Rebel (11 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

BOOK: Rebel
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“See anything?” Kim asked.

“No, but that doesn’t mean someone won’t jump them once they’re out of sight.” With a wag of his head, he added, “Maybe we’re blowing this way out of proportion. Yes, they could have tracked you here, but it doesn’t seem like it.”

“Better play it safe though,” Roncas said. “After all that stuff Rashe was going on about, even
worried now.”

“You mean you weren’t before?”

“Not particularly. Never thought about this being some huge conspiracy. Scary, isn’t it?”

Onca nodded. “If we weren’t trying to find those missing girls, I’d say it was time to get the heck out of Dodge.”

“Dodge?” Kim echoed.

“One of Jack’s favorite expressions,” Onca said with a dismissive wave. “Really old and really obscure, like most of the stuff she says. She’s a little hard to follow sometimes—although you can usually catch her drift.”

Kim giggled. “Is that another one of them?”

Onca’s brow rose. “Yeah. I guess it is.” He set his pistol on the table. “So, what would you ladies like for breakfast?”

Kim would’ve liked another kiss or two from their host but refrained from saying so. Onca didn’t seem interested in letting Roncas and Jatki know about their…whatever you called it when two people got together in the middle of the night for sex.

“Good question,” Roncas said. “I’m usually having supper this time of the morning.”

“Trust me, we are
particular,” Kim said.

Jatki stared at the sacks of groceries as though they were made of gold. “I will eat anything you give me.”

“Over your bellyache now?” Onca asked.

“Oh, yeah.”

He tossed her a muffin. “Then dig in.”

Kim didn’t know the name of half the stuff she ate that morning, but she didn’t give a damn. It all tasted great and her stomach was full—not to mention the delight she derived from watching Onca. Something was different about him. His smile was sweeter, he laughed more readily, and he didn’t even seem irritated when Roncas picked on him.

After a while, she finally had to admit that this was probably his typical personality—when he wasn’t exhausted, pissed off, hungry, or—

The change she saw in him couldn’t have anything to do with sex or the fact that she had been the one he’d done it with. A more probable cause was the
of sex. Fucking several women a day was bound to get old after a while.

It wasn’t until he smiled at Jatki and offered her another muffin that Kim realized what the difference was. He was feeding the hungry, giving shelter to the homeless, giving hope where there had previously been none.

And he felt good about it.

While this was understandable, Kim couldn’t quash the notion that what he’d done with her the night before was simply another means of helping the needy.


Was that all she was to him? A charity case? If so, that was quite a donation considering what he’d said about Shemlak owing him a thousand credits for his session with Ganyn. Kim wondered why it was Shemlak who would have been indebted to him anyway. Had he given the time with Onca to his sister as a gift? If so, Kim could think of a lot better ways to spend that much money.

Or could she? If she were offered a similar sum versus an hour with Onca, which would she choose?

She was still contemplating this dilemma when Captain interrupted her thoughts.

“Sir, I believe you have a visitor.”

“Who is it?”

“A tall, dark-skinned Terran with long black braids and a sword hilt tattooed on his chest.”

“On his
?” Onca echoed. “Damn. You mean he’s actually wearing pants?”

“I believe so.”

“That’s a first. Didn’t think he owned any clothes at all. Is he alone?”

“So it would seem,” Captain replied. “However, he does appear to be armed.”

“With what?”

“A bow, a quiver full of arrows, and some sort of hatchet.”

Onca looked out the window. “I think that’s called a tomahawk. Better let him in.”

Chapter 11

Onca had never seen Rashe in full regalia before, but standing on the doorstep in buckskin breeches and beaded moccasins, he appeared to be ready for battle. In addition to the weapons Captain had described, a knife dangled from a loop on his belt and—thankfully—he also carried a pulse pistol in a shoulder holster. If the bad guys were watching the house, the mere sight of him probably had them shaking in their boots. He even had feathers in his hair.

