Rebuilding Stone (The Stone Brother Series Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Rebuilding Stone (The Stone Brother Series Book 2)
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“What was that, Evan?” I asked, as I watched Evan look
peacefully arrogant. Evan has never worn that look. He can no longer deny his
feelings for Lani.

“Alani thinks she knows everything. She thinks she has me
all figured out. I just wanted to show her she didn’t.”

“Bullshit,” Noah says. He looks just as confused as I do.
Something is going on.

“Whatever. I don’t need to watch some tool come pick her up,”
says Evan. “I’m headed home. Tell Kerrigan I’ll meet with her on Monday.”

I’m about to try and talk him out of leaving when Missy
comes rushing out of the bathroom—she looks scared. Of course, Brayden
jumps up, ready to kill someone.

“What now?” Brayden demands.

“Molly…” she says, rushed. Noah doesn’t ask questions, and
neither do I. We take off toward the bathroom.

“What’s going on?” Noah asks, as he props the door open.

“Your wife has a thing with bathrooms. Her water broke,”
Lani says. I watch Noah jump into action. He helps Molly up and starts walking
her towards the door.

“Sorry I ruined your goodbye party,” Molly says to Kerrigan.

“Ruin it?” Kerrigan asks. “Let’s go!”

“It could be awhile,” says Noah. “Finish up your evening. We
will call later with any news.”

Heck no. I don’t want to be in the bar.

“My new nephew is coming. I want to be there.” I say.

“Well get your shit,” Noah commands. “Hurry!”

“Ari, you coming?” I ask. She has been sitting at the bar
most of the night. I think she has a thing for Matt.

“No. I’ll come by later.”


It’s been four hours. We’re all sitting in the waiting room.
Molly is moving along quickly. She was already at six centimeters thirty
minutes ago. For the rest of us, we sit, making small talk and laughing. We’re
all so excited to meet little Lane. I think about this being me one day. I have
a shitty family, aside from Ari. Sitting here, I know that these friends are my
family—Lani and Molly, and even Missy and Brayden. I found out, not too
long ago, that Missy was the girl in the room that night in high school. I feel
a connection to her that is impossible with anyone else. The boys went to get
us something to eat, so I take this time to talk with Missy.

“Missy?” I called.


“I wanted to tell you I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for?” she asks.

“That night, that no one saved you. I wish I could have...”
I get choked up saying the words.

“Hey, it isn’t your fault. You didn’t tell them to, and
neither you nor Lani knew anything until after it was over.”

“I know...but still, I wish I could’ve helped you.”

“I wish I could’ve helped you too—
sorry too. I’ve lived with blinders on since that day. Therapy
helps, and not being able to remember much helps,” Missy explains. She is a
totally different girl now. She used to be quiet, like she was afraid to be

“How long did it take you to be ready to move on in another
relationship?” I think she and Brayden are together now.

“I haven’t yet,” she replies. “It’s not that I’m not ready,
. It’s just that Brayden isn’t
the one for me.”

“What? Why?” I ask.

“Because I don’t think he can love Cade.”

“What the hell do you mean
I can’t love Cade
? You won’t let me near him!” Brayden barks, as he
throws down a candy bar and storms off. Okay. These men need to stop sneaking
up on us.

Missy gets up to follow him. Shoot. I want to support her,
but I think they need to work this out on their own. Besides, sitting here with
Lani and Evan is enough of a soap opera.


This evening has turned into a very long night. It’s four in
the morning, when a smiling Noah walks out.

“Lane Madden Stone,” he announces. “Healthy and big at an
even nine pounds.”

The hugs and congratulations are handed out to Noah as we
all follow him into the room. Molly looks terrible so we won’t stay long. I
just want a quick look at my new nephew, which I will wait on because he is
latched onto Molly’s breast. Dammit. I know, I know. A nursing mother is
something special, but I still I get a little freaked out. Where do I look?

“Can I hold him?” Evan asks. Oh, you dumbass. Don’t you see
he is feeding? How can he not see that?

“Sure,” Molly says, taking Lane off her breast. I’m getting
light headed so I go to sit down.

Evan starts walking around the room with him. He looks like
a natural. I only felt comfortable with Landon when he turned one. Tiny babies
scare me more than a man pointing a gun at me does.

“Okay, my turn,” Kerrigan says. When she takes Lane from his
arms, her face melts. What a beautiful sight. I can’t help but daydream of her
holding our baby. It’s finally my turn to hold him. He is big, and much
different than Landon’s tiny body. Lane feels heavy. His cheeks look like he is
storing some food in them. He looks healthy. I smile. Landon looked like Molly
for a long time. Lane looks just like Noah.

