Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction: Slavery in Richmond Virginia, 1782–1865 (51 page)

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Authors: Midori Takagi

Tags: #Social Science, #Ethnic Studies, #African American Studies, #test

BOOK: Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction: Slavery in Richmond Virginia, 1782–1865
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9. Robert,
Tobacco Kingdom.
10. Kulikoff,
Tobacco and Slaves,
11. Robert,
Tobacco Kingdom,
197-208; Schnittman, "Slavery in Virginia's Urban Tobacco Industry."
12. Lewis,
Coal, Iron, and Slaves,
13. Eaton,
Growth of Southern Civilization,
14. John Harvie and William Foushee to Governor of Virginia, March 11, 1791,
Calendar of State Papers
15. Colonel Davies to the Governor, Feb. 2, 1782, ibid., 3:100.
16. Governor Harrison to Thomas Madison, Dec. 12, 1782,
Official Letters of the Governors
17. Dabney,
Richmond, the Story of a City,
2. The Road to Industrialization and the Rise of Urban Slavery, 1800-1840
1. Dabney,
Richmond, the Story of a City,
33; Tyler-McGraw,
At the Falls,
2. Wade,
Slavery in the Cities,
3. Richmond City Council, Minutes, Feb. 8, 1830, LVA.
Statistics of the United States of America, Sixth Census
Compendium of the Enumeration of the Inhabitants, Sixth Census
; Green, "Urban Industry, Black Resistance," 334-42; Richmond, Personal Property Taxes, 1800-1840;
Richmond Direc-

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