| 9. Robert, Tobacco Kingdom.
 | 10. Kulikoff, Tobacco and Slaves, 38.
 | 11. Robert, Tobacco Kingdom, 197-208; Schnittman, "Slavery in Virginia's Urban Tobacco Industry."
 | 12. Lewis, Coal, Iron, and Slaves, 181.
 | 13. Eaton, Growth of Southern Civilization, 239.
 | 14. John Harvie and William Foushee to Governor of Virginia, March 11, 1791, Calendar of State Papers 5:273.
 | 15. Colonel Davies to the Governor, Feb. 2, 1782, ibid., 3:100.
 | 16. Governor Harrison to Thomas Madison, Dec. 12, 1782, Official Letters of the Governors 3:399.
 | 17. Dabney, Richmond, the Story of a City, 1.
2. The Road to Industrialization and the Rise of Urban Slavery, 1800-1840
 | 1. Dabney, Richmond, the Story of a City, 33; Tyler-McGraw, At the Falls, 72.
 | 2. Wade, Slavery in the Cities, 325-30.
 | 3. Richmond City Council, Minutes, Feb. 8, 1830, LVA.
 | 4. Statistics of the United States of America, Sixth Census ; Compendium of the Enumeration of the Inhabitants, Sixth Census ; Green, "Urban Industry, Black Resistance," 334-42; Richmond, Personal Property Taxes, 1800-1840; Richmond Direc-