Raising the Ruins (51 page)

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Authors: Gerald Flurry

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Gerald Flurry
, Sermon, Edmond OK, July 17, 2004.

29. Gary Scott, “Worldwide Church of God leaving Pasadena,”
Pasadena Star-News
, October 25, 2004.

30. Michael Dattolo, “Headquarters Moves,”
The Philadelphia News
, April 2006, 1.

Gerald Flurry
, Sermon, Edmond OK, January 21, 2006.

32. Herbert W. Armstrong, “Here’s Good News!”
The Good News
, April 1951, 1.

33. Herbert W. Armstrong,
United States and Britain in Prophecy
(Worldwide Church of God, 1980), 4.


ad campaign, 236-239

Advisory Council of Elders, 34-36

minutes that pertain to case, 249-251

Albrecht, Greg, 63

references to deposition,248-249, 283

Allen, J.H., 53-55

Ambassador Auditorium

artists who performed in auditorium, 25-26

closure of auditorium, 26

sale of auditorium, 4-5, 26-27

Ambassador College, 68, 169-171, 347-350, 362-363

Armstrong’s decision not to accredit, 62, 212

Big Sandy, 4, 23, 61-63, 169-170, 195-196, 351-352

Armstrong’s decision to close, 73-74, 102

Tkach’s decision to keep open, 74-75

Pasadena, 4, 23, 62-63, 103, 195, 349, 351

Tkach’s decision to accredit, 63, 103

Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course, 3

Ambassador International Cultural

Foundation, 24

Ambassador University, 351

Amos, John, 65, 193-194, 203

Are We In The Last Days?,

Armstrong, Garner Ted, 27, 33-34, 60, 62, 67-68, 157-158

Armstrong, Herbert W.

approach to Bible study, 22-23, 49-52

congestive heart failure, 175-176

choosing a successor, 34-37

death of, 38-39, 145

last will and testament, 178-179

man of vision, 346-348

references from WCG members, 29-30

references from world leaders, 21-22

retirement policy, 176-177

warning to WCG, 180

writing of
Mystery of the Ages
, 177

world leaders visited, 25

Bible Story,

Blackwell, Dean, 46-47, 64, 110 173-174, 199, 208, 211-212,

Bravin, Jess, 277-280

Christianity Today
, 328-329

Crissey, John, 321-322, 325

Dean, Aaron, 35

assisted writing of
, 68-69

quotes from interview, 35-40, 42-43, 50, 57-58

Doctrinal changes made by WCG, 9-10, 147

assigning scriptures to names, 110, 128-130

Christ’s sacrifice, 88-91, 98-99

Church commission, 75-78, 101-102, 139

end-time Elijah, 92-94, 128-133

see Christ’s sacrifice

identity of modern Assyria, 71-72, 94-95

identity of modern Babylon, 68-71, 94-95

identity of modern Ephraim and Manasseh, 86-87

“lost century,” 81

nature of God,
see trinity

one true church, 139-140

theistic evolution, 101

trinity, 82, 133-138

Ending Your Financial Worries
, 80

e-publishing, 284-285, 288-289, 294-295

Fair Use, 242, 247-248

Feazell, J. Michael, 43, 63, 65

ghost writing, 55-56, 58-59

preface to e-publishing works, 290-297

references to deposition, 7-8, 17, 302-303, 323

Tkach’s personal assistant, 58-59

Flurry, Gerald

decision to print additional literature

fired from WCG, 197-199, 206

getting “second wind,” 342

last Feast sermon in WCG, 193

letter to Oklahoma and Enid brethren after being fired, 204-206

reaction to
Mystery of the Ages

discontinued, 187-188

sermons referred to, 224-225, 253, 271-272, 274, 289, 316-317, 335, 341, 353-354, 359-361

