Reckless & Ruined (18 page)

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Authors: Bethany-Kris

Tags: #The Chicago War

BOOK: Reckless & Ruined
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Joel laughed bitterly before his voice turned lower and threatening. “And after, when you had Terrance killed, what then?”

Riley didn’t even blink at the question. “I never had my friend killed.”

“Liar,” Joel muttered.

Murmurs passed through the crowd again.

“And shooting up the guests in our driveway the night we welcomed home the Rossi twins,” Joel added. “What of that, Riley?”

Riley didn’t answer.

Adriano’s father had denied that to him, but Riley refused to confirm or deny his involvement in the shooting that killed Lea Rossi and Ben DeLuca to anyone else who asked. And for good reason, it drew fear.

“Or the shooting of the Rossi business last month?” Joel asked.

Another incident Riley wouldn’t confirm or deny.

Adriano’s father seemed to like letting people make assumptions and draw their own conclusions about his involvement in things.

On one hand, Adriano believed his father had been involved with some of those things, but on the other, he wasn’t sure. It didn’t seem like Riley to go off half-cocked, killing whoever. But Riley was looking to move higher and he just might do whatever in the hell he needed to so he could get there. Adriano suspected that was just what his father wanted people thinking, too.

Riley smiled. “You’re making a point for me without even trying, Joel. Do you realize that?”

Adriano took the chance to watch the men, gaging their reactions to the conversation. Most seemed entirely focused on Riley and Joel, while some watched the men standing behind the Conti family.

“You can throw whatever names at me you want, Joel, but a liar is not one of them. Between the two of us, we both know who deserves that title. I did not order the hit on your father. I was angry and distraught, but not enough to kill him. You, on the other hand, have certainly gained a lot in the last week since his passing.”

Attention flew to Joel in a flash. Adriano hadn’t known ahead of time what his father would say or bring up in their first meeting with the families and Joel, but Riley was pulling out all the stops for this, apparently. Especially if he was blatantly suggesting Joel had been the one to order the hit on Terrance.

The men of the Outfit would have to be stupid and blind not to seriously consider Riley’s words against Joel. They had merit. They had worth. Just as much, if not more, than Joel’s accusations against Riley did.

“Are you still living in Terrance’s home?” Riley asked.

“My home,” Joel corrected sharply.

Riley’s lips pursed. “As far as I know, as I’m included in Terrance’s final Will and am expected to be at the reading on Tuesday, his Testament hasn’t been read yet, Joel. That home still belongs to your father.”

Joel sneered. “Which one?”

“Terrance, of course. I don’t mince words like you do.”


Adriano’s respect for his father’s unfazed attitude climbed a notch. Regardless of Joel’s arrogance or rudeness, Riley stood firm and cool.

Like any good boss would do.

Adriano did a double-take of his father then, realizing something. Riley would make a good boss for the Outfit. He had all the skills, temperaments, and ability to lead. He commanded attention, and then he kept it. Riley reminded Adriano a lot of Terrance.

But what would they all have to give up for Riley to become the boss?

“That home is mine,” Joel repeated, flicking his wrist in Riley’s direction as if to dismiss him. “You’re running off at the mouth and nothing more.”

“Just like the Outfit is yours, too?” Riley asked calmly.

Joel looked as if someone had shoved a lemon in his mouth. “I beg your pardon?”

“How angry over Terrance’s death are you really, Joel? How often have we all watched you tear into that man, battle against his requests, and challenge his position? How many times did he reach out to you only to have you push him away? You’re not angry, but you are smart.”

“Careful,” Joel said with fire in his gaze.

Riley didn’t relent. “Yes, you are very smart. What a convenience Terrance’s death is for you, my boy. Keep using it. Maybe it’ll get you somewhere.”

Joel spluttered for a response but came up with nothing.

Riley continued smiling like this was just another day for him.

“Dad, we should join Eve,” Adriano said. “I’m sure the priest would like to start Mass.”

“We should.” Turning his attention back to Joel, Riley asked. “Are you coming?”

“You are unbelievable,” Joel spat.

“It’s easy to act like a boss when you have no competition to stand against, my boy. Welcome to the real world. You have big shoes to fill, Joel. And you don’t even come close. All of these men know it.”

With that, Riley dismissed Joel and walked straight on past to the doors leading into the main floor of the church. Dino DeLuca leaned against one of the ornate doors with an amused grin playing at the edges of his mouth.

“DeLuca,” Riley greeted.

“Boss,” Dino murmured.

The quiet chatter of the people behind them stopped all at once.

Before Terrance’s death, it hadn’t been uncommon for people to greet Riley with the title of boss. Being the front boss for the Outfit, Riley always had a certain measure of control and respect. But with Joel and Riley feuding over the highest position the family had, it left a lot of things out in the open.

Dino had plainly offered his opinion on the topic by referring to Riley as his boss.

Riley offered Dino his hand to shake. Dino took it.

“Where is the happy couple?” Riley asked as Dino released him. “I’d heard Lily and Damian were expected to show today.”

“My sister and her new husband are late this morning,” Dino explained. “They were coming directly from their week away, so I’m not surprised that they’re reluctant to leave the hotel. Hopefully when they do show, they’ll be quiet about their tardiness and not draw attention.”

