Read Real Challenge (Atlanta #2) Online

Authors: Kemmie Michaels

Real Challenge (Atlanta #2) (14 page)

BOOK: Real Challenge (Atlanta #2)
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“And we shall thrift our way into fabulousness for you,” Cassie announced. “You want crazy like my house or subtle?”

“Somewhere in between I think,” Jenna said.

“We can do that. So what about your love life? Any new guys catch your eye?”

“Not a one. My dry spell is starting to feel like the Sahara.”

“Come on, Jenna. You have to get yourself out there. I mean look at you. Twenty-one, blond, those gorgeous chocolate-brown eyes, petite…what’s not to like?”

“Oh, please. Petite just means short,” she laughed.

“You’re beautiful, my friend, inside and out,” Cassie said genuinely. “You’ll find someone.”

“I hope so. Maybe now that I’m out of my parent’s house. It’s tough to feel independent and desirable when your mom still tries to enforce a curfew,” she giggled.

Both girls started laughing at the thought, and then couldn’t stop. They giggled for no reason, which got them giggling harder at their own ridiculousness. Maybe the ice cream sugar-rush got them going, or maybe their new possibilities bubbled excitedly from each of them.

“See Jenna, you’re a blast,” Cassie finally said after catching her breath. “You’ll find someone awesome.”

“We’ll see,” she smiled.

“Oh! Hey…” Cassie started. “Did I tell you about my brother’s self-defense class?”

“No. He’s starting a class?”

“Yeah. They decided at the gym to get one going. He needs a group of guinea pigs to try out the training sessions and schedules before they advertise to the public. You in?”

“That’s cool. Especially if it’s free. We should ask Melanie, too. I know she’d be up for it.”

“Good idea. What about Caty?” Cassie asked.

By the time they were done thinking, Cassie figured at least five women from the clinic would be willing to volunteer as test subjects in a self-defense class. Marcus would be excited. He was hoping for about ten people. Cassie couldn’t wait to see her brother in the role of instructor. He would be brilliant, she was certain.

The class was tentatively set for the end of April, mostly so Erin and the other women from her office would be recovered from tax season before starting something new. Cassie couldn’t wait, especially because when the class started, Erin would have the title of
rather than
. Another smile lit her face at the title

Chapter Seven

For Scott, those last weeks dragged on forever. He didn’t get to see Cassie at all during that last push through his workload, even during the weekends. Thank goodness for swimming and the return of Cassie’s texts. They had no conversations, but every day she sent him a stupid knock-knock joke. As dumb as those jokes were, they were the only thing that kept him sane while at the office. She managed to keep him energized through the final pressure of deadlines.

When April 15 finally hit, Scott was completely spent. Tax season ended on a Friday night and he was insanely glad that he wouldn’t have to be at work for a few days. He went straight to Cassie’s house, skipping the after-season party with his coworkers. He didn’t care. He just needed to be near her.

He hadn’t called or texted or anything. He simply hoped she’d be home. He knocked on the door and smiled an exhausted hello when she answered. She looked like the picture of comfort in light gray pajama pants and soft blue t-shirt. He wanted to be in that comfort right with her.

“Hey,” Scott said. “Three weeks are up, and all I wanted was to see you again.” She let him in to her house and kissed him sweetly.

“I’m glad you did. I’ve been thinking about you all day. You look awful. Come let me take care of you.”

She said those words so sweetly that Scott had to hug her for a long moment. She was exactly what he needed in that moment. He had thought to bring in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and changed while she got him some water and a snack.

When she came back from her kitchen, she pulled him over to the couch. She sat on the end cushion and directed him to lay down along the length of the couch, resting his head on her lap. His arms circled around her hips and held her close while she stroked his hair softly. He fell asleep almost instantly, not even touching the cheese and crackers she offered.

He woke up after about two hours and found Cassie sleeping right there with him, his head still on her lap. He was hit with a lot of emotion at the thought of her staying there with him while he slept.

