Rebel (28 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

BOOK: Rebel
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Chapter 28

After the first three reporters he called asked if he could get them a date with Jerden, Onca began to question his decision to target only women. Nevertheless, by the time he had contacted every female reporter in Damenk and a few in the neighboring city of Kartous, he felt confident that public opinion would be in his favor. Most of the former slave girls had expressed their willingness to talk, and he had no doubt that the Herp’s assault charges would look pretty stupid up against their testimony.

Deciding that male reporters might be more sympathetic when it came to being buggered by a Herp—unless they happened to enjoy that sort of thing—Onca went back to the listings and called a few of the men on the
staff. Four of them shuddered and the fifth was openly envious.


He was about to call a sixth when Kim came into the office. He didn’t even have to look up to know it was her. The enticing aroma that preceded her told him all he needed to know.

“How’s it going?” she asked.

“Not bad. I think we’ll be okay.”

“Glad to hear it.” Leaning in close behind him, she slid her arms around his neck and nipped his earlobe.

One swift inhale sent his dick from flaccid to rigid in the space of three heartbeats. “Mother of the gods, you smell incredible!”

“So do you.” Purring, she licked his neck. “I’m getting a real kick out of being a mom.”

“Can you still pick up on their emotions?”

“Seems that way. Then again, they don’t have much to be unhappy about at the moment, so I doubt their attitudes would change any.”

Onca couldn’t remember a time when anything had been that simple, and he certainly couldn’t recall being in the womb. As terrifying as his birth must have been, he considered the loss of that memory to be fortuitous—along with the memory of being handed over to Amelyana by his parents.

Or so he had always thought. Lately he’d begun to question whether being spared that trauma was worth the blow to his sense of identity. Although every child aboard the refugee ship had been orphaned, most of them at least knew who they were and where they came from. Onca had no idea. Looking back, it was a wonder he’d grown up as well-adjusted as he had—although some would argue that he hadn’t. He knew Jack’s opinion of him quite well. Fortunately, Kim didn’t seem to share it.

Scooting his chair back from the desk, he pulled her into his lap, stroking his palms up and down her back. “What have you been up to?”

“Trying to figure out how to feed an army of kids out of such a tiny kitchen.” A slow, wet kiss followed her reply—one that made his head spin and his dick ache. “Val hasn’t complained, but he’s bound to be getting tired of flying out for more groceries. Don’t suppose we could call the Norludians again, could we?” Purring, she traced the curve of his ear with the tip of her tongue.

Onca didn’t notice his own purr until he tried to speak. “I don’t see why not. We could order some better equipment too. With a computer and a bank account, you can get damn near anything on this planet.”

“If you trust the people who deliver it. Heard anything from Shemlak and Jatki?”

“Not a peep,” he replied.

“The kids keep trickling in, so they must still be out there recruiting. Dunno where they’ll all sleep tonight.”

He grinned. “I know where
going to sleep. Up in the trees on one of the risers.”

She didn’t pretend to miss his meaning. “I’ll try not to make too much noise.”

“Good plan.” If he’d been in his typical state of undress, he could have slid his cock right into her tight pussy. Too bad she wasn’t equally naked or at least wearing a dress. Onca had never considered the advantages of skirts before, but those damned jeans gave him no access to her at all. He sucked in another lungful of her incredible aroma. “What
it about you that makes me want you so much?”

Her impish smile made his heart turn somersaults. “Probably the same thing that makes me want

“No, wait. It’s because you’re pregnant. Pregnant women smell really good to Zetithian guys.”

“So it’s only my scent?”

He buried his face between her breasts. Even through her shirt, he could almost taste her. “That and everything else about you. How about closing the door and losing those jeans?”


Kim had thought that becoming pregnant would diminish her need for him. Not so. If anything, her craving for him had quadrupled.

I’m not dizzy anymore.

