| tory, Register and Almanac, 1819; Ellyson's Business Directory and Almanac, 1845, LVA.
 | 5. Bureau of Census, Population, 1800-1840.
 | 6. Freehling, Drift towards Dissolution, 137, 174-75.
 | 7. Kulikoff, Tobacco and Slaves ; Robert, Tobacco Kingdom.
 | 8. Stampp, Peculiar Institution ; Hughes, "Slaves for Hire."
 | 9. Thomas Hicks Wynne, Journal, Jan. 2, 1843, HL.
 | 10. Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South; Gray, History of Agriculture; Fogel and Engerman, Time on the Cross; Goldin, Urban Slavery; "Estate of John Prosser in Account with Edmund W. Bootes, Executor," Jan. 28, 1812, Hustings Wills.
 | 11. Bureau of Census, Population, 1800; Virginia Argus, 1800; Virginia Gazette and General Advertiser, 1800, LVA.
 | 12. Pinchbeck, Virginia Negro Artisan, 54.
 | 13. Richmond, Manufacturing Census, 1820 and 1840; Richmond, Personal Property Taxes, 1800-1840; Richmond Directory, Register and Almanac, 1819; Ellyson's Business Directory and Almanac, 1845; Green, "Urban Industry, Black Resistance," 334-42; Richmond, Manufacturing Census, 1840.
 | 14. Robert, Tobacco Kingdom, 213-14.
 | 15. Richard Carter v. William Patterson, Feb. 1824, Hustings Suit Papers.
 | 16. Richmond, Manufacturing Census, 1820; Richmond, Personal Property Taxes, 1820, LVA.