He woke her up gently, only enough to pull her up off the couch. He picked her up and carried her back to her bedroom and tucked her into her bed. He crawled in beside her and pulled the covers up around them. He felt guilty because he knew she probably didn’t want him to stay, but he was too tired to drive and he just didn’t want to leave.

Groggily, she curled up beside him and rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her and he fell back to sleep almost immediately. Nearly fourteen hours later, he woke up alone in her bed feeling rested for the first time in weeks. Scott stretched out and yawned for a while before he could get up.

He rolled off the sheets and went to find Cassie. Barefoot, he padded down the short hallway and into the living room. He saw her study manuals for her nursing exam and hung his head. He hadn’t even asked her about her course when he saw her those weeks ago. He had been so wrapped up in his own drama that he hadn’t even thought about her. What an ass.

He still didn’t see Cassie, but he heard some new-age music coming from her old dining room. He walked over and leaned into the doorway to watch her perfect body move smoothly from one yoga pose to the next. She saw him watching and just smiled at him without so much as a hiccup in her movement. She was in dark green leggings and a charcoal gray sports bra. Her hair was up in a simple pony tail. She was barefoot on the mat and her body was even more toned than he realized. Every contraction of her muscles showcased her strength.

He was also amazed by her flexibility. At one point, she balanced herself on one leg, grabbed her other foot with one hand behind her and arched her back. She let the other arm float gracefully in front of her for balance, and then arched back completely to touch the top of her head with the toes of her back foot. Scott was in awe of the picture of her, holding that pose so gracefully there in front of him. She was absolutely beautiful.

Not wanting to disturb her yoga session any more, he went into her kitchen to make coffee for them. He found the coffee in a canister on the counter next to the coffee pot, but didn’t see the mugs. He went through her cupboards looking for them, and smiled at the assorted choices he saw. There was a very tall, thin mug with a deep red Chinese dragon swirling around the rim, right next to a wide latte cup with soft pink butterflies. One looked like a miniature beer tankard, complete with a hinged lid, and yet another was square and printed with a bold purple plaid.

Surely, these were all treasures from her favorite pastime. He grabbed the dragon and the butterfly mugs for the two of them. He loved the eclectic surroundings here. The decor was fun and joyful, just like Cassie. Her home was nothing like his usual world of sophistication and feigned perfection. He started to understand what she meant about being real. He could relax in her house; it was easy to find himself there.

Just as the coffee was about done brewing, Cassie came out of the yoga studio patting her neck with a small towel. “Thanks for making coffee,” she said, pushing up on her toes to kiss him sweetly.

“You’re welcome,” he said, handing her the butterfly mug. She reached over and took the dragon mug out of his other hand instead and laughed at the eye roll he gave her as he sipped from the girly butterfly mug. “I hope you don’t mind that I stayed. I just couldn’t drive home last night. I know it was bold to hop in your bed, but it looked a lot more comfortable than the couch, and frankly, I didn’t want to let you go.”

“I have to admit I was pretty surprised when I woke up next to you. I don’t even remember getting back to bed, but it was ok. Actually, it was kind of nice….How did I get back there, anyway?”

“I kind of carried you,” Scott admitted with an ornery grin. “You’re heavier than you look.”

“Hey! Not cool, Merchant. It’s a good thing I know exactly how I look and how strong I am or you would be in big trouble.” Cassie loved that he was playful again. Now that tax season was over, he was able to come across as human rather than a haggard work robot.

They spent the rest of the day relaxing, and once in the afternoon Scott fell asleep on the couch again. He was completely exhausted from working 90 hour weeks since he last saw her, and she spent the afternoon keeping things peaceful for him. She even gave him a back rub and streamed some Vince Vaughn movies on the tv. He deserved the break, and she spent the time studying more for her nursing exams.

He left her house in the late evening, ready to crash back at his own apartment. He needed to let himself sleep and he didn’t think he’d be able to
sleep next to Cassie again. Plus he wanted to swim in the morning and all his stuff was back at his place. He dropped a marble in the jar for the end of tax season and another for the back massage. She grinned widely at him for participating in her little happiness reminders. He gave her a long kiss goodbye at the door.

