Rebel Kiss: A Historical Romance Novel (Scottish Rebels Book 1) (20 page)

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“Let go, Anna…ye
feel sae good…” Rowan coaxed as a growl of pleasure overtook his ability to
speak.  His orgasm was earthshaking as he spilled his seed inside of a woman,
his wife, for the first time.  Never had Rowan felt such pleasure.  He thrust
deep inside of Anna one final time, then collapsed on top of her chest,
exhausted and overwhelmed with such unflagging joy that he thought he might

“Och, lass, are ye
well?” Rowan asked suddenly, feeling like an oaf for dropping his full weight
onto his petite wife’s chest.  He rose up on his elbows and ran his hand
through his unbound hair, now concerned at the lack of response from Anna.  He
looked down at her tenderly.  Anna’s eyes were closed and there was just a hint
of a smile lingering on her face.

“That was
amazing,” she whispered, eyes still closed and a faint blush now covering her

Rowan’s chest
shook with laughter.  He lowered himself down to nuzzle her neck, smiling
against her flushed skin.  “Aye, it was,” he said, still smiling at his wife’s
open admission.  Feelings of relief flooded over Rowan.  He had not hurt her
when he had lost his control.

“Did you know
that’s what it would be like?” asked Anna, still basking in the glow of their

Rowan chuckled
again against her neck, fearing that if he looked at her and she opened her
eyes, she would lose her boldness.  “Well, I’d hoped that it would be, but I’ve
never experienced such pleasure.  I thought that I was going tae die!” he
confessed, secretly proud that he had pleased his wife and had the self-control
to hold off his own pleasure until she had found hers.

A moment of
silence fell between them, and Anna’s fingers traced lazily up Rowan’s chest,
causing goose bumps to rise in their wake. 

Rowan brushed his
fingers up her belly, spreading his palm out to cup her full breast and toying
with her nipple using his thumb.

“Can we do it
again…so soon?” Anna asked tentatively, her husband’s touch stirring a new wave
of desire deep within her belly.

“Aye,” Rowan
whispered huskily as he rose above her and claimed her lips in a passionate
kiss.  “As we’re both new tae this, I think that we’ll be needing lots of
practice tae get it just right,” he said, smiling against his wife’s eager


Chapter Sixteen


Anna’s unabashed
joy at the miracle of their lovemaking was threatened as she watched the shadow
of concern overtake Rowan’s rugged face.  Her hazel eyes studied him quietly
from her nest in the ravished bed.  Color flushed her face as she surveyed the
aftermath of their lovemaking.  The quilt was on the floor and the sheets were
barely clinging to the feather mattress.  There was a bright red spot of blood
that stood out in sharp contrast to the linen sheets.  It was the last reminder
of her virginity and of Rowan’s.  Their act of love now sealed them together as
man and wife.

Rowan shrugged on
his shirt and raked his hair into a semblance of order, retying the queue at
the base of his neck.  Worry was evident on his face.  His movements were swift
and methodical, his eyebrows knit together in a concentrated scowl.  Rowan felt
Anna’s eyes linger on him and he forced a smile for her benefit, gracing her
with a lazy, lopsided grin.

“You’re worried,”
Anna fretted, pulling herself from the warmth of the quilts and padding towards
where her dress lay in a heap on the floor.

“Aye,” Rowan
affirmed, knowing better than to lie to Anna.  “We need tae get moving,” he
said as he sat in the chair next to the hearth and pulled on his boots.

“Do you think that
they’re looking for me yet?” Anna asked restlessly as she pulled on her dress
and secured the lacings behind her back.

“Nay, it’s the
middle of the night still.  They willna ken that yer gone yet,” he assured her,
hating to see the worry take over her lovely face.

Anna went to him,
needing to feel the comfort of his strong arms around her, needing to assure
herself that they would both be safe.  She curled up in Rowan’s lap and he
wrapped his arms around her.  He rested his chin atop her head as they both
looked into the fire.

Emboldened by
their close bodily contact and the feeling of safety that Rowan exuded, Anna
slid her hand under his shirt and playfully teased his sensitive nipple.

Rowan smiled at
her unexpected touch and pinned her arms to her sides with his hands so that
she could no longer touch him.  “What do ye think yer doing?” he demanded, eyes
sparkling mischievously as he held Anna’s arms securely to her sides.

“Provoking you,”
Anna confessed, smiling naughtily up at her husband.

“If ye’ll
remember, I’m a fair bit stronger than ye are…” Rowan trailed off as he teased
her and nipped playfully at her neck.  He slid the tip of his tongue down her
neck and elicited a squeal of delight from Anna.  He trailed kisses down her
neck and continued to torment her by restraining her arms.  Rowan’s teeth tore
playfully at the neckline of Anna’s gown and she giggled softly, falling
against his chest.  He released her arms and at once they were around his neck.

“And if you’ll
remember, Husband, I’m quite cunning when provoked,” she whispered suggestively
into his ear and bit his earlobe in invitation.

