Rebel (14 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

BOOK: Rebel
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“Like what?”

“Oh, you know, like naming the turtle after you or something.”

His eyes lit up. “I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t we name it Roncas?”

“Or how about just Ron?”


Giggling, she slid sideways, leaning against him as he laughed along with her. Dropping an arm around her shoulders in a move so natural she almost didn’t notice it, he gave her a quick hug and kissed the top of her head.

He was purring.

Snuggling closer, she tapped
into the pad.

He corrected the spelling, and then wrote,

She studied the words he’d written, nodding when she’d finally made sense of them.
, she wrote.

“None of that, now,” he admonished. “You need to spell the words correctly, not just the way they sound. Like this.”
Then he changed it to read,

Kim was entranced. She could communicate with him silently, say whatever she wanted, and no one else could hear her. It was like the Kitnock fingerspeak, only better.

He tapped in more words.

She glanced at Jatki, who stared at the pad she held while sounding out the words as she read. Rashe had his eyes closed, but frowned occasionally as though listening. She was almost afraid to look up at Onca.

She didn’t have to. His purring grew louder as he traced the line of her shoulder with his fingertips.


Reaching across him, she grasped a lock of his hair and pulled him around to face her, blocking her view of Rashe and Jatki. His glowing eyes met hers and he exhaled softly, licking his lips.

Kim knew how tasty those lips were, how wonderful they felt when pressed against hers, and how they could make her forget her own name, let alone how to spell it. He was only a breath away, and she leaned closer until their lips touched. His purr became a groan as she nipped his lower lip and then sucked it into her mouth. Heat flooded her core, and she deepened the kiss, tasting him fully, wishing she could do so much more than kiss him.


If only they were alone in his bed where she could lick and savor each and every bit of him. She longed to learn his flavor and scent so well she would never forget them and would be capable of following his trail through space and time. Those boys of Jack’s would have to be incredibly special to make her forget Onca. Whether they arrived on Rhylos in one day or a thousand didn’t matter now. They were already too late—and had been from the moment she’d laid eyes on this man.

She didn’t care who knew how she felt or who saw her kissing him. Roncas could fuss as much as she liked. She could keep her Avian clone. Kim didn’t want him. She wanted Onca.

He’s mine.

Chapter 14

Kim was a quick study—and not only when it came to reading and spelling. Her kiss was sweeter every time their lips touched. How was that possible? Beyond that, how was he supposed to kiss her and not fuck her? Especially now when her scent was driving him insane with need?

The only time he’d ever had to be satisfied with a mere kiss was when he’d been with Kim in the speeder. His ability to stifle an erection was only useful in nonsexual situations. It didn’t work with Kim. The gods knew he’d tried, but he simply couldn’t do it.

“Kim,” he whispered against her lips. “Please…” He was begging again. Except this time, he wasn’t sure what he was begging her for. Was he asking her to stop or was he asking for more?

Even knowing that Jatki and Rashe were only a few meters away didn’t deter him the way it should have. Considering the things Jatki’s father had done to her, he knew he should back away from Kim right now. To any casual observer, Onca would appear no better than—

No. He was making love with Kim, and she was a willing participant. There was a huge difference, although perhaps not in Jatki’s eyes.

He drew back, the strain of separation nearly splitting his mind apart. He was purring so hard, he didn’t have enough breath left to speak. He tapped in a message on the pad.

Sorry. My bad. Jatki can see us.

Kim studied the words as though she had no idea he itched to dive into her, dick first. He would never be able to understand the way women could simply turn off their desire whenever they needed to.

Well, no. She hadn’t turned it off. He could still smell it. Women could control their reactions better. That was the difference.

After a few moments, she nodded as though she understood and then wrote

Staring at that word was like a splash of cold water in his face. Tonit? What the devil did
mean? Then he realized he wasn’t thinking phonetically.


Tonight. All night. Every night.

Oh, yeah

Onca corrected her spelling and wrote

Her slow smile convinced him she had read the word correctly.

Pulling up an easy story for her to read, he went on with the lesson. As she read the simple words and phrases aloud, the mere sound of her voice captivated him. Completely unable to resist her, he gave up trying not to purr.

His friends had been so sure this would happen to him someday. But unlike the gradual process he had expected, his feelings for Kim had crashed into him like the asteroid that destroyed Zetith.

He glanced over at Rashe and Jatki. The Kitnock girl appeared to be reading, occasionally tapping the pad for the audio function. Rashe was snoring—completely exhausted after a night spent servicing his clients.

Onca knew the feeling. It boggled the mind to think how many women he’d slid his cock into.


Considering his retirement, this was probably a good thing. However, he should have been able to make it through at least
night without sex. Sitting next to Kim had him so hard his balls were numb. He wouldn’t get erections like that if she didn’t want him.


Kim’s voice startled him out of his reverie. “Looks like everyone else decided to take a nap.”

Rashe wasn’t the only one who’d fallen asleep in class. Leaning sideways, Jatki’s tall, cylindrical head now rested on the arm of the sofa.

“Do you want to go upstairs and lie down for a while?” he asked.

“Only if you go with me.”

“You’re killing me. You know that, don’t you?”

“Really? You’re the one who’s purring.”

“Yeah, well, that’s your fault, sweetheart,” he argued. “If you weren’t so damned cute, I wouldn’t be purring, you wouldn’t be interested, and my dick wouldn’t feel like it’s about to explode.”

“And if you weren’t so irresistible, your purring wouldn’t affect me.”

“Where’d you hear that?”

“I, um, asked Captain for some information on Zetithian biology.”

“I see.” Onca knew the computer wouldn’t deliberately lie to Kim, but given Captain’s attitude, he might have put his own spin on the details. “Want to, um, practice what you learned?”

“Absolutely.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “I think we’ll have time before lunch. Roncas said that stuff she was making would take hours. We’ve only been sitting here for an hour and a half at the most.”

Placing a finger to his lips, he nodded toward Rashe and Jatki. “Let’s see if we can sneak upstairs without waking them.”

“Dunno about Rashe, but Jatki is a fairly light sleeper.”

“And we’re both cats.” With a wink, he pointed toward the rear hallway. “We can get to the lift from here.” He didn’t have to ask if she was sure.

Her scent told him everything he needed to know.


As she tiptoed out of the living room, Kim fought the urge to run. The idea of being chased by Onca was exciting somehow. Nevertheless, the moment the lift doors closed behind them, he pounced on her like a tiger on its prey. Turning in his embrace, she flung her arms around his neck as he picked her up, pinning her against the wall of the lift.

A snarling purr rose up from the depths of his chest. “Forgive me if this isn’t gentle and romantic, Kim. But I want to fuck you so bad, I can’t see straight.”

Her response was to bite him in the same place she’d bitten him the night before, although those teeth marks were now completely gone.

Good. I like that place.

Last night, she had been the aggressor, but this time, he was all over her, pulling at her clothes in his haste to bare her body to his eyes and his touch. Kim had never liked the idea of surrendering herself to a man. Now, she wanted to be naked in his arms as much as he seemed to want it. The doors opened and he swept her from the lift, carrying her across the hall and into her room.

Falling onto the bed with her, he raised his head. “Shut the door, Captain, and don’t let anyone in unless I say so. Just let us know when lunch is almost ready.”


Kim dragged his tunic over his head and made a dive for his chest, her fangs bared. The bite she left on his pectoral muscle bled until she licked the wound. The bleeding stopped almost instantly.

With a growl, he pulled off her slacks and spread her legs apart, pressing his face into the apex of her thighs. For a second, she feared he would bite her, but his growls gave way to a low-pitched purr as he licked her painfully engorged clitoris. His tongue rasped against the tight bud, sensitizing it until she had to cover her mouth to stifle her scream.

Captain’s crash course in Zetithian sexual practices had warned her that taste was as important as sight and smell for the people of their race. But he hadn’t in any way prepared her for how it would

At the moment, she couldn’t taste Onca’s orgasmic fluids, and Captain hadn’t said a thing about male saliva doing the same thing as the delicious juice from the penis. She wanted some of that—tried to sit up and reach for him—but he pushed her back down, refusing to let her go. Reaching for his hair, she gave it a yank. It was too intense, too harsh, too…

Pulling his hair only made him suck harder. He stopped long enough to slide his tongue inside her, teasing her from within as he purred. Her eyes squeezed shut as every muscle in her body clenched, thrusting her upward to force him more deeply inside her. Withdrawing, he latched on to her clit again until her orgasm detonated. The climaxes she had reached while his cock was inside her were different. Those triggered by his fluids were more of the mind. This pinnacle was reached by her body, reducing her to a gasping, shuddering heap.

He had his jeans off in an instant.

“No, not yet,” she pleaded. “Wait…”

Gulping in breaths of air, she shuddered as the contractions of her body forced them back out.

“I need you, Kim.”

“I know. Hold on. I want to do that to you.”

With strength she hadn’t known she possessed, she pushed him onto his back. She gazed at his meaty cock for one fleeting moment before sucking it into her mouth.

Sweet. Salty. Hot. Delicious. His cock tasted like
. Breathless, she sucked him hard, licking his dick while running her greedy hands over his nude body.

He’s mine.

They had parted too soon last night. She knew that now. He could do more—a
more. Moistening her fingers with his cock syrup, she squeezed and pumped her hands up and down on his rod. She wanted to taste his cum—the cream that was supposed to be deliciously orgasmic in its sweetness.

“Kim…” His voice held a note of warning. Seconds later, he gasped as his cock spewed out a blast of semen for her to savor. Sweet didn’t begin to describe the flavor—creamy, delightful. Heat filled her lower back and blood sang through her vessels, flooding her with sensations so profound, she was surprised her toenails didn’t curl. She held on to him as his ruffled cockhead began its sweeping wave, tickling her tongue.

“Sit on it.” His voice was so thick with his purr and some unfathomable emotion, she barely understood him, nor could she find the strength to follow his command.

She hated to let go, but she only knew one way to scratch that internal itch. Her head swam as she tried to raise herself. A moment later, Onca grasped her beneath her arms and dragged her onto his prick. Kim sighed with relief as he filled her with his cock. She could feel it moving, swirling—even drumming inside her. Collapsing on his chest, she lay there, helpless and completely unable to move.

Onca was motionless, as well—except for the movement of his penis deep inside her. Slowly regaining her senses, she rose up from his chest. Onca gripped her hips, lifting her up and then slamming her back down with a satisfying smack. She still couldn’t believe he fit into her so easily when she should have felt as though she’d been impaled with a spike. He
inside her, almost as though they’d been made for each other.

Perhaps they were.

She had no other explanation for the way he had altered her perception so quickly. Little more than a day before, she’d had no use for any male on the planet and held none of them in affection. For the most part, she dismissed them as troublemakers, the bane of feminine existence. There had been so few she could even stand, let alone fall in love with—and she certainly hadn’t enjoyed those few attempts at greater intimacy with one of them. Not like this. Not like Onca. He was uniquely wonderful.

And to think, she hadn’t liked him at first.

Would she retain this opinion of him? Or would he disappoint her, let her down in some way as the others had done?

Was he truly that different? Would she feel the same about any other Zetithian, or was this feeling unique? Was she in love or in lust? Was it purely chemical or physical with no meeting of the spirit?

Kim had never had these sorts of questions in her mind before and didn’t know the answers to any of them. But as she gazed down at his fiery hair and shining eyes, the bond between them became more powerful, even as she grew stronger herself. Rocking forward, she took control, doing her best to keep moving despite the orgasms induced by his coronal fluid.

Although often referred to as cock syrup or joy juice, that fluid had no official name, not like
at least, not according to Captain’s accumulated data. Those nicknames were in the Standard Tongue rather than the language of Zetith. She found it most peculiar that Zetithians hadn’t bothered to give something so remarkable its own title.

Later, she intended to give more thought to its name. Right now, she simply enjoyed its effects and the wondrous feel of his thick cock inside her.

Onca gazed up at her, his lips curling into a smile. “Good?”

“Incredibly good.” Her eyes drifted shut as she savored the slow penetration and withdrawal. Pressing her weight down on his groin, she moved her hips sideways, then shifted into a circular pattern.

Were those her groans or his?

Doesn’t matter.

“Ohhh…” That was definitely him.

She echoed his sigh as her head fell back. After matching her movements for a few moments, he took up an opposite spin with his cock, stirring inside her like a spoon in a bowl of soup. Another climax seized her, tightening her grip on his dick, sucking him ever deeper into her core. His balls pressed against her bottom as he thrust up into her, his short, growling breaths signaling his own pinnacle of ecstasy. His slick sauce filled her, then spilled down over his groin, making her circular motions even smoother and more delectable. His semen had such a powerful effect, her muscles weakened until she seemed to melt, her body sinking down to flow over him like butter.

Somewhere in the distance, a gong sounded.

“I believe Roncas is nearly finished with the preparations for the noon meal.” Captain’s voice was hushed, as though even he was unwilling to break the spell.

“Be there in a minute.” If the lazy, drawling note in Onca’s voice was any indication, Kim suspected it might take longer than that.

She had returned to her room under her own power the night before. However, after a double dose of
, she could scarcely raise her head.

Onca gave her a nudge. “Need help this time?”

“I think so. Although a nap sounds better than lunch right now.”

“Nope. You need to eat.” Cupping her head in his hands, he aimed her face toward his. “Gotta keep up your strength.” With a wink, he gathered her into his arms and sat up. Swinging his legs over the edge of the bed, he stood, his cock still firmly wedged inside her.

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