Rebel on the Run (22 page)

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Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Rebel on the Run
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“Hey, you going to sleep?” He nudged her with his bare knee.

She opened one eye and peered at him. “Maybe.”

“But I’m hungry.”

“So go eat something.”

He groaned. “I guess that means you’re not going to make me something.”

She closed her eyes and snuggled back into the bed without remorse. “Nope.”

He laughed softly, and she felt the quick brush of his lips over her cheek before he climbed out the other side of his bed.



She awoke to the sounds of deep male laughter coming from down the hall of Matt’s house. She blinked into the darkness and her stomach gave a growl of hunger. How long had she slept?

Gah! Three hours! What the…? She threw back the covers and sat on the side of the bed, pressing her hands to her cheeks. Yeah, she’d been exhausted. She’d been working like crazy lately so it was no wonder she’d crashed like that. But geez, she was at Matt’s place and holy crap, his friend Dylan was coming…no, she’d slept so long he was already there, and he and Matt were having a great time, from the sounds of their talking and laughing.

Clothes. She needed her clothes. She flicked on the lamp beside the bed, stood and stretched again, torn between wanting to climb back into bed and sleep for a week, and meeting Matt’s friend. She sighed. No choice, really. She had to get up early in the morning to make chocolate, which meant she had to sleep at her place, and besides, it would be kind of rude to ignore the guys.

She found her clothes on the chair, pulled on her panties and jeans, slipped on her bra and T-shirt. Still a little dozy, she ran her hands through her hair and shook it down her back, then wandered down the hall toward the voices she heard. She stepped into the living room, blinking a little at the bright light.

The two men sat on Matt’s couch, one at either end, each with a beer in hand, laughing again. Matt had Coldplay playing from his iPod, now docked into the speakers he’d paid a fortune for, and he looked up at her and smiled. “Hey there, sleepyhead.”

“Sorry I crashed so long,” she said, rubbing her eyes. “I guess I was tired.”

The two guys stood, which was so polite it made her smile. She looked at Matt’s friend. “Hi,” she said, moving toward him with her hand extended. “You must be Dylan. I’m Corey.”

Dylan took her hand in his, a big, strong hand with a firm grip. “Yup, I’m Dylan.”

Dylan Schell was tall, about the same height as Matt, and very muscular. Not that Matt wasn’t, he definitely had muscles, but Dylan was really muscular. He smiled, a broad charming smile that revealed white teeth, a contrast to his tanned face. His straight dark hair hung around his face and over his forehead. Although he stood, he hadn’t put weight on one leg, and her gaze dropped briefly to the plastic boot on his left foot.

“Nice to meet you, Corey,” he said. His light gray eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled. He shot a glance at Matt as if he’d been unaware she was there, down the hall, in Matt’s bed.

She knew what he was thinking but as usual, wasn’t sure what to say to tell him it wasn’t what he thought. Her relationship with Matt was a little unusual, maybe, or maybe not so much, but it worked for them. People called it “friends with benefits”, which is what they’d both agreed it would be after that night they’d ended up in bed together a couple of months ago.

“Matt mentioned you, but he didn’t tell me you were gorgeous,” Dylan said.

“He didn’t?” She expressed mock outrage and sent a glare at Matt. “I can’t believe that. He’s always going on about how gorgeous I am, sometimes I can’t shut him up.”

Both guys laughed and Matt rolled his eyes.

Dylan still held her hand in his and still smiled down at her, and the admiring way he looked her over made her tingle inside. She couldn’t help but smile back at him. Holy hotness, this was one sexy hunk of man.

Rebel on the Run




Jayne Rylon





Love is waiting on the wrong side of the tracks.


Hot Rods, Book 4

Bryce Ellington has been keeping a really big bomb of a secret. And the platinum-blonde detonator is wearing five-inch heels, standing next to a broken-down Maserati.

His fellow Hot Rods have never pried into the past that forced him from the only life he’d ever known, from the girl he loved. But as recognition dawns in Kaelyn DuChamp’s eyes—just before those eyes roll back in a dead faint—he realizes he’s going to have a lot of explaining to do. And a ton of damage to control.

When Kaelyn’s great escape from her controlling family fizzles—complete with a face-plant in the dirt—she’s relieved to see the flash of tow truck lights. Then shocked to recognize the man behind the wheel. The best friend she’s been missing for too many years.

Once Kaelyn collapses in Bryce’s arms, he never wants to let her go. But if she spills his secret, the resulting scandal could destroy everything he and the Hot Rods have worked for, built, and loved.


Warning: Contains abuse of designer heels, bubble baths gone wild, an inexperienced heroine who can kick some serious ass, smokin’ hot sex as many ways as you can imagine it…and some you haven’t. 

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

11821 Mason Montgomery Road Suite 4B

Cincinnati OH 45249


Rebel on the Run

Copyright © 2014 by Jayne Rylon

ISBN: 978-1-61921-604-4

Edited by Amy Sherwood

Cover by Angela Waters

Cover Photography by Sophia Renee


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: April 2014

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven


About the Author

Look for these titles by Jayne Rylon

Also Available from Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

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