Rowan growled
deeply in his throat, promptly forgetting about his haste to get on the road. 
“I suppose we’ve got a little more time before they’ll discover…before they
realize that yer missing…” he trailed off, breath ragged now as he kissed her
just beneath her ear, sending shivers down Anna’s spine.

“We’re newlyweds
after all,” Anna giggled and arched against him, relishing his sweet torment. 
“And it is still the middle of the night…”

“Aye, it is. 
Doona worry about them coming after us now, love.  Be here with me, here in
this moment,” his honeyed words were smooth and began to make Anna forget
everything.  All of their worries, all of her fears were replaced with his

  Rowan’s lips
slanted over hers, claiming her, demanding that she yield to him.  He rose from
the chair next to the hearth and laid her carefully on the rug in front of the
diminishing fire.  His hand slid up under the confines of her dress, his
fingers dancing lazily over her thigh.

“I want ye sae
badly, sweetheart,” Rowan whispered as he nipped at her breasts where they rose
above the neckline of her dress.  His eyes met hers in the firelight.  He
traced the line of her jaw with his index finger, drinking in her beauty as she
lay before him.  “I doona think that I’ll ever be able tae get enough of ye,
enough of being with ye like this,” Rowan exhaled slowly and studied his wife.

“I want you too,”
Anna whispered.  An attractive flush spread over her cheeks as she thought
about what they were going to do

Rowan lowered his
lips to hers, kissing Anna slowly, passionately.  His hand slid languidly up
her leg.  His fingers brushed across the junction of her thighs, exploring to
see if she was ready for him. 

Anna moaned softly
and spread her legs further, welcoming Rowan’s touch.  His fingers parted her
and he groaned in ecstasy when he discovered that she was already wet, ready
for him.

Swiftly unlacing
his pants, Rowan settled between her thighs and pushed her dress up and out of
the way.  Anna gazed up at him, fire dancing across her skin, lust smoldering
in her hazel eyes.  Oh how she wanted him.

“Ye’ll be sore
tomorrow, love,” Rowan whispered guiltily.  “And I’m verra sorry for that, but
I canna…” he trailed off, unable to focus on speaking when his wife was splayed
before him, so ready and willing.

“I’ll manage,”
Anna whispered reassuringly.

Taking his cock
firmly in his hand, Rowan settled himself at the entrance to her slick, wet
heat, and as he closed his eyes, he slid ever so slowly inside her.  He
shuddered and goose bumps broke out on his flesh as he sank inch by inch deeper
until he was sheathed to the hilt.

Anna gasped at the
fullness, the stretching sensation as he filled her.  Her eyes had closed involuntarily,
expecting pain.  She lifted her knees as Rowan had instructed last time and
sensations of pleasure flooded her body. 

“Rowan!” she cried
out as he withdrew slowly from her.  She grabbed his hips and pulled him back
inside of her, eliciting a growl of approval from deep in his throat.

“I will no abuse
ye sae.  We need tae be slow and gentle,” Rowan insisted, setting his rhythm
and withdrawing from her almost completely before sinking himself deep within
her again.  His finger reached down between them, making slow circles around
the heat of Anna’s desire, coaxing her, teasing her.

Anna cried out
against him.  Her hips matched his rhythm, rising to meet his gentle thrusts as
he stroked her to the brink of madness. Her fingernails scored his back through
the fabric of her shirt.  She was frantic with her need for release.

Rowan felt her
quicken beneath him and he groaned as her sheath began to quiver with the first
waves of her orgasm. The rhythm of his fingers increased in response, and he
tormented her nub of desire, playing her harder until she came undone around

Anna moaned deeply
and gave herself willingly into the throes of her orgasm.  Her muscles
tightened and she felt as though her body had shattered into a million tiny

Rowan withdrew
almost completely and then drove forcefully into her, spilling his seed and
succumbing to the waves of pleasure from his own release.  He was shaken by the
power that his wife yielded over him, shaken by the way that she caused him to
lose all control.

“How do ye do that
tae me?” he panted, pushing himself up on his elbows so that he could look down
at his wife.

Anna’s cheeks were
flushed and her lips were ruddy from his kisses.  Her blonde hair spilled out beneath
her on the rug.  Anna’s eyes were misty with the after waves of her release.

“How do you do
that to
Anna asked, grinning up at him.  “I didn’t know that such a
thing was possible until I met you,” her eyes flitted away as she brushed the
hair back from her face.

“Neither did I,”
Rowan smiled down at her and kissed the tip of her nose.  “I love ye, Anna,” he
whispered, kissing her lips gently.

“I love you too,”
she responded, feeling like her heart would burst with the joy of loving her

“We need tae go
now.  Ye’ve dallied long enough,” Rowan teased, standing up and pulling Anna to
her feet.

Color flushed
Anna’s face and yet she was not embarrassed by her husband’s teasing.  She knew
that Rowan had wanted to make love to her just as much as she had wanted him.

Anna smoothed the
skirts of her dress and began to tidy her hair.  She smiled deliciously at her
husband, loving how he could so easily unnerve her and rattle her thoughts.

“Where exactly are
we going?” she asked, curiosity piqued.

