Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction: Slavery in Richmond Virginia, 1782–1865 (77 page)

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Authors: Midori Takagi

Tags: #Social Science, #Ethnic Studies, #African American Studies, #test

BOOK: Rearing Wolves to Our Own Destruction: Slavery in Richmond Virginia, 1782–1865
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46. Ibid., Jan. 1, 2, 1862, Jan. 3, 1863, Jan. 1, 1864, Jan. 3, 1865.
47. "Report of Male Slaves between the Ages of 18 & 45 Years Employed in the City of Richmond, Districts, 1, 2 & 3," 1864, Hustings Suit Papers, Dec. 1863-June 1864, LVA; Richmond, Manufacturing Census, 1860, LVA.
48. Arnold,
History of the Tobacco Industry,
20-21; Tanner,
Tobacco from the Grower to the Smoker,
15; Brooks,
Mighty Leaf,
Daily Dispatch,
Nov. 18, 1861; Manarin,
Richmond at War,
50. Gov. John Letcher Papers, March 16, 1863, Executive Journal, 1862-63, LVA.
51. General Hospital No. 8, Account Book, 1862-64, Museum of the Confederacy.
Daily Dispatch,
March 24, Oct. 23, 1862, March 11, 1863.
53. Ibid., Jan. 1, 1863, Aug. 22, 1862, Sept. 19, 1863.
54. Wade,
Slavery in the Cities,
chap. 4.
55. The Richmond Black Code (1859), quoted in Duke and Jordan,
Richmond Reader,
56. City Council Minutes, July 13, 1863, Oct. 10, 1864, quoted in Manarin,
Richmond at War,
Richmond Enquirer,
1861-65; Hustings Suit Papers, 1861-65.
58. Hustings Suit Papers, 1849-51, 1862-64.

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