Reckless & Ruined (15 page)

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Authors: Bethany-Kris

Tags: #The Chicago War

BOOK: Reckless & Ruined
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Adriano barely had to do a thing and already, Alessa wanted and needed him.

“Your hair is down tonight,” Adriano murmured.

Alessa shivered. “It is.”

“And you’re wearing blue.”

“I am,” she agreed, grinning.

“What is underneath?”

“Blue lace.”

“Damn,” Adriano mumbled against her skin.

His teeth nipped a sensitive spot behind her ear. Alessa jerked on the stool when Adriano’s hand slipped around her side and in between her thighs. His hand disappeared under her skirt before his fingers swept under the thin fabric of her panties, brushing her sex with a gentle touch. No one around them seemed to notice what was happening.

“Feel this,” Adriano said, chuckling deeply. “You’re wet and hot, pretty girl.”

“So wet,” Alessa whispered.

A single finger slid through her folds again before dipping into her core. Alessa’s legs tightened around Adriano’s hand, giving her the best pressure on her clit.

“Needy,” Adriano said.


He added a second finger, crowding her body further and keeping them from view. Alessa had chosen the far end of the bar which meant she was mostly alone anyway, but there was still a whole dance floor of people just twenty feet away. Alessa tried to take another drink from her glass but ended up using it to hide the way her lips contorted with bliss as Adriano thrust his fingers in and out of her sex slowly.

“I love the way you fuck my fingers, Alessa,” Adriano said darkly in her ear. “Love the way your body rocks into my hand like you can’t fucking get enough of me. Ride my fingers, Lissa. Soak them up good and wet for me so I can get a taste of you tonight.”

“Oh, my God,” Alessa breathed.

“Come,” Adriano said in her ear, using his free hand to grab her shaking thigh. “Come, Lissa. Let me feel it. I want to taste it. Chase it for me, show me how badly you want it.

Alessa’s body lit up like fireworks under Adriano’s demanding strokes. She came undone with short, panting breaths and her face tilted down so no one could see. As her body calmed, Adriano pulled his hand out from between her thighs as auspiciously as he could manage. Alessa could feel his smug smirk as he kissed her cheek.

“This public sex thing is starting to get good,” Adriano said, a hint of satisfaction deepening his words. “We should do this more often.”

“You’re terrible.”

Adriano hummed a sexy sound as Alessa turned on the stool in just enough time to see his wet fingers disappear into his mouth. Her sex clenched at the sight alone. Adriano winked as he cleaned off his fingers and held Alessa all the while.

Now, all she could think about was getting his mouth on her pussy.

Alessa bit down hard on her lip to stop those thoughts.

“You taste good, too.”

“Oh?” she asked, more turned on than ever.

“Great. Dance with me while this club is still quiet and we’ve got some time together.”

Alessa’s smile fell. “That’s all you want to do?”

Adriano shrugged. “No, I’d really like to take you out to the Camaro and fuck you silly but I also want to feel normal for five minutes. And I love the way you dance, Lissa.”

How was she supposed to say no to that?



Alessa was lost in the feeling of Adriano’s hands gliding over all the curves of her body as they moved together on the dance floor. Dancing with Adriano was a lot like fucking Adriano, Alessa knew. He was controlled, demanding, and always got her sweating for more. With her ass tucked into his groin as their hips moved to the beat, Alessa was happy.

They were just another couple on the floor.

For a few minutes, they were

Under Adriano’s urging, Alessa turned to face him.

“Hey,” she said, smiling.

Adriano laughed. “Hey.”

! Not in my club!”

The shouts from Tommas Rossi chilled Alessa to the bone. Adriano’s grip on her hips tightened momentarily before she was grabbed around the waist roughly and pulled backward. Alessa shouted her shock, her gaze flying up to meet Adriano’s as he too was pulled away from her. Alessa’s arms were jerked behind her back to pin her in place as she was dragged even further from Adriano.

Adriano’s shouts cut her straight to her heart. He struggled with men Alessa didn’t know. A fist landed on Adriano’s midsection with enough force to send him to his knees. Another landed on the side of his jaw, sending his head flying to the side.

“Stop!” Alessa screamed. “Don’t hurt him,

Adriano could take care of himself, as far as that went. But when he had four men holding him down and beating on him, it certainly wasn’t fair. Alessa’s heart was in her throat as blood began to fly. Panic took the air straight from her lungs as she screamed at the men to stop again.

No one listened.

A girl didn’t fucking matter.

“Lissa, go,” she heard her sister yell from somewhere in the crowd. “Just go!”

Alessa looked for Abriella but couldn’t find her. In the fast movements of the people surrounding them, Alessa barely recognized anyone. The sickening voice of Dean Artino in her ear sent Alessa’s anger spiraling out of control.

“You just don’t know how to behave, do you?” Dean asked.

Alessa tried to fight against Dean’s hold, but it was pointless. She couldn’t see Adriano through the swarm of people anymore, either.

“Not in my club!” Tommas shouted again.

A single, loud pop echoed in the space. Three more quickly followed, answering the first. Alessa knew that sound better than anyone. The gunshot sent people screaming and scattering. Glasses shattered across the floor and Alessa’s heels crunched on the shards as Dean forced her closer to the club’s side exit. The gunfire worried her to no end. The screaming was so loud that Alessa’s ears rang. A sickness rolled in her stomach.

Where was Adriano?

Her sister?

Who had shot the gun?

“Stop fighting or I will beat your ass black and blue,” Dean threatened.