Rowan’s heart
thundered as he hoped that she would approve.  He hoped that she wouldn’t be
disappointed.  “How would ye feel about being a farmer’s wife?” he asked,
eyebrows raised, his breath hitching in his throat as he anticipated Anna’s





As dusk settled
after a long day of travel on foot, Rowan led Anna through the forest, holding
her hand gently in his.  He looked into the nooks and crannies formed by fallen
trees, searching for the perfect place for them to take shelter for the night. 

“Let’s look down
by the water,” he said, eyes glancing back at Anna to make sure that she wasn’t
too tired to keep searching for the perfect protected location.  “If no, we’ll
come back here, this tree might be alright in a pinch,” he said, surveying the
large fallen tree behind them.

Rowan wanted to be
completely hidden from view when they made camp.  Arbor’s men would pursue them. 
Rowan hid his worries from Anna well, not wanting her to know how fearful he was
that they might be discovered.  He maintained a casual attitude for Anna’s sake,
refusing to let his wife be consumed with worry.  Rowan would die protecting
Anna.  He just hoped that such a sacrifice would not be necessary.

Pushing through
low brush and bracken, Rowan led Anna toward the sound of the rushing water. 
The forest was densely populated with evergreen trees, their boughs reaching up
and providing the perfect cloak of safety.   The dense growth of trees opened
up, yielding a small clearing that surrounded a breathtaking waterfall.

“Rowan, it’s
beautiful!” exclaimed Anna as she took in the small pool of water at the base
of the waterfall.  It looked like heaven.  “Can we stay here?” she asked, eyes
sparkling as she looked up at Rowan.

“It’s perfect, is
it no?” he asked, holding Anna’s hand as he helped her down the rocky slope to
the edge of the pool.

“Perfect,” Anna
agreed with a wistful smile.

Rowan nodded, his
eyes scanning the terrain.  It looked to be a safe, secluded place to camp for
the night.  There was a large stone cliff surrounding the pool and an indented
crevice in the rock slope that would serve as a protective shelter for two
people during the night. 

Rowan went about
the business of gathering sticks to build a fire next to the high slope of
rocks. Anna busied herself with setting up their rudimentary camp.  She
unrolled Rowan’s woolen blanket next to the growing fire and sat back and
watched him work. She heard Rowan singing under his breath, a soft, lilting
song in Gaelic.  It was a happy tune, which made Anna’s heart soar.  Anna
watched her husband contentedly as he worked, smiling to herself at Rowan’s

 Rowan’s chestnut
hair fell forward as he kindled the fire, patiently blowing on the embers to
get the flames to take hold.  As he crouched in front of her, Anna admired his
graceful form, muscled and sinewy; there was not an ounce of fat on the man. 
She was a lucky woman to be able to claim Rowan as her own.

“Why are ye
watchin’ me?” Rowan asked, his green eyes glancing over his shoulder as he
continued to kindle the fire.

“Because I like
to,” Anna confessed.

Rowan smiled and
returned his attention to the fire.

“And because
you’re mine and I can’t believe my good fortune,” she continued.

Rowan sat back on
his heels, his eyes still looking into the fire.  “And just how do ye believe
that I am good fortune?” he asked without turning around, raking his hand
through his hair.

“You are the best
fortune that has ever befallen me.  The absolute best,” Anna said firmly,
seeking to assure Rowan.

“That’s no what it
feels like tae me,” he confessed, refusing to turn to face her.

Anna crawled
forward to where Rowan was sitting next to the fire.  “Rowan, look at me,” she
demanded, reaching up and taking his chin between her fingers, forcing him to
look into her eyes.  “You are the best damn thing that has
to me.  I just know that we were meant to meet.  It wasn’t just by chance that
you saved me when the ship was sinking!”

“Then why do I
feel like I am cheating ye out of the life that ye were born and bred into? 
Why do I feel like I’ve stolen ye away from the life that ye should have?” His
eyes were intense, the pain of his feelings evident.

“I chose to be
here, here with you, Rowan.  I wanted you!”  Anna argued, his unexpected words
stinging her.

“And I’m afraid
that I will always be questioning that decision, Anna.  Ye ken that I want ye,
that I want ye more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life, but I’m afraid
that I should have let ye go, let ye go tae yer rightful place in Williamsburg.”

“You saved me
Rowan, more than just from drowning in the ocean.  You saved me from a
miserable life!  I would have been rich, rich with things, but the truth is,
the only thing that I really want isn’t a thing at all.  It’s you.  I want you,
Rowan,” she said, hazel eyes looking deeply into his green ones, imploring him
to understand her feelings.

Anna reached up
and put her hand behind Rowan’s neck, drawing him closer. Her lips brushed
tentatively across his, searching, prodding for a response.  Rowan encircled
her with his arms, his mouth hovered just beyond her lips, breathing heavily
with his desire to claim her.  Anna kissed him boldly, pulling him towards her
and opening her mouth wantonly in invitation.  Rowan’s lips settled on hers,
claiming her as his own, kissing her tenderly and savoring her sweet taste.

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