“War paint and all, huh?” Onca observed. “What made you change your mind?”

He shrugged. “Dunno. Woke up from a dream about a helpless young girl being pounded by a couple of Herps and couldn’t go back to sleep.”

“That’ll do it,” Onca agreed. “Come on in.”

Onca stepped aside while Rashe entered, then led the way into the kitchen.

“Nice house, dude.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Onca waved a hand at the two girls. “Kim and Jatki, I’d like you to meet Rashe. He works out of a brothel down the street from the Palace called the Pow Wow.”

Kim appeared undaunted by Rashe’s painted visage, merely eyeing him with curious interest. Jatki, however, turned slightly yellow and hid behind her friend.

“Shit, you didn’t tell me she was Zetithian.” Rashe held out a hand. “Nice to meet you, Kim, Jatki.”

Kim gave him a firm handshake. Jatki barely touched his fingers.

Onca chuckled. “I didn’t tell them you were Comanche, either. Then again, I didn’t expect you to show up.”

“Comanche?” Kim echoed.

“Yeah,” Onca replied. “Native American tribe from Earth. Nearly wiped out at one time, but they were able to make a comeback.” He shot Rashe a wry smile. “Sort of like Zetithians that way.”

“Never thought about it like that,” Rashe said. “But you’re right. I guess there’s hope for you guys yet—although there were a lot more of us back then than there are of you.”

“Yes, but Terrans don’t have children in litters of three.”

“Good point.” Rashe nodded at Kim. “So is she your new mate?”

Onca didn’t know how to answer that without getting into trouble. “Uh…I’m not… That is,

Rashe snickered, shaking his head. “Suit yourself, dude. She’s damn cute. Better not let her get away. I have a feeling she could keep you warm in spite of your
.” His gaze swept Kim from head to toe. “Not sure about having triplets, though. She’s kinda small.”

“But she’s tough.” Onca nearly bit his tongue to keep from adding that he had already proven what a pounding her pussy could take.

Rashe grinned. “I’m sure she is.”

Onca had forgotten how much charisma Rashe could pack into a smile. He was a lot like Jerden that way. Similar type, too—tall, muscular, exotically handsome. At least he wasn’t Zetithian. Otherwise, Onca wouldn’t have stood a chance with Kim.

minute. What am I thinking?

Not that it mattered. Kim wouldn’t go for a Terran, no matter how sexy he was. She needed a Zetithian—a point Onca had already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Roncas cleared her throat. “You guys might want to stop talking about Kim like she isn’t here.”

“Oh, yeah. Sorry, Kim,” Onca said.
“So, Rashe. Did you sign up any more recruits?”

“Nope. The Statzeelians thought about it, but then a bunch of Davordians showed up and were willing to pay extra to watch the twins suck each other’s dicks.” Frowning, he added, “Never have understood why some women like that.”

Roncas twittered. “Don’t men like seeing two women together?”

“Yes, but that’s different.”

“And why is that?” Roncas asked.

Rashe gave his chin a thoughtful scratch. “I’m not sure. Maybe it’s because if two women get each other off, a man can still fuck them. Once two guys have sucked each other’s dicks dry, there’s nothing left for the woman.”

Onca snickered. “Speak for yourself.”

Rashe stared at him, round-eyed. “What? You mean you do other men?”

“No, I don’t do other men,” Onca grumbled. “But coming once doesn’t mean I have to stop. My turnaround time is maybe twenty seconds, so I can do a group of women one right after the other.”

“Hmph. Guess I should’ve sent that class reunion to you.”

,” Onca said, gritting his teeth. “Can we talk about something else, like how we’re going to rid this city of kidnapping and corruption?”

“Dunno how we’re gonna do that,” Rashe said. “Sounds like we’ll need a fuckin’ miracle.”

“Well, start praying to the Great Sun God or whoever it is you worship and see if you can get us one,” Onca snapped. “In the meantime, are you hungry?”