“The last thing Damian Rossi ever does is draw attention, Dino.” Riley laughed. “Nonetheless, I understand their reluctance to rejoin the real world. My apologies for missing the wedding.”

Dino shrugged. “No harm done. My sister would appreciate some time with her friend, however. Eve and Lily have always been close, Riley. It’s a shame to ruin friendships simply because men can’t work out their differences.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” Riley replied. “She is a Rossi now. We have to consider that.”

“Oh, I’m sure they’ll come to their senses.”

“And what about you, Dino?” Riley asked. “Have you come to your senses, yet?”

“I’m getting there,” the man answered.

Riley smiled tightly. “I hope so. Although after today, I’m certain we will all know exactly which side you’re on.”

Dino didn’t respond. Adriano caught the gaze of Dino’s younger brother Theo who was leaning against the far wall. Theo watched the exchange in silence, but disgust was clearly written in his furrowed brow. Quickly, Adriano found Alessa again, too. She was still and quiet, taking everything in like she usually did without inserting herself. Alessa knew her place and to get what she wanted, she had to follow along. As for the men behind them, Adriano ignored them.

Let them make of it what they wanted.

It was what Riley needed, anyway.

“Church?” Adriano asked behind his father.

“Church,” Riley agreed.



“Eve, go let the driver know we’re ready to leave,” Riley said to his daughter.

“Sure,” Evelina replied.

“Ask him to bring the car up to the front steps. I’m not in the mood to walk across the parking lot.”

Evelina nodded, gave Adriano a smile, and started her trek down the front steps of the church right behind Dino DeLuca. The man had been talking to his sister and new brother-in-law. Lily and Damian Rossi didn’t show up to the church until almost thirty minutes into Mass, but they kept their entrance quiet as they took a free pew in front of Dino and Theo.

Adriano turned away from the sight of Damian pulling his wife in for a kiss that was not meant for others to see. It felt as if he was intruding on a private moment.

Church had gone by quietly, for the most part. Adriano had very little patience for Sunday services preaching forgiveness and love when he was distracted by his own issues and the pretty girl two pews over.

It took all that Adriano had inside him not to reach out and grab Alessa’s hand as she walked past him with her sister at her side. Alessa glanced up at him through those thick lashes of hers, her eyes glittering with the reminders of love and sex. The simple, innocent look was more than enough to get his cock hardening.

Alessa’s sensual little smile sealed the deal.

He could almost forget about the bruises and scratches on her cheek.


Dean stayed close behind Alessa, glaring at Adriano the entire time. When Dean’s attention was distracted by his father, Adriano gave Alessa a quick smile.

“Hey,” she mouthed.

Adriano winked.

“Oh, Joel,” Riley called.

Joel’s back stiffened as he started walking down the steps. Turning, the younger man asked, “Yes?”

“Friday, hmm?”

“I will see what I can do, Riley.”

Riley laughed. “There is no seeing, only doing. I’m not offering you room to argue about the meeting, Joel. It needs to happen.”

“Perhaps other things need to happen even more,” Joel replied. “Have you considered that?”

“Do not forget that I am still a made man in this family,” Riley said coldly. “And my button is worth far more than yours will ever be, Joel. I have already offered the sit-down. There is no man in the Outfit who will shun my request and if you do, it will not end well. I can promise you that. Friday, my restaurant in Melrose, be there.”

Joel scowled. “I—”

“Be there, Joel.”

Adriano could fill in the blanks his father wasn’t saying. If Joel didn’t show, it would give Riley the perfect excuse to end the man without any possible backlash. Adriano wondered why his father was giving Joel any handouts at all.

Then again, maybe Riley expected Joel to shun him.

“Fine, Friday,” Joel said.

Riley nodded, dismissing Joel like he had earlier.

Adriano searched the parking lot for his sister. Evelina was just jumping into the backseat of the black car as Dino DeLuca began to back his white Bentley out of the parking space directly across from their driver’s car.

And then Adriano was blinded.

It was so goddamn


Fire, shattering glass, and screams.

His mind couldn’t comprehend the sight he was seeing across the parking lot. He didn’t understand the fireball or the flinging glass and metal. He didn’t know what the sound was or why the white Bentley was covered in red flames and black smoke.

The screams got louder.

A bomb.

Adriano’s mind finally caught up with the scene going down.

Panic for his own safety bubbled up along with the fear for his sister who was inside a car only fifteen feet away from the bomb.

Riley hit the ground when Kolin pushed him down.

Adriano did the only thing that made sense. Alessa was still in arm’s reach for Adriano, so he grabbed the back of her dress and yanked her further away from the sound and flying debris. Her cry of shock sliced him straight down to the bone, but he just kept pulling her closer and walking backward. He needed to get her away from that, or anything that might come next.

In the background, Adriano could hear someone shouting.

A familiar voice.

A pained voice.

A heartbroken voice.

Lily Rossi.


Adriano pushed Alessa inside the church right behind Damian Rossi who had his fighting, screaming wife in a bear hug. The man kept apologizing to her, over and over. Alessa stared at Adriano, wide-eyed and frightened.

“Don’t go,” Alessa whispered.

He stepped away from her.

Alessa’s voice echoed louder. “Don’t go.”

Adriano didn’t want to.

He turned away and bolted for the steps, straight for his sister.



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