, but his age.

“What do you mean? I’m thirty-eight. I thought you said you read my bio in the program.”

Luke rubbed at his nose. “Well, sure I did. But I thought that thirty-eight was some sort of weird typo. You sure you’re not twenty-eight?”

Jimmy laughed and kissed his cheek. “You are just the sweetest man ever. Wait.” Jimmy frowned. “You are talking about how I look, right? You’re not calling me immature or anything?”

This time it was Luke who laughed, partly at Jimmy’s odd self-consciousness and partly relief that they were closer in age. However hot it would be to say he’d hooked up with a much younger man, Luke wasn’t looking for a hookup, and he was pretty sure he’d have more in common with someone closer to his age.

“Mostly your looks, yes. But your enthusiasm, too. And not just in bed.”

“I was right. You are the sweetest guy.” His sweetness got him another kiss, which Luke wasn’t going to complain about.

Jimmy stroked over the hair on his chest, a gentle exploration that didn’t feel like Jimmy was trying to wind him up. Luke took the opportunity to observe Jimmy with touch as well as sight. Unlike himself, Jimmy didn’t have a lot of hair on his chest, just a bit of blond fuzz covering his pecs and then a slightly darker treasure trail leading to dark gold pubes that had clearly been trimmed. Hopefully Jimmy didn’t mind that Luke hadn’t ever manscaped. Jimmy was slender, without much muscle definition. A soft belly and the merest hint of love handles—which might be more pronounced if he wasn’t working two jobs—said that Jimmy loved food. Luke would like to cook for Jimmy. If they kept dating, he’d have to go grocery shopping. Soon.

Despite the fact Luke suspected he’d fall asleep long before he’d be recovered enough to go another round, Jimmy’s soft cock and blond fuzzed balls made his mouth water.

Without thinking, he reached out and stroked those balls. “I’m glad you don’t wax.” It looked hot in porn, but when he was touching a guy’s balls, he wanted them to be a man’s balls and not like the naked suede of one of those sphinx cats.

“Oh, yeah, well. I used to. When I was hitting the clubs. But it always took three or four days afterward to be comfortable, and let me tell you, the desperation of not being able to scratch or readjust sore, itchy balls because you’re stuck for hours teaching a bunch of teenagers just waiting to find any weakness they can exploit or make fun of… well, it just didn’t make sense anymore. For a few years, I’d wax again during the summer break, but after I hit thirty, I just couldn’t be bothered.”

Luke grinned. He could see Jimmy at the front of a classroom, trying not to twitch and telegraph his discomfort to everyone.

“God. I didn’t think I’d be up for another round tonight, either, but if you keep doing that, I’m going to want to.”

Sure enough, the time Luke had spent stroking Jimmy’s balls had had a positive effect on Jimmy’s cock, plumping it a bit from its previous sated state. Gorgeous. He licked his lips. It wouldn’t be any hardship at all to suck Jimmy off, even if he couldn’t get it up again.

“And I think you might be, too.”

Luke glanced down his body and grinned. “Apparently you’re good for my recovery time.”

This time it was Jimmy frowning. “Wait. How old are you?”

Somehow, he’d been hoping to avoid answering that question, but that reluctance had been more intense when he was afraid Jimmy might be fifteen years or more younger than him.


“Shut the fuck up. You are not.”

All it would take was a good look in bright light, which, to be fair, hadn’t been in supply since he’d met Jimmy. Even Jimmy’s kitchen light was a subdued, yellowish shade that the contractor in him wanted to fix. In the bedroom, Jimmy was lit by the cold white light of the moon reflected off snow. Moonlight flattened color and smoothed imperfections, which Jimmy didn’t have, but Luke did. Having them masked the first time they were together made it easier for Luke to enjoy and let go of his inhibitions, pleased he didn’t appear to be the oldster he felt like most days. He just shrugged and nodded.

Jimmy sat up, the gentle touches forgotten as he stared down at Luke.

“How old is your son?” The tone was almost accusing, confusing Luke.

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