Ravish Her Completely (5 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: Ravish Her Completely
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Chapter Six

Stian crouched in the underbrush, watching as a goat wandered around, grazing. It had clearly gotten away from the village, but no one had claimed it or searched for it as of yet. He’d take it as his own to feed his woman, make her nice and plump, because he’d be filling her with his children very soon. There was no use in waiting. He was getting older, and he’d always wanted a family, but because of his reputation, because of the brutal nature of his life, he’d never been given the chance to show a woman that he could be good to her.

Winter was fast approaching, and he wanted to have as much extra food and supplies stocked up as possible. It was always harsh and cold, but he knew this winter would be a lot warmer, and a little less lonely now that Agata was here. But it would take time for her to realize that she was truly
, that he’d always ensure that she stayed his. She knew nothing of him, of his world, and whether she was dropped down on this world by the gods themselves made no difference. He’d found her, would claim her, and he’d make her see that this was her home now.

He drew his bow back, aimed it at the goat, and in a fluid motion released the arrow. It landed in the side of the animal¸ a clean shot that had it dropping instantly. Stian slowly rose from his position, moved over to the lifeless creature, and just as he was about to lift the animal and put it over his shoulder to carry back home, the sound of a twig snapping far too close to him had him on alert and spinning around.

He now had his ax in hand, his gaze scanning the area, yet he didn’t catch any movement. Another snap, this one from the opposite direction he’d first heard it from. He spun and looked behind him, swept the perimeter of the forest with his gaze, and knew that although he couldn’t see what was out there, something watched him, waited. It was that tightening in his neck, that rush of adrenaline, and the feeling that eyes were on him.

“At ease, warrior.” The female voice came from behind him, and he turned and saw an elderly woman looking up at him. She was clearly blind given the milky color to her eyes and the scars that lined them.

He kept his ax ready though, because despite the fact she was an elderly woman, there was this power that came from her. Perhaps she was a seer, a person that could see the future of others?

“Who are you?” he said and scanned the woods behind her, and to the sides, making sure she was alone.

“I’m but an old woman.”

He doubted that. Stian had this feeling she was much more. It was a tingling in his body, a tightening of his skin. It was an instinct he went with to stay alive, and it had served him well.

“You’ve been out here alone for many moons, have you not, Stian?”

The fact she knew his name was surprising, especially since he knew she wasn’t from the village. He’d grown up around those people until he’d come into adulthood. He knew all the elders, and she was not one of them.

“I know you’re lonely, know you’ve been banished for things that were not maliciously done. I know you have found a great treasure, a woman that may or may not be of your world.” She lifted a greying eyebrow and smiled.

He didn’t question many things, but he had questioned his woman, and where she’d come from. She was clearly not of his village or area given her attire, language, and the other items she had in her possession. He tightened his hold on the handle of his ax, then lifted it and sheathed it at his hip. “You know of my woman and the strangeness of her, of where she came from.” He didn’t phrase it like a question.

“I do, warrior.”

They stood there for a moment, neither speaking after that, but both watching the other. “Is she a gift from the gods?” Stian might be many things, but he did have faith in the gods, in the great Odin, the father of all, and maybe they were smiling down upon him, even after the lives he took.

“Treasure what you have, warrior.” She turned and left him then, and for the entire time she moved through the woods he watched her. She disappeared through the trees, her small, almost frail body becoming no more.

Stian grabbed the goat and hauled it over his shoulder. Making his way back to the hut, he thought about what the old woman said. He wished he could speak with his female, know where she’d come from, what she thought, and explain the reasons why he would not let her go. He got to his hut, tossed the carcass on the ground by the smoke hut, and went into his home to see Agata sitting by the fire, her hands extended as she tried to warm them.

The weather was changing drastically, and he was already prepped, already prepared to keep them satisfied, well fed, and protected. He stared at her, desire coursing through his veins, and his cock instantly hard as she looked at him with this wide-eyed innocent expression. He’d refrained from touching her the way he wanted, and although she was still so cold at times toward him, while in bed she melted against his body.

“Come here, wife,” he said, knowing she knew at least a few small terms in his language. The way her throat worked as she smiled, the fact she curled her fingers into her palm, and the way she stood slowly, told him that she, too, felt this intense heat move between them.

When she was close enough he reached out and wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her forward until she slammed into his chest. “I want to show you what I want, what I need from you.” Looking into her blue, round eyes, seeing her hesitancy, yet her desire as well, had his cock jerking, growing harder. “I want to show you that you’re mine in the most physical of ways. Sex. Desire.” He leaned in an inch so their lips were only inches apart. “I want to
you, wife.”


Desire moved through Agata’s body like a train, fast, hard, and violently. She’d only been here for a few short days, knew she had to leave eventually, but also that she’d never felt the kind of arousal she did when with Stian. It made no sense, annoyed and pissed her off to a point, but the fact remained that she was here for a reason. She just didn’t know what that reason was.

His big hand was around her hipbone, his face so close to hers. He smelled wild, untamed, like the forest that surrounded them. Despite her being here against her will, not even knowing where
was, she did admit she’d never felt this kind of freedom before.

It did feel strange given the fact she was in this current situation, and had a chain still wrapped around her ankle. She’d even gone looking for weapons, and surprisingly found many, just not in her reach. What if someone or something had come in here and tried to hurt her while he’d been hunting? What if she couldn’t get away or defend herself because he’d had her tied up? All those thoughts had crossed through her mind, but she also had been able to look out the window and see him still, even as he hunted.

She believed he never went far from her, maybe as a proprietary thing, or because he didn’t trust her. But either way until she figured out a way to leave, playing along and staying on the side of him that lavished her with this wicked, erotic attention was probably in her best interest.

“This is crazy,” she said to herself, and stared at the fullness of his lips.

He leaned in another inch until their mouths touched just barely.

“I should just kick you in the balls right now.” She whispered a little seductively, smiled even. But she was still chained, still unable to get away, even if her pussy was wet at the moment.

Moving back an inch, she lifted her leg and rattled the chain a little bit. He didn’t move right away, maybe contemplating if she’d run, but he finally bent down and undid the ties. When he stood he took her in his arms, pulled her close once more, and before she knew what was happening kissed her harshly. She moaned, not being able to hold the sound in. He wore this thick leather and fabric coat, the material going down to his ankles. Fur lined the collar, and the scent of him invaded her senses.

She smoothed her hands over his wide shoulders, curled her nails into the fur and leather, and opened her mouth. She wanted to taste him, wanted his scent on her, filling her, consuming her. He stroked his tongue along hers, sucked on it, and groaned. When he turned them, started walking her toward the pallet, she felt the throbbing of his cock against her belly, and almost couldn’t find the strength to do what she was about to do.

I want this, want him, but I have to think about myself.

“If we’d met under different circumstances I could see myself letting you do whatever you wanted.” She broke away from the kiss, looked into his eyes, and without thinking about it, she brought her knee up, right into his crotch. He grunted, his eyes widening for a second before he fell to one knee and cupped himself.

Agata didn’t wait, didn’t even think about it. She’d already had her bag packed with her personal items, a few pieces of fruit, and she knew that if she did manage to get away she might very well die out there in the cold and wilderness.

Taking off out of the hut, she ran toward the right, hoping, praying, she was running toward the village. They may not have helped her before, but maybe if they saw her again, and she tried to explain as best she could that she needed help, they’d take pity on her? Either way she had to get away, had to find her way back home.

The underbrush wasn’t frozen yet, but it was hard, cold, and she didn’t have much on aside from the thin shift and leather coat Stian had given her. She tightened her hold on her purse, knowing that she shouldn’t have worried about her personal items, because here they didn’t mean anything. But Agata couldn’t part with her things from back home, couldn’t leave them behind with that heathen.

The heathen you want, desire, and grow wet for.

Shaking her head she focused on moving forward, not about to look behind her and see if he was following. He
following her; she knew that, felt it in her bones. She had to have the strength that she could get through this, because being a man’s property, having him touch her because he thought he had a right to it because he’d “captured” her, was not the life she wanted.

She saw the town through the break in the woods, and ran harder. Her feet and legs ate up the distance, and she felt sweat bead along her spine and between her breasts. Her injuries were healing nicely, almost all the way mended, but she felt a twinge of discomfort in her arm. That wasn’t her concern right now.

Tearing through the part in the trees, she stumbled forward and into the village. A few blonde haired, blue eyed children looked at her, but promptly ran away to their small, rustic and crude looking homes.

“Help me. God, can’t you hear me? Help me!” She shouted louder, screamed them out, and ran past the huts to the center of the village. A few men came running out, weapons in hands. Agata held up her hands, showing them she had no weapons and wasn’t a threat. “Help me …

The men started shouting at her in their language, and holding up their axes and swords. She stopped, everyone coming closer to her. Their expressions and words were angry and directed right at her. Adrenaline was pumping through her veins hard and angry, and Agata felt lightheaded, frightened, and pissed. They came closer though, and she turned around, looking at the men that were no doubt about to mob her for reasons she assumed were because of Stian.

“What the hell is wrong with all of you?” She hadn’t meant it in the literal sense, because judging by the way they lived, the angry looks on their faces as they stared at her, Agata knew these people clearly lived by their own set of rules. Hot, angry tears fell from her eyes, and she grew hot from her rage that these people were blinded by their hatred. She knew they hated him, and that they hated her for associating with Stian. Didn’t they know that she hadn’t willingly gone to him? “You’re attacking me over what … Stian?”

They went crazier then, yelling and shouting, tossing their hands in the air. Even the women had come closer, spitting on the ground in front of her. Then they charged forward. One of the men grabbed her hair, yanked her head back, and she cried out. They kept screaming out the same word:

Over and over they shouted that word, and she knew it was so wrong to leave, to think she had any hope of finding help with these heathens. They were worse than Stian, brutal and hated her when they knew nothing of her, when she was associating with a man they clearly hated. But why, why did they hate Stian? What had he done to them?

The sound of something loud, dangerous, and almost animal-like, resounded through the village. She spun around, out of the grasp of the man that held her, and turned back around to kick him in the cock. He grunted and fell forward, dropping his sword in the process so he could grab himself.

She didn’t waste a moment to grab the sword and start swinging at the men that came forward again, their weapons poised at her. The sounds of a man shouting above the rest, yelling out “konna” had her turning and seeing Stian charging forward. He had a mallet in one hand, one that almost looked like it was used to tenderize meat, and an ax in the other.

Stian was swinging at the men that came after him. He was outnumbered, but these men weren’t a match for Stian and his skills. She turned just as a woman picked up a rock and was about to hurl it at her. Agata used the butt of the sword and slammed it in the woman’s forehead, having her stumble back and drop the rock.
The bitch wanted to come after her then Agata would show her she wasn’t some weakling

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