| 90. Hustings Suit Papers, Feb. 1849.
 | 91. Daily Dispatch, July 20, 1852.
 | 92. Bratton, "John Jasper of Richmond," 36.
 | 93. Daily Dispatch, Aug. 9, 1861.
 | 94. Lyell, Second Visit to the United States, 207.
 | 95. New York Tribune, June 17, 1865, quoted in Rachleff, Black Labor in Richmond, 14.
 | 96. Philip Lightfoot to Lewis Hill, July 19, 1844, Lewis Hill Papers, Brock Collection, HL.
 | 97. William Spotwood Fontaine to Hill and Dabney, Dec. 11, 1840, Hill and Dabney Papers, ibid.; Jones, Life in the South, 150.
 | 98. Daily Dispatch, March 19, 1853.
 | 99. Board of Health, Minutes, 1849, VHS.
 | 100. Jackson, "Manumission in Certain Virginia Cities," 304-6.
 | 101. O'Brien, "From Bondage to Citizenship," 27-28; Hustings Deeds, 1800-1829.
 | 102. Jackson, "Manumission in Certain Virginia Cities," 306; Hustings Deeds, Nov. 17, 1859, March 5, 1864, LVA.