She wondered briefly about the origin of such a peculiar symptom and why conception had cured it almost immediately. Perhaps Zetithian women were impossible to catch unless they were so dizzy they couldn’t stand up—normal-sized Zetithian women, that is. As little as Kim was, she had no doubt that Onca could easily outrun her. At the moment, however, running away was the very last thing on her mind. She tapped his nose with a fingertip. “Be right back.”

Having closed the door securely, she gestured at the window that looked out onto the forest. “Can anyone see us in here?”

“Not if you push that button on the sill.”

With a tap of the control, the window lost its transparency, becoming the same shade of green as the wall around it. By the time she turned around, Onca was already peeling off his pants. “Been dying to get out of these damn things ever since I put them on.”

“As tight as they are, it’s a wonder you can walk.”

“No shit. I’m surprised my dick still works.”

Her swift, downward glance revealed a perfectly functioning Zetithian penis—complete with the juice guaranteed to make the most disinterested woman imaginable moan with delight. “Looks fine to me.”

His lips twitched into a smirk. “Better give it a thorough examination—just to be sure.”

“Don’t worry. I will.” One lick sent her senses reeling. Taking him in her mouth had her squirming with anticipation. “Tastes okay. Not sure how well it’ll hold up under pressure, though.”

“Want to test its penetration ability?”

“Absolutely.” Toeing off her shoes, she stripped off the rest of her clothing. “Go for it.”

In an instant, she was in his arms, lifted easily off her feet. As she wrapped her legs around his waist, he set her down on his prick, the head unerringly finding her slit. “Nothing wrong with the targeting capability.”

“Mmm…glad to hear it.”

Rocking her side to side, he worked her tight sheath down over his shaft. “Far enough?”

“Almost.” Lifting her hips, she sat down hard, taking his full length inside her. “Perfect.”

He sighed. “Oh,
… Do that again.”

She did as he asked, then began grinding against his groin until the scalloped ridge raked her sweet spot. “Seems stiff enough…” With short, precise moves, she brought herself quickly to climax.

“Neat trick,” he said. “But I bet I can top it.”

“No way,” she murmured, savoring the pinnacle until his orgasmic juice triggered another rush of delight.

“There’s something about having someone else do it
you, rather than doing it yourself.”

Although she knew he was right, she opted for an adversarial stance. “Prove it.”

A brief chuckle was his only response and her only warning as Onca sank to his knees, taking her down with him. A kiss stole her breath before he eased her backward until her head and shoulders touched the plush carpet. Holding her hips, he worked her sweet spot just as she had done, except this time, he was in control. The angle of his cock was perfect as his lazy, circular, seemingly random movements kept her guessing while driving her wild. She gazed up at him, enchanted by his cheeky grin and the auburn curls framing his face. Unable to reach him with her fingertips, she could only watch as muscles played beneath his skin and bask in the glow of his captivating green eyes. For her, he was the epitome of what a man should be. No others could even begin to compare.

The climb to her peak was so gradual every upward step registered clearly in her mind before rising to the next level. His purring added spice to the heady brew as he slowly ramped up the tension within her until her control finally snapped and sent her soaring.

“Okay,” she gasped. “You win that round.”

She ought to have known better. He was, after all, a professional.

But she had an advantage. She was Zetithian, and she was pregnant with his children. He couldn’t resist her.

I’ve never been irresistible before.

Her only dilemma was what to do with this newfound power. Should she make him beg for it or beg him not to stop? She could ask him to do anything, and he would probably do it for her.

Let’s not get cocky.

No, she wouldn’t ask him for the moon and stars or a castle. All she wanted was him and his love. No limits, no reservations. If Jack objected to their union, she would simply have to get over it. Onca belonged to Kim, and she to him.

“Any special requests?”

Had he been reading her thoughts? If she could sense the emotions of their babies, why couldn’t he feel hers?

She shook her head. “No. I only want you. All of you. All the time.”