Rashe rubbed his stomach. “I’m always hungry.”

“Great. Sit down and—take the fuckin’ quiver off first.”

“Oh, right,” he said with a sheepish grin. “Not used to wearing anything. These buckskins are killing my dick. Dunno how you stand those jeans.”

Kim burst out laughing. “I can tell we’re going to have fun with him.”

Onca’s smile was probably weak and pathetic, but at the moment, he didn’t give a damn. “I don’t suppose you actually know how to
those weapons, do you? Don’t they take a lot of practice?”

“I practice,” Rashe said around a mouthful of a
muffin. “Sometimes.”

“Oh, joy. Any idea what the twins can do?”

“No clue. But I’d be willing to bet they’ve got pulse rifles. Probably aren’t any good, though. Their women won’t let them near anything with a kill setting on it. Too dangerous. That’s how their species nearly wiped itself out.”

“Didn’t know those two had women—of their own, I mean.”

“Didn’t until recently. I have a feeling they’re about to retire too.” Rashe heaved a sigh. “All the good ones are quitting. Means more business for me, of course, but I can only do so much.”

“I know the feeling,” Onca said. “I didn’t realize how tired I’d been until I woke up this morning feeling…good.” He was trying his best not to, but he couldn’t help stealing a glance at Kim.

was the reason he felt like a million credits, but she obviously wasn’t going to rub it in—or even acknowledge it. He couldn’t figure her out. She should have at least met his eyes with a conspiratorial smile. A nod. A little wave. Even a smirk.


She was playing it so cool, it might never have happened. He knew he hadn’t dreamed it. No possible way. If nothing else, there were the white stains on his sheets. He couldn’t have done that without her.

Wait a minute. He didn’t want her to want him. Did he? Wasn’t she supposed to hold out for someone younger?

Still, he’d like to think he’d made some sort of impression on her. It was, after all, a matter of pride.

But she thought Rashe was fun. And there was that killer smile of his…

He watched helplessly as Kim poured a glass of
juice and gave it to Rashe. And smiled at him. Sat down in the chair right next to him. Not across the table from him.


He needed to focus on the mission, not her. He’d only fucked her the one time, like he’d done with so many others. Obviously he meant no more to her than his clients had meant to him.


She gazed at Rashe with undisguised interest. “Did you really come all the way from Earth?”

“Yeah,” Rashe replied. “Been on Rhylos about fifteen years now.”

“What made you come here?”

Rashe shrugged. “I was working my way across the galaxy, picking up jobs on starships to pay my passage, and I wound up here.”

“Yes, but why would you want to work in a brothel?” She passed him another muffin, along with butter and a knife before he even asked for them. “Did you need money that badly?”

“I sort of got drafted,” he said with a chuckle. “I was wandering around the city and wound up in the brothel district. The pheromones they pump into the air down there gave me the biggest boner I’d ever had in my life, and before I knew it, I had three women hanging all over me. After I’d fucked all three of them, they paid
.” He popped a
in his mouth and chewed it slowly. “Freaked me out a little.” He winked at her. “But I got over it.”

“Where all did you go before that?” she asked, clearly fascinated.

Rashe slathered the muffin with butter and took a bite. “Rutara, Derivia, Darconia—the usual trade routes—and a dozen other planets I can’t remember. I liked it here, I definitely enjoyed the work, and the money was good, so I stayed.”

Kim sat there hanging on his every word, her eyes glued to his face.

Or maybe it was the tattoo. Onca had never seen the need for ink. Maybe he’d been wrong about that.

Maybe he’d been wrong about a lot of things.


A glance at Roncas proved she knew exactly what Kim was doing—or at least suspected it. Either way, she certainly wasn’t interfering. Rashe seemed to appreciate the attention, although he was undoubtedly accustomed to being the object of feminine adoration. Onca probably was too. The fact that Kim was ignoring him had to be driving him nuts.

. A little jealousy might be the best thing for him. Might make him reconsider pawning her off on one of Jack’s boys.

