Rebound (35 page)

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Authors: Aga Lesiewicz

BOOK: Rebound
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‘Anna, it’s Nav . . . Navin Kapoor. I’m calling to check how you are . . . and . . . I was wondering if – if you fancied going out for a drink or something at some point.
It’s absolutely fine if you don’t feel like it, but it would be . . . really great if you did. Oh, by the way, I left something for you by your front door this morning . . . it’s
hidden behind the rubbish bin. It’s just a little something . . . Hope you’ll like it. Bye . . .’

Sweet man, I think as I go to the front door and open it. There is a gift bag wedged behind the rubbish bin. I untie a red ribbon and look inside. A small, stuffed toy dog with white snout and
big brown eyes is looking at me from the nest of soft wrapping paper.


I would like to thank my agent, Jane Gregory, and editor, Stephanie Glencross, for picking my manuscript out of the slush pile; Trisha Jackson, Editorial Director at Pan
Macmillan, for believing in me and my book; my fellow writer Caroline Gilfillan for her invaluable advice over the years; Anna and Alex for being my consultants on many subjects; and Jola for
pushing me in the right direction.

is a former TV producer and director. She came to England to study English Literature but, having received her
degree, abandoned the academic world and spent years working in radio and television.
is her first novel and she is currently working on her second,

First published 2016 by Macmillan

This electronic edition published 2016 by Macmillan
an imprint of Pan Macmillan
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ISBN 978-1-4472-8309-6

Copyright © Aga Lesiewicz 2016

Woods: Konrad Wothe / LOOK-foto / Getty Images;
Roses: Shana Novak / Getty Images; Glass: Shutterstock;
Author: © Jola Kudela

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