“Alright, give him to me. He needs to eat and my wife needs
to go to bed,” Noah says, looking like he is wide-awake. I guess with him
working 16-hour days, he is used to it.

“Do I need to go get Landon?” I ask, thinking where the hell
is my nephew.

“No, my parents got here earlier,” says Molly. “They wanted
to watch him.”

This night has been crazy. Every emotion that could be felt
was felt. I’m mentally drained.

“You girls need a ride home?” I ask.

Missy speaks up. “I do, if you don’t mind.” Brayden looks
pissed when she says it. Shit.

“Okay,” I say, “how about you Kerrigan? Lani?”

“No, I’m parked close,” says Lani. “I can take Kerrigan
home.” Well hell. Guess this is good night to Kerrigan, then. I can’t be
disappointed because this is a night I’ll never forget.


The boys are walking us to the car. It’s totally awkward.
Brayden and Missy are walking as far away from each other as they can. I
believe Lani is still pissed at Evan, and I’m wishing I were alone with Maddox.

When we get to the car, Maddox opens my door. I’m about to
get in when he says, “I forgot something.” I think he means back at the
hospital, but then he pulls me into his arms and kisses me in a way I’ve never
been kissed. His tongue enters my mouth quickly. It’s a warm, soft kiss, but
also passionate. The way his tongue takes control of mine….

Before he is done, he softly bites my bottom lip. He pulls
me tightly against him, and I can feel his dick getting hard against me—I
think I’m about to orgasm.

“I love you,” he whispers against my lips.

“I know,” I whisper back.


It’s my last day here in Chicago. I’m at Molly’s with the
girls. She wanted to do a dinner at her place. We decided to bring take-out
because she is still recovering, Lane being only six days old. As soon as I
walk in the door, my little buddy Landon comes running to me. I think he might
be feeling a little jealous because I see Molly nursing Lane.

“Hey, Molly! Where are your parents?” I ask.

“They went to Navy Pier,” she replies. “Noah is taking a
nap. He hasn’t slept. He has been awake for two days making sure I was okay and
being taken care of.” I smile. I’m so happy my friend found someone like Noah.

“Where is everyone else?” I ask.

“Lani was picking up Missy. I’m sure they’re close.” Just as
she says that, the elevator opens.

Missy rushes over to take Lane. I have a feeling Missy is
feeling what I’m feeling—maternal.

We talk for a bit and gush over the kids, and then we all go
sit down at the dinner table. The conversations are flowing, and it’s fun and
lighthearted. We’ve been talking about men, of course, and the babies and my
leaving. I can’t believe how sad I am. I know it’s the right thing to do. I
need to start fresh and rebuild my life. Aaron destroyed me. Slowly, brick by
brick, I am getting there.

“Are you nervous?” asks Missy.

“No, not really,” I reply. “It’ll be a good thing. I need
the change.”

“Have you had your goodbye with Maddox?” Lani asks.

“No... I don’t think I can.” Leaving Maddox is not something
I want to face.

Molly speaks up. “You should—Kerrigan, if not for you
please give him this. Don’t let him torture himself.”

“You’re right,” I say, “I will go by him after we finish.”

“No, it’s getting late,” says Molly. “You should go now.”
All of a sudden, I feel rushed. I need Maddox to know that I love him too, and
that me leaving is only a temporary goodbye. As we say our goodbyes, Noah walks
in with no shirt, his hair is messy, and he’s wearing sweatpants. It makes me
wonder what Maddox looks like, similarly disheveled.

“Hey, baby.” He kisses Molly and takes Landon from her.
Missy still hasn’t given Lane up. I wanted to hold him, but now I have to get
to Maddox.


I just finished my run. When I return, Donna is sitting in
front of my door.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing. Shower backed up again. I need to use yours.
Is it okay?”

“Yes, of course,” I reply. “Do you know when Mr. Gregory
will have it fixed?”

“No. He said he has someone working on it. I’m not sure I
believe him. Every time I return home, everything is always in its place.”

This is getting old. It’s not that I mind Donna coming over
or needing help. It’s just Mr. Gregory has a habit of putting things off until
the last minute. By that time, a small problem has turned into a major problem.
I go to open my door, and Donna goes straight to the shower.

I had hoped to not be distracted tonight because the girl I
love is leaving tomorrow. I want to stop her, but I know I can’t. Right now, I
want to beat the shit out of something or someone—that someone being
Aaron. She still hasn’t really talked to me about that night. She did tell me
that sex became painful when he would ask her about me. Just thinking about it
makes me want to head down to the jail and fuck him up. After ten minutes, I
hear the bathroom door open.

“Maddox?” I hear Donna ask.