She shifted her attention to Onca. “So, what do we do now? Go out and try to find more recruits for the army? Or are we ready to attack?”

His befuddled expression was priceless. She couldn’t have gotten to him more if she’d hit him right between the eyes with Rashe’s tomahawk. “Uh…I don’t know. What do you think, Rashe?”

“I think we’re gonna get ourselves killed is what I think. But what choice do we have?”

“We need more information,” Roncas said. “Run down the list, Rashe. Which brothels have you heard the most about?”

Rashe drummed his fingertips on the table. “Only a few, but supposedly the worst one is called the Den.”

“Short for Den of Iniquity, I suppose?” Roncas said. “Hmm…never heard of that one, which doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Not exactly my end of town—or what I’m interested in.”

Rashe grinned. “What
you interested in, Roncas?” He nodded at Onca. “Ever do

Kim felt her heart slip to her navel. She’d never thought of that. Maybe he was in love with Roncas. Maybe that was why he—

Roncas squeaked like a bird that had just been pounced on by a cat. “Absolutely
. I was an employee, not a client.”

“Shouldn’t stop you now, though,” Rashe said. “I would think you’d be, you know, curious.”


“In a word, no. I’m only here because Onca asked me to bring over some clothes for Kim, and then Jatki asked me to stay.” She arched a brow at Onca. “She was afraid he might get…horny.”

“If she didn’t want me, it wouldn’t matter whether I was horny or not,” Onca insisted. “Really, Jatki, I wouldn’t do anything like that to you. Honest.”

Roncas sniffed. “And he
honest. Can’t fault him there.”

“I know that,” Jatki said, her voice so soft Kim barely heard her. “And I’m sorry for not trusting you. I do have a suggestion, though.” She glanced up, looking Onca straight in the eyes—possibly for the first time. “Follow the money.”

Onca’s gaze narrowed. “What do you mean by that?”

“Whoever winds up with the money is the one you need to go after.”

Onca nodded slowly. “You’re right. With Grekkor, it was a matter of where the money was coming
. It’s the other way around this time, but I see what you mean. The Herps and Racks are just the minions of someone higher up.”

“But do we really have time to do all that?” Kim asked. “Our friends need rescuing

“What we need is a hacker,” Rashe said. “Someone who can get into their system and dig up the dirt.”

“Val,” Onca said with a nod. “Best hacker there is, and he can provide aerial reconnaissance too.” He glanced at Roncas. “
she’ll get excited.”

He wasn’t kidding. Roncas’s eyes lit up like twin suns.

“Okay,” Kim said. “I’ll bite. Who’s Val?”

Onca grinned like she’d just offered to bite
Rashe might be a handsome devil, but Onca was…delicious. Kim moistened her lips with a slow, sensuous sweep of her tongue.

Onca’s eyes widened and his gulp was such that he had to clear his throat before replying. “The name’s short for Valkyrie. Some woman hacked into our scheduling computer and substituted her name for someone else’s. Val traced it back and found out who did it and how. Then he firewalled our system until even
couldn’t tap into it. Considering his background, he’d probably be happy to help out on a mission like this.”

“What’s his story?” Jatki asked. “Why would he help us?”

“He’s a clone,” Onca replied. “A
clone. There are a few others like him. Call themselves Avians.”

Roncas sighed.

“Oh, here we go again…” Onca muttered. “Calm down, Roncas. It’s embarrassing the way you start tweeting whenever he comes around. I’m surprised you don’t melt whenever you see him.”

“Which isn’t nearly often enough,” Roncas said fervently. “Wish
needed a receptionist.”

“But why would he want to help us?” Kim asked. “And why would his being a clone matter to anyone?”

“Because he’s not a real person,” Onca said. “At least, that’s what a lot of people think. Cloning is illegal, so he shouldn’t exist, but your basic mad scientist—I forget the guy’s name.” He glanced at Roncas.

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