vision for 38 acres purchased, 346-347, 354-355

Malachi’s Message
, 188-191

Flurry, Stephen

initial reading of
Malachi’s Message
, 190-191

job as tape librarian, 191

references to deposition, 314-315

transfer to Big Sandy, 187

government, 6-7, 10-11

Good News
Magazine, 2, 18-19, 23, 136, 168, 177

discontinued, 4, 167

reduction in number of issues, 159-160

Gulfstream III, 162-164

Hanegraaff, Hank, 141-142

Harvard Law Review
, 227-228

Helge, Ralph, 229

interview with
The Journal
, 319-320

letter he wrote to Bob Ardis, 313-315

references to 1998 depositions, 233-234

references to 2002 depositions, 306-308,

retirement, 307-308

Helm, Mark, 229, 232-233

“Gettysburg Address” before Ninth Circuit, 260-262

Herbert W. Armstrong College, 355-359

first graduates, 363

renaming the college, 359

Herrington, Bob, 57-58

Hislop, Alexander, 118

Hulme, David,

resignation letter to Tkach, 83, 125-126, 293

discussions with Trinity Evangelical

Divinity School, 134-136

Imperial College,
see Herbert W. Armstrong College

Incredible Human Potential
, 80-82, 95, 108, 120, 176, 255, 367-368

Judah’s Scepter and Joseph’s Birthright, see Allen, J.H

Kelly, Ronald, 64, 304-306

references to deposition, 303-305

comments on sale of property, 12

Klaus, Kelly, 232-233

Laodicean era, 186-188, 190-192, 203

Liberation of the Worldwide Church of God
, 5, 56

book sales, 17

criticism of Armstrong’s administration, 5

distribution figures, 17

references to Feazell being emotionally and spiritually raped, 5-6, 56

seven dynamics, 10-11

Malachi’s Message
, 188-190, 203-206, 368-369

referred to by WCG, 149-150, 206-208, 212-213,

Meredith, Roderick, 30, 35-36, 63-64

quotes from interview, 44-46, 50, 56

Missing Dimension in Sex
, 133, 245, 255, 276, 368

Morgan, Matthew, 284

letter to Flurry, 284-285

letter of licensing rejection, 288-289, 290-291

Mystery of the Ages
,annotated project, 248-249, 251-252, 256-257, 260

Armstrong’s comments on book, 3, 17, 143, 150-151, 218, 221,

destruction of excess copies, 98-99

discontinued, 4, 107-109

foreign translations, 114-115

initial printing by PCG, 223-225, 351

initial printing and promotion by WCG, 18, 220-221

put on hold, 97

reasons for WCG removal, 113-121

required reading, 218-220

same message in other books, 108-109

softback revisions, 73

sophomore address, 152-154

serialization edits, 77-79

Tkach’s comments on book, 221-222

Nimrod, 70-71

Pasadena Star-News
, 19-20, 329-330

pension plan, 172-174

Philadelphia Church of God,

attempts to buy Big Sandy, 290, 352-354

battle cry of, 224-226

beginning of Church, 196, 202-206

first service, 203

growth since court case, 360-364

hall of administration building, 360-362

incorporation of, 203

plans to build auditorium, 360-361, 364

purchase of candelabra and Steinway, 358

land acquisition, 345-356

Philadelphia era, 78-79, 186, 213

Plain Truth about Christmas
, 51, 71

Plain Truth about Easter
, 51, 92, 98

Plain Truth about Healing
, 88-91

Plain Truth
Magazine, 2, 4, 23, 160-162, 166-168, 177

adoption of more religious tone, 208-209

circulation drop, 160

circulation under Armstrong, 2

pay subscription, 4

subscription capped by Tkach,159-160, 168

preface to e-publishing works, 290-298, 310-311

prophesies about PCG winning
Mystery of the Ages
, 341

Amos 9, 350-351

Daniel 8 and 12, 340

Isaiah 22, 337-338

Habakkuk 1 and 3, 338-340

Revelation 10, 336, 341

Religious Freedom Restoration Act,242, 282

Salyer, Larry, 39-40

Schnippert, Bernard, 60-61, 309-311

comments on sale of auditorium, 26-27

head of media operations, 60-61

involvement in STP, 60, 68

references to deposition, 309-311, 323

subject works, 243, 367-368

Systematic Theology Project, 60, 91

televangelism, 2

Thompson, Tim, 203

Tkachism, 7-9, 12, 127, 131, 143, 147, 150, 180, 306

accepting responsibility of changes, 154-155

baby of, 169

charging fees for literature, 309

classic Tkachism, 137

fingerprints of, 73

golden age, 170-172

managing money, 168-172

Tkach, Joseph Sr.

Ambassador College experience, 45

appointment to Pastor General,36-37, 186

comments on Armstrong behind

changes, 83-84

comments on being a manager, 161

death of, 215-216

desiring rank of apostle, 39-42

education background, 47-50, 52-53

having same authority as Armstrong, 6-7

involvement in 1979 crisis, 47

“landmark sermon,” 123-124

not a theologian, 50

pastoral duties, 44-47

response to David Hulme’s letter, 83-84

“riddled with error” comment, 147-148

tape recorder request, 145-147

Tkach, Joseph Jr.

apology for Armstrong, 14

having same authority as Armstrong, 6-7

head of ministry, 59-60

letter to Dennis Leap, 127, 148-150

references to 1998 deposition, 85

references to 2002 deposition, 11, 50, 52, 298-301

“riddled with error” comment, 85

rise in ranks, 59-60

Transformed by Truth
, 5, 14-17,

“absolute power corrupts absolutely”, 5, 7, 300

book sales, 16

“Christian duty” endnote, xii, 239-240, 299

discontinued, 16

distribution figures, 16

enigma of Armstrong, 157-158

the sales technique of Armstrong, 157-158

transformation of WCG

deceitful transformation, xii, 1

without historical precedent, 15

Tucker, Ruth expert report, 322-323,

relationship with WCG, 16, 324

references to 2002 deposition, 322-324

Two Babylons
see Hislop, Alexander

United Church of God, 125

United States and Britain in Prophecy
, 3, 19, 53-54, 72, 86-88, 116, 119-120,

140, 163, 255, 276, 292, 368

Wall Street Journal

Mystery of the Ages
advertisement, 221

Article about court case,
see Bravin, Jess

Ward, Donald, 68, 74-75, 103-104

head of college, 61-64

Watchman Expositor
, 329

Waterhouse, Gerald, 41, 57, 64, 207, 213-214

Who was Jesus
?, 111-112

World Tomorrow
program, 2, 19, 23, 33, 165-166, 175

adoption of more religious tone, 208-209

cap on number of stations, 166-167

discontinued, 4

program that aired
Mystery of the Ages
, 97

Worldwide Church of God 1970s revolt, 27

budget breakdown, 168-169

cutbacks, 164-165, 166-168

headquarters move to Big Sandy, 194-196

income data, 160-161, 168-172

income under Armstrong, 2

golden age, 174-180

membership decline, 4, 9, 13

new financial model, 12

receivership, 28-29

sale of property, 4, 12

statistics at point of Armstrong’s

death, 2, 9

statistics in 1997, 4

Worldwide Church of God v. Philadelphia Church of God

Central District of Oklahoma Judge Letts’ ruling, 251-253

pre-trial hearing, 229-231

status conference, 245-246

temporary restraining order denied, 231, 253

WCG complaint, 228, 246-247

Counterclaim, 242-243, 276, 282-284

summary judgment denied, 285

WCG reply to counterclaim, 244

damages trial, 282, 320-321

damages sought by WCG, 321-322

Judge Snyder’s hearings, 320-322, 324-325

summary judgment denied, 320

tentative order of Judge Snyder, 321-322, 324-325

forum shopping, 235-236

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

briefs for appeal, 256-257

dissenting opinion, 269-272

en banc
, 273-274, 335-336

injunction, 75-276, 280

majority opinion, 257, 266-270

oral arguments, 257-265

settlement, 333

agreement of principle terms, 326

deal breaker, 342-343

final settlement reached, 343

rejected offers, 316-319, 320, 325

Supreme Court petition, 282, 336

Worldwide News
, 11, 161, 221

reduction in number of issues, 159-160

Magazine, 2-3, 176

reduction in number of issues, 159-160 ▪


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