“Works for me.” Onca held out his hands, and she placed hers in his grasp, allowing him to pull her into the warmth of his embrace. She flung her arms around his neck, holding him close while his rumbling purr filled her with delight. As his eyes met hers, a quirky little smile touched his lips. “My friends all said this would happen to me someday, and I didn’t believe them. But by all the gods above—and I’m beginning to believe the gods really
exist—they were right. Tarq’s wife, Lucy, told me how it would be once I found a mate—that your scent would drive me wild and being with me would make you insatiable. I scoffed at the idea—‘a scent is a scent is a scent and it doesn’t matter whose it is as long as it makes your dick hard,’ I said. Jerden said I didn’t understand because I’d never been in love. And damned if he wasn’t right about that too.” With a slow wag of his head, he added, “I’ll
live that one down.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it,” Kim whispered. Snagging his earlobe with a fang, she gave it a light bite. “By the time any of them get here, there’ll be so much drama going on, they might not notice.”

“Yeah, right,” he said with a derisive snort. “Jack doesn’t miss much, and neither does Cat. He’ll know you’re pregnant. In fact, he may already know.”

“Yes, but will he tell
about it?”

“Maybe. Cat’s an interesting character. Normally he’s as honest as the day is long, but he can be devious when it suits him.” Onca grinned. “He may enjoy waiting until she’s here and we can all see the look on her face when she finds out.” He turned his head. “Go ahead and bite the other ear, babe. I love it when you do that.”

“Mmm…my pleasure.”

She nibbled his ear for only a moment before he captured her lips with his once again. She was hooked on him, and he truly did make her insatiable.

“Ready to get fucked into oblivion?”


“On the desk?”

“You bet.” With his dick nestled so nicely inside her, she hated to move. “Think you can stand up holding me like this?”

He arched a scornful brow. “As little as you are? Of course I can.”

Seconds later, her bare bottom was perched on the edge of the desk. “I’m impressed.”

“Yeah, well, the fact that you don’t weigh much more than a puppy helps.”

She patted her stomach. “Bet I’ll weigh a lot more than a puppy once these babies get bigger. I’m still having a hard time getting used to the triplet idea. How does anyone take care of that many kids?”

Onca shrugged. “Guess we’ll figure it out as we go along.”

Kim thought the topic required more discussion, but once he began the fucking-her-into-oblivion thing, her attention was diverted for quite a while.

This was something else she never would’ve expected.

Me? Insatiable?

She—who had positively disliked sex the few times she’d tried it—was now as enamored with the entire process as the typical Davordian. Onca wasn’t the only one who would have to eat his words. Kim had been fairly vocal about her opinion of the sexual act after that last failed attempt. Cassie had laughed and said it was because she hadn’t found the right man. Kim doubted a man existed who could change her mind.

But he
exist. He was right there in front of her with pointed ears and fangs just like hers and a penis that fit as though it was made for her. Perhaps it had been. Perhaps he was too.

Her thoughts were diverted once again as his thrusts became more vigorous—rocking, plunging, rotating, and sweeping side to side. With each movement she lost even more control of both mind and body.

Onca pulled her feet up to rest on his shoulders and the angle altered once again, setting off new waves of bliss. Funny, she didn’t have to be with Jerden to know that Onca was better. She knew it in her heart. He was her mate, the only one who could give her—

His climactic cry sliced through her reverie as he filled her with his essence.



Seeing the joy in Kim’s eyes extended Onca’s climax well beyond any pleasure he had ever known before. At the Palace, he had done exactly the same thing with up to eight women on any given day, never reaching quite the same level of ecstasy. Was the difference due to her pregnant state or was it simply because she was Zetithian? His pleasure seemed to rely heavily on hers. He was satisfied, and yet he wasn’t—her needs intensifying his.


“Feel better now?” he asked.

Following a long, deep inhale, she nodded. “Oh, yeah—not that I was feeling terrible or anything.”

“Lucy says Zetithian semen is like medicine for pregnant women—prevents morning sickness, aches, cramps—stuff like that.”

“So if I feel like crap, sex with you will cure it?”

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