Alessa stilled. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“You think? Move, right now.”

Despite every single inch of Alessa that screamed for her to fight against Dean’s order, she let him drag her out of the club. The very moment after the cool air of the outside soaked into Alessa’s lungs, she found herself shoved into the closest wall roughly. The side of her cheek scraped against the bricks as Dean forced her head into the wall.

She reacted by striking Dean in the side of the face with her closed fist.

“Let me fucking go,” Alessa hissed.

His haughty laughter pissed her off further, but she didn’t get the chance to smack him again. Dean caught her flying fist and slammed it into the wall, too.

Dean leaned in close, teeth bared and sneering. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out that you were out tonight, Alessa?”

Alessa forced back her rising panic. She wouldn’t give Dean her fear or tears. He didn’t deserve them and it was all he wanted, anyway.

“I didn’t do anything wrong,” Alessa spat.

“Oh, you know better than that,” Dean muttered.

Alessa’s cheek burned. She could feel the bricks making bloody lines along her skin. A million thoughts raced through her mind, but all Alessa could think about was how to get out of the situation she was in. Only a few things would scare Dean enough to make him back off.

“Don’t you dare mark me more than you already have, Dean. Joel will kill you, regardless of what I did.”

Dean’s grip loosened momentarily. “You little bitch.”

Alessa laughed. “You’ve already marked my face, asshole. You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t mark yours for it.”

It worked.

Dean let her go. Just as fast, his fist slammed into the brick wall right beside Alessa’s head.

“You are stupider than I thought,” he growled. “Still messing around with the Conti prick, huh?”

, Alessa’s mind screamed. “No. He just showed up and I agreed to a dance.”

Dean scoffed. “To a Rossi’s club.”

Alessa pushed her back as close to the wall as she could and met Dean’s glare. “I don’t know who Tommas does business with, Dean!”

Before Alessa could move out of the way, Dean grabbed her face hard enough for it to hurt. His fingers dug painfully into her cheek as he came close enough for Alessa to see the rage swimming in his gaze.

“Rossi should be careful of the garbage he lets in, Alessa,” Dean murmured quietly. “And you should be mindful of your behavior in a public place. If I ever catch you dancing with another man, nothing will stop me from teaching you exactly who you belong to. Do you understand me?”

Alessa released a shaky breath. “Yes.”

“Good. Let’s go. I’ll make sure you get home safely.”

Like hell.

Alessa wasn’t going anywhere with Dean Artino.

“My sister is inside.”

“She will be taken home immediately. Your brother has already been contacted. Joel is currently replacing the useless enforcers that had been watching you. A man will be outside your apartment building in an hour. Abriella will meet you there.”


Dean yanked Alessa away from the wall roughly, quieting her rebuttal. “You’re coming with me right now.”

The door opened before Dean could pull Alessa further down the alleyway.

“Artino, we’ve got to get out of here,” the man said.

Dean’s grip on Alessa loosened. “Why?”

“Mitch is dead.”

Alessa froze as Dean finally let her go.

“What?” Dean asked.

The man just shrugged like it didn’t make a difference.

Mitch Artino happened to be Dean’s cousin and a made man in the family. Alessa hadn’t noticed him inside the club, but she’d been mostly focused on Adriano and getting away from Dean.

“You heard me,” the guy said. “Stray bullet got him. Red, white, and blue will be showing up soon. We need to beat feet to the pavement.”

“All right,” Dean muttered heavily. “Meet me around front in thirty.”

The guy passed Alessa a fleeting glance. “And her?”

Dean’s smile was cold and cruel. “Don’t worry. She will make it home just fine. Won’t you, Alessa?”

Alessa glared. “Yes, Dean.”

“Remember those words, Alessa. They’re all I ever want to hear come out of your mouth.”



“I had much better things to deal with tonight,” Joel said, his face reddening. “And then I get a call about you two being at a club!”

Abriella crossed her arms and glared at their brother. “Oh, poor Joel had to work his sisters into his very busy schedule. My apologies.”

Joel took a step forward, his fists clenching at his sides. “That mouth is going to get you in trouble, Ella.”

Abriella didn’t even flinch. “I doubt it.”

“What in the hell were you doing at Tommas Rossi’s club?” Joel asked.

“We wanted to have some fun,” Alessa said quickly, trying to figure out a way to defuse her brother’s anger. “It’s been a difficult week, Joel.”

“And Tommas has a decent, safe club,” Abriella added.

Joel glowered. “This stunt you two pulled isn’t going to happen again. That I can guarantee. This apartment is gone, do you understand that? It’s gone. You’re to be back living at the mansion before this coming Friday. If you leave this apartment between now and then, a driver will be waiting.”

Alessa wasn’t surprised. “Who called you?”

“A friend that came into the club and noticed Adriano was there,” Joel answered, smirking. “And speaking of that little bastard, you had better start talking and fast, Alessa. According to Dean, you and Adriano looked awfully cozy.”

“We were dancing.”

That was her story and she was sticking to it.

“Why?” Joel demanded.

“Because we’re friends.”

Joel scoffed darkly. “You two are not friends. You will never be friends with that man, Alessa. Understand that and heed it. He is a Conti—
to us and
to you. Sever whatever ties you might have had with Adriano because after today, it’s over.”

Alessa forced herself to stay quiet.

“And,” Joel drawled, pointing a finger at Alessa. “Dean strongly believes there is more to you and Adriano than what you’re letting on, Alessa.”

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