“What?” I answer. She is wearing a thin t-shirt and short
shorts. My guess she is ready for bed. Any other time, it’d be hard not to
think about how hot she looks. Now, I am just thinking what I wouldn’t give to
have Kerrigan walking out of my shower.

“She’ll love you,” assures Donna. “She will.”

I can’t say anything back. My heart starts hurting. I just
lower my head because I am unable to keep the emotions at bay. I feel Donna’s
arms wrap around me. I don’t return the hug, but instead I lower my head onto
her shoulder. We’re interrupted by a knock at the door.

“Hopefully that’s Mr. Gregory coming to see if anyone else
has plumbing issues,” Donna says, as she opens the door. I look back down
because the last thing I need is to look like a pansy in front of him.

“Dammit, Maddox! Why?!” I look up quickly when I hear
Kerrigan’s voice. Only, I don’t see her. I take off out the door, and I see her
running down the steps.


Why do I keep falling for the men that hurt me? I knew what
Maddox was capable of. Yes, I
leave—I can’t stay. I feel someone grab me. It’s Maddox.

“Get your hands off of me!” I shout.

“Kerrigan, no... Talk to me,” he pleads.

“I came to talk to you. Sorry to interrupt!”

“You weren’t interrupting,” he explains, “she’s my neighbor
and she’s having plumbing issues" I want to believe him, but I know I

“Whatever, Maddox. I need to go.”

“Please,” he begs, “don’t shut me out again.” I start crying
when I hear that.

“It’s the only way I can survive you hurting me, Maddox.”

“I don’t want to hurt you, Kerrigan. I want you with me.
Please don’t go to Kentucky....”

As I process his last statement, all I can think about is
that being in a relationship with Maddox or anyone else right now is the last
thing I need. I need to know what’s wrong with me. Why the people I love hurt
me the way they do. I need to fix

I take off in a run again. It was stupid for me to stop by.


Shit! Why is she running? I know the answer to that. She
doesn’t trust anyone. I thought we’d made progress—obviously, we haven’t.
I take off after her, following her into the park.

“Kerrigan, stop!” I shout, while catching up to her.

“Maddox, please leave me alone!” she cries, “I’m not ready.”

“Hey...I know.” I wrap my arms around her and just hold on.
I can’t let her go.

We stand in this embrace for what seems like a lifetime, but
still not long enough.

“Maddox, I need to go.”

“Please don’t leave. I love you. I’ve loved you for a long
time.” Funny how five minutes ago, I knew it was best for her to leave, but
that means the love of my life will be gone. Maybe forever.

“You don’t know me, Maddox.
don’t even know me.”

“You’re wrong, Kerrigan. I
know you. I know you love fully. I know you protect people, even
if it means that you risk your own safety. I know you don’t see your beauty the
way I do. What I know, more than anything else, is that you belong with me.”

She struggles against my hold a little bit, but I can’t let
her go. When she finally stops, she looks straight into my eyes and I see the
hurt. I keep her locked into my gaze because I want her to see my truth. She
looks down quickly and shifts. When she looks up again, her eyes lock with mine
and I can’t fight the feelings that are taking over. I crush my lips against
hers. Her arms wrap tightly around me. I pick her up, and she wraps her legs
around my waist. I realize I’m walking her into an isolated part of the park.

“Maddox, what are we doing?”

“We're doing what we should’ve done two years ago. I want
you, Kerrigan.”

I give her a chance to say no or make me stop. When she
doesn’t, I reach into my back pocket out of habit. Shit! I ran out of my
apartment without my wallet, which means I don't have a condom. Fuck it. I’ll
pull out. If she's not stopping me, nothing will. Besides, it's Kerrigan - I
want to feel every part of her as she slides against my cock. God! I can’t get
inside her fast enough. I back her up against the tree and set her down for a
second, while I pull my pants down just far enough. I bunch up the skirt of her
dress and reach between her legs. I run my fingers back and forth over her panties
tracing her folds. She lets out a small whimper and I can feel her start to get
wet. I pull her panties to the side, slipping a finger inside her. I kiss her
as I insert another finger inside Kerrigan. After a few more strokes, she's
drenched. I pick her up again and wrap her legs around my waist.
I can’t believe this is finally happening.

Her eyes lock with mine for a moment, and I see the want in
her eyes—I know they mirror what's in mine. I waste no more time and
thrust inside her. FUCKING PERFECTION! Her heat surrounds me; she's so wet and
tight as hell! God! She feels amazing. I'm jackhammering in and out of her and
she's moaning in my ear. I realize this is going to be over fast if I don’t
slow down, but she feels so damn good wrapped around my dick.

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