“Thanks for helping me feel human again,” he said and then walked out to his car. He heard a few more marbles clink and he smiled.

“Morning, Cass,” Marcus answered for their Sunday phone call. “How’s it going?”

“Good — you first. Have you gotten any more out of Luke?”

Cassie was so proud that her brother was rescuing another lost soul. He’d been a care-giver and protecter his entire life, starting with herself. Now, his role extended to anyone who needed him. He was even going to teach women how to protect themselves. She couldn’t be more proud.

“Quite a bit, actually. Now that he’s broken through the edge of his anger, he talks a lot more. Mostly while we spar and train, but he’s letting go, even if just a little.”

“That’s great. Good thing you’ve had practice at this sort of thing,” she grinned. “So what did he say?”

“I don’t want to break confidence, but it’s more than one thing. Army stuff and family stuff.”

“Yikes. I’m glad he has you to help. He’s got a much better shot at being a functional adult now. You’re awesome.”

“Did I tell you he moved into my old apartment? He’s even working for George out at the butcher shop like I did. Since he was discharged from the Army he’d only been crashing with buddies and working odd jobs. George might hired him on full-time, which is good. Rowdy friends and no direction wasn’t helping his issues at all. At least now he has a place of his own. He’s saving up for a real place. He needs one.”

“That’s great, Marc. He’s lucky to have you.”

“Ok, so what about you? How are things with you and my new shoe rack?”


“The guy whose ass will hold my shoes for me when I’m kicking it.”

“Oh, shut up, meathead. Scott’s good. Now that tax season is over, we can actually spend time together. He came straight over Friday after work, and I think I’m going to take him out this afternoon.”

“Straight after work? Wow. Erin didn’t even come home then. She went out with the other people from their department. I was pretty surprised and completely proud that she went.”

“That’s huge! Wow. She’s a whole new person. And, yeah. I was surprised Scott came over that quickly, too, but I really liked that he wanted to see me so much. We spent most of the day together Saturday, too.”

“Is he treating you right?”

“Would I put up with him if he wasn’t?”

“Good point,” Marcus laughed. “Too bad that he’s so nice. I haven’t given a good ass-kicking in a while.”

“God, you really are a neanderthal. And by the way, how are things coming with the self defense research?”

Cassie and Marcus talked for a long time about the class, the research, how to get things started, etc. She was glad to have a chance to be his sounding board. The moments where Marcus asked for help were few and far between, and Cassie adored the chance to give back. He had been everything for her for so many years.

“Hey, I forgot to tell you,” Marcus said. “Erin and I are flying back to Indiana next week for a visit. I might miss the Sunday call.”

“Bummer about the call, but I’m glad she’ll get to see her parents. So things are good with you and her parents?”

“Yeah. Once her dad got past hating me, they’ve been great,” he laughed. “Erin is so much like her mom. It’s crazy seeing an older version of my girl.”

“Ooh — creepy weird. Just think, once you two are officially engaged, you’ll know exactly what to expect in thirty years,” Cassie started laughing at the picture in her head of Marcus and Erin as an old married couple.

“Ok, that’s enough out of you,” Marcus said. “Go take your obnoxious self and let it loose on your blondie boy.”

“Blondie boy?” Cassie laughed.

“Better than shoe rack.”

“Good point. Bye, Marc. Love you,” she said, still with the sound of lingering laughter in her voice.

Cassie texted Scott on Sunday morning after her phone call with Marcus. She figured he’d be done at the pool by then and she wanted to take him somewhere in the sun. He barely saw the outside of the office building for months and she figured some fresh air would do him good.

Come to my house at 2:00, wear comfortable shoes, dress for outside.

Ok, but seriously, what’s with you and the shoes?

He showed up at her door in an old pair of cross-trainers, khaki cargo shorts and a brown tee. Cassie started laughing the minute she saw him. He was wearing almost the exact same outfit she was. She had cargo pants instead of shorts, but her brown v-neck was almost the exact color his was.

BOOK: Real Challenge (